Featured Song: Alone You Breathe

Well, it’s been a while since I wrote one of these 🙂 Not for lack of musical inspiration, mind you — I’ve discovered a number of great bands over the past year that I’ve been itching to share — just been lazy to actually write the posts, I suppose. Going to try and do it more often!

Today’s selection is by Savatage, an American metal band whose members would go on to found the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (whom I’ve featured before).

“Alone You Breathe”, from the 1994 album Handful of Rain is a heartbreakingly sad and beautiful song that Savatage co-founder Jon Oliva wrote about his brother and fellow band member Criss, who had passed away in an accident the previous year.

In a tribute to Criss, the song reuses a stanza of lyrics (quoted below) from “Believe”, another really beautiful Savatage song from their 1991 album Streets: A Rock Opera which Criss wrote.

Featured lyrics:

I am the way, I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes, I feel your dreams
And in the dark I hear your screams

Full lyrics and some discussion can be found here.
