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tional domains, stereotypes regarding old and young adults were relatively neutral, except for a small positive bias found among the young Chinese adults for both target age groups. Conclusion: Our results indicate that age-related... more
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      FijiCulture and Conflict
Behavioral research suggests that Westerners focus more on objects, whereas East Asians attend more to relationships and contexts. We evaluated the neural basis for these cultural differences in an event-related fMRI study. East Asian and... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionCognitionVisual perception
Previous research has shown that when processing visual scenes, Westerners attend to salient objects and East Asians attend to the relationships between focal objects and background elements. It is possible that cross-cultural differences... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceChange detectionCross Cultural Psychology
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      PsychologyEmotional intelligenceOrganizational CultureJob Satisfaction
Identifying biological mechanisms through which genes lead to individual differences in emotional behavior is paramount to our understanding of how such differences confer risk for neuropsychiatric illness. The emergence of techniques... more
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      GeneticsEmotion RegulationGenetic EngineeringEmotions
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotion RegulationDevelopment
The purpose of this study was to investigate behavioral differences among nonviolent, unhappily married husbands and violent husbands with different attachment classifications on the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI; . Twenty-three... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyPersonalitySocial Interaction
Children's role play activities are included in symptom checklists of dissociative disorders, yet little is known about the potential relation between individual differences in role play and dissociative behaviors in normative... more
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Children's theory of mind (ToM) is typically measured with laboratory assessments of performance. Although these measures have generated a wealth of informative data concerning developmental progressions in ToM, they may be less useful as... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyPsychometrics
Children's role play activities are included in symptom checklists of dissociative disorders, yet little is known about the potential relation between individual differences in role play and dissociative behaviors in normative... more
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In-plane permeability characterization of engineering textiles based on radial flow experiments: A benchmark exercise
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      MarketingPsychologyHigher EducationMathematics Education
This study had two main objectives. The first goal was to examine fathers' parenting styles in a society with traditional patriarchal values. The second goal was to understand the extent to which marital relationship variables (i.e.,... more
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      Developmental PsychologyMasculinity StudiesParentingCulture
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    • Psychology
The Relationship between Affective Personality Traits and Cognitive Performance within the Alzheimer's Disease Continuum Evidence suggests that certain personality traits can interfere with cognitive performance among cognitively normal... more
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Young adulthood is a period that requires serious transitions. Psychological adjustment during this period might be an important contributor to academic as well as social wellbeing. This study aims at identifying factors that predict... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAdaptationYoung Adulthood
Alzheimer hastalığı (AH) beyinde yapısal ve işlevsel değişimler meydana getiren nörodejeneratif bir hastalıktır. Gelişen beyin görüntüleme yöntemleri sayesinde AH patolojisine eşlik eden yapısal ve işlevsel bağlantılardaki bozulmalar... more
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      Computer ScienceMedicine
Although cognitive theory of mind (ToM) has been largely studied within neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD), studies focusing on affective ToM are relatively limited, yielding inconsistent findings. The current... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyNeuropsychologyDementia
Introduction: Various personal and sociocultural factors such as gender, age, socioeconomic status, and attachment style are suggested to affect coping styles of individuals (e.g. Greenberger and McLaughlin, 1998; Seiffge-Krenke, 2006).... more
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      PsychologySocioeconomic StatusPsychology and Cognitive Scienceseuropean psychiatry
Several studies have been conducted on OCD patients’ memory and metamemory performance in episodic tasks. However, there is a clear lack of research addressing these issues for semantic memory (i.e., retrieval of information from... more
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      MetamemorySemantic MemoryConfidenceMemory
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceYoung AdulthoodAging