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The accessibility of content for all has been a key goal of the Web since its conception. However, true accessibility -- access to relevant content in the global context -- has been elusive for reasons that extend beyond physical... more
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      Web AccessibilityDiversity & InclusionCultural DiversitySocial Semantic Web
This is a case study of developing and using community knowledge management software. The context of the case study is a school. During a training workshop staff at a school was introduced to a community knowledge management system. The... more
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This paper presents an overview of the ImageCLEF 2014 evaluation lab. Since its first edition in 2003, ImageCLEF has become one of the key initiatives promoting the benchmark evaluation of algorithms for the annotation and retrieval of... more
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How do right-wing populist leaders address a public health crisis? This article addresses the evolution of right-wing populist leaders' communication tone and style during the COVID-19 pandemic. By analysing the Twitter accounts of Boris... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismSocial MediaCommunication Strategies
This paper presents several challenges faced when annotating Turkish treebanks in accordance with the Universal Dependencies (UD) guidelines and proposes solutions to address them. Most of these challenges stem from the lack of adequate... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingLinguistics
We provide a model to integrate the visualization of biclusters extracted from gene expression data and the underlying PPI networks. Such an integration conveys the biologically relevant interconnection between these two structures... more
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We present our PPI network visualization system RobinViz (Reliability Oriented Bioinformatic Networks Visualization). Clustering the PPI network based on GO annotations or biclustered gene expression data, providing a clustered... more
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Motivation: Given protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks of a pair of species, a pairwise global alignment corresponds to a one-to-one mapping between their proteins. Based on the presupposition that such a mapping provides pairs of... more
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      BioinformaticsMolecular BiologyGenomicsNetworks
Trafik sıkışıklığı, günümüz metropollerinin en büyük sorunlarından birisidir. Dünyada her gün milyonlarca saat trafik sebebiyle boşa gitmekte, çalışanların ve öğrencilerin verimi düşmektedir. Trafiği azaltmak için trafiğe katkıda bulunan... more
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      Network scienceTransportation Network AnalysisTransportation network modelingUrban Transportation Networks
Background: In 2016, 44,965 people in the United States died by suicide. It is common to see people with suicidal ideation seek help or leave suicide notes on social media before attempting suicide. Many prefer to express their feelings... more
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      Early InterventionMachine LearningText MiningIntervention
We present our protein-protein interaction (PPI) network visualization system RobinViz (reliability-oriented bioinformatic networks visualization). Clustering the PPI network based on gene ontology (GO) annotations or biclustered gene... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsComputer Graphics
Motivation: Given protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks of a pair of species, a pairwise global alignment corresponds to a one-to-one mapping between their proteins. Based on the presupposition that such a mapping provides pairs of... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsMolecular Biology
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      PsychologyEarly InterventionMachine LearningText Mining
Cognitive radio is a new paradigm in the evolution of wireless communications to improve spectrum efficiency significantly by utilizing white spaces. In this paper, the mathematical model of the cognitive radio simulator that we develop... more
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      Resource AllocationCognitive radioProbabilityMathematical Model
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      Distributed ComputingComputer EngineeringModelingCognitive Radio Networks
The heterogeneous structure of Next Generation Wireless Systems (NGWS) makes admission control very complex. Accessibility of the subsystems at the time of connection or handoff request, availability of resources in the subsystems, user... more
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Cooperative spectrum sensing for dynamic spectrum access to unused licensed spectrum has been proposed as a solution to the spectrum scarcity problem. In this paper, a novel sensing algorithm, Cooperative Sensing with Decision Vector... more
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      Dynamic Spectrum AccessConvex OptimizationSpectrum SensingSpectrum
In this paper, an analytical model for Infrastructurebased Cognitive Radio Networks is proposed and its performance evaluated. The architecture is composed of multiple cognitive radio base stations, and the state of the system depends on... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Abstract Molecular communication is a new communication paradigm that uses molecules for information transmission between nanomachines. Similar to traditional communication systems, several factors constitute limits over the performance... more
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