2021 C++ Standardization Highlights


The ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) has not met in person since its February 2020 meeting in Prague, which I wrote about here.

However, the committee and its subgroups have continued their work through remote collaboration, and a number of notable proposals have been adopted into C++23, the next language version, in this way, with many others in the pipeline.

In this post, I will outline some of the highlights of the committee’s work in 2021. (The post will also cover some material from the latter part of 2020, a period when remote collaboration was already underway but which I have not covered in any previous post.) I’ve been less involved in the committee than before, so this post will not be as comprehensive as my previous trip reports, but I hope to share the proposals I’ve found most notable.

Collaborating Remotely

The committee consists of four Working Groups and 22 Study Groups (a subset of which are active at any given time). The in-person meeting schedule was three 6-day meetings per year; other than a plenary session at the beginning at the end, most of the week would be spent with the subgroups meeting in parallel (not all of them necessarily for the whole week).

To continue evolving C++ remotely, subgroups began to meet remotely via Zoom teleconferences. (For some subgroups, this was more a continuation of a practice they had already adopted to hold telecons in between meetings.) Subgroups would meet independently, at a frequency determined by their respective chairs. In addition, virtual plenary telecons to hold committee-wide votes continued to be held three times per year.

Remote collaboration has a number of challenges, such as timezone differences, and the lower fidelity communication signal of video conferences over physically being in the same room. It can also be more challenging to make time for meetings that recur regularly over the course of a year (for example, 90 minutes every week, as is the case for the Evolution Working Group telecons) than to set a week aside for committe work. At the same time, remote collaboration has the upside of making the committee’s work more accessible, allowing experts to contribute from around the world without making the time or cost investment of physically travelling to a meeting location that may be on a different continent for them.

One key to successful remote collaboration is being well-organized, including documenting your processes in writing. I think the committee has done pretty well in that regard, making a lot of implicit process knowledge explicit in recent years. Some key process documents include:

  • The C++ International Standard schedule, which lays out the committee’s intention to put out a new standard version every 3 years, and the key deadlines that need to be met for various milestones leading up to a standard release. The committee has retained this 3-year train model notwithstanding the transition to remote collaboration; while the amount of material that makes it into C++23 may be reduced as a result of pandemic disruptions, the C++23 train will leave on time.
  • An outline of the committee’s top-level priorities for the C++23 cycle
  • An outline of the committee’s remote collaboration model
  • Additional documentation of how proposals move between subgroups

Some key resources for keeping track of the committee’s work:

  • A list of proposals submitted to the committee can be found here. They are organized into “mailings”, which are now posted monthly to facilitate faster collaboration.
  • The status of each proposal can be found in the committee’s github issue tracker. Every paper has an issue (which can be found by searching for the paper number, or by using the forwarding link https://wg21.link/pXXXX/github), which documents which subgroups have seen the paper and the outcomes of any polls that were taken.

In the rest of this post, when referring to a proposal, I’m going to link to its github issue, so that it’s easy to check on its precise status. The proposal itself is linked from the issue (scroll down for later revisions).


Here is a selection of proposals that have been voted into C++23 working draft:


  • Deducing this, which allows making the object (this) parameter of member functions explicit, and making its type templated and deduced. This versatile language change enables a number of interesting use cases:
    • Avoiding code duplication when the object parameter has different constness or reference qualification. Previously, separate overloads would be needed to cover these cases.
    • A design pattern for static polymorphism that’s considerably simplified compared to the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP).
    • Member functions that take their object parameter by value. (Compare Rust methods that take self by value, consuming the object when called.)
    • Recursive lambdas, made possible by the fact that the explicit object parameter of the lambda’s call operator gives you a way to refer to the previously-unnamed lambda for recursive calls.

    See the examples section of the paper for illustrations of these and more.

  • Multidimensional subscript operator. This allows the [] operator to take multiple arguments (e.g. matrix[i, j]), which improves the interfaces of multidimensional data structures like matrices. Previously, you’d have to use chained calls like matrix[i][j] (which requires a temporary proxy object to represent the intermediate result matrix[i]), or use the () operator instead.
  • if consteval, which gives you a reliable way to check if a function is being called during constant evaluation or during runtime, and do something different in each case.
  • Decay-copy in the language. This adds a new expression, auto(x), which makes a copy of x following decay rules (for example, array-to-pointer decay) much as if x were assigned to a new variable (e.g. auto y = x;), but without introducing a new lvalue to refer to the copy.
  • A literal suffix for size_t. The suffix is uz, to be consistent with the existing convention that suffixes for unsigned integer types include u. The suffix z is also introduced (again for consistency) to represent the signed integer type corresponding to size_t, though in practice this is not likely to be needed often.
  • Narrowing contextual conversions to bool. This allows narrowing conversions to bool in some cases where it’s clear that a boolean result is desired, such as in if (flags & Flag).
  • #elifdef and #elifndef. This fixes a small consistency gap in the preprocessor which had #ifdef as a shorthand for #if defined(...) but no corresponding shorthand for #elif. The new directives were added to C as well.
  • Mandating declaration-order class layout. This mandates that data members of a class must be laid out in memory in order of their declaration. Previously, compilers had the freedom to reorder sections of the class with different access control, though no implementation was known to make use of this, so this paper is standardizing existing practice.


Technical Specifications (TS)

In addition to the C++ International Standard, the following Technical Specifications (sets of features specified independently to gather implementation and use experience and consider for inclusion into a future International Standard) are under development or ballot:

  • A Minimal Transactional Memory TS (formerly called “Transactional Memory Lite”). This is a simplification of the Transactional Memory TS published in 2015, with the goal of making conforming implementations easier to produce, and thus increasing the chances of collecting implementation and use experience and proceeding with standardization. This has been approved to be sent out for a DTS (Draft Technical Specification) ballot, where national standards bodies can provide formal comments prior to final publication.
  • Version 2 of the Concurrency TS, containing facilities for implementing the hazard pointer and read-copy-update techniques.

Evolution Working Group (EWG)

In these sections, I’ll highlight some proposals that have not yet made it into the working draft but are still cooking in the language and library Evolution Working Groups.

These proposals have been approved in EWG telecons. Their next stop per the new collaboration process is an EWG electronic poll, followed by wording review and finally a plenary poll; assuming these steps go well, they have a good chance of making C++23:

  • Portable assumptions, which allows expressing instructions for the compiler to assume for optimization purposes that certain expressions are true (currently accomplished using compiler-specific builtins such as __builtin_assume) in a portable way. In the C++20 cycle this use case was going to be subsumed by contracts, but since contracts are not on track to appear in C++23, EWG has now gone back to addressing this use case independently.
  • static operator(), which allows for a more efficient representation of stateless callables
  • constexpr class, a shorthand for declaring a class whose member functions are all constexpr
  • A type trait to detect reference binding to a temporary

These proposals are still under discussion, in most cases waiting for a revision from the proposal authors. Given where we are in the cycle, these are less likely to make C++23:

Fixing the Range-Based For Loop

The range-based for loop suffers from a tricky lifetime issue, where the way it’s specified using rewrite rules means that the result of the range expression itself gets its lifetime extended (if it’s a temporary) for the duration of the loop, but this does not apply to sub-expressions of the range expression.

This makes loops like for (auto& item : foo(temp())), where temp() returns a temporary object and foo() returns a reference into that object (rather than, say, taking ownership of it), exhibit undefined behaviour, because the temporary does not remain alive for the loop body. This contrasts from the same construct written using an algorithm like std::for_each(), where the endpoint for temporary lifetimes is the entire function call which includes the body of the loop in the implementation.

This has been a persistent gotcha, and it has limited the design of Range adaptors (where e.g. get_vector() | transformed(f) is currently not allowed because otherwise it would be susceptible to this issue).

It was encouraging, therefore, to see a proposal to fix this long-standing issue, by adjusting the lifetime extension rules to apply to all subexpressions of the range expression in this case.

Unfortunately, the proposal narrowly failed to garner consensus in EWG, with some participants feeling that this was too specialized a solution that would not address similar cases of dangling references in contexts other than the range-based for loop, such as auto&& range = foo(temp()); /* work with range */. I think the counterargument here is that in these cases, the dangling reference is explicitly visible, whereas in the range-based for loop it’s hidden inside the implicit rewrite of the loop.

Named Arguments Making a Comeback?

While it has not yet been officially submitted as a P-numbered paper, nor has it been reviewed by EWG, I’ve come across a draft proposal for named arguments (in this formulation called designated arguments) which was circulated on the committee mailing lists (including the public std-discussion list); there’s also an accompanying video explainer.

This looks to me like a thorough, well-researched proposal which addresses the concerns raised during discussions of previous proposals for named arguments (including one Ehsan Akhgari and I co-authored), most notably by making the declaration syntax opt-in and the argument names encoded in the function type.

I look forward to seeing this presented to EWG in the future.

Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG)

LEWG has identified the following areas as priorities to focus on during the C++23 cycle. Note that not all of these may ultimately make it into C++23; executors, networking, and coroutine support are particularly at risk.

Additionally, std::expected, a type representing a value or an error (similar to Rust’s Result) has been approved by LEWG for C++23 and is currently awaiting wording review.

Here are some other proposals that LEWG has reviewed but which are not headed for C++23:

The Future of Library Technical Specifications

One of the recent LEWG reports contained a section discussing the future of library Technical Specifications, which describes a shift away from TSes in favour of putting library facilities directly into the next International Standard. A key part of the justification is:

Technical Specifications provide implementation experience, but they do not deliver the levels of usage and deployment experience, or user feedback, that we had wished for.

This matches a similar observation I made about language Technical Specifications in a previous trip report.

Study Groups

The committee has at least 18 active study groups (see list here). I haven’t been following all of their work in detail, but I’ll call out a couple:

Reflection Study Group

Progress on Reflection continues to be slow, with no proposal ready for standardization in the C++23 time frame.

Interestingly, while recent proposals (like this one) have focused on constexpr, value-based interfaces, there has also been recent implementation progress on the older, template metaprogramming based Reflection TS. Matúš Chochlík, the author of the original reflection proposal that substantially shaped the Reflection TS, has implemented the Reflection TS in a fork of clang (also available on Compiler Explorer).

I view this as an exciting development because it opens the door to gathering concrete usage experience with reflection facilities; even if that experience is using a different syntax than what we’d ultimately like to standardize, it’s likely to produce valuable and actionable feedback that can inform the standardization process going forward.

Tooling Study Group

One of the areas of focus of the Tooling Study Group remains promoting interoperability in the ecosystem surrounding C++20 Modules usage and distrbution. Notable proposals in this area include a proposal for a format for describing the dependencies of source files, and a proposal for a format for describing information to facilitate the consumption of pre-built module artifacts.

Future Plans

The committee is starting to wrap up work on new C++23 features, with the deadline for design approval of new features being February 2022, and the deadline for the C++23 draft wording to be feature complete (and sent out for its first, Committee Draft ballot) being July 2022.

Collaboration for the time being continues to be remote. As of this writing, the earliest in-person meeting not to be definitively cancelled is the one in July 2022; it remains to be seen whether we will in fact be able to hold this meeting in person.

Whenever the committee does resume in person meetings, they’re likely to (at least initially) be hybrid, meaning there will be A/V equipment to allow continued remote participation for those who prefer it.

I know there are many subgroups and topics I haven’t covered; if you’re interested in one in particular, please feel free to ask about it in a comment.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Prague, February 2020

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++20 See Reddit report Technically complete
Library Fundamentals TS v3 Library utilities incubating for standardization Under development
Concepts Constrained templates Shipping as part of C++20
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Published!
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Targeting C++23
Concurrency TS v2 Concurrency-related infrastructure (e.g. fibers) and data structures Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published! Not in C++20.
Ranges Range-based algorithms and views Shipping as part of C++20
Coroutines Resumable functions (generators, tasks, etc.) Shipping as part of C++20
Modules A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Shipping as part of C++20
Numbers TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
C++ Ecosystem TR Guidance for build systems and other tools for dealing with Modules Under active development
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Under active development
Pattern matching A match-like facility for C++ Under active development
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms Publication imminent
Reflection v2 A value-based constexpr formulation of the Reflection TS facilities, along with more advanced features such as code injection Under active development

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected any day). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Prague, Czech Republic. This was the first committee meeting in 2020; you can find my reports on 2019’s meetings here (November 2019, Belfast), here (July 2019, Cologne), and here (February 2019, Kona), and previous ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Belfast one, provide useful context for this post.

This meeting once again broke attendance records, with about ~250 people present. It also broke the record for the number of national standards bodies being physically represented at a meeting, with reps from Austria and Israel joining us for the first time.

The Prague meeting wrapped up the C++20 standardization cycle as far as technical work is concerned. The highest-priority work item for all relevant subgroups was to continue addressing any remaining comments on the C++20 Committee Draft, a feature-complete C++20 draft that was circulated for feedback in July 2019 and received several hundred comments from national standards bodies (“NB comments”). Many comments had been addressed already at the previous meeting in Belfast, and the committee dealt with the remaining ones at this meeting.

The next step procedurally is for the committee to put out a revised draft called the Draft International Standard (DIS) which includes the resolutions of any NB comments. This draft, which was approved at the end of the meeting, is a technically complete draft of C++20. It will undergo a further ballot by the national bodies, which is widely expected to pass, and the official standard revision will be published by the end of the year. That will make C++20 the third standard revision to ship on time as per the committee’s 3-year release schedule.

I’m happy to report that once again, no major features were pulled from C++20 as part of the comment resolution process, so C++20 will go ahead and ship with all the major features (including modules, concepts, coroutines, and library goodies like ranges, date handling and text formatting) that were present in the Committee Draft. Thanks to this complement of important and long-anticipated features, C++20 is widely viewed by the community as the language’s most significant release since C++11.

Subgroups which had completed processing of NB comments for the week (which was most study groups and the Evolution groups for most of the week) proceeded to process post-C++20 proposals, of which there are plenty in front of the committee.

As with my blog post about the previous meeting, this one will also focus on proceedings in the Evolution Working Group Incubator (EWG-I) which I co-chaired at this meeting (shout-out to my co-chair Erich Keane who was super helpful and helped keep things running smoothly), as well as drawing attention to a few highlights from the Evolution Working Group and the Reflection Study Group. For a more comprehensive list of what features are in C++20, what NB comment resolutions resulted in notable changes to C++20 at this meeting, and which papers each subgroup looked at, I will refer you to the excellent collaborative Reddit trip report that fellow committee members have prepared.

As a reminder, since the past few meetings the committee has been tracking its proposals in GitHub. For convenience, I will also be linking to proposals’ GitHub issues (rather than the papers directly) from this post. I hope as readers you find this useful, as the issues contain useful information about a proposal’s current status; the actual papers are just one further click away. (And shout-out to @m_ou_se for maintaining wg21.link which makes it really easy for me to do this.)

Evolution Working Group Incubator (EWG-I)

EWG-I is a relatively new subgroup whose purpose is to give feedback on and polish proposals that include core language changes — particularly ones that are not in the purview of any of the domain-specific subgroups, such as SG2 (Modules), SG7 (Reflection), etc. — before they proceed to the Evolution Working Group (EWG) for design review.

EWG-I met for three days at this meeting, and reviewed around 22 proposals (all post-C++20 material).

In this section, I’ll go through the proposals that were reviewed, categorized by the review’s outcome.

Forwarded to EWG

The following proposals were considered ready to progress to EWG in their current state:

  • A type trait to detect narrowing conversions. This is mainly a library proposal, but core language review was requested to make sure the specification doesn’t paint us into a corner in terms of future changes we might make to the definition of narrowing conversion.
  • Guaranteed copy elision for named return objects. This codifies a set of scenarios where all implementations were already eliding a copy, thereby making such code well-formed even for types that are not copyable or movable.
  • Freestanding language: optional ::operator new. This is one piece of a larger effort to make some language and library facilities optional in environments that may not be able to support them (e.g. embedded environments or kernel drivers). The paper was favourably reviewed by both EWG-I, and later in the week, by EWG itself.

Forwarded to EWG with modifications

For the following proposals, EWG-I suggested specific revisions, or adding discussion of certain topics, but felt that an additional round of EWG-I review would not be helpful, and the revised paper should go directly to EWG. The revisions requested were typically minor, sometimes as small as adding a feature test macro:

  • Language support for class layout control. This introduces a mechanism to control the order in which class data members are laid out in memory. This was previously reviewed by the Refection Study Group which recommended allowing the order to be specified via a library function implemented using reflection facilities. However, as such reflection facilities are still a number of years away, EWG-I felt there was room for a small number of ordering strategies specified in core wording, and forwarded the paper to EWG with one initial strategy, to yield the smallest structure size.
  • Object relocation in terms of move and destroy. This aims to address a long-standing performance problem in the language caused by the fact that a move must leave an object in a valid state, and a moved-from object still needs to be destroyed. There is another proposal in this space but EWG-I felt they are different enough that they should advance independently.
  • Generalized pack declaration and usage. This proposal significantly enhances the language’s ability to work with variadic parameter packs and tuple-like types. It was reviewed previously by EWG-I, and in this update was reworked to address the feedback from that review. The group felt the proposal was thorough and mature and largely ready to progress to EWG, although there was one outstanding issue of ambiguity that remained to be resolved.
  • Types with array-like object representations. This provides a mechanism for enforcing that a structure containing several fields of the same type is laid out in memory exactly the same as a corresponding array type, and the two types can be freely punned.
  • C++ identifier syntax using Unicode standard Annex 31. While identifiers in C++ source code can now contain Unicode characters, we do want to maintain some sanity, and so this proposal restricts the set of characters that can appear in identifiers to certain categories (excluding, for example, “invisible” characters).
  • Member templates for local classes. Since C++14 introduced generic lambdas (which are syntactic sugar for objects of a local class type defined on the fly, with a templated member call operator), the restriction against explicitly-defined local classes having member templates has been an artificial one, and this proposal lifts it.
  • Enable variable template template parameters. Another fairly gratuitous restriction; EWG-I forwarded it, with a suggestion to add additional motivating examples to the paper.

Forwarded to another subgroup

The following proposals were forwarded to a domain-specific subgroup:

  • In-source mechanism to identify importable headers. Headers which are sufficiently modular can be imported into a module as if they were modules themselves (this feature is called header units, and is a mechanism for incrementally transitioning large codebases to modules). Such headers are currently identified using some out-of-band mechanism (such as build system metadata). This proposal aims to allow annotating the headers as such in their source itself. EWG-I liked the idea but felt it was in the purview of the Tooling Study Group (SG15).
  • Stackable, thread local, signal guards. This aims to bring safer and more modern signal handling facilities to C++. EWG-I reviewed the proposal favourably, and sent it onward to the Library Evolution Incubator and the Concurrency Study Group (the latter saw the proposal later in the week and provided additional technical feedback related to concurrency).

Feedback given

For the following proposals, EWG-I gave the author feedback, but did not consider it ready to forward to another subgroup. A revised proposal would come back to EWG-I.

  • move = bitcopies. This is other paper in the object relocation space, aiming for a more limited solution which can hopefully gain consensus sooner. The paper was reviewed favourably and will return after revisions.
  • Just-in-time compilation. Many attendees indicated this is something they’d find useful in their application domains, and several aspects of the design were discussed. The paper was also seen by the Reflection Study Group earlier in the week.
  • Universal template parameters. This allows parameterizing a template over the kind of its template parameters (or, put another way, having template parameters of “wildcard” kind which can match non-type, type, or template template arguments). EWG-I felt the idea was useful but some of the details need to be refined. The proposed syntax is typename auto Param.
  • A pipeline-rewrite operator. This proposes to automatically rewrite a |> f(b) as f(a, b), thereby allowing a sequence of compositions of operations to be expressed in a more “linear” way in code (e.g. x |> f(y) |> g(z) instead of g(f(x, y), z)). It partly brings to mind previous attempts at a unified function call syntax, but avoids many of the issues with that by using a new syntax rather than trying to make the existing member-call (dot) syntax work this way. Like “spaceship” (<=>), this new operator ought to have a fun name, so it’s dubbed the “pizza” operator (too bad calling it the “slice” operator would be misleading).
  • Partially mutable lambda captures. This proposal seeks to provide finer-grained control over which of a lambda’s captured data members are mutable (currently, they’re all const by default, or you can make them all mutable by adding a trailing mutable to the lambda declarator). EWG-I suggested expanding the paper’s approach to allow either mutable or const on any individual capture (the latter useful if combined with a trailing mutable), as well as to explore other integrations such as a mutable capture-default.

No consensus in current form

The following proposals had no consensus to continue to progress in their current form. However, a future revision may still be seen by EWG-I if additional motivation is provided or new information comes to light. In some cases, such as with Epochs, there was a strong desire to solve the problems the proposal aims to solve, and proposals taking new approaches to tackling these problems would certainly be welcome.

  • Narrowing and widening conversions. This proposal aims to extend the notion of narrowing vs. widening conversions to user-defined conversions, and tweak the overload resolution rules to avoid ambiguity in more cases by preferring widening conversions to narrowing ones (and among widening conversions, prefer the “least widening” one). EWG-I felt that a change as scary as touching the overload resolution rules needed more motivation.
  • Improve rules of standard layout. There wasn’t really encouragement of any specific direction, but there was a recognition that “standard layout” serves multiple purposes some of which (e.g. which types are usable in offsetof) could potentially be split out.
  • Epochs: a backward-compatible language evolution mechanism. As at the last meeting, this proposal — inspired heavily by Rust’s editions — attracted the largest crowds and garnered quite a lot of discussion. Overall, the room felt that technical concerns about the handling of templates and the complexity of having to define how features interact across different epochs made the proposal as-is not viable. However, as mentioned, there was strong interest in solving the underlying problems, so I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to see a different formulation of a feature along these lines come back at some point.
  • Namespace templates. EWG-I felt the motivation was not sufficiently compelling to justify the technical complexity this proposal would entail.
  • Using ? : to reduce the scope of constexpr if. This proposes to allow ? : in type expressions, as in e.g. using X = cond ? Foo : Bar;. EWG-I didn’t really find the motivation compelling enough to encourage further work on the proposal.

Thoughts on the role of EWG-I

I wrote in my previous post about EWG-I being a fairly permissive group that lets a lot of proposals sail through it. I feel like at this meeting the group was a more effective gatekeeper. However, we did have low attendance at times, which impacted the quantity and quality of feedback that some proposals received. If you’re interested in core language evolution and attend meetings, consider sitting in EWG-I while it’s running — it’s a chance to provide input to proposals at an earlier stage than most other groups!

Other Highlights

Here are some highlights of what happened in some of the other subgroups, with a focus on Evolution and Reflection (the rooms I sat in when I wasn’t in EWG-I):

Planning and Organization

As we complete C++20 and look ahead to C++23, the committee has been taking the opportunity to refine its processes, and tackle the next standards cycle with a greater level of planning and organization than ever before. A few papers touched on these topics:

  • To boldly suggest an overall plan for C++23. This is a proposal for what major topics the committee should focus on for C++23. A previous version of this paper contained a similar plan for C++20, but one thing that’s new is that the latest version also contains guidance for subgroups for how to prioritize proposals procedurally to achieve the policy objectives laid out in the paper.
  • C++ IS Schedule. This formalizes the committee’s 3-year release schedule in paper form, including what milestones we aim for at various parts of the cycle (e.g. a deadline to merge TS’es, a deadline to release a Committee Draft, things like that).
  • Direction for ISO C++. Authored by the committee’s Direction Group, this sets out high-level goals and direction for the language, looking forward not just to the next standard release but the language’s longer-term evolution.
  • Process proposal: double-check Evolutionary material via a Tentatively Ready status. This is a procedural tweak where proposals approved by Evolution do not proceed to Core for wording review immediately, but rather after one meeting of delay. The intention is to give committee members with an interest in the proposal’s topic but who were perhaps unable to attend its discussions in Evolution (or were unaware of the proposal altogether) — keep in mind, with committee meetings having a growing number of parallel tracks (nine at this meeting), it’s hard to stay on top of everything — to raise objections or chime in with other design-level feedback before the proposal graduates to Core.

ABI Stability

In one of the week’s most notable (and talked-about) sessions, Evolution and Library Evolution met jointly to discuss a paper about C++’s approach to ABI stability going forward.

The main issue that has precipitated this discussion is the fact that the Library Evolution group has had to reject multiple proposals for improvements to existing library facilities over the past several years, because they would be ABI-breaking, and implementers have been very reluctant to implement ABI-breaking changes (and when they did, like with std::string in C++11, the C++ ecosystem’s experience with the break hasn’t been great). The paper has a list of such rejected improvements, but one example is not being able to change unordered_map to take advantage of more efficient hashing algorithms.

The paper argues that rejections of such library improvements demonstrate that the C++ community faces a tradeoff between ABI stability and performance: if we continue to enforce a requirement that C++ standard library facilities remain ABI-compatible with their older versions, as time goes by the performance of these facilities will lag more and more behind the state of the art.

There was a lengthy discussion of this issue, with some polls at the end, which were far from unanimous and in some cases not very conclusive, but the main sentiments were:

  • We would like to break the ABI “at some point”, but not “now” (not for C++23, which would be our earliest opportunity). It is unclear what the path is to getting to a place where we would be willing to break the ABI.
  • We are more willing to undertake a partial ABI break than a complete one. (In this context, a partial break means some facilities may undergo ABI changes on an as-needed basis, but if you don’t use such facilities at ABI boundaries, you can continue to interlink translation units compiled with the old and new versions. The downside is, if you do use such facilities at ABI boundaries, the consequence is usually runtime misbehaviour. A complete break would mean all attempts to interlink TUs from different versions are prevented at link time.)
  • Being ABI-breaking should not cause a library proposal to be automatically rejected. We should consider ABI-breaking changes on a case-by-case basis. Some implementers mentioned there may be opportunities to apply implementation tricks to avoid or mitigate the effects of some breaks.

There was also a suggestion that we could add new language facilities to make it easier to manage the evolution of library facilities — for example, to make it easier to work with two different versions of a class (possibly with different mangled names under the hood) in the same codebase. We may see some proposals along these lines being brought forward in the future.

Reflection and Metaprogramming

The Reflection Study Group (SG7) met for one day. The most contentious item on the agenda concerned exploration of a potential new metaprogramming model inspired by the Circle programming language, but I’ll first mention some of the other papers that were reviewed:

  • Just-in-time compilation. This is not really a reflection proposal, but it needs a mechanism to create a descriptor for a template instantiation to JIT-compile at runtime, and there is potential to reuse reflection facilities there. SG7 was in favour of reusing reflection APIs for this rather than creating something new.
  • Reflection-based lazy evaluation. This was a discussion paper that demonstrated how reflection facilities could be leveraged in a lazy evaluation feature. While this is not a proposal yet, SG7 did affirm that the group should not rule out the possibility of reflecting on expressions (which is not yet a part of any current reflection proposal), since that can enable interesting use cases like this one.
  • Constraint refinement for special-cased functions. This paper aims to fix some issues with parameter constraints, a feature proposed as part of a recent reflection proposal, but the authors withdrew it because they’ve since found a better approach.
  • Tweaks to the design of source code fragments. This is another enhancement to the reflection proposal mentioned above, related to source code injection. SG7 encouraged further work in this direction.
  • Using ? : to reduce the scope of constexpr if. Like EWG-I, SG7 did not find this proposal to be sufficiently motivating.
  • Function parameter constraints are fragile. This paper was mooted by the withdrawal of this one (and of parameter constraints more generally) and was not discussed.

Now onto the Circle discussion. Circle is a set of extensions to C++ that allow for arbitrary code to run at compile time by actually invoking (as opposed to interpreting or emulating) that code at compile time, including having the compiler call into arbitrary third-party libraries.

Circle has come up in the context of considering C++’s approach to metaprogramming going forward. For the past few years, the committee has been trying to make metaprogramming be more accessible by making it more like regular programming, hence the shift from template metaprogramming to constexpr-based metaprogramming, and the continuing increase of the set of language constructs allowed in constexpr code (“constexpr all the things”).

However, this road has not been without bumps. A recent paper argues that constexpr programming is still quite a bit further from regular programming that we’d like, due to the variety of restrictions on constexpr code, and the gotchas / limitations of facilities like std::is_constant_evaluated and promotion of dynamically allocated storage to runtime. The paper argues that if C++ were to adopt Circle’s metaprogramming model, then compile-time code could look exactly the same as runtime code, thereby making it more accessible and facilitating more code reuse.

A response paper analyzes the Circle metaprogramming model and argues that it is not a good fit for C++.

SG7 had an extensive discussion of these two papers. The main concerns that were brought up were the security implications of allowing the compiler to execute arbitrary C++ code at compile time, and the fact that running (as opposed to interpreting) C++ code at compile time presents a challenge for cross-compilation scenarios (where e.g. sizeof(int) may be different on the host than the target; existing compile-time programming facilities interpret code as if it were running on the target, using the target’s sizes for types and such).

Ultimately, SG7 voted against allowing arbitrary C++ code to run at compile-time, and thus against a wholesale adoption of Circle’s metaprogramming model. It was observed that there may be some aspects of Circle’s model that would still be useful to adopt into C++, such as its model for handling state and side effects, and its syntactic convenience.

Evolution Highlights

Some proposals which went through EWG-I earlier in the week were also reviewed by EWG — in this case, all favourably:

Here are some other highlights from EWG this week:

  • Pattern matching continues to be under active development and is a priority item for Evolution as per the overall plan. Notable topics of discussion this week included whether pattern matching should be allowed in both statement and expression contexts and, if allowed in expression contexts, whether non-exhaustiveness should be a compile-time error or undefined / other runtime behaviour (and if it’s a compile-time error, in what cases we can expect the compiler to prove exhaustiveness).
  • Deducing *this has progressed to a stage where the design is pretty mature and EWG asked for an implementation prior to approving it.
  • auto(x): decay-copy in the language. EWG liked auto(x), and asked the Library Working Group to give an opinion on how useful it would be inside library implementations. EWG was not convinced of the usefulness of decltype(auto)(x) as a shorthand for forwarding.
  • fiber_context – fibers without scheduler. EWG was in favour of having this proposal target a Technical Specification (TS), but wanted the proposal to contain a list of specific questions that they’d like answered through implementation and use experience with the TS. Several candidate items for that list came up during the discussion.
  • if consteval, a language facility that aims to address some of the gotchas with std::is_constant_evaluated, will not be pursued in its current form for C++23, but other ideas in this space may be.
  • Top-level is constant evaluated is one such other idea, aiming as it does to replace std::is_constant_evaluated with a way to provide two function bodies for a function: a constexpr one and a runtime one. EWG felt this was a less general solution than if constexpr and not worth pursuing.
  • A proposal for a new study group for safety-critical applications. EWG encouraged collaboration among people interested in this topic in the wider community. A decision of actually launching a Study Group has been deferred until we see that there is a critical mass of such interest.
  • =delete‘ing variable templates. EWG encouraged further work on a more general solution that could also apply to other things besides variable templates.

Study Group Highlights

While I wasn’t able to attend other Study Groups besides Reflection, a lot of interesting topics were discussed in other Study Groups. Here is a very brief mention of some highlights:

  • In the Concurrency Study Group, Executors have design approval on a long-in-the-works consensus design, and will proceed to wording review at the next meeting, with a view to merging them into the C++23 working draft in the early 2021 timeframe, and thereby unblocking important dependencies like Networking.
  • In the Networking Study Group, a proposal to introduce lower-level I/O abstractions that what are currently in the Networking TS was reviewed. Further exploration was encouraged, without blocking the existing Networking TS facilities.
  • In the Transactional Memory Study Group, a “Transactional Memory Lite” proposal is being reviewed with an aim to produce a TS based on it.
  • The Numerics Study Group is collaborating with the Low Latency and Machine Learning Study Groups on library proposals related to linear algebra and unit systems.
  • The Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour Study Group is continuing its collaboration with MISRA and the Programming Language Vulnerabilities Working Group. A revised proposal for a mechanism to mitigate Spectre v1 in C++ code was also reviewed.
  • The I/O Study Group reviewed feedback papers concerning audio and graphics. One outcome of the graphics discussion is that the group felt the existing graphics proposal should be more explicit about what use cases are in and out of scope. One interesting observation that was made is that is that learning use cases that just require a simple canvas-like API could be met by using the actual web Canvas API via WebAssembly.
  • The Low Latency Study Group reviewed a research paper about low-cost deterministic exceptions in C++, among many other things.
  • The Machine Learning Study Group reviewed a proposal for language or library suppport for automatic differentiation.
  • The Unicode Study Group decided that std::regex needs to be deprecated due to severe performance problems that are unfixable due to ABI constraints.
  • The Tooling Study Group reviewed two papers concerning the debuggability of C++20 coroutines, as well as several Modules-related papers. There were also suggestions that the topic of profiling may come up, e.g. in the form of extensions to std::thread motivated by profiling.
  • The Contracts Study Group reviewed a paper summarizing the issues that were controversial during past discussions (which led to Contracts slipping from C++20), and a paper attempting to clarify the distinction between assertions and assumptions.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will (probably) be in Varna, Bulgaria, the week of June 1st, 2020.


As always, this was a busy and productive meeting. The headline accomplishment is completing outsanding bugfixes for C++20 and approving the C++20 Draft International Standard, which means C++20 is technically complete and is expected to be officially published by the end of the year. There was also good progress made on post-C++20 material such as pattern matching and reflection, and important discussions about larger directional topics in the community such as ABI stability.

There is a lot I didn’t cover in this post; if you’re curious about something I didn’t mention, please feel free to ask in a comment.

Other Trip Reports

In addition to the collaborative Reddit report which I linked to earlier, here are some other trip reports of the Prague meeting that you could check out:

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Belfast, November 2019

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v3 See below Under development
Concepts Constrained templates In C++20
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Published!
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Targeting C++23
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published! Not in C++20.
Ranges Range-based algorithms and views In C++20
Coroutines Resumable functions (generators, tasks, etc.) In C++20
Modules A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model In C++20
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
C++ Ecosystem TR Guidance for build systems and other tools for dealing with Modules Under active development
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Under active development
Pattern matching A match-like facility for C++ Under active development
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms Publication imminent
Reflection v2 A value-based constexpr formulation of the Reflection TS facilities Under active development
Metaclasses Next-generation reflection facilities Early development

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected within a few days of November 25, 2019). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


Last week I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Belfast, Northern Ireland. This was the third and last committee meeting in 2019; you can find my reports on preceding meetings here (July 2019, Cologne) and here (February 2019, Kona), and previous ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Cologne one, provide useful context for this post.

At the last meeting, the committee approved and published the C++20 Committee Draft (CD), a feature-complete draft of the C++20 standard which includes wording for all of the new features we plan to ship in C++20. The CD was then sent out to national standards bodies for a formal ISO ballot, where they have the opportunity to file technical comments on it, called “NB (national body) comments”.

We have 10-15 national standards bodies actively participating in C++ standardization, and together they have filed several hundred comments on the CD. This meeting in Belfast was the first of two ballot resolution meetings, where the committee processes the NB comments and approves any changes to the C++20 working draft needed to address them. At the end of the next meeting, a revised draft will be published as a Draft International Standard (DIS), which will likely be the final draft of C++20.

NB comments typically ask for bug and consistency fixes related to new features added to C++20. Some of them ask for fixes to longer-standing bugs and consistency issues, and some for editorial changes such as fixes to illustrative examples. Importantly, they cannot ask for new features to be added (or at least, such comments are summarily rejected, though the boundary between bug fix and feature can sometimes be blurry).

Occasionally, NB comments ask for a newly added feature to be pulled from the working draft due to it not being ready. In this case, there were comments requesting that Modules and Coroutines (among other things) be postponed to C++23 so they can be better-baked. I’m pleased to report that no major features were pulled from C++20 at this meeting. In cases where there were specific technical issues with a feature, we worked hard to address them. In cases of general “this is not baked yet” comments, we did discuss each one (at length in some cases), but ultimately decided that waiting another 3 years was unlikely to be a net win for the community.

Altogether, over half of the NB comments have been addressed at this meeting, putting us on track to finish addressing all of them by the end of the next meeting, as per our standardization schedule.

While C++20 NB comments were prioritized above all else, some subgroups did have time to process C++23 proposals as well. No proposals were merged into the C++23 working draft at this time (in fact, a “C++23 working draft” doesn’t exist yet; it will be forked from C++20 after the C++20 DIS is published at the end of the next meeting).

Procedural Updates

A few updates to the committee’s structure and how it operates:

  • As the Networking TS prepares to be merged into C++23, it has been attracting more attention, and the committee has been receiving more networking-related proposals (notable among them, one requesting that networking facilities be secure by default), so the Networking Study Group (SG4) has been re-activated so that a dedicated group can give these proposals the attention they deserve.
  • An ABI Review Group (ARG) was formed, comprised of implementors with ABI-related expertise on various different platforms, to advise the committee about the ABI impacts of proposed changes. The role of this group is not to set policy (such as to what extent we are willing to break ABI compatibility), but rather to make objective assessments of ABI impact on various platforms, which other groups can then factor into their decision-making.
  • Not something new, just a reminder: the committee now tracks its proposals in GitHub. If you’re interested in the status of a proposal, you can find its issue on GitHub by searching for its title or paper number, and see its status — such as which subgroups it has been reviewed by and what the outcome of the reviews were — there.
  • At this meeting, GitHub was also used to track NB comments, one issue per comment, and you can also see their status and resolution (if any) there.

Notes on this blog post

This blog post will be a bit different from previous ones. I was asked to chair the Evolution Working Group Incubator (EWG-I) at this meeting, which meant that (1) I was not in the Evolution Working Group (EWG) for most of the week, and thus cannot report on EWG proceedings in as much detail as before; and (2) the meeting and the surrounding time has been busier for me than usual, leaving less time for blog post writing.

As a result, in this blog post, I’ll mostly stick to summarizing what happened in EWG-I, and then briefly mention a few highlights from other groups. For a more comprehensive list of what features are in C++20, what NB comment resolutions resulted in notable changes to C++20 at this meeting, and which papers each subgroup looked at, I will refer you to the excellent collaborative Reddit trip report that fellow committee members have prepared.

Evolution Working Group Incubator (EWG-I)

EWG-I (pronounced “oogie” by popular consensus) is a relatively new subgroup, formed about a year ago, whose purpose is to give feedback on and polish proposals that include core language changes — particularly ones that are not in the purview of any of the domain-specific subgroups, such as SG2 (Modules), SG7 (Reflection), etc. — before they proceed to EWG for design review.

EWG-I met for two and a half days at this meeting, and reviewed 17 proposals. All of this was post-C++20 material.

I’ll go through the proposals that were reviewed, categorized by the review’s outcome.

Forwarded to EWG

The following proposals were considered ready to progress to EWG in their current state:

  • Narrowing contextual conversions to bool. This proposal relaxes a recently added restriction which requires an explicit conversion from integer types to bool in certain contexts. The motivation for the restriction was noexcept(), to remedy the fact that it was very easy to accidentally declare a function as noexcept(f()) (which means “the function is noexcept if f() returns a nonzero value”) instead of noexcept(noexcept(f())) (which means “the function is noexcept if f() doesn’t throw”), and this part of the restriction was kept. However, the proposal argued there was no need for the restriction to also cover static_assert and if constexpr.
  • Structured bindings can introduce a pack. This allows a structured binding declaration to introduce a pack, e.g. auto [...x] = f();, where f() is a function that returns a tuple or other decomposable object, and x is a newly introduced pack of bindings, one for each component of the object; the pack can then be expanded as x... just like a function parameter pack.
  • Reserving attribute names for future use. This reserves attribute names in the global attribute namespace, as well as the attribute namespace std (or std followed by a number) for future standardization.
  • Accessing object representations. This fixes a defect introduced in C++20 that makes it undefined behaviour to access the bytes making up an object (its “object representation”) by reinterpret_casting its address to char*.
  • move = relocates. This introduces “relocating move constructors”, which are move constructors declared using = relocates in places of = default. This generates the same implementation as for a defaulted move constructor, but the programmer additionally guarantees to the compiler that it can safely optimize a move + destructing the old object, into a memcpy of the bytes into the new location, followed by a memcpy of the bytes of a default-constructed instance of the type into the old location. This essentially allows compilers to optimize moves of many types (such as std::shared_ptr), as well as of arrays / vectors of such types, into memcpys. Currently, only types which have an explicit = relocates move constructor declaration are considered relocatable in this way, but the proposal is compatible with future directions where the relocatability of a type is inferred from that of its members (such as in this related proposal).

Forwarded to EWG with modifications

For the following proposals, EWG-I suggested specific revisions, or adding discussion of certain topics, but felt that an additional round of EWG-I review would not be helpful, and the revised paper should go directly to EWG:

  • fiber_context – fibers without scheduler. This is the current formulation of “stackful coroutines”, or rather a primitive on top of which stackful coroutines and other related things like fibers can be built. It was seen by EWG-I so that we can brainstorm possible interactions with other language features. TLS came up, as discussed in more detail in the EWG section.
  • Making operator?: overloadable. See the paper for motivations, which include SIMD blend operations and expression template libraries. The biggest sticking point here is we don’t yet have a language mechanism for making the operands lazily evaluated, the way the built-in operator behaves. However, not all use cases want lazy evaluation; moreover, the logical operators (&& and ||) already have this problem. EWG-I considered several mitigations for this, but ultimately decided to prefer an unrestricted ability to overload this operator, relying on library authors to choose wisely whether or not to overload it.
  • Make declaration order layout mandated. This is largely standardizing existing practice: compilers technically have the freedom to reorder class fields with differing access specifiers, but none are known to do so, and this is blocking future evolution paths for greater control over how fields are laid out in memory. The “modification” requested here is simply to catalogue the implementations that have been surveyed for this.
  • Portable optimisation hints. This standardizes __builtin_assume() and similar facilities for giving the compiler a hint it can use for optimization purposes. EWG-I expressed a preference for an attribute-based ([[assume(expr)]]) syntax.

Note that almost all of the proposals that were forwarded to EWG have been seen by EWG-I at a previous meeting, sometimes on multiple occasions, and revised since then. It’s rare for EWG-I to forward an initial draft (“R0”) of a proposal; after all, its job is to polish proposals and save time in EWG as a result.

Forwarded to another subgroup

The following proposals were forwarded to a domain-specific subgroup:

  • PFA: a generic, extendable and efficient solution for polymorphic programming. This proposed a mechanism for generalized type erasure, so that types like std::function (which a type-erased wrapper for callable objects) can easily be built for any interface. EWG-I forwarded this to the Reflection Study Group (SG7) because the primary core language facility involves synthesizing a new type (the proxy / wrapper) based on an existing one (the interface). EWG-I also recommended expressing the interface as a regular type, rather than introducing a new facade entity to the language.

Feedback given

For the following proposals, EWG-I gave the author feedback, but did not consider it ready to forward to another subgroup. A revised proposal would come back to EWG-I.

No proposals were outright rejected at this meeting, but the nature of the feedback did vary widely, from requesting minor tweaks, to suggesting a completely different approach to solving the problem.

  • Provided operator= returns lvalue-ref on an rvalue. This attempts to rectify a long-standing inconsistency in the language, where operator= for a class type can be called on temporaries, which is not allowed for built-in types; this can lead to accidental dangling. EWG-I agreed that it would be nice to resolve this, but asked the author to assess how much code this would break, so we can reason about its feasibility.
  • Dependent static assertion. The problem this tries to solve is that static_assert(false) in a dependent context fails eagerly, rather than being delayed until instantiation. The proposal introduces a new syntax, static_assert<T>(false), where T is some template parameter that’s in scope, for the delayed behaviour. EWG-I liked the goal, but not the syntax. Other approaches were discussed as well (such as making static_assert(false) itself have the delayed behaviour, or introducing a static_fail() operator), but did not have consensus.
  • Generalized pack declaration and usage. This is an ambitious proposal to make working with packs and pack-like types much easier in the language; it would allow drastically simplifying the implementations of types like tuple and variant, as well as making many compile-time programming tasks much easier. A lot of the feedback concerned whether packs should become first-class language entities (a “language tuple” of sorts, as previously proposed), or remain closer to their current role as depenent constructs that only become language entities after expansion.
  • Just-in-time compilation. Another ambitious proposal, this takes aim at use cases where static polymorphism (i.e. use of templates) is desired for performance, but the parameters (e.g. the dimensions of a matrix) are not known at compile time. Rather than being a general-purpose JIT or eval() like mechanism, the proposal aims to focus on the ability to instantiate some templates at runtime. EWG-I gave feedback related to syntax, error handling, restricting runtime parameters to non-types, and consulting the Reflection Study Group.
  • Interconvertible object representations. This proposes a facility to assert, at compile time, than one type (e.g. a struct containing two floats) has the same representation in memory as another (e.g. an array of two floats). EWG-I felt it would be more useful it the proposed annotation would actually cause the compiler to use the target layout.
  • Language support for class layout control. This aims to allow the order in which class members are laid out in memory to be customized. It was reviewed by SG7 (Reflection) as well, which expressed a preference for performing the customization in library code using reflection facilities, rather than having a set of built-in layout strategies defined by the core language. EWG-I preferred a keyword-based annotation syntax over attributes, though metaclasses might obviate the need for a dedicated syntax.
  • Epochs: a backward-compatible language evolution mechanism. This was probably the most ambitious proposal EWG-I looked at, and definitely the one that attracted the largest audience. It proposes a mechanism similar to Rust’s editions for evolving the language in ways we have not been able to so far. Central to the proposal is the ability to combine different modules which use different epochs in the same program. This generated a lot of discussion around the potential for fracturing the language into dialects, the granularity at which code opts into an epoch, and what sorts of new features should be allowed in older epochs, among other topics.

Thoughts on the role of EWG-I

Having spent time in both EWG and EWG-I, one difference that’s apparent is that EWG is the tougher crowd: features that make it successfully through EWG-I are often still shot down in EWG, sometimes on their first presentation. If EWG-I’s role is to act as a filter for EWG, it is effective in that role already, but there is probably potential for it to be more effective.

One dynamic that you often see play out in the committee is the interplay between “user enthusiasm” and “implementer skepticism”: users are typically enthusiastic about new features, while implementers will often try to curb enthusiasm and be more realistic about a feature’s implementation costs, interactions with other features, and source and ABI compatibility considerations. I’d say that EWG-I tends to skew more towards “user enthusiasm” than EWG does, hence the more permissive outcomes. I’d love for more implementers to spend time in EWG-I, though I do of course realize they’re in short supply and are needed in other subgroups.

Evolution Working Group

As mentioned, I didn’t spend as much time in EWG as usual, but I’ll call out a few of the notable topics that were discussed while I was there.

C++20 NB comments

As with all subgroups, EWG prioritized C++20 NB comments first.

  • The C++20 feature that probably came closest to removal at this meeting was class types as non-type template parameters (NTTPs). Several NB comments pointed out issues with their current specification and asked for either the issues to be resolved, or the feature to be pulled. Thankfully, we were able to salvage the feature. The fix approach involves axing the feature’s relationship with operator==, and instead having template argument equivalence be based on a structural identity, essentially a recursive memberwise comparison. This allows a larger category of types to be NTTPs, including unions, pointers and references to subobjects, and, notably, floating-point types. For class types, only types with public fields are allowed at this time, but future directions for opting in types with private fields are possible.
  • Parenthesized initialization of aggregates also came close to being removed but was fixed instead.
  • A suggestion to patch a functionality gap in std::is_constant_evaluated() by introducing a new syntactic construct if consteval was discussed at length but rejected. The feature may come back in C++23, but there are enough open design questions that it’s too late for C++20.
  • To my mild (but pleasant) surprise, ABI isolation for member functions, a proposal which divorces a method’s linkage from whether it is physically defined inline or out of line, and which was previously discussed as something that’s too late for C++20 but which we could perhaps sneak is as a Defect Report after publication, was now approved for C++20 proper. (It did not get to a plenary vote yet, where it might be controversial.)
  • A minor consistency fix between constexpr and consteval was approved.
  • A few Concepts-related comments:
    • The ability to constrain non-templated functions was removed because their desired semantics were unclear. They could come back in C++23 with clarified semantics.
    • One remaining visual ambiguity in Concepts is that in a template parameter list, Foo Bar can be either a constrained type template parameter (if Foo names a concept) or a non-type template parameter (if Foo names a type). The compiler knows which by looking up Foo, but a reader can’t necessarily tell just by the syntax of the declaration. A comment proposed resolving this by changing the syntax to Foo auto Bar for the type parameter case (similar to the syntax for abbreviated function templates). There was no consensus for this change; a notable counter-argument is that the type parameter case is by far the more common one, and we don’t want to make the common case more verbose (and the non-type syntax can’t be changed because it’s pre-existing).
    • Another comment pointed out that Concept<X> can also mean two different things: a type constraint (which is satisifed by a type T if Concept<T, X> is true), or an expression which evaluates Concept applied to the single argument X. The comment suggested disambiguating by e.g. changing the first case to Concept<, X>, but there was no consensus for this either.

Post-C++20 material

Having gotten through all Evolutionary NB comments, EWG proceeded to review post-C++20 material. Most of this had previously gone through EWG-I (you might recognize a few that I mentioned above because they went through EWG-I this week).

  • (Approved) Reserving attribute names for future use. In addition to approing this for C++23, EWG also approved it as a C++20 Defect Report. (Thanks to Erich Keane for pointing that out!)
  • (Approved) Accessing object representations. EWG agreed with the proposal’s intent and left it to the Core Working Group to figure out the exact way to specify this intent.
  • (Further work) std::fiber_context – stackful context switching. This was discussed at some length, with at least one implementer expressing significant reservations due to the feature’s interaction with thread-local storage (TLS). Several issues related to TLS were raised, such as the fact that compilers can cache pointers to TLS across function calls, and if a function call executes a fiber switch that crosses threads (i.e. the fiber is resumed on a different OS thread), the cache becomes invalidated without the compiler having expected that; addressing this at the compiler lever would be a performance regression even for code that doesn’t use fibers, because the compiler would need to assume that any out of line function call could potentially execute a fiber switch. A possible alternative that was suggested was to have a mechanism for a user-directed kernel context switch that would allow coordinating threads of execution (ToEs) in a co-operative way without needing a distinct kind of ToE (namely, fibers).
  • (Further work) Structured bindings can introduce a pack. EWG liked the direction, but some implementers expressed concerns about the implementation costs, pointing out that in some implementations, handling of packs is closely tied to templates, while this proposal would allow packs to exist outside of templates. The author and affected implementers will discuss the concerns offline.
  • (Further work) Automatically generate more operators. This proposal aims to build on the spaceship operator’s model of rewriting operators (e.g. rewriting a < b to a <=> b < 0), and allow other kinds of rewriting, such as rewriting a += b to a = a + b. EWG felt any such facility should be strictly opt-in (e.g. you could give you class an operator+=(...) = default to opt into this rewriting, but it wouldn’t happen by default), with the exception of rewriting a->b to (*a).b (and the less common a->*b to (*a).*b) which EWG felt could safely happen by default.
  • (Further work) Named character escapes. This would add a syntax for writing unicode characters in source code by using their descriptive names. Most of the discussion concerned the impacts of implementations having to ship a unicode database containing such descriptive names. EWG liked the direction but called for further exploration to minimize such impacts.
  • (Further work) tag_invoke. This concerns making it easier to write robust customization points for library facilities. There was a suggestion of trying to model the desired operations more directly in the language, and EWG suggested exploring that further.
  • (Rejected) Homogeneous variadic function parameters. This would have allowed things like template <typename T> void foo(T...); to mean “foo is a function template that takes zero or more parameters, all of the same type T“. There were two main arguments against this. First, it would introduce a novel interpretation of template-ids (foo<int> no longer names a single specialization of foo, it names a family of specializations, and there’s no way to write a template-id that names any individual specialization). The objection that seems to have played the larger role in the proposal’s rejection, however, is that it breaks the existing meaning of e.g. (int...) as an alternative way of writing (int, ...) (meaning, an int parameter followed by C-style variadic parameters). While the (int...) form is not allowed in C (and therefore, not used by any C libraries that a C++ project might include), apparently a lot of old C++ code uses it. The author went to some lengths to analyze a large dataset of open-source C++ code for occurrences of such use (of which there were vanishingly few), but EWG felt this wasn’t representative of the majority of C++ code out there, most of which is proprietary.

Other Highlights

  • Ville Voutilainen’s paper proposing a high-level direction for C++23 was reviewed favourably by the committee’s Direction Group.
  • While I wasn’t able to attend the Reflection Study Group (SG7)’s meeting (it happened on a day EWG-I was in session), I hear that interesting discussions took place. In particular, a proposal concerning side effects during constant evaluation prompted SG7 to consider whether we should revise the envisioned metaprogramming model and take it even further in the direction of “compile-time programming is like regular programming”, such that if you e.g. wanted compile-time output, then rather than using a facility like the proposed constexpr_report, you could just use printf (or whatever you’d use for runtime output). The Circle programming language was pointed to as prior art in this area. SG7 did not make a decision about this paradigm shift, just encouraged exploration of it.
  • The Concurrency Study Group (SG1) came to a consensus on a design for executors. (Really, this time.)
  • The Networking Study Group (SG4) pondered whether C++ networking facilities should be secure by default. The group felt that we should standardize facilities that make use of TLS if and when they are ready, but not block networking proposals on it.
  • The determistic exceptions proposal was not discussed at this meeting, but one of the reactions that its previous discussions have provoked is a resurgence in interest in better optimizing today’s exceptions. There was an evening session on this topic, and benchmarking and optimization efforts were discussed.
  • web_view was discussed in SG13 (I/O), and I relayed some of Mozilla’s more recent feedback; the proposal continues to enjoy support in this subgroup. The Library Evolution Incubator did not get a chance to look at it this week.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Prague, Czech Republic, the week of February 10th, 2020.


This was an eventful and productive meeting, as usual, with the primary accomplishment being improving the quality of C++20 by addressing national body comments. While C++20 is feature-complete and thus no new features were added at this meeting, we did solidify the status of recently added features such as Modules and class types as non-type template parameters, greatly increasing the chances of these features remaining in the draft and shipping as part of C++20.

There is a lot I didn’t cover in this post; if you’re curious about something I didn’t mention, please feel free to ask in a comment.

Other Trip Reports

In addition to the collaborative Reddit report which I linked to earlier, here are some other trip reports of the Belfast meeting that you could check out:

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Cologne, July 2019

Summary / TL;DR (new developments since last meeting in bold)

Project What’s in it? Status
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v3 See below Under development
Concepts Constrained templates In C++20
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Published!
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Targeting C++23
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published! Not in C++20.
Ranges Range-based algorithms and views In C++20
Coroutines Resumable functions (generators, tasks, etc.) In C++20
Modules A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model In C++20
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
C++ Ecosystem TR Guidance for build systems and other tools for dealing with Modules Under active development
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Pulled from C++20, now targeting C++23
Pattern matching A match-like facility for C++ Under active development, targeting C++23
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms Publication imminent
Reflection v2 A value-based constexpr formulation of the Reflection TS facilities Under active development, targeting C++23
Metaclasses Next-generation reflection facilities Early development

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected within a few days of August 5, 2019). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


Last week I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Cologne, Germany. This was the second committee meeting in 2019; you can find my reports on preceding meetings here (February 2019, Kona) and here (November 2018, San Diego), and previous ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Kona one, provide useful context for this post.

This week the committee reached a very important milestone in the C++20 publication schedule: we approved the C++20 Committee Draft (CD), a feature-complete draft of the C++20 standard which includes wording for all of the new features we plan to ship in C++20.

The next step procedurally is to send out the C++20 CD to national standards bodies for a formal ISO ballot, where they have the opportunity to comment on it. The ballot period is a few months, and the results will be in by the next meeting, which will be in November in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We will then spend that meeting and the next one addressing the comments, and then publishing a revised draft standard. Importantly, as this is a feature-complete draft, new features cannot be added in response to comments; only bugfixes to existing features can be made, and in rare cases where a serious problem is discovered, a feature can be removed.

Attendance at this meeting once again broke previous records, with over 200 people present for the first time ever. It was observed that one of the likely reasons for the continued upward trend in attendance is the proliferation of domain-specific study groups such as SG 14 (Games and Low-Latency Programming) and SG 19 (Machine Learning) which is attracting new experts from those fields.

Note that the committe now tracks its proposals in GitHub. If you’re interested in the status of a proposal, you can find its issue on GitHub by searching for its title or paper number, and see its status — such as which subgroups it has been reviewed by and what the outcome of the reviews were — there.


Here are the new changes voted into C++20 Working Draft at this meeting. For a list of changes voted in at previous meetings, see my Kona report. (As a quick refresher, major features voted in at previous meetings include modules, coroutines, default comparisons (<=>), concepts, and ranges.)

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard (IS), the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of experimental “feature branches”, where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

At this meeting, the focus was on the C++20 CD, and not so much on TSes. In particular, there was no discussion of merging TSes into the C++ IS, because the deadline for doing so for C++20 was the last meeting (where Modules and Coroutines were merged, joining the ranks of Concepts which was merged a few meetings prior), and it’s too early to be discussing mergers into C++23.

Nonetheless, the committee does have a few TSes in progress, and I’ll mention their status:

Reflection TS

The Reflection TS was approved for publication at the last meeting. The publication process for this TS is a little more involved than usual: due to the dependency on the Concepts TS, the Reflection TS needs to be rebased on top of C++14 (the Concepts TS’ base document) for publication. As a result, the official publication has not happened yet, but it’s imminent.

As mentioned before, the facilities in the Reflection TS are not planned to be merged into the IS in their current form. Rather, a formulation based on constexpr values (rather than types) is being worked on. This is a work in progress, but recent developments have been encouraging (see the SG7 (Reflection) section) and I’m hopeful about them making C++23.

Library Fundamentals TS v3

This third iteration (v3) of the Library Fundamentals TS continues to be open for new features. It hasn’t received much attention in recent meetings, as the focus has been on libraries targeted at C++20, but I expect it will continue to pick up material in the coming meetings.

Concurrency TS v2

A concrete plan for Concurrency TS v2 is starting to take shape.

The following features are planned to definitely be included:

The following additional features might tag along if they’re ready in time:

I don’t think there’s a timeline for publication yet; it’s more “when the features in the first list are ready”.

Networking TS

As mentioned before, the Networking TS did not make C++20. As it’s now targeting C++23, we’ll likely see some proposal for design changes between now and its merger into C++23.

One such potential proposal is one that would see the Networking TS support TLS out of the box. JF Bastien from Apple has been trying to get browser implementers on board with such a proposal, which might materialize for the upcoming Belfast meeting.

Evolution Working Group

As usual, I spent most of the week in EWG. Here I will list the papers that EWG reviewed, categorized by topic, and also indicate whether each proposal was approved, had further work on it encouraged, or rejected. Approved proposals are targeting C++20 unless otherwise mentioned; “further work” proposals are not.


  • (Approved) Rename concepts to standard_case for C++20, while we still can. Concepts have been part of the C++ literature long before the C++20 language feature that allows them to be expressed in code; for example, they are discussed in Stepanov’s Elements of Programming, and existing versions of the IS document describe the notional concepts that form the requirements for various algorithms. In this literature, concepts are conventionally named in PascalCase. As a result, the actual language-feature concepts added to the standard library in C++20 were named in PascalCase as well. However, it was observed that essentially every other name in the standard library uses snake_case, and remaining consistent with that might be more important than respecting naming conventions from non-code literature. This was contentious, for various reasons: (1) it was late in the cycle to make this change; (2) a pure mechanical rename resulted in some conflicts with existing names, necessitating additional changes that went beyond case; and (3) some people liked the visual distinction that PascalCase conferred onto concept names. Nonetheless, EWG approved the change.
  • (Approved) On the non-uniform semantics of return-type-requirements. This proposal axes concept requirements of the form expression -> Type, because their semantics are not consistent with trailing return types which share the same syntax.
  • (Approved) Using unconstrained template template parameters with constrained templates. This paper allows unconstrained template template parameters to match constrained templates; without this change, it would have been impossible to write a template template parameter that matches any template regardless of constraints, which is an important use case.


Contracts were easily the most contentious and most heavily discussed topic of the week. In the weeks leading up the meeting, there were probably 500+ emails on the committee mailing lists about them.

The crux of the problem is that contracts can have a range of associated behaviours / semantics: whether they are checked, what happens if they are checked and fail, whether the compiler can assume them to be true in various scenarios, etc. The different behaviours lend themselves to different use cases, different programming models, different domains, and different stages of the software lifecycle. Given the diversity of all of the above represented at the committee, people are having a really hard time agreeing on what set of possible behaviours the standard should allow for, what the defaults should be, and what mechanisms should be available to control the behaviour in case you want something other than the defaults.

A prominent source of disagreement is around the possibility for contracts to introduce undefined behaviour (UB) if we allow compilers to assume their truth, particularly in cases where they are not checked, or where control flow is allowed to continue past a contract failure.

Contracts were voted into the C++20 working draft in June 2018; the design that was voted in was referred to as the “staus quo design” during this week’s discussions (since being in the working draft made it the status quo). In a nutshell, in the status quo design, the programmer could annotate contracts as having one of three levels — default, audit, or axiom — and the contract levels were mapped to behaviours using two global switches (controlled via an implementation-defined mechanism, such as a compiler flag): a “build level” and a “continuation mode”.

The status quo design clearly had consensus at the time it was voted in, but since then that consensus had begun to increasingly break down, leading to a slew of Contracts-related proposals submitted for the previous meeting and this one.

I’ll summarize the discussions that took place this week, but as mentioned above, the final outcome was that Contracts was removed from C++20 and is now targeting C++23.

EWG discussed Contracts on two occasions during the week, Monday and Wednesday. On Monday, we started with a scoping discussion, where we went through the list of proposals, and decided which of them we were even willing to discuss. Note that, as per the committee’s schedule for C++20, the deadline for making design changes to a C++20 feature had passed, and EWG was only supposed to consider bugfixes to the existing design, though as always that’s a blurry line.

Anyways, the following proposals were rejected with minimal discussion on the basis of being a design change:

That left the following proposals to be considered. I list them here in the order of discussion. Please note that the “approvals” from this discussion were effectively overturned by the subsequent removal of Contracts from C++20.

  • (Rejected) What to do about contracts? This proposed two alternative minimal changes to the status quo design, with the primary aim of addressing the UB concerns, but neither had consensus. (Another paper was essentially a repeat of one of the alternatives and was not polled separately.)
  • (Rejected) Axioms should be assumable. This had a different aim (allowing the compiler to assume contracts in more cases, not less) and also did not have consensus.
  • (Approved) Minimizing contracts. This was a two-part proposal. The first part removed the three existing contract levels (default, audit, and axiom), as well as the build level and continuation mode, and made the way the behaviour of a contract checking statement is determined completely implementation-defined. The second part essentially layered on top the “Contracts that work” proposal, which introduces literal semantics: rather than annotating contracts with “levels” which are somehow mapped onto behaviours, contracts are annotated with their desired behaviour directly; if the programmer wants different behaviours in different build modes, they can arrange for that themselves, using e.g. macros that expand to different semantics in different build modes. EWG approved both parts, which was somewhat surprising because “Contracts that work” was previously voted as not even being in scope for discussion. I think the sentiment was that, while this is a design change, it has more consensus than the status quo, and so it’s worth trying to sneak it in even though we’re past the design change deadline. Notably, while this proposal did pass, it was far from unanimous, and the dissenting minority was very vocal about their opposition, which ultimately led to the topic being revisited and Contracts being axed from C++20 on Wednesday.
  • (Approved) The “default” contract build-level and continuation-mode should be implementation-defined. This was also approved, which is also somewhat suprising given that it was mooted by the previous proposal. Hey, we’re not always a completely rational bunch!

To sum up what happened on Monday: EWG made a design change to Contracts, and that design change had consensus among the people in the room at the time. Unfortunately, subsequent discussions with people not in the room, including heads of delegations from national standards bodies, made it clear that the design change was very unlikely to have the consensus of the committee at large in plenary session, largely for timing reasons (i.e. it being too late in the schedule to make such a nontrivial design change).

As people were unhappy with the status quo, but there wasn’t consensus for a design change either, that left removing contracts from C++20 and continuing to work on it in the C++23 cycle. A proposal to do so was drafted and discussed in EWG on Wednesday, with a larger group of people in attendance this time, and ultimately garnered consensus.

To help organize further work on Contracts in the C++23 timeframe, a new Study Group, SG 21 (Contracts) was formed, which would incubate and refine an updated proposal before it comes back to EWG. It’s too early to say what the shape of that proposal might be.

I personally like literal semantics, though I agree it probably wouldn’t have been prudent to make a significant change like that for C++20. I would welcome a future proposal from SG 21 that includes literal semantics.


A notable procedural development in the area of Modules, is that the Modules Study Group (SG 2) was resurrected at the last meeting, and met during this meeting to look at all Modules-related proposals and make recommendations about them. EWG then looked at the ones SG 2 recommended for approval for C++20:

  • (Approved) Mitigating minor Modules maladies. EWG affirmed SG2’s recommendation to accept the first and third parts (concerning typedef names and default arguments, respectively) for C++20.
  • (Approved) Relaxing redefinition restrictions for re-exportation robustness. This proposal makes “include translation” (the automatic translation of some #include directives into module imports) optional, because it is problematic for some use cases, and solves the problems that motivated mandatory include translation in another way. (Aside: Richard Smith, the esteemed author of this paper and the previous one, clearly has too much time on his hands if he can come up with alliterations like this for paper titles. We should give him some more work to do. Perhaps we could ask him to be the editor of the C++ IS document? Oh, we already did that… Something else then. Finish implementing Concepts in clang perhaps? <wink>)
  • (Approved) Standard library header units for C++20. This allows users to consume C++ standard library headers (but not headers inherited from C like <cmath>) using import rather than #include (without imposing any requirements (yet) that their contents actually be modularized). It also reserves module names whose first component is std, or std followed by a number, for use by the standard library.
  • (Approved) Recognizing header unit imports requires full preprocessing. This tweaks the context sensitivity rules for the import keyword in such a way that tools can quickly scan source files and gather their module dependencies without having to do too much processing (and in particular without having to do a full run of the preprocessor).

There were also some Modules-related proposals that SG2 looked at and decided not to advance for C++20, but instead continue iterating for C++23:

  • (Further work) The inline keyword is not in line with the design of modules. This proposal will be revised before EWG looks at it.
  • (Further work) ABI isolation for member functions. EWG did look at this, towards the end of the week when it ran out of C++20 material. The idea here is that people like to define class methods inline for brevity (to avoid repeating the function header in an out-of-line definition), but the effects this has on linkage are sometimes undesirable. In module interfaces in particular, the recently adopted rule changes concerning internal linkage mean that users can run into hard-to-understand errors as a result of giving methods internal linkage. The proposal therefore aims to dissociate whether a method is defined inline or out of line, from semantic effects on linkage (which could still be achieved by using the inline keyword explicitly). Reactions were somewhat mixed, with some concerns about impacts on compile-time and runtime performance. Some felt that if we do this at all, we should do it in C++20, so our guidance to authors of modular code can be consistent from the get-go; while it seems to be too late to make this change in C++20 itself, the idea of a possible future C++20 Defect Report was raised.

Finally, EWG favourably reviewed at the Tooling Study Group’s plans for a C++ Ecosystem Technical Report. One suggestion made was to give the TR a more narrowly scoped name to reflect its focus on Modules-related tooling (lest people are misled into expecting that it addresses every “C++ Ecosystem” concern).


EWG considered several proposed improvements to coroutines. All of them were rejected for C++20 due to being too big of a change at this late stage.

Coroutines will undoubtedly see improvements in the C++23 timeframe, including possibly having some of the above topics revisited, but of course we’ll now be limited to making changes that are backwards-compatible with the current design.


  • (Approved) Enabling constexpr intrinsics by permitting unevaluated inline assembly in constexpr functions. With std::is_constant_evaluated(), you can already give an operation different implementations for runtime and compile-time evaluation. This proposal just allows the runtime implementations of such functions to use inline assembly.
  • (Approved) A tweak to constinit: EWG was asked to clarify the intended rules for non-initializing declarations. The Core Working Group’s recommendation — that a non-initializing declaration of a variable be permitted to contain constinit, and if it does, the initializing declaration must be constinit as well — was accepted.


  • (Approved) Spaceship needs a tune-up. This fixes some relatively minor fallout from recent spaceship-related bugfixes.
  • (Rejected) The spaceship needs to be grounded: pull spaceship from C++20. Concerns about the fact that we keep finding edge cases where we need to tweak spaceship’s behaviour, and that the rules have become rather complicated as a result of successive bug fixes, prompted this proposal to remove spaceship from C++20. EWG disagreed, feeling that the value this feature delivers for common use cases outweighs the downside of having complex rules to deal with uncommon edge cases.

Lightweight Exceptions

In one of the meeting’s more exciting developments, Herb Sutter’s lightweight exceptions proposal (affectionately dubbed “Herbceptions” in casual conversation) was finally discussed in EWG. I view this proposal as being particularly important, because it aims to heal the current fracture of the C++ user community into those who use exceptions and those who do not.

The proposal has four largely independent parts:

  • The first and arguably most interesting part (section 4.1 in the paper) provides a lightweight exception handling mechanism that avoids the overhead that today’s dynamic exceptions have, namely that of dynamic memory allocation and runtime type information (RTTI). The new mechanism is opt-in on a per-function basis, and designed to allow a codebase to transition incrementally from the old style of exceptions to the new one.
  • The next two parts have to do with using exceptions in fewer scenarios:
    • The second part (section 4.2) is about transitioning the standard library to handle logic errors not via exceptions like std::logic_error, but rather via a contract violation.
    • The third part (section 4.3) is about handling allocation failure via termination rather than an exception. Earlier versions of the proposal were more aggressive on this front, and aimed to make functions that today only throw exceptions related to allocation failure noexcept. However, that’s unlikely to fly, as there are good use cases for recovering from allocation failure, so more recent versions leave the choice of behaviour up to the allocator, and aim to make such functions conditionally noexcept.
  • The fourth part (section 4.5), made more realistic by the previous two, aims to make the remaining uses of exceptions more visible by allowing expressions that propagate exceptions to be annotated with the try keyword (there being prior art for this sort of thing in Swift and Rust). Of course, unlike Rust, use of the annotation would have to be optional for backwards compatibility, though one can envision enforcing its use locally in a codebase (or part of a codebase) via static analysis.

As can be expected from such an ambitious proposal, this prompted a lot of discussion in EWG. A brief summary of the outcome for each part:

  1. There was a lot of discussion both about how performant we can make the proposed lightweight exceptions, and about the ergonomics of the two mechanisms coexisting in the same program. (For the latter, a particular point of contention was that functions that opt into the new exceptions require a modified calling convention, which necessitates encoding the exception mode into the function type (for e.g. correct calling via function pointers), which fractures the type system). EWG cautiously encouraged further exploration, with the understanding that further experiments and especially implementation experience are needed to be able to provide more informed directional guidance.
  2. Will be discussed jointly by Evolution and Library Evolution in the future.
  3. EWG was somewhat skeptical about this one. In particular, the feeling in the room was that, while Library Evolution may allow writing allocators that don’t throw and library APIs may be revised to take advantage of this and make some functions conditionally noexcept, there was no consensus to move in the direction of making the default allocator non-throwing.
  4. EWG was not a fan of this one. The feeling was that the annotations would have limited utility unless they’re required, and we can’t realistically ever make them required.

I expect the proposal will return in revised form (and this will likely repeat for several iterations). The road towards achieving consensus on a significant change like this is a long one!

I’ll mention one interesting comment that was made during the proposal’s presentation: it was observed that since we need to revise the calling convention as part of this proposal anyways, perhaps we could take the opportunity to make other improvements to it as well, such as allowing small objects to be passed in registers, the lack of which is a pretty unfortunate performance problem today (certainly one we’ve run into at Mozilla multiple times). That seems intriguing.

Other new features

  • (Approved*) Changes to expansion statements. EWG previously approved a “for ...” construct which could be used to iterate at compile time over tuple-like objects and parameter packs. Prior to this meeting, it was discovered that the parameter pack formulation has an ambiguity problem. We couldn’t find a fix in time, so the support for parameter packs was dropped, leaving only tuple-like objects. However, “for ...” no longer seemed like an appropriate syntax if parameter packs are not supported, so the syntax was changed to “template for“. Unfortunately, while EWG approved “template for“, the Core Working Group ran out of time to review its wording, so (*) the feature didn’t make C++20. It will likely be revisited for C++23, possibly including ways to resolve the parameter pack issue.
  • (Further work) Pattern matching. EWG looked at a revised version of this proposal which features a refined pattern syntax among other improvements. The review was generally favourable, and the proposal, which is targeting C++23, is getting close to the stage where standard wording can be written and implementation experience gathered.

Bug / Consistency Fixes

(Disclaimer: don’t read too much into the categorization here. One person’s bug fix is another’s feature.)

For C++20:

For C++23:

  • (Approved) Size feedback in operator new. This allows operator new to communicate to its caller how many bytes it actually allocated, which can sometimes be larger than the requested amount.
  • (Approved) A type trait to detect scoped enumerations. This adds a type trait to tell apart enum classes from plan enums, which is not necessarily possible to do in pure library code.
  • (Approved in part) Literal suffixes for size_t and ptrdiff_t. The suffixes uz for size_t and z for ssize_t were approved. The suffixes t for ptrdiff_t and ut for a corresponding unsigned type had no consensus.
  • (Further work) Callsite based inlining hints: [[always_inline]] and [[never_inline]]. EWG was generally supportive, but requested the author provide additional motivation, and also clarify if they are orders to the compiler (usable in cases where inlining or not actually has a semantic effect), or just strong optimization hints.
  • (Further work) Defaultable default constructors and destructors for all unions. The motivation here is to allow having unions which are trivial but have nontrivial members. EWG felt this was a valid usecase, but the formulation in the paper erased important safeguards, and requested a different formulation.
  • (Further work) Name lookup should “find the first thing of that name”. EWG liked the proposed simplification, but requested that research be done to quantify the scope of potential breakage, as well as archaeology to better understand the motivation for the current rule (which no one in the room could recall.)

Proposals Not Discussed

As usual, there were papers EWG did not get to discussing at this meeting; see the committee website for a complete list. At the next meeting, after addressing any national body comments on the C++20 CD which are Evolutionary in nature, EWG expects to spend the majority of the meeting reviewing C++23-track proposals.

Evolution Working Group Incubator

Evolution Incubator, which acts as a filter for new proposals incoming to EWG, met for two days, and reviewed numerous proposals, approving the following ones to advance to EWG at the next meeting:

Other Working Groups

Library Groups

Having sat in the Evolution group, I haven’t been able to follow the Library groups in any amount of detail, but I’ll call out some of the library proposals that have gained design approval at this meeting:

Note that the above is all C++23 material; I listed library proposals which made C++20 at this meeting above.

There are also efforts in place to consolidate general design guidance that the Library Evolution group would like to apply to all proposals into a policy paper.

While still at the Incubator stage, I’d like to call attention to web_view, a proposal for embedding a view powered by a web browser engine into a C++ application, for the purpose of allowing C++ applications to leverage the wealth of web technologies for purposes such as graphical output, interaction, and so on. As mentioned in previous reports, I gathered feedback about this proposal from Mozilla engineers, and conveyed this feedback (which was a general discouragement for adding this type of facility to C++) both at previous meetings and this one. However, this was very much a minority view, and as a whole the groups which looked at this proposal (which included SG13 (I/O) and Library Evolution Incubator) largely viewed it favourably, as a promising way of allow C++ applications to do things like graphical output without having to standardize a graphics API ourselves, as previously attempted.

Study Groups

SG 1 (Concurrency)

SG 1 has a busy week, approving numerous proposals that made it into C++20 (listed above), as well as reviewing material targeted for the Concurrency TS v2 (whose outline I gave above).

Another notable topic for SG 1 was Executors, where a consensus design was reviewed and approved. Error handling remains a contentious issue; out of two different proposed mechanics, the first one seems to have the greater consensus.

Progress was also made on memory model issues, aided by the presence of several memory model experts who are not regular attendees. It seems the group may have an approach for resolving the “out of thin air” (OOTA) problem (see relevant papers); according to SG 1 chair Olivier Giroux, this is the most optimistic the group has been about the OOTA problem in ~20 years!

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

The Compile-Time Programming Study Group (SG 7) met for half a day to discuss two main topics.

First on the agenda was introspection. As mentioned in previous reports, the committee put out a Reflection TS containing compile-time introspection facilities, but has since agreed that in the C++ IS, we’d like facilities with comparable expressive power but a different formulation (constexpr value-based metaprogramming rather than template metaprogramming). Up until recently, the nature of the new formulation was in dispute, with some favouring a monotype approach and others a richer type hierarchy. I’m pleased to report that at this meeting, a compromise approach was presented and favourably reviewed. With this newfound consensus, SG 7 is optimistic about being able to get these facilities into C++23. The compromise proposal does require a new language feature, parameter constraints, which will be presented to EWG at the next meeting.

(SG 7 also looked at a paper asking to revisit some of the previous design choices made regarding parameter names and access control in reflection. The group reaffirmed its previous decisions in these areas.)

The second main topic was reification, which can be thought of as the “next generation” of compile-time programming facilities, where you can not only introspect code at compile time, but perform processing on its representation and generate (“reify”) new code. A popular proposal in this area is Herb Sutter’s metaclasses, which allow you to “decorate” classes with metaprograms that transform the class definition in interesting ways. Metaclasses is intended to be built on a suite of underlying facilties such as code injection; there is now a concrete proposal for what those facilities could look like, and how metaclasses could be built on top of them. SG 7 looked at an overview of this proposal, although there wasn’t time for an in-depth design review at this stage.

SG 15 (Tooling)

The Tooling Study Group (SG 15) met for a full day, focusing on issues related to tooling around modules, and in particular proposals targeting the C++ Modules Ecosystem Technical Report mentioned above.

I couldn’t be in the room for this session as it ran concurrently with Reflection and then Herbceptions in EWG, but my understanding is that the main outcomes were:

  • The Ecosystem TR should contain guidelines for module naming conventions. There was no consensus to include conventions for other things such as project structure, file names, or namespace names.
  • The Ecosystem TR should recommend that implementations provide a way to implicitly build modules (that is, to be able to build them even in the absence of separate metadata specifying what modules are to be built and how), without requiring a particular project layout or file naming scheme. It was observed that implementing this in a performant way will likely require fast dependency scanning tools to extract module dependencies from source files. Such tools are actively being worked on (see e.g. clang-scan-deps), and the committee has made efforts to make them tractable (see e.g. the tweak to the context-sensitivity rules for import which EWG approved this week).

A proposal for a file format for describing dependencies of source files was also reviewed, and will continue to be iterated on.

One observation that was made during informal discussion was that SG 15’s recent focus on modules-related tooling has meant less time available for other topics such as package management. It remains to be seen if this is a temporary state of affairs, or if we could use two different study groups working in parallel.

Other Study Groups

Other Study Groups that met at this meeting include:

  • SG 2 (Modules), covered in the Modules section above.
  • SG 6 (Numerics) reviewed a dozen or so proposals, related to topics such as fixed-point numbers, type interactions, limits and overflow, rational numbers, and extended floating-point types. There was also a joint session with SG 14 (Games & Low Latency) and SG 19 (Machine Learning) to discuss linear algebra libraries and multi-dimensional data structures.
  • SG 12 (Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour). Topics discussed include pointer provenance, the C++ memory object model, and various other low-level topics. There was also the usual joint session with WG23 – Software Vulnerabilities; there is now a document describing the two groups’ relationship.
  • SG 13 (I/O), which reviewed proposals related to audio (proposal, feedback paper), web_view, 2D graphics (which continues to be iterated on in the hopes of a revised version gaining consensus), as well as few proposals related to callbacks which are relevant to the design of I/O facilities.
  • SG 14 (Games & Low Latency), whose focus at this meeting was on linear algebra proposals considered in joint session with SG 19
  • SG 16 (Unicode). Topics discussed include guidelines for where we want to impose requirements regarding character encodings, and filenames and the complexities they involve. The group also provided consults for relevant parts of other groups’ papers.
  • SG 19 (Machine Learning). In addition to linear algebra, the group considered proposals for adding statistical mathematical functions to C++ (simple stuff like mean, median, and standard deviation — somewhat surprising we don’t have them already!), as well as graph data structures.
  • SG 20 (Education), whose focus was on iterating on a document setting out proposed educational guidelines.

In addition, as mentioned, a new Contracts Study Group (SG 21) was formed at this meeting; I expect it will have its inaugural meeting in Belfast.

Most Study Groups hold regular teleconferences in between meetings, which is a great low-barrier-to-entry way to get involved. Check out their mailing lists here or here for telecon scheduling information.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the week of November 4th, 2019.


My highlights for this meeting included:

  • Keeping the C++ release train schedule on track by approving the C++20 Committee Draft
  • Forming a Contracts Study Group to craft a high-quality, consensus-bearing Contracts design in C++23
  • Approving constexpr dynamic allocation, including constexpr vector and string for C++20
  • The standard library gaining a modern text formatting facility for C++20
  • Broaching the topic of bringing the -fno-exceptions segment of C++ users back into the fold
  • Breaking record attendance levels as we continue to gain representation of different parts of the community on the committee

Due to the sheer number of proposals, there is a lot I didn’t cover in this post; if you’re curious about a specific proposal that I didn’t mention, please feel free to ask about it in the comments.

Other Trip Reports

Other trip reports about this meeting include Herb Sutter’s, the collaborative Reddit trip report, Timur Doumler’s and Guy Davidson’s — I encourage you to check them out as well!

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Kona, February 2019

Summary / TL;DR (new developments since last meeting in bold)

Project What’s in it? Status
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v3 See below Under active development
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20, including abbreviated function templates!
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Published!
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Not headed for C++20
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published! Not headed for C++20.
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Merged into C++20!
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Merged into C++20!
Modules v1 A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Published as a TS
Modules v2 Improvements to Modules v1, including a better transition path Merged into C++20!
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms Approved for publication!
C++ Ecosystem TR Guidance for build systems and other tools for dealing with Modules Early development
Pattern matching A match-like facility for C++ Under active development, targeting C++23


A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Kona, Hawaii. This was the first committee meeting in 2019; you can find my reports on 2018’s meetings here (November 2018, San Diego), here (June 2018, Rapperswil), and here (March 2018, Jacksonville). These reports, particularly the San Diego one, provide useful context for this post.

This week marked the feature-complete deadline of C++20, so there was a heavy focus on figuring out whether certain large features that hadn’t yet merged into the working draft would make it in. Modules and Coroutines made it; Executors and Networking did not.

Attendance at this meeting wasn’t quite at last meeting’s record-breaking level, but it was still quite substantial. We continued the experiment started at the last meeting of running Evolution Incubator (“EWGI”) and Library Evolution Incubator (“LEWGI”) subgroups to pre-filter / provide high-level directional guidance for proposals targeting the Evolution and Library Evolution groups (EWG and LEWG), respectively.

Another notable procedural development is that the committee started to track proposals in front of the committee in GitHub. If you’re interested in the status of a proposal, you can find its issue on GitHub by searching for its title or paper number, and see its status — such as which subgroups it has been reviewed by and what the outcome of the reviews were — there.


Here are the new changes voted into C++20 Working Draft at this meeting. For a list of changes voted in at previous meetings, see my San Diego report. (As a quick refresher, major features voted in at previous meetings include default comparisons (<=>), concepts, contracts, and ranges.)

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard (IS), the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of experimental “feature branches”, where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

At this meeting, the committee iterated on a number of TSes under development.

Reflection TS

The Reflection TS was sent out for its PDTS ballot two meetings ago. As described in previous reports, this is a process where a draft specification is circulated to national standards bodies, who have an opportunity to provide feedback on it. The committee can then make revisions based on the feedback, prior to final publication.

The ballot results (often referred to as “NB comments”, as they are comments from national bodies in response to the ballot) were published between the last meeting and this one, and the TS authors prepared proposed resolutions, which various subgroups reviewed this week. I am pleased to report that the committee addressed all the comments this week, and subsequently voted to publish the TS as amended by the comment resolutions. The final draft is not prepared yet, but I expect it will be in the committee’s next mailing, and will then be transmitted to ISO for official publication.

(I mentioned previously that a procedural snafu necessitated rebasing the TS onto {C++17 + Concepts TS} as it could not reference the not-yet-published C++20 working draft which contains Concepts in their current form. I was slightly mistaken: as the Concepts TS, which was published in 2015, is based on C++14, the Reflection TS actually had to be rebased onto {C++14 + Concepts TS}. Geneva: 1, common sense: 0.)

I wish I could tell you that there is an implementation of the Reflection TS available for experimentation and encourage you to try it out. Unfortunately, to my knowledge there is no such implementation, nor is one imminent. (There is a WIP implementation in a clang branch, but I didn’t get the impression that it’s actively being worked on. I would be delighted to be mistaken on that point.) This state of affairs has led me to reflect (pun intended) on the TS process a bit.

Library Fundamentals TS v3

This third iteration (v3) of the Library Fundamentals TS is under active development, and gained its first new feature at this meeting, a generic scope guard and RAII wrapper. (The remaining contents of the TS working draft are features from v2 which haven’t been merged into the C++ IS yet.)

Merging Technical Specifications into C++20

This meeting was the deadline for merging published TSes into C++20, so naturally a large amount of attention on the outstanding ones such as Modules and Coroutines.

Modules TS

As mentioned in my previous report, Modules gained design approval at the end of the last meeting, in San Diego. This was the culmination of a multi-year effort to reconcile and merge two different approaches to Modules — the design from the Modules TS, which has its roots in Microsoft’s early implementation work, and the Atom proposal which was inspired by Clang Modules — into a unified and cohesive language feature.

I found it interesting to see how the conversation around Modules shifted as the two approaches achieved convergence. For much of the past few years, the discussions and controversies focused on the differences between the two proposals, such as macro support, incremental transition mechanisms, and module organization (preambles and partitions and such).

Now that the compiler implementers have achieved consensus on the language feature, the focus has shifted to parts of the C++ ecosystem outside of the compilers themselves that are affected by Modules — notably, build systems and other tools. The tooling community has a variety of outstanding concerns about Modules, and these concerns dominated the conversation around Modules at this meeting. I talk about this in more detail in the SG15 (Tooling) section below, but my point here is that consensus among compiler implementers does not necessarily imply consensus among the entire C++ community.

All the same, the Core Working Group proceeded with wording review of Modules at full speed, and it was completed in time to hold a plenary vote to merge the feature into C++20. As mentioned, this vote passed, in spite of concerns from the tooling community. That is to say, Modules are now officially in the C++20 working draft!

It’s important to note that this does not mean the committee doesn’t care about the tooling-related concerns, just that it has confidence that the concerns can be addressed between now and the publication of C++20 (or, in the case of issues whose resolution does not require a breaking change to the core language feature, post-C++20).

Coroutines TS

The proponents of the Coroutines TS have been trying to merge it into C++20 for quite some time. Each of the three previous meetings saw an attempt to merge it, with the latter two making it to a plenary vote, only to fail there. The reason it had failed to achieve consensus so far was that there were some concerns abouts its design, and a couple of alternative proposals which attempt to address those concerns (namely, Core Coroutines, which had been under development for a few meetings now, and a new one at this meeting, Symmetric Coroutines).

We are sufficiently late in the cycle that the alternative proposals had no chance of getting into C++20, so the decision the Committee needed to make is, are the improvements these alternatives purport to bring worth delaying the feature until C++23 or later. Thus far, the Committee had been delaying this decision, in the hopes that further development on the alternative proposals would lead to a more informed decision. With this meeting being the deadline for merging a TS into C++20, the opportunities for delay were over, and the decision needed to be made this week.

Knowing that we’re down to the wire, the EWG chair instructed the authors of the various proposals to collaborate on papers exploring the design space, putting the respective proposals into context, and comparing their approaches in detail.

The authors delivered on this request, with commendably thorough analysis papers. I talk about the technical issues a bit below, but the high level takeaways were as follows:

  • Both alternative proposals share an implementation challenge inherent to their attempt to expose the state of a coroutine as a first-class object, that would have signficant language impact. While compiler implementers agreed the proposals are implementable, they estimated the magnitude of the language impact to be sufficiently great that the ability to work out the specification issues and deliver an implementation in the C++23 timeframe was uncertain (that is, going with the alternatives would risk Coroutines being delayed until C++26).
  • Due to the relative novelty of the alternative proposals, as compared to the Coroutines TS which has multiple implementations and deployment experience, meant there was much less certainty about their eventual success, as there may be issues with them yet to be discovered. (As an example, the implementation challenge mentioned above only really came to be understood at this meeting.)
  • At least some of the advantages the alternative proposals would bring to the Coroutines TS could be accomplished via incremental, non-breaking changes post-C++20 (though this would also come with costs, such as greater complexity).

Importantly, all of the authors were more or less in agreement on these points; their differences remained only in the conclusions they drew from them.

This allowed the Committee to make what I believe was a well-informed final decision, which was that merging the Coroutines TS into C++20 gained consensus both in EWG and subsequently in plenary. Notably, it wasn’t “just barely consensus,” either — the ratio of the final vote in plenary was on the order of 10 in favour to 1 against.

Networking TS

The Networking TS did not make C++20, in part due to concerns about its design based on usage experience, and in part because it depends on Executors which also didn’t make it (not even a subset, as was hoped at the last meeting).

Musings on the TS Process

Disclaimer: This section reflects my personal opinions on potentially controversial topics. Caveat lector / feel free to skip / etc.

Recall that using Technical Specifications as a vehicle to allow large proposals to mature before final standardization is a procedural experiment that the Committee embarked on after C++11, and which is still ongoing. I’ve mentioned that opinions on how successful this experiment has been, vary widely within the Committee.

I’ve previously characterized Concepts and Modules as examples of success stories for the TS process, as both features improved significantly between their TS and IS forms.

However, one realization has been on my mind of late: we don’t seem to have a great track record for motivating compiler vendors to implement language features in their TS form. Let’s survey a few examples:

  • Concepts was only implemented in its TS form by GCC. As far as I’m aware, Clang implementation efforts have specifically targeted their C++20 form only.
  • To my knowledge, the Modules TS does not have a complete implementation either; it was partially implemented in MSVC and Clang, but both efforts have since moved on to target the newer, C++20-track formulation.
  • As mentioned above, the Reflection TS does not have a complete implementation, nor is one being actively worked on. Implementation efforts again seem to be focused on the newer, constexpr-based reflection facilities that are targeting C++23.

(If I’m mistaken on any of these points, I apologize in advance; please do point it out in a comment, and I will amend the above list accordingly.)

The Coroutines TS, which has multiple shipping implementations, is a notable exception to the above pattern. Library TS’es such as Networking, Filesystem, Library Fundamentals, and Parallelism also have a good track record of implementation. The fact remains, though, that the majority of our core language TS’es have not managed to inspire complete implementations.

This somewhat calls into question the value of language TS’s as vehicles for gathering use experience: you can’t collect use experience if users don’t have an implementation to use. (By contrast, implementation experience can be gathered from partial implementation efforts, and certainly has been for both Concepts and Modules.)

It also calls into question claims along the lines of “choosing to standardize [Feature X] as a TS first doesn’t mean you [users] have to wait longer to get it; you can just use the TS!” — a claim that I admit to have made myself, multiple times, on this blog.

What are the takeaways from this? Are language TS’es still a good idea? I’m still trying to work that out myself, but I will suggest a couple of takeaways for now:

  • Implementations can move faster than standards. Language TS’es are often snapshots of a rapidly evolving design. By the time a TS is published, its design is often known to have important flaws, and often it’s already been iterated on. Compilers don’t have much of a motivation to polish an implementation of a known-to-be-broken thing, nor users a motivation to use it.
  • Large features take a long time to get right. To take Modules as an example: while the Modules TS didn’t end up being something people can really use in practice, it seems to me that pushing Modules into the C++17 IS would been a mistake as well; given the extent of the feature’s evolution between then and now, locking the design as it stood in ~2016 (the C++17 feature-complete date) into the IS would have resulted in a significantly less baked feature. That suggests to me, that perhaps the choice we gave ourselves back then (“Modules: TS, or C++17?”) was a false choice. Perhaps a better choice would have been to continue iterating on Modules until it’s ready, even if that meant not publishing any spec-like document about Modules in the 2017 timeframe. (Update: see below for a counter-argument.)

Perhaps the actionable suggestion here is to downplay the role of a TS as a way to get a core language feature in front of users early. They do play other roles as well, such as providing a stabilized draft of a feature’s specification to write proposed changes against, and arguably they remain quite useful in that role.

Update: since publishing this, I’ve received private feedback that included suggestions of other advantages of core language TS’es, which I’ve found compelling, and wanted to share:

  • They allow Core wording review of a feature to proceed even while there are outstanding design questions (which can be deferred to post-TS consideration), which can in turn result in important issues being discovered and resolved sooner.
  • They prod implementers by putting them on notice that the feature may be standardized in this form in the absence of feedback. While this may not lead to complete implementations of the TS, it often does lead to partial implementation efforts that generate very valuable feedback.

Continuing with the example of Modules, both of the above considerations were in play, and contributed to the high quality of the feature now headed for C++20.

Evolution Working Group

I spent most of the week in EWG, as usual, although I did elope to some Study Group meetings, and to EWGI for a day.

Here I will list the papers that EWG reviewed, categorized by topic, and also indicate whether each proposal was approved, had further work on it encouraged, or rejected. Approved proposals are targeting C++20 unless otherwise mentioned; “further work” proposals are not, as this meeting was the deadline for EWG approval for C++20.


Contracts — which have been added into the C++20 working draft at the last meeting — have been the subject of very extensive mailing list discussions, and what I understand to be fairly heated in-person debates in EWG. I wasn’t in the room for them (I was in EWGI that day), but my understanding is that issues that have come up related to (1) undefined behaviour caused by compilers assuming the truth of contact predicates, and (2) incremental rollout of contracts in a codebase where they may not initially be obeyed at the time of introduction, have led to a plurality of stakeholders to believe that the Contracts feature as currently specified is broken.

To remedy this, three different solutions were proposed. The first two — “Avoiding undefined behaviour in contracts” and “Contracts that work” — attempted to fix the feature in the C++20 timeframe, with different approaches.

The third proposal was to just remove Contracts from C++20.

However, none of these proposals gained EWG consensus, so for now the status quo — a feature believed to be a broken in the working draft — remains.

I expect that updated proposals to resolve this impasse will forthcome at the next meeting, though I cannot predict their direction.

EWG did manage to agree on one thing: to rename the context-sensitive keywords that introduce pre- and post-conditions from expects and ensures (respectively) to pre and post. Another proposed tweak, to allow contract predicates on non-first decarations, failed to gain consensus.


EWG reviewed a handful of Modules-related proposals:

  • (Approved) Constrained internal linkage for modules. This is a design fix that supersedes two other proposals related to linkage, “Modules: ADL & internal linkage” and “Module partitions are not a panacea”, by making code that would run into the underlying issues ill-formed. Notably, the proposal requires a diagnostic when the rules it introduces are violated; I’m very glad of this, as I find the “ill-formed, no diagnostic required” semantics that pervade the language (particularly those where there is actual implementation divergence on whether or not an error diagnostic is issued) a significant pitfall.
  • (Sent to SG15) Implicit module partition lookup. This aims to address part of the tooling-related concerns around Modules by introducing a standard mechanism by which module names are resolved to file names. EWG felt that it would be more appropriate for this proposal to target the C++ Ecosystem TR rather than the IS, and accordingly forwarded the paper to SG 15 (Tooling).
  • (Further work) Module resource dependency propagation. This is a proposal to allow annotating modular source files with the filenames of resource files (think e.g. an image that the code in the source file needs to use, that is shipped with an application) that they depend on, with the annotation appearing on the module declaration; the idea is that these annotations could inform a build system which could extract them and make them part of its dependency graph. EWG was sympathetic to the objectives but recognized that a proposal like this has specification challenges, as the current standard says very little about aspects of the host environment in which translation (building the program) takes place.

A couple of informational papers were also looked at:

  • Are Modules fast? attempts to characterize the performance impact of Modules via a microbenchmark. The gist of the results is that Modules tend to increase throughput while potentially also increasing latency, depending on the shape of your program’s dependency graph, an observation which is also corroborated by real-world deployment experience.
  • Make me a module describes an experimental implementation of build system support for Modules in GNU make.


Coroutines was probably the most talked-about subject at this meeting. I summarized the procedural developments that led to the Coroutines TS ultimately being merged into C++20, above.

Preceding that consequential plenary vote was an entire day of design discussion in EWG. The papers that informed the high-level directional discussion included:

  • The alternative proposals: Core Coroutines and Symmetric Coroutines.
  • Two papers outlining how something that accomplishes many of the goals of the alternative proposals can be built on top of the Coroutines TS in a backwards compatible fashion (the first of these is the “unified” proposal by Facebook that I mentioned in my last report).
  • Two analysis papers comparing the various approaches in detail, one focused on use cases and the second on language and implementation impact.
  • An experience report about implementing a coroutine TS frontend to an existing tasking library.

I’d say the paper that had the biggest impact on the outcome was the analysis paper about the language and implementation impact. This is what discussed, in detail, what I described above as an “implementation challenge” shared by Core Coroutines and Symmetric Coroutines. The issue here is that both of these proposals aim to expose the coroutine frame — the data structure that stores the coroutine state, including local variables that persist across suspension points — as a first-class object in C++. The reason this is challenging is that first-class C++ objects have certain properties, such as their sizeof being known at constant expression evaluation time, which happens in the compiler front-end; however, the size of a coroutine frame is not known with any reasonable amount of accuracy until after optimizations and other tasks more typically done by the middle- or back-end stages of a compiler. Implementer consensus was that introducing this kind of depedency of the front-end on optimization passes is prohibitive in terms of implementation cost. The paper explores alternatives that involve language changes, such as introducing the notion of “late-sized types” whose size is not available during constant expression evaluation; some of these were deemed to be implementable, but the required language changes would have been extensive and still required a multi-year implementation effort. (The problem space here also has considerable overlap with variable-length arrays, which the committee has not been able to agree on to date.)

This, I believe was the key conclusion that convinced EWG members that if we go with the alternatives, we’re not likely to have Coroutines until the C++26 timeframe, and in light of that choice, to choose having the Coroutines TS now.

EWG also looked at a couple of specific proposed changes to the Coroutines TS, both of which were rejected:

  • (Rejected) The trouble with coroutine_traits. This would have enhanced the ability of a programmer to customize the behaviour of a third-party coroutine type. I think the main reason for rejection was that the proposal involved new syntax, but the specific syntax had not been decided on, and there wasn’t time to hash it out in the C++20 timeframe. The proposal may come back as an enhancement in C++23.
  • (Rejected) Coroutines TS simplifications. There weren’t strong objections to this, but ultimately proceeding with the TS unmodified had the greater consensus as it has implementation experience.


The march to make ever more things possible in constexpr continued this week:

  • (Approved) Permitting trivial default initialization in constexpr contexts. “Trivial default initialization” refers to things like int x; at local scope, which leaves x uninitialized. This is currently ill-formed in a constexpr context; this proposal relaxes it so that it’s only ill-formed if you actually try to read the uninitialized value. The interesting use cases here involve arrays, such as the one used to implement a small-vector optimization.
  • (Approved) Adding the constinit keyword. This is a new keyword that can be used on a variable declaration to indicate that the initial value must be computed at compile time, without making the variable const (so that the value can be modified at runtime).
  • (Further work) constexpr structured bindings. This is targeting C++23; EWG didn’t request any specific design changes, but did request implementation experience.
  • (Rejected) An update on “More constexpr containers”. This proposal was previously approved by EWG, and had two parts: first, allowing dynamic allocation during constant evaluation; and second, allowing the results of the dynamic allocation to survive to runtime, at which time they are considered static storage. Recent work on this proposal unearthed an issue with the second part, related to what is mutable and what is constant during the constant evaluation. The authors proposed a solution, but EWG found the solution problematic for various reasons. After lengthy discussion, people agreed that a better solution is desired, but we don’t have time to find one for C++20, and the “promotion to static storage” ability can’t go forward without a solution, so this part of the proposal was yanked and will be looked at again for C++23. (The first part, dynamic allocations without promotion to static storage, remains on track for C++20.)


Pattern matching

  • (Further work) Pattern matching. This is one of the most exciting proposals to look forward to in C++23; it will bring a pattern matching facility comparable to that in Rust and other modern languages, to C++. EWG spent most of an afternoon on it and gave the authors a lot of guidance, including on syntax choices, parseability, readability, and the proposed customization point design.
  • (Rejected) Disallow _ usage in C++20 for pattern matching in C++23. By the same authors as the pattern matching proposal, this paper tried to land-grab the _ identifier in C++20 for future use as a wildcard pattern in C++23 pattern matching. EWG wasn’t on board, due to concerns over existings uses of _ in various libraries, and the availability of other potential symbols. This does mean that the wildcard pattern in C++23 pattern matching will (very likely) have to be spelt some other way than _.

Other new features

  • (Approved) Expansion statements. This is a form of compile-time for loop that can iterate over tuple-like objects, constexpr ranges, and parameter packs. The feature has been revised to address previous EWG feedback and use a single syntax, for...
  • (Approved) using enum. This allows bringing all the enumerators of an enumeration, or just a specific enumerator, into scope such that they can be referenced without typing the enumeration name or enclosing type name. Approved with the modification that it acts like a series of using-declarations.

Bug / Consistency Fixes

(Disclaimer: don’t read too much into the categorization here. One person’s bug fix is another’s feature.)

  • (Approved) char8_t backwards compatibility remediation. This contains a couple of minor, library-based mitigations for the backwards compatibility breakage caused by u8 literals changing from type char to char8_t. Additional library and language-based mitigations were mentioned but not proposed.
  • (Approved) Reference capture of structured bindings. Value capture was already approved at the previous meeting.
  • (Approved) Implicit creation of objects for low-level object manipulation. This is largely standard wording changes to make certain widely-used code patterns, such as using malloc() to allocate a POD object, defined. It also introduces a new “barrier operation” std::bless, a kind of counterpart to std::launder, which facilities writing custom operations that implicitly create objects like malloc(). One point that came up during discussion is that this proposal makes things like implementing a small vector optimization in constexpr possible (recall that things which trigger undefined behaviour at runtime are ill-formed during constant evaluation).
  • (Approved) Deprecating volatile. Despite the provocative title, which is par for the course from our esteemed JF Bastien, this only deprecates uses of volatile which have little to no practical use, such as volatile-qualified member functions.
  • (Approved) Layout-compatibility and pointer-interconvertibility traits. This allows checking at compile time whether certain operations like converting between two unrelated pointer types would be safe.
  • (Approved) [[nodiscard("should have a reason")]]. This extends the ability to annotate an attribute with a reason string, which [[deprecated]] already has, to [[nodiscard]].
  • (Approved) More implicit moves. This extends the compiler’s ability to implicitly move rather than copy an object in some situations where it knows the original is about to go out of scope anyways. (The suggested future extension regarding assignment operators was not encouraged.)
  • (Further work) Ultimate copy elision. This is an ambitious proposal to give compilers license to elide copies in cases not covered by the as-if rule (i.e. cases where the compiler can’t prove the elision isn’t observable; this is typically the case when the copy constructor being invoked isn’t entirely inline). The benefits are clear, but there are concerns that the proposed changes are not sound; more analysis and implementation experience is needed.

Proposals Not Discussed

Notable among proposals that didn’t come up this week is Herb’s static exceptions proposal. As this is a C++23-track proposal, it was deliberately kept out of EWG so far to avoid distracting from C++20, but it is expected to come up at the next meeting in Cologne.

Evolution Working Group Incubator

The EWG Incubator group (EWGI), meeting for the second time since its inception at the last meeting, continued to do a preliminary round of review on EWG-bound proposals.

I wasn’t there for most of the week, but here are the papers the group forwarded to EWG:

Numerous other proposals were asked to return to EWGI with revisions. I’ll call out a few particularly interesting ones:

  • Overload sets as function parameters. Being able to pass around overload sets has been proposed and shot down numerous times before. The novely in this approach is that it’s opt-in at the callee side, not the caller side.
  • Parametric expressions. This is an ambitious proposal that aims to bring a sort of a hygienic macro system to C++.
  • Object relocations in terms of move plus destroy. This aims to solve some common performance issues in the implementation of container types, where for some types of objects, relocating them to newly allocated storage can safely be done via a memcpy rather than invoking a move constructor and destructor, but the infrastructure for identifying such types is not present.
  • Language variants. This would add a core-language sum type, similar to Rust’s enums, to C++, as an alternative to the library-based std::variant.

Other Working Groups

Library Groups

Having sat in the Evolution groups, I haven’t been able to follow the Library groups in any amount of detail, but I’ll call out some of the more notable library proposals that have gained design approval at this meeting:

Study Groups

SG 1 (Concurrency)

C++20-track work reviewed this week included revisions to joining thread, and deprecating volatile.

v1 of the Concurrency TS will be withdrawn; v2 continues to be under active development, with asymmetric fences approved for it this week.

Executors continue to be a hot topic. SG 1 forwaded two papers related to them onward to the Library Evolution Working Group, while three others remain under review. An earlier plan to ship a subset of executors in C++20 had to be scrapped, because LEWG requested the the “property” mechanism it relies on be generalized, but it was too late in the cycle to progress that for C++20. As a result, Executors are now targeting C++23.

Other proposals under active review in SG 1 concern fibers, concurrent associative data structures, memory model issues, volatile_load and volatile_store, customization points for atomic_ref, and thread-local storage.

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

The main topic in SG 7 continues to be deciding on the high-level direction for constexpr-based reflection in the (hopefully) C++23 timeframe. The two proposals on the table are scalable reflection in C++ and constexpr reflexpr; their main point of divergence is whether they use a single type (meta::info) to represent all compile-time reflection metadata objects (also known as reflections), or whether there should be a family / hierarchy (not necessarily inheritance-based) of such types (meta::variable, meta::function, etc.).

SG 7 expressed a preference for the “family of types” approach at the last meeting, however the point continues to be debated as the proposal authors gather more experience. The “single type” approach has been motivated by implementation experience in the EDG and Clang compilers, which has suggested this can achieve better compile-time performance. The “family of types” approach is motivated more by API design considerations, as expressed in the position paper constexpr C++ is not constexpr C.

While a consensus on this point is yet to emerge, a possible (and potentially promising) direction might be to build the “family of types” approach as a layer on top of the “single type” approach, which would be the one implemented using compiler primitives.

SG 7 also reviewed a proposal for a modern version of offsetof, which was forwaded to LEWG.

SG 15 (Tooling)

The Tooling Study Group (SG 15) met for an evening session, primarily to discuss tooling-related concerns around Modules.

As mentioned above, now that Modules has achieved consensus among compiler implemeters, tooling concerns (nicely summarized in this paper) are the remaining significant point of contention.

The concerns fall into two main areas: (1) how build systems interact with Modules, and (2) how non-compiler tools that consume source code (such as static analyzers) can continue to do so in a Modular world. The heart of the issue is that components of the C++ ecosystem that previously needed to rely only on behaviour specified in the C++ standard, and some well-established conventions (e.g. that compilers find included headers using a search path that can be disclosed to tools as well), now in a Modular world need to rely on behaviours that are out of scope of the C++ standard and for which established conventions are yet to emerge (such as how module names are mapped to module interface files, or how translation of imported modules is invoked / performed).

To address these concerns, SG 15 has announced what I view as probably the most exciting development since the group’s inception: that it will aim to produce and publish a C++ Ecosystem Technical Report containing guidance regarding the above-mentioned areas.

A Technical Report (TR) is a type of published ISO document which is not a specification per se, but contains guidance or discussion pertaining to topics covered by other specifications. The committee has previously published a TR in 2006, on C++ performance.

A TR seems like an appropriate vehicle for addressing the tooling-related concerns around Modules. While the committee can’t mandate e.g. how module names should map to file names, by providing guidance about it in the C++ Ecosystem TR, hopefully we can foster the emergence of widely followed conventions and best practices, which can in turn help maintain a high level of interoperability for tools.

The announcement of plans for a C++ Ecosystem TR did not completely assuage tool authors’ concerns; some felt that, while it was a good direction, Modules should be delayed and standardized in tandem with the TR’s publication in the C++23 timeframe. However, this was a minority view, and as mentioned Modules went on to successfully merge into the C++20 working draft at the end of the meeting.

Other Study Groups

Other Study Groups that met at this meeting include:

  • SG 6 (Numerics), which met for about two days and reviewed a dozen or so proposals. Topics discussed included utility functions, floating point types, number representations, and linear algebra (the latter being a hot topic for the committee these days, with a lot of interest from the new SG 19 (Machine Learning) as well).
  • SG 12 (Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour), which met to discuss an informational paper on pointer provenance and a paper about signed integer overflow; the latter was referred to SG 20 as a matter of educating C++ programmers. There was also the now-usual joint session with WG23 – Software Vulnerabilities, where additional sections of the C++ vulnerabilities document were reviewed; there will also be upcoming work on MISRA.
  • SG 13 (Human/Machine Interface), which met for half a day to review a proposal for a standard audio API, which generated a lot of interest. There were no developments related to 2D graphics at this meeting.
  • SG 16 (Unicode). Papers reviewed include compile-time regular expressions, source-code information capture, and charset transcoding, transformation, and transliteration.
  • SG 19 (Machine Learning) had its first meeting this week. This paper provides a good overview of how SG 19 envisions structuring its work. The initial work is understandably focused on fundamentals such as linear algebra primitives. Like many other study groups, SG 19 will hold monthly teleconferences to make progress in between in-person meetings.
  • SG 20 (Education) also had its first in-person meeting. They plan to produce a “standing paper” of educational guidelines (see this proposed early draft). They will also hold monthly telecons.

Next Meetings

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Cologne, Germany, the week of July 15th, 2019.


This was an eventful and productive meeting, and it seems like the progress made at this meeting has been well-received by the user community as well! With Modules and Coroutines joining the ranks of Concepts, Ranges, contracts, default comparisons and much else in the C++20 working draft, C++20 is promising to the most significant language update since C++11.

Due to sheer number of proposals, there is a lot I didn’t cover in this post; if you’re curious about a specific proposal that I didn’t mention, please feel free to ask about it in the comments.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in San Diego, November 2018

Summary / TL;DR



Project What’s in it? Status
C++17 See list Published!
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v3 See below Under active development
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20, including (now) abbreviated function templates!
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Published!
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Subset headed for C++20, rest in C++23
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under development. Depends on Executors.
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published! Not headed for C++20.
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Merged into C++20!
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Published! C++20 merge uncertain
Modules v1 A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Published as a TS
Modules v2 Improvements to Modules v1, including a better transition path On track to be merged into C++20
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
Graphics TS 2D drawing API Future uncertain
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms PDTS ballot underway; publication expected in early 2019

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected any day now). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in San Diego, California. This was the third committee meeting in 2018; you can find my reports on preceding meetings here (June 2018, Rapperswil) and here (March 2018, Jacksonville), and earlier ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Rapperswil one, provide useful context for this post.

This meeting broke records (by a significant margin) for both attendance (~180 people) and number of proposals submitted (~270). I think several factors contributed to this. First, the meeting was in California, for the first time in the five years that I’ve been attending meetings, thus making it easier to attend for Bay Area techies who weren’t up for farther travels. Second, we are at the phase of the C++20 cycle where the door is closing for new proposals targeting to C++20, so for people wanting to get features into C++20, it was now or never. Finally, there has been a general trend of growing interest in participation in C++ standardization, and thus attendance has been rising even independently of other factors.

This meeting was heavily focused on C++20. As discussed in the committee’s standardization schedule document, this was the last meeting to hear new proposals targeting C++20, and the last meeting for language features with significant library impact to gain design approval. A secondary focus was on in-flight Technical Specifications, such as Library Fundamentals v3.

To accommodate the unprecedented volume of new proposals, there has also been a procedural change at this meeting. Two new subgroups were formed: Evolution Incubator (“EWGI”) and Library Evolution Incubator (“LEWGI”), which would look at new proposals for language and library changes (respectively) before forwarding them to the Evolution or Library Evolution Working Groups (EWG and LEWG). The main purpose of the incubators is to reduce the workload on the main Evolution groups by pre-filtering proposals that need additional work before being productively reviewed by those groups. A secondary benefit was to allow the attendees to be spread out across more groups, as otherwise EWG and LEWG would have likely exceeded their room capacities.


Here are the new changes voted into C++20 Working Draft at this meeting. For a list of changes voted in at previous meetings, see my Rapperswil report.

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard (IS), the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of experimental “feature branches”, where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

At this meeting, the committee iterated on a number of TSes under development.

Reflection TS

The Reflection TS was sent out for its PDTS ballot at the last meeting. As described in previous reports, this is a process where a draft specification is circulated to national standards bodies, who have an opportunity to provide feedback on it. The committee can then make revisions based on the feedback, prior to final publication.

The PDTS ballot is still ongoing, so there wasn’t much to do on this front at this meeting. We expect the ballot results to be ready by the next meeting (February 2019, in Kona), at which time we’ll address the ballot comments and, time permitting, approve the revised TS for publication.

One minor snafu discovered at this meeting is that prior to the PDTS ballot, the Reflection TS, which depends on Concepts, has been rebased onto C++20, to take advantage of C++20 Concepts (previously, it was based on the Concepts TS). Unfortunately, ISO rules don’t allow publishing a TS before its base document is published, which means that to publish the Reflection TS as-is, we’d have to wait to do it concurrently with the C++20 publication in late 2020. We very much don’t want to wait that long, since the purpose of the Reflection TS is to gather feedback from users in preparation for revised Reflection features in C++23, and the earlier we start getting that feedback, the better. So, we’ll have to un-rebase the Reflection TS onto {C++17 + Concepts TS} to be able to publish it in early 2019 as planned. Isn’t red tape fun?

Library Fundamentals TS v3

This third iteration (v3) of the Library Fundamentals TS is open for new features to be added. (The TS working draft currently contains features from v2 which haven’t been merged into the C++ IS yet.) The only changes voted in at this meeting were a rebase and some issue resolutions, but a number of new features are on the way.


As discussed below, the revised plans for Executors are for a subset of them to target C++20, and the rest C++23. An Executors TS is not planned at this time.

Merging Technical Specifications into C++20

Turning now to Technical Specifications that have already been published, but not yet merged into the IS, the C++ community is eager to see some of these merge into C++20, thereby officially standardizing the features they contain.

Ranges TS

The Ranges TS modernizes and Conceptifies significant parts of the standard library (the parts related to algorithms and iterators), as well as introducing exciting new features such as range views.

After years of hard work developing these features and going through the TS process, the Ranges TS was finally merged into C++20, paving the way for wider adoption of these features.

Concepts TS

The approval of abbreviated function templates for C++20 at this meeting can be thought of as completing the merge of the Concepts TS into C++20: all the major features in the TS have now been merged, with some design modifications inspired by implementer and user feedback.

While the journey took longer than was initially hoped, in my opinion Concepts is a better feature for the design changes made relative to the Concepts TS, and as such this is an example of the TS process working as intended.

Modules TS

Modules remains one of the most highly anticipated features by the C++ user community. This meeting saw really good progress on Modules: a “merged” Modules design, combining aspects of the Modules TS and the alternative Atom proposal, gained design approval for C++20.

This outcome exceeded expectations in that previously, the merged proposal seemed more likely to target a Modules TS v2 or C++23, with a subset possibly targeting C++20; however, thanks in significant part to the special one-off Modules-focused Bellevue meeting in September, good enough progress was made on the merged design that the authors were comfortable proposing putting the entire thing into C++20, which EWG subsequently approved.

As this is a large proposal, wording review by the Core Working Group will take some time, and as such, a plenary vote to merge the reviewed wording into the C++20 working draft won’t take place until the next meeting or the one after; however, as all the major compiler implementers seem to be on board with this design, and there is overwhelming demand for the feature from the user community, I expect smooth sailing for that vote.

In fewer words: Modules is on track for C++20!

Coroutines TS

The Coroutines TS was once again proposed for merger into C++20 at this meeting. This is the third time this proposal was made (the other two times being at the previous two meetings). At the last meeting, the proposal got as far as a plenary vote at the end of the week, which narrowly failed.

The opposition to merging the TS into C++20 comes from the fact that a number of people have concerns about the Coroutines TS design (some of them are summarized in this paper), and an alternative proposal that addresses these concerns (called “Core Coroutines”) is under active development. Unfortunately, Core Coroutines is not sufficiently-baked to make C++20, so going with it would mean delaying Coroutines until C++23. Opinions differ on whether this is a worthwhile tradeoff: the Core Coroutines authors are of the view that C++ will remain a relevant language for 50 years or more, and waiting 3 years to improve a feature’s design is worthwhile; others have made it clear that they want Coroutines yesterday.

After the failure of last meeting’s merger proposal, it was hoped that waiting one more meeting would allow for the Core Coroutines proposal to mature a bit. While we knew it wouldn’t be ready for C++20, we figured the added maturity would allow us to better understand what we would be giving up by merging the Coroutines TS into C++20, and possibly identify changes we could make the Coroutines TS before C++20’s publication that would make incremental improvements inspired by Core Coroutines backwards-compatible, thereby allowing us to make a more informed decision on the C++20 merger.

Core Coroutines did make significant progress since the last meeting: the updated proposal is simpler, more fleshed out, and has a cleaner syntax. The impasse has also inspired efforts, led by Facebook, to combine the two proposals in such a way that would unblock the merger into C++20, and allow for backwards-comaptible improvements achieving many of the goals of Core Coroutines in C++23, but these efforts are at a relatively early stage (a paper describing the combined design in detail was circulated for the first time while the meeting was underway).

Ultimately, waiting a meeting doesn’t seem to have changed many people’s minds, and we saw a replay of what happened in Rapperswil: EWG narrowly passed the merger, and plenary narrowly rejected it; interestingly, the level of consensus in plenary appears to have decreased slightly since Rapperswil.

To keep C++20 on schedule, the final deadline for approving a TS merger is the next meeting, at Kona. The merger will undoubtedly be re-proposed then, and there remains some optimism that further development of Facebook’s combined proposal might allow us to gain the required confidence in a future evolution path to approve the merger for C++20; otherwise, we’re looking at getting Coroutines in C++23.

Networking TS

It’s looking like the Networking TS will not be merged into C++20, in large part due to the concerns presented this paper discussing usage experience. The TS will instead target C++23.

Evolution Working Group

With the increased number of subgroups meeting in parallel, it’s becoming more challenging to follow what goes on in the committee.

I usually sit in EWG for the duration of the meeting, and summarize the design discussions that take place in that group. I will try to do so again, but I did miss some EWG time while sitting in some study group meetings and Evolution Incubator meetings, so expect some reduction in the amount of detail. If you have specific questions that I didn’t cover, feel free to ask in the comments.

This time, I’ll categorize proposals by topic. For your convenience, I still indicate whether each proposal was approved, had further work on it encouraged, or rejected. Proposals are targeting C++20 unless otherwise mentioned.


The headline item here is the approval of the compromise design for abbreviated function templates (AFTs). With this syntax, AFTs look like this:

void f(Concept auto x);

This makes both the “I want to write a function template without the template<...> notation” and the “I want to be able to tell syntactically if a function is a template” camps happy (the latter because the auto tells you the parameter has a deduced type, and therefore the function is a template).

You can also use Concept auto as a return type, and as the type of a variable. In each case, the type is deduced, and the deduced type has to satisy the concept. The paper as written would have allowed the return type and variable cases to omit the auto, but this didn’t have consensus and was removed.

Note that you can write just void f(auto x); as well, making functions consistent with lambdas which could already do this.

Finally, as part of this change, a restriction was imposed on the template <Concept T> notation, that T has to be a type. For non-type and template template parameters, constraints can only be specified using a requires-clause. The motivation here is to be able to tell syntactically what type of entity T is.

A few other Concepts-related proposals were looked at:

  • (Further work) How to make terse notation soar with class template argument deduction. The idea here is to combine class template argument deduction (CTAD) and Concepts such that a class template name (e.g. tuple) can be used as a parameter type as if it were a concept (with the concept being, roughly, “this type is a specialization of tuple“). The proposal was generally well-received, but there are some technical details to iron out, and design alternatives to consider (e.g. spelling it tuple<auto...>), so this will be revisited for C++23.
  • (Rejected) A simple proposal for unifying generic and object-oriented programming. This is a more ambitious proposal to try to allow writing code that works with a set of polymorphic types, that looks the same regardless of whether the polymorphism is dynamic (inheritance) or static (concepts). Reception was mixed; some felt this would introduce a new programming model with relatively little benefit.
  • (Rejected) Concept-defined placeholder types. This would have allowed defining a “placeholder type” constained by a concept, and using that type in place of the concept. It didn’t really fit with the AFT design that was approved.
  • (Rejected) Multi-argument constrained parameter. This proposed a whitespace-based syntax for introducing multiple constrained parameters in a template parameter list, e.g. template <EqualityComparableWith T U>. EWG didn’t feel the whitespace syntax was an improvement over other syntaxes that have been rejected, like template <EqualityComparableWith{T, U}>.

EWG ran out of time to review the updated “constraining Concepts overload sets” proposal. However, there was some informal speculation that the chances of this proposal making C++20 have diminished, because the proposal has grown a lot more complex in an attempt to address EWG’s feedback on the previous version, which suggests that feedback had touched on some hard problems that we may not be in a good position to solve at this time.


As mentioned, perhaps the biggest high-point of this meeting was EWG’s approval of the merged Modules design for C++20. “Merged” here refers to the proposal combining aspects of the Modules TS design, and the alternative Atom proposal. Perhaps most significantly, the design borrows the Atom proposal’s legacy header imports feature, which is intended to better facilitate incremental transition of existing large codebases to Modules.

Several minor modifications to this design and related changes were also proposed:

  • (Approved) Making module a context-sensitive keyword, take two. Following consistent feedback from many segments of the user community that making module a hard keyword would break too much code, a new proposal for making it context-sensitive, this time with simpler disambiguation rules, was approved.
  • (Approved) Single-file modules with the Atom semantic properties rule. This allows module authors to do certain things that previously required separate module partitions in separate files, in one file.
  • (Approved) Module preamble is unnecessarily fragile. This tweaks the rules for where a module file’s “preamble” (the area containing the module declaration and imports) ends, with a view to making the user model simpler.
  • (Approved) Redefinitions in legacy imports. This clarifies some of the rules in scenarios involving legacy header imports.
  • (Further work) Modules and freestanding. This mostly has to do with how to split the standard library into modules, with the relevance to EWG being that we should have a consistent approach for dealing with freestanding implementations in the language and in the library. EWG did not reach a consensus on this topic, mostly because there are a wide variety of freestanding environments with different constraints, and a single subset of the language does not fit all of them.
  • (Further work) Inline module partitions. This is a generalization of “Single-file modules with the Atom semantic properties rule”, which would allow defining an arbitirary number of module partitions “inline” in a single file. EWG encouraged further development of this idea, but for post-C++20.
  • (Rejected) Global module fragment is unnecessary. The global module fragment is one of two mechanisms for transitioning existing code to Modules (the other being legacy header imports). The author of this paper suggested that just legacy header imports may be sufficient, but this was emphatically argued against based on implementation experience at some companies, leading to the proposal’s rejection.
  • (Rejected) Retiring pernicious language constructs in module contexts. This paper suggested that Modules was an opportunity to shed some of the language’s legacy cruft by making certain constructs invalid inside a module (while they would remain valid in non-modular code for backwards compatibility). There wasn’t much enthusiasm for this idea, largely because it’s expected that people will want to be able to freely copy / migrate code from a non-modular context to a modular context and vice versa.


  • (Approved) Access control in contract conditions. This was the subject of a very long and drawn-out debate on the committee mailing lists which I won’t attempt to summarize, but the outcome was that pre- and post-conditions on member functions can reference private and protected variables inside the class, even though we think of them as being part of the class’s public interface.
  • (Approved) Contract postconditions and return type deduction. This is a tweak regarding the interaction between postconditions and return type deduction, with the intention to avoid surprising behaviour. Option 3 from the paper had consensus.
  • (Further work) Allowing contract predicates on non-first declarations. EWG was open to this idea, but some implementation issues (such as who emits the code for the contract check) need to be ironed out.
  • (Further work) Undefined behaviour in contract violations. This was another topic that engendered very extensive mailing list discussion. No decision was made this week, but the likely direction is to specify that contracts (except perhaps axioms) do not allow compilers to assume additional things they couldn’t already assume.
  • (Rejected) Contracts updates. Of the three minor changes proposed in this paper, the first was a trivial wording change (which was approved); the second had no consensus; and the third was deemed unimplementable.


Continuing with the committee’s concerted effort to make clunkier forms of compile-time programming (such as template metaprogramming) unnecessary, EWG approved further extensions to constexpr:


I mentioned above that EWG narrowly passed the latest version of a proposal to merge the Coroutines TS into C++20, only to have it rejected in a plenary vote.

The technical discussion of this topic centred around an updated version of the competing Core Coroutines proposal, and a paper by Facebook engineers arguing that most of the benefits of Core Coroutines could be achieved through extensions to the Coroutines TS, and we should therefore go ahead with the Coroutines TS in C++20.

An interesting development that emerged mid-meeting is the Facebook folks coming up with a “unified coroutines” proposal that aims to achieve consensus by combining aspects of the two competing proposals. There wasn’t really enough time for the committee to digest this proposal, but we are all hopeful it will help us make an informed final decision (final for C++20, that is) at the next meeting.

Structured Bindings

  • (Approved in part) Extend structured bindings to be more like variable declarations. Structured bindings can now be static, thread_local, or constexpr; in each case, this applies to the entire composite object being destructured. Rules around linkage were also clarified. Capture of bindings by a lambda was deferred for further work.
  • (Further work) Simplify the customization point for structured bindings. EWG wholehearted wants an overhaul of the customization point (the current one just piggybacks on the customization point for tuple-like that we already had in the language), but felt this proposal addressed just one piece of what is a larger puzzle. A more complete proposal may look something like the operator extract from an earlier pattern matching proposal.
  • (Rejected) Structured bindings with explicit types. This was rejected because the use cases will be addressed more comprehensively with pattern matching.

Class Template Argument Deduction (CTAD)

  • (Approved in part) Filling holes in class template argument deduction. CTAD now works with aggregates, alias templates, and inheriting constructors. Making CTAD work with partial template argument lists was rejected because it would be a breaking change in some cases (e.g. consider vector<any>(MyAlloc())).
  • (Rejected) Improving function templates with CTAD. EWG found that this would involve a lot of complexity, since with function templates you don’t just have one template definition as with class templates, but a whole overload set.


Most comparison-related proposals involved early adopters trying out the spaceship operator (<=>) and discovering problems with it.

  • (Approved) I did not order this! Why is it on my bill?, which probably deserves a medal of some sort for most creative paper title. (Explanation: the paper concerns scenarios where you don’t care about ordering your type, only equality-comparing it, you implement a defaulted operator<=> (because that’s “the C++20 way” for all comparison use cases), and you pay a performance penalty that wouldn’t be there with hand-written code to deal with equality comparison only.) A related paper offers a solution, which is along the lines of making == be its own thing and not fall back to using <=>, since that’s where the inefficiency stems from (for types like string, if the lengths are different you can answer “not equal” much faster than if you’d have to answer “less” or “greater than”). A second part of the proposal, where a defaulted <=> would also generate a defaulted ==, so that users can be largely oblivious to this problem and just default one operator (<=>), was more controversial, but was still approved over some objections.
  • (Approved) When do you actually use <=>? The crux of this paper is that we’ve had to invent a library function compare_3way() wrapping <=> and that’s what we want to use most of the time, so we should just give <=> the semantics of that function.
  • (Mooted) weak_equality considered harmful. This proposal has become moot as implementations of == are no longer generated in terms of <=>. (As a result, weak_equality and strong_equality are no longer used and will likely be removed in the future.)
  • (Rejected) Chaining comparisons. Despite previous encouragement, this was now rejected due to concerns about teachability and implementation issues.

Other New Features

  • (Further work) Deducing this. This proposal allows writing member functions where the type of this is deduced, thereby eliminating the need to duplicate implementations for things like const vs. non-const objects, and other sources of pain. There was a fair amount of technical discussion concerning recursive lambdas (which this proposal hopes to enable), name lookup rules, and other semantic details. The authors will return with a revised proposal.
  • (Rejected) Towards a lazy forwarding mechanism for C++. This would allow declaring function parameters to be “lazy”, such that their arguments are evaluated upon their use inside the function (and possibly not at all if there is no use), rather than at the call site; participants pointed out a similarity to Algol’s “call by name” feature. EWG wasn’t categorically opposed to the notion of lazy parameters, but the notion of having them without any call-site syntax (like this paper proposes) was controversial.

Bug / Consistency Fixes

(Disclaimer: don’t read too much into the categorization here. One person’s bug fix is another’s feature.)

  • (Approved) Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values. This finally allows things like vector::emplace_back() to work for aggregates.
  • (Approved) Contra CWG DR1778. This has to do with noexcept and explicitly defaulted functions. The first option from the paper was approved.
  • (Approved) Permit conversions to arrays of unknown bound. The motivation cited for this is working in environments where dynamic allocation is not allowed and use of pointers is restricted, and thus passing around variable-length arrays as arrays of unknown bound are the only way to work with dynamically sized data ranges.
  • (Approved) Array size deduction in new-expressions. This is a minor consistency fix that was also approved as a Defect Report against older language versions.
  • (Approved) Nested inline namespaces. This allows using the C++17 nested namespace syntax in cases where one or more of the namespaces are inline. Example: namespace foo::inline bar::baz { } is short for namespace foo { inline namespace bar { namespace baz { }}}. inline is not allowed in the leading position as people might mistakenly think it applies to the innermost namespace.
  • (Further work) Conditionally trivial special member functions. This is a small but important fix for library implementers who would otherwise have to use labour-intensive techniques to meet the triviality requirements set out for standard library types. This was essentially approved, but specification difficulties necessitate one more round of review.
  • (Further work) Ultimate copy elision. This aims to expand the set of scenarios in which the compiler is allowed to elide copies and moves (note: unlike the C++17 “guaranteed copy elision” feature, this is not requiring compilers to elide copies in these new scenarios, just allowing them). EWG liked the general idea but had concerns about the potential for code breakage in some scenarios.
  • (Further work) Adding the [[constinit]] attribute. The motivation here is cases where you want to guarantee that a variable’s initial value is computed at compile time (so no dynamic initialization required), without making the variable const (so that you can assign new values to it at runtime). EWG liked the idea but preferred using a keyword rather than an attribute. An alternative to decorate the initializer rather than the variable had no consensus.
  • (Postponed) short float. This proposal continues to face challenges due to concerns about different implementations using different sizes for it, or even different representations within the same size (number of bits in mantissa vs. exponent). As a result, there was no consensus for moving forward with it for C++20. There remains strong interest in the topic, so I expect it will come back for C++23, possibly under a different name (such as float16_t instead of short float, to specify the size more concretely).
  • (Rejected) Deprecate the addressof operator. This proposes to deprecate the overloading of operator &. EWG didn’t feel that removal was realistic given that we don’t have a good handle on the breadth of usage in the wild, and didn’t want to entertain deprecation without an intention to remove as a follow-up.

Evolution Working Group Incubator

As mentioned above, due to the increased quantity of proposals, an “EWG Incubator” group (EWGI) was also spun up to do a preliminary round of review on some proposals that EWG couldn’t get to this week, in the hope of making them better-baked for their eventual EWG review at a future meeting.

I only attended EWGI for half a day, so I don’t have much to report about the discussions that went on, but I will list the papers the group forwarded to EWG:

There were also a couple of papers EWGI referred for EWG review not necessarily because they’re sufficiently baked, but because they would benefit from evaluation by a larger group:

Numerous other proposals were asked to return to EWGI with revisions. I’ll call out a couple:

  • There were two proposals for pattern matching. The feature had strong support, and the authors were asked to return with a combined proposal.
  • There was another attempt at named arguments (called “labelled parameters” in the proposal). The novelty in this approach was putting the names in the type system, but without actually modifying any semantic rules like overload resolution, by encoding the labels using existing mechanisms in the type system, and then layering a “sugar” syntax on top. EWGI’s feedback was that the attempted abstraction will leak, and we’ll have to end up making deeper modifications to the type system after all, to have a usable feature. Encouragement to return was weak but existent.

Papers not discussed

There were, of course, also papers that neither EWG nor EWGI had the time to look at during this meeting; among them was Herb’s static exceptions proposal, which is widely anticipated, but not targeting C++20.

I’ll also briefly mention the lifetimebound proposal which Mozillians have expressed a particular interest in due to the increased lifetime safety it would bring: the authors feel that Microsoft’s lifetime checker, whose model of operation is now described in a paper is doing an adequate job of satisfying this use case outside of the core language rules (via annotations + a separate static checker). Microsoft’s lifetime checker ships with MSVC, and has a work-in-progress implementation in Clang as well, which can be tried out in Compiler Explorer, and will hopefully be open-sourced soon. See also Roc’s blog post on this subject.

Other Working Groups

Library Groups

Having sat in the Evolution groups, I haven’t been able to follow the Library groups in any amount of detail, but I’ll call out some of the more notable library proposals that have gained design approval at this meeting:

And a few notable proposals which are still undergoing design review, and are being treated with priority:

There are numerous other proposals in both categories above, I’m just calling out a few that seem particularly noteworthy. Please see the committee’s website for a full list of proposals.

Study Groups

SG 1 (Concurrency)

Most of the C++20-track work (jthread, Executors subset, synchronization omnibus paper, memory model fixes) has progressed out of the Concurrency Study Group and is mentioned above.

For Executors, the current plan is to put a subset of the unified proposal (specifically including “one way” and “bulk one way” executors, but not the other kinds) into C++20, and the rest into C++23; a TS is not planned at this time.

Coroutines-related library additions are not being reviewed yet; they need more bake time, and integration with the next revision of Executors.

SG 1 has opinions on freestanding implementations: they feel omitting thread_local from a freestanding implementation is fine, but omitting non-lock-free atomics or thread-safe statics is more controversial.

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

There were two meetings related to compile-time programming this week. The first was an evening session where the committee re-affirmed its preference for constexpr-based metaprogramming as the future of C++ metaprogramming, in preference to template metaprogramming (TMP). (There was some confusion in this regard, as there was a proposal to standardize Boost.Mp11, a TMP library. The feeling at the end of the meeting was that with constexpr metaprogramming just around the corner, it’s probably not the best use of committee time to standardize a TMP library.)

The second was an afternoon meeting of SG 7, where the main agenda item was reviewing two proposals for reflection based on constexpr metaprogramming: constexpr reflexpr, and scalable reflection in C++. The first is by the authors of the Reflection TS, and tries to carry over the Reflection TS facilities to the land of constexpr in a relatively straightforward way. The second is a variation of this approach that reflects experience gained from experimentation by some implementers. Both proposals also go further than the Reflection TS in functionality, by supporting reification, which involves going from meta-objects obtained via reflection back to the entities they represent.

One notable difference between the two proposals is that the first uses meta-objects of different types to represent different kinds of entities (e.g. meta::variable, meta::function, etc.), whereas the second uses just one type (meta::info) for all meta-objects, and requires using operations on them (e.g. is_variable()) to discriminate. The authors of the second proposal claim this is necessary for compile-time performance to be manageable; however, from an interface point of view the group preferred the different-types approach, and some implementers thought the performance issues could be solved. At the same time, there was agreement that while there should be different types, they should not form an inheritance hierarchy, but rather be type-erased by-value wrappers. In addition, the group felt that errors should be visible in the type system; that is, rather than having meta-objects admit an invalid state, reflection operations that can fail should return something like expected<meta::info> instead.

The target ship vehicle for a constexpr-based reflection facility is not set in stone yet, but people are hopeful for C++23.

In addition, SG 7 approved some guidelines for what kinds of library proposals should require SG 7 review.

SG 13 (Human/Machine Interface)

The Human/Machine Interface Study Group (SG 13) deals with proposals for graphics, event handling, and other forms of user interaction.

Its main product so far has been the 2D graphics proposal, which had been making good progress until it lost consensus to move forward at the last meeting. As there was still significant interest in this proposal in many user communities (see e.g. this paper arguing strongly for it), the Convenor asked SG 13 to have another look at it, to see if consensus could somehow be re-attained. There wasn’t extensive technical discussion of the proposal at this meeting, but we did go over some feedback from potential implementers; it was suggested that the author and other interested parties spend some time talking to graphics experts, many of whom are found in the Bay area (though not the ones at Mozilla – our graphics folks are mostly in the Toronto office).

The group also discussed the web_view proposal, which was positioned as an alternative to rolling our own graphics API. As the proposal effectively involves shipping a web platform implementation as part of the C++ standard library, this proposal has a lot of relevance to Mozilla. As such, I solicited feedback on it on Mozilla’s platform mailing list, and the feedback was pretty universally that this is not a good fit for the C++ standard library. I relayed this feedback at this meeting; nonetheless, the group as a whole was in favour of continuing to pursue this proposal. In fact, the group felt this and 2D graphics serve different use cases and should both be pursued in parallel. (Admittedly, there’s some selection bias going on here: people who choose to attend a meeting of SG 13 are naturally likely to be in favour of proposals in this topic area. I’m curious to see how these proposals will fare in front of a larger voting audience.)

There was also some general discussion of other topics in scope for this group. There are plans for bring forward a proposal for an audio API, and there were also ideas thrown around about things like event handling, user input, sensors, and VR.

SG 15 (Tooling)

The Tooling Study Group (SG 15) met for an evening session, and numerous papers concerning a variety of topics were presented.

The most pressing topic was how to integrate Modules with build systems. The problem is nicely summarized in this paper, and proposed solutions range from a separate “module mapper” component to relying on conventions.

The other major topic was general discussion about where to go in the space of dependency and package management. Ideas presented here include a set of APIs to allow components of a package ecosystem to interface with each other without requiring a particular implementation for any one component, and ideas around package specification.

I don’t feel like a lot of decisions were made in this session, and the group as a whole seems to be conflicted about what its role is given that these areas are not in the purview of the C++ standards document itself, but I still think the evening served as a valuable opportunity for pioneers in these areas to exchange areas and build mindshare around the tooling problems facing the C++ community.

Other Study Groups

Other Study Groups that met at this meeting include:

  • SG 6 (Numerics), which met for about a day and a half and reviewed a dozen or so proposals
  • SG 12 (Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour), which met both on its own (largely due discuss Contracts) and in joint session with WG23 – Software Vulnerabilities (where the focus was on vulnerabilities related to control structures)
  • SG 16 (Unicode), for which this was the first in-person meeting. The group approved a set of high-level priorities in addition to reviewing several specific proposals.

Freestanding Implementations

Not a study group, but this didn’t really fit anywhere else: there was an evening session to try to clarify the committee’s approach to freestanding implementations.

Freestanding implementations are, roughly speaking, those which cannot assume the presence of a full complement of operating system services, because they’re e.g. targeting kernel code or other “bare metal” scenarios; such implementations cannot practically make use of all language features, such as exceptions.

The standard currently defines a subset of the library that is intended to be supported on freestanding implementations, but defines no such subset for the language. Attempts to define such a subset tend to be stymied by the fact that different environments have different constraints, so one subset does not fit all.

The session didn’t reach any firm conclusions, but one possible direction is to avoid trying to define subsets, and instead make it easier for target environments to not use features of the language that are not applicable or practical for it.

New Study Groups

Two new Study Groups were announced at this meeting. Quoting their charters from Herb Sutter’s trip report:

SG 19 (Machine Learning):

We feel we can leverage C++’s strengths in generic programming, optimization and acceleration, as well as code portability, for the specific domain of Machine Learning. The aim of SG19 is to address and improve on C++’s ability to support fast iteration, better support for array, matrix, linear algebra, in memory passing of data for computation, scaling, and graphing, as well as optimization for graph programming.

SG 20 (Education):

We feel we have an opportunity to improve the quality of C++ education, to help software developers correctly use our language and ecosystem to write correct, maintainable, and performing software. SG20 aims to create curriculum guidelines for various levels of expertise and application domains, and to stimulate WG21 paper writers to include advise on how to teach the new feature they are proposing to add to the standard.

Next Meetings

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Kona, Hawaii, the week of February 18th, 2019.


C++ standards development continues to progress at an unprecedented pace. My highlights for this meeting included:

  • Modules gaining design approval to go into C++20
  • Abbreviated function templates reaching consensus, to round out Concepts in C++20
  • Ranges being voted into the C++20 working draft
  • Coroutines continuing to progress towards a unified design that can hopefully achieve consensus

With the big-ticket items above, not to mention Contracts, operator spaceship, and many other goodies, C++20 is shaping up to be a very impressive release!

Due to sheer number of proposals, there is a lot I didn’t cover in this post; if you’re curious about a specific proposal that I didn’t mention, please feel free to ask about it in the comments.

Other Trip Reports

In addition to Herb’s, other trip reports about this meeting include Corentin Jabot’s, a collaborative Reddit report, and a podcast focused on Library Evolution by Ashley Hedberg. I encourage you to check them out as well!

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Rapperswil, June 2018

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++17 See list Published!
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v2 source code information capture and various utilities Published! Parts of it merged into C++17
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20 with some modifications
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Approved for publication!
Transactional Memory TS Transaction support Published! Not headed towards C++20
Concurrency TS v1 future.then(), latches and barriers, atomic smart pointers Published! Parts of it merged into C++20, more on the way
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Final design being hashed out. Ship vehicle not decided yet.
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under development. Depends on Executors.
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Published!
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Published! Headed towards C++20
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Published! C++20 merge uncertain
Modules v1 A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Published as a TS
Modules v2 Improvements to Modules v1, including a better transition path Under active development
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
Graphics TS 2D drawing API No consensus to move forward
Reflection TS Static code reflection mechanisms Send out for PDTS ballot
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Merged into C++20

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected within a few days of June 25, 2018). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Rapperswil, Switzerland. This was the second committee meeting in 2018; you can find my reports on preceding meetings here (March 2018, Jacksonville) and here (November 2017, Albuquerque), and earlier ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Jacksonville one, provide useful context for this post.

At this meeting, the committee was focused full-steam on C++20, including advancing several significant features — such as Ranges, Modules, Coroutines, and Executors — for possible inclusion in C++20, with a secondary focus on in-flight Technical Specifications such as the Parallelism TS v2, and the Reflection TS.


C++20 continues to be under active development. A number of new changes have been voted into its Working Draft at this meeting, which I list here. For a list of changes voted in at previous meetings, see my Jacksonville report.

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard (IS), the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of experimental “feature branches”, where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

At this meeting, the committee voted to publish the second version of the Parallelism TS, and to send out the Reflection TS for its PDTS (“Proposed Draft TS”) ballot. Several other TSes remain under development.

Parallelism TS v2

The Parallelism TS v2 was sent out for its PDTS ballot at the last meeting. As described in previous reports, this is a process where a draft specification is circulated to national standards bodies, who have an opportunity to provide feedback on it. The committee can then make revisions based on the feedback, prior to final publication.

The results of the PDTS ballot had arrived just in time for the beginning of this meeting, and the relevant subgroups (primarily the Concurrency Study Group) worked diligently during the meeting to go through the comments and address them. This led to the adoption of several changes into the TS working draft:

The working draft, as modified by these changes, was then approved for publication!

Reflection TS

The Reflection TS, based on the reflexpr static reflection proposal, picked up one new feature, static reflection of functions, and was subsequently sent out for its PDTS ballot! I’m quite excited to see efficient progress on this (in my opinion) very important feature.

Meanwhile, the committee has also been planning ahead for the next generation of reflection and metaprogramming facilities for C++, which will be based on value-based constexpr programming rather than template metaprogramming, allowing users to reap expressiveness and compile-time performance gains. In the list of proposals reviewed by the Evolution Working Group (EWG) below, you’ll see quite a few of them are extensions related to constexpr; that’s largely motivated by this direction.

Concurrency TS v2

The Concurrency TS v2 (no working draft yet), whose notable contents include revamped versions of async() and future::then(), among other things, continues to be blocked on Executors. Efforts at this meeting focused on moving Executors forward.

Library Fundamentals TS v3

The Library Fundementals TS v3 is now “open for business” (has an initial working draft based on the portions of v2 that have not been merged into the IS yet), but no new proposals have been merged to it yet. I expect that to start happening in the coming meetings, as proposals targeting it progress through the Library groups.

Future Technical Specifications

There are (or were, in the case of the Graphics TS) some planned future Technical Specifications that don’t have an official project or working draft at this point:


At the last meeting, the Graphics TS, set to contain 2D graphics primitives with an interface inspired by cairo, ran into some controversy. A number of people started to become convinced that, since this was something that professional graphics programmers / game developers were unlikely to use, the large amount of time that a detailed wording review would require was not a good use of committee time.

As a result of these concerns, an evening session was held at this meeting to decide the future of the proposal. A paper arguing we should stay course was presented, as was an alternative proposal for a much lighter-weight “diet” graphics library. After extensive discussion, however, neither the current proposal nor the alternative had consensus to move forward.

As a result – while nothing is ever set in stone and the committee can always change in mind – the Graphics TS is abandoned for the time being.

(That said, I’ve heard rumours that the folks working on the proposal and its reference implementation plan to continue working on it all the same, just not with standardization as the end goal. Rather, they might continue iterating on the library with the goal of distributing it as a third-party library/package of some sort (possibly tying into the committee’s exploration of improving C++’s package management ecosystem).)


SG 1 (the Concurrency Study Group) achieved design consensus on a unified executors proposal (see the proposal and accompanying design paper) at the last meeting.

At this meeting, another executors proposal was brought forward, and SG 1 has been trying to reconcile it with / absorb it into the unified proposal.

As executors are blocking a number of dependent items, including the Concurrency TS v2 and merging the Networking TS, SG 1 hopes to progress them forward as soon as possible. Some members remain hopeful that it can be merged into C++20 directly, but going with the backup plan of publishing it as a TS is also a possibility (which is why I’m listing it here).

Merging Technical Specifications into C++20

Turning now to Technical Specifications that have already been published, but not yet merged into the IS, the C++ community is eager to see some of these merge into C++20, thereby officially standardizing the features they contain.

Ranges TS

The Ranges TS, which modernizes and Conceptifies significant parts of the standard library (the parts related to algorithms and iterators), has been making really good progress towards merging into C++20.

The first part of the TS, containing foundational Concepts that a large spectrum of future library proposals may want to make use of, has just been merged into the C++20 working draft at this meeting. The second part, the range-based algorithms and utilities themselves, is well on its way: the Library Evolution Working Group has finished ironing out how the range-based facilities will integrate with the existing facilities in the standard library, and forwarded the revised merge proposal for wording review.

Coroutines TS

The Coroutines TS was proposed for merger into C++20 at the last meeting, but ran into pushback from adopters who tried it out and had several concerns with it (which were subsequently responded to, with additional follow-up regarding optimization possibilities).

Said adopters were invited to bring forward a proposal for an alternative / modified design that addressed their concerns, no later than at this meeting, and so they did; their proposal is called Core Coroutines.

Core Coroutines was reviewed by the Evolution Working Group (I summarize the technical discussion below), which encouraged further iteration on this design, but also felt that such iteration should not hold up the proposal to merge the Coroutines TS into C++20. (What’s the point in iterating on one design if another is being merged into the IS draft, you ask? I believe the thinking was that further exploration of the Core Coroutines design could inspire some modifications to the Coroutines TS that could be merged at a later meeting, still before C++20’s publication.)

As a result, the merge of the Coroutines TS came to a plenary vote at the end of the week. However, it did not garner consensus; a significant minority of the committee at large felt that the Core Coroutines design deserved more exploration before enshrining the TS design into the standard. (At least, I assume that was the rationale of those voting against. Regrettably, due to procedural changes, there is very little discussion before plenary votes these days to shed light on why people have the positions they do.)

The window for merging a TS into C++20 remains open for approximately one more meeting. I expect the proponents of the Coroutines TS will try the merge again at the next meeting, while the authors of Core Coroutines will refine their design further. Hopefully, the additional time and refinement will allow us to make a better-informed final decision.

Networking TS

The Networking TS is in a situation where the technical content of the TS itself is in a fairly good shape and ripe for merging into the IS, but its dependency on Executors makes a merger in the C++20 timeframe uncertain.

Ideas have been floated around of coming up with a subset of Executors that would be sufficient for the Networking TS to be based on, and that could get agreement in time for C++20. Multiple proposals on this front are expected at the next meeting.


Modules is one of the most-anticipated new features in C++. While the Modules TS was published fairly recently, and thus merging it into C++20 is a rather ambitious timeline (especially since there are design changes relative to the TS that we know we want to make), there is a fairly widespread desire to get it into C++20 nonetheless.

I described in my last report that there was a potential path forward to accomplishing this, which involved merging a subset of a revised Modules design into C++20, with the rest of the revised design to follow (likely in the form of a Modules TS v2, and a subsequent merge into C++23).

The challenge with this plan is that we haven’t fully worked out the revised design yet, never mind agreed on a subset of it that’s safe for merging into C++20. (By safe I mean forwards-compatible with the complete design, since we don’t want breaking changes to a feature we put into the IS.)

There was extensive discussion of Modules in the Evolution Working Group, which I summarize below. The procedural outcome was that there was no consensus to move forward with the “subset” plan, but we are moving forward with the revised design at full speed, and some remain hopeful that the entire revised design (or perhaps a larger subset) can still be merged into C++20.

What’s happening with Concepts?

The Concepts TS was merged into the C++20 working draft previously, but excluding certain controversial parts (notably, abbreviated function templates (AFTs)).

As AFTs remain quite popular, the committee has been trying to find an alternative design for them that could get consensus for C++20. Several proposals were heard by EWG at the last meeting, and some refined ones at this meeting. I summarize their discussion below, but in brief, while there is general support for two possible approaches, there still isn’t final agreement on one direction.

The Role of Technical Specifications

We are now about 6 years into the committee’s procedural experiment of using Technical Specifications as a vehicle for gathering feedback based on implementation and use experience prior to standardization of significant features. Opinions differ on how successful this experiment has been so far, with some lauding the TS process as leading to higher-quality, better-baked features, while others feel the process has in some cases just added unnecessary delays.

The committee has recently formed a Direction Group, a small group composed of five senior committee members with extensive experience, which advises the Working Group chairs and the Convenor on matters related to priority and direction. One of the topics the Direction Group has been tasked with giving feedback on is the TS process, and there was evening session at this meeting to relay and discuss this advice.

The Direction Group’s main piece of advice was that while the TS process is still appropriate for sufficiently large features, it’s not to be embarked on lightly; in each case, a specific set of topics / questions on which the committee would like feedback should be articulated, and success criteria for a TS “graduating” and being merged into the IS should be clearly specified at the outset.

Evolution Working Group

I’ll now write in a bit more detail about the technical discussions that took place in the Evolution Working Group, the subgroup that I sat in for the duration of the week.

Unless otherwise indicated, proposals discussed here are targeting C++20. I’ve categorized them into the usual “accepted”, “further work encouraged”, and “rejected” categories:

Accepted proposals:

  • Standard library compatibility promises. EWG looked at this at the last meeting, and asked that it be revised to only list the types of changes the standard library reserves to make; a second list, of code patterns that should be avoided if you want a guarantee of future library updates not breaking your code, was to be removed as it follows from the first list. The revised version was approved and will be published as a Standing Document (pending a plenary vote).
  • A couple of minor tweaks to the contracts proposal:
    • In response to implementer feedback, the always checking level was removed, and the source location reported for precondition violations was made implementation-defined (previously, it had to be a source location in the function’s caller).
    • Virtual functions currently require that overrides repeat the base function’s pre- and postconditions. We can run into trouble in cases where the base function’s pre- or postcondition, interpreted in the context of the derived class, has a different meaning (e.g. because the derived class shadows a base member’s name, or due to covariant return types). Such cases were made undefined behaviour, with the understanding that this is a placeholder for a more principled solution to forthcome at a future meeting.
  • try/catch blocks in constexpr functions. Throwing an exception is still not allowed during constant evaluation, but the try/catch construct itself can be present as long as only the non-throwing codepaths as exercised at compile time.
  • More constexpr containers. EWG previously approved basic support for using dynamic allocation during constant evaluation, with the intention of allowing containers like std::vector to be used in a constexpr context (which is now happening). This is an extension to that, which allows storage that was dynamically allocated at compile time to survive to runtime, in the form of a static (or automatic) storage duration variable.
  • Allowing virtual destructors to be “trivial”. This lifts an unnecessary restriction that prevented some commonly used types like std::error_code from being used at compile time.
  • Immediate functions. These are a stronger form of constexpr functions, spelt constexpr!, which not only can run at compile time, but have to. This is motivated by several use cases, one of them being value-based reflection, where you need to be able to write functions that manipulate information that only exists at compile-time (like handles to compiler data structures used to implement reflection primitives).
  • std::is_constant_evaluated(). This allows you to check whether a constexpr function is being invoked at compile time or at runtime. Again there are numerous use cases for this, but a notable one is related to allowing std::string to be used in a constexpr context. Most implementations of std::string use a “small string optimization” (SSO) where sufficiently small strings are stored inline in the string object rather than in a dynamically allocated block. Unfortunately, SSO cannot be used in a constexpr context because it requires using reinterpret_cast (and in any case, the motivation for SSO is runtime performance), so we need a way to make the SSO conditional on the string being created at runtime.
  • Signed integers are two’s complement. This standardizes existing practice that has been the case for all modern C++ implementations for quite a while.
  • Nested inline namespaces. In C++17, you can shorten namespace foo { namespace bar { namespace baz { to namespace foo::bar::baz {, but there is no way to shorten namespace foo { inline namespace bar { namespace baz {. This proposal allows writing namespace foo::inline bar::baz. The single-name version, namespace inline foo { is also valid, and equivalent to inline namespace foo {.

There were also a few that, after being accepted by EWG, were reviewed by CWG and merged into the C++20 working draft the same week, and thus I already mentioned them in the C++20 section above:

Proposals for which further work is encouraged:

  • Generalizing alias declarations. The idea here is to generalize C++’s alias declarations (using a = b;) so that you can alias not only types, but also other entities like namespaces or functions. EWG was generally favourable to the idea, but felt that aliases for different kinds of entities should use different syntaxes. (Among other considerations, using the same syntax would mean having to reinstate the recently-removed requirement to use typename in front of a dependent type in an alias declaration.) The author will explore alternative syntaxes for non-type aliases and return with a revised proposal.
  • Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values. This idea was discussed at the last meeting and EWG was in favour, but people got distracted by the quasi-related topic of aggregates with deleted constructors. There was a suggestion that perhaps the two problems could be addressed by the same proposal, but in fact the issue of deleted constructors inspired independent proposals, and this proposal returned more or less unchanged. EWG liked the idea and initially approved it, but during Core Working Group review it came to light that there are a number of subtle differences in behaviour between constructor initialization and aggregate initialization (e.g. evaluation order of arguments, lifetime extension, narrowing conversions) that need to be addressed. The suggested guidance was to have the behaviour with parentheses match the behaviour of constructor calls, by having the compiler (notionally) synthesize a constructor to call when this notation is used. The proposal will return with these details fleshed out.
  • Extensions to class template argument deduction. This paper proposed seven different extensions to this popular C++17 feature. EWG didn’t make individual decisions on them yet. Rather, the general guidance was to motivate the extensions a bit better, choose a subset of the more important ones to pursue for C++20, perhaps gather some implementation experience, and come back with a revised proposal.
  • Deducing this. The type of the implicit object parameter (the “this” parameter) of a member function can vary in the same ways as the types of other parameters: lvalue vs. rvalue, const vs. non-const. C++ provides ways to overload member functions to capture this variation (trailing const, ref-qualifiers), but sometimes it would be more convenient to just template over the type of the this parameter. This proposal aims to allow that, with a syntax like this:

    template <typename Self>
    R foo(this Self&& self, /* other parameters */);

    EWG agreed with the motivation, but expressed a preference for keeping information related to the implicit object parameter at the end of the function declaration, (where the trailing const and ref-qualifiers are now), leading to a syntax more like this:

    template <typename Self>
    R foo(/* other parameters */) Self&& self

    (the exact syntax remains to be nailed down as the end of a function declaration is a syntactically busy area, and parsing issues have to be worked out).
    EWG also opined that in such a function, you should only be able to access the object via the declared object parameter (self in the above example), and not also using this (as that would lead to confusion in cases where e.g. this has the base type while self has a derived type).
  • constexpr function parameters. The most ambitious constexpr-related proposal brought forward at this meeting, this aimed to allow function parameters to be marked as constexpr, and accordingly act as constant expressions inside the function body (e.g. it would be valid to use the value of one as a non-type template parameter or array bound). It was quickly pointed out that, while the proposal is implementable, it doesn’t fit into the language’s current model of constant evaluation; rather, functions with constexpr parameters would have to be implemented as templates, with a different instantiation for every combination of parameter values. Since this amounts to being a syntactic shorthand for non-type template parameters, EWG suggested that the proposal be reformulated in those terms.
  • Binding returned/initialized objects to the lifetime of parameters. This proposal aims to improve C++’s lifetime safety (and perhaps take one step towards being more like Rust, though that’s a long road) by allowing programmers to mark function parameters with an annotation that tells the compiler that the lifetime of the function’s return value should be “bound” to the lifetime of the parameter (that is, the return value should not outlive the parameter).
    There are several options for the associated semantics if the compiler detects that the lifetime of a return value would, in fact, exceed the lifetime of a parameter:

    • issue a warning
    • issue an error
    • extend the lifetime of the returned object

    In the first case, the annotation could take the form of an attribute (e.g. [[lifetimebound]]). In the second or third case, it would have to be something else, like a context-sensitive keyword (since attributes aren’t supposed to have semantic effects). The proposal authors suggested initially going with the first option in the C++20 timeframe, while leaving the door open for the second or third option later on.
    EWG agreed that mitigating lifetime hazards is an important area of focus, and something we’d like to deliver on in the C++20 timeframe. There was some concern about the proposed annotation being too noisy / viral. People asked whether the annotations could be deduced (not if the function is compiled separately, unless we rely on link-time processing), or if we could just lifetime-extend by default (not without causing undue memory pressure and risking resource exhaustion and deadlocks by not releasing expensive resources or locks in time). The authors will investigate the problem space further, including exploring ways to avoid the attribute being viral, and comparing their approach to Rust’s, and report back.

  • Nameless parameters and unutterable specializations. In some corner cases, the current language rules do not give you a way to express a partial or explicit specialization of a constrained template (because a specialization requires repeating the constraint with the specialized parameter values substituted in, which does not always result in valid syntax). This proposal invents some syntax to allow expressing such specializations. EWG felt the proposed syntax was scary, and suggested coming back with better motivating examples before pursuing the idea further.
  • How to catch an exception_ptr without even trying. This aims to allow getting at the exception inside an exception_ptr without having to throw it (which is expensive). As a side effect, it would also allow handling exception_ptrs in code compiled with -fno-exceptions. EWG felt the idea had merit, even though performance shouldn’t be the guiding principle (since the slowness of throw is technically a quality-of-implementation issue, although implementations seem to have agreed to not optimize it).
  • Allowing class template specializations in associated namespaces. This allows specializing e.g. std::hash for your own type, in your type’s namespace, instead of having to close that namespace, open namespace std, and then reopen your namespace. EWG liked the idea, but the issue of which names — names in your namespace, names in std, or both — would be visible without qualification inside the specialization, was contentious.

Rejected proposals:

  • Define basic_string_view(nullptr). This paper argued that since it’s common to represent empty strings as a const char* with value nullptr, the constructor of string_view which takes a const char* argument should allow a nullptr value and interpret it as an empty string. Another paper convincingly argued that conflating “a zero-sized string” with “not-a-string” does more harm than good, and this proposal was accordingly rejected.
  • Explicit concept expressions. This paper pointed out that if constrained-type-specifiers (the language machinery underlying abbreviated function templates) are added to C++ without some extra per-parameter syntax, certain constructs can become ambiguous (see the paper for an example). The ambiguity involves “concept expressions”, that is, the use of a concept (applied to some arguments) as a boolean expression, such as CopyConstructible<T>, outside of a requires-clause. The authors proposed removing the ambiguity by requiring the keyword requires to introduce a concept expression, as in requires CopyConstructible<T>. EWG felt this was too much syntactic clutter, given that concept expressions are expected to be used in places like static_assert and if constexpr, and given that the ambiguity is, at this point, hypothetical (pending what hapens to AFTs) and there would be options to resolve it if necessary.


EWG had another evening session on Concepts at this meeting, to try to resolve the matter of abbreviated function templates (AFTs).

Recall that the main issue here is that, given an AFT written using the Concepts TS syntax, like void sort(Sortable& s);, it’s not clear that this is a template (you need to know that Sortable is a concept, not a type).

The four different proposals in play at the last meeting have been whittled down to two:

  • An updated version of Herb’s in-place syntax proposal, with which the above AFT would be written void sort(Sortable{}& s); or void sort(Sortable{S}& s); (with S in the second form naming the concrete type deduced for this parameter). The proposal also aims to change the constrained-parameter syntax (with which the same function could be written template <Sortable S> void sort(S& s);) to require braces for type parameters, so that you’d instead write template <Sortable{S}> void sort(S& s);. (The motivation for this latter change is to make it so that ConceptName C consistently makes C a value, whether it be a function parameter or a non-type template parameter, while ConceptName{C] consistently makes C a type.)
  • Bjarne’s minimal solution to the concepts syntax problems, which adds a single leading template keyword to announce that an AFT is a template: template void sort(Sortable& s);. (This is visually ambiguous with one of the explicit specialization syntaxes, but the compiler can disambiguate based on name lookup, and programmers can use the other explicit specialization syntax to avoid visual confusion.) This proposal leaves the constrained-parameter syntax alone.

Both proposals allow a reader to tell at a glance that an AFT is a template and not a regular function. At the same time, each proposal has downsides as well. Bjarne’s approach annotates the whole function rather than individual parameters, so in a function with multiple parameters you still don’t know at a glance which parameters are concepts (and so e.g. in a case of a Foo&& parameter, you don’t know if it’s an rvalue reference or a forwarding reference). Herb’s proposal messes with the well-loved constrained-parameter syntax.

After an extensive discussion, it turned out that both proposals had enough support to pass, with each retaining a vocal minority of opponents. Neither proposal was progressed at this time, in the hope that some further analysis or convergence can lead to a stronger consensus at the next meeting, but it’s quite clear that folks want something to be done in this space for C++20, and so I’m fairly optimistic we’ll end up getting one of these solutions (or a compromise / variation).

In addition to the evening session on AFTs, EWG looked at a proposal to alter the way name lookup works inside constrained templates. The original motivation for this was to resolve the AFT impasse by making name lookup inside AFTs work more like name lookup inside non-template functions. However, it became apparent that (1) that alone will not resolve the AFT issue, since name lookup is just one of several differences between template and non-template code; but (2) the suggested modification to name lookup rules may be desirable (not just in AFTs but in all constrained templates) anyways. The main idea behind the new rules is that when performing name lookup for a function call that has a constrained type as an argument, only functions that appear in the concept definition should be found; the motivation is to avoid surprising extra results that might creep in through ADL. EWG was supportive of making a change along these lines for C++20, but some of the details still need to be worked out; among them, whether constraints should be propagated through auto variables and into nested templates for the purpose of applying this rule.


As mentioned above, EWG reviewed a modified Coroutines design called Core Coroutines, that was inspired by various concerns that some early adopters of the Coroutines TS had with its design.

Core Coroutines makes a number of changes to the Coroutines TS design:

  • The most significant change, in my opinion, is that it exposes the “coroutine frame” (the piece of memory that stores the compiler’s transformed representation of the coroutine function, where e.g. stack variables that persist across a suspension point are stored) as a first-class object, thereby allowing the user to control where this memory is stored (and, importantly, whether or not it is dynamically allocated).
  • Syntax changes:
    • To how you define a coroutine. Among other motivations, the changes emphasize that parameters to the coroutine act more like lambda captures than regular function parameters (e.g. for reference parameters, you need to be careful that the referred-to objects persist even after a suspension/resumption).
    • To how you call a coroutine. The new syntax is an operator (the initial proposal being [<-]), to reflect that coroutines can be used for a variety of purposes, not just asynchrony (which is what co_await suggests).
  • A more compact API for defining your own coroutine types, with fewer library customiztion points (basically, instead of specializing numerous library traits that are invoked by compiler-generated code, you overload operator [<-] for your type, with more of the logic going into the definition of that function).

EWG recognized the benefits of these modifications, although there were a variety of opinions as to how compelling they are. At the same time, there were also a few concerns with Core Coroutines:

  • While having the coroutine frame exposed as a first-class object means you are guaranteed no dynamic memory allocations unless you place it on the heap yourself, it still has a compiler-generated type (much like a lambda closure), so passing it across a translation unit boundary requires type erasure (and therefore a dynamic allocation). With the Coroutines TS, the type erasure was more under the compiler’s control, and it was argued that this allows eliding the allocation in more cases.
  • There were concerns about being able to take the sizeof of the coroutine object, as that requires the size being known by the compiler’s front-end, while with the Coroutines TS it’s sufficient for the size to be computed during the optimization phase.
  • While making the customization API smaller, this formulation relies on more new core-language features. In addition to introducing a new overloadable operator, the feature requires tail calls (which could also be useful for the language in general), and lazy function parameters, which have been proposed separately. (The latter is not a hard requirement, but the syntax would be more verbose without them.)

As mentioned, the procedural outcome of the discussion was to encourage further work on the Core Coroutines, while not blocking the merger of the Coroutines TS into C++20 on such work.

While in the end there was no consensus to merge the Coroutines TS into C++20 at this meeting, there remains fairly strong demand for having coroutines in some form in C++20, and I am therefore hopeful that some sort of joint proposal that combines elements of Core Coroutines into the Coroutines TS will surface at the next meeting.


As of the last meeting, there were two alternative Modules designs before the committee: the recently-published Modules TS, and the alternative proposal from the Clang Modules implementers called Another Take On Modules (“Atom”).

Since the last meeting, the authors of the two proposals have been collaborating to produce a merged proposal that combines elements from both proposals.

The merged proposal accomplishes Atom’s goal of providing a better mechanism for existing codebases to transition to Modules via modularized legacy headers (called legacy header imports in the merged proposal) – basically, existing headers that are not modules, but are treated as-if they were modules by the compiler. It retains the Modules TS mechanism of global module fragments, with some important restrictions, such as only allowing #includes and other preprocessor directives in the global module fragment.

Other aspects of Atom that are part of the the merged proposal include module partitions (a way of breaking up the interface of a module into multiple files), and some changes to export and template instantiation semantics.

EWG reviewed the merged proposal favourably, with a strong consensus for putting these changes into a second iteration of the Modules TS. Design guidance was provided on a few aspects, including tweaks to export behaviour for namespaces, and making export be “inherited”, such that e.g. if the declaration of a structure is exported, then its definition is too by default. (A follow-up proposal is expected for a syntax to explicitly make a structure definition not exported without having to move it into another module partition.) A proposal to make the lexing rules for the names of legacy header units be different from the existing rules for #includes failed to gain consensus.

One notable remaining point of contention about the merged proposal is that module is a hard keyword in it, thereby breaking existing code that uses that word as an identifier. There remains widespread concern about this in multiple user communities, including the graphics community where the name “module” is used in existing published specifications (such as Vulkan). These concerns would be addressed if module were made a context-sensitive keyword instead. There was a proposal to do so at the last meeting, which failed to gain consensus (I suspect because the author focused on various disambiguation edge cases, which scared some EWG members). I expect a fresh proposal will prompt EWG to reconsider this choice at the next meeting.

As mentioned above, there was also a suggestion to take a subset of the merged proposal and put it directly into C++20. The subset included neither legacy header imports nor global module fragments (in any useful form), thereby not providing any meaningful transition mechanism for existing codebases, but it was hoped that it would still be well-received and useful for new codebases. However, there was no consensus to proceed with this subset, because it would have meant having a new set of semantics different from anything that’s implemented today, and that was deemed to be risky.

It’s important to underscore that not proceeding with the “subset” approach does not necessarily mean the committee has given up on having any form of Modules in C++20 (although the chances of that have probably decreased). There remains some hope that the development of the merged proposal might proceed sufficiently quickly that the entire proposal — or at least a larger subset that includes a transition mechanism like legacy header imports — can make it into C++20.

Finally, EWG briefly heard from the authors of a proposal for modular macros, who basically said they are withdrawing their proposal because they are satisfied with Atom’s facility for selectively exporting macros via #export directives, which is being treated as a future extension to the merged proposal.

Papers not discussed

With the continued focus on large proposals that might target C++20 like Modules and Coroutines, EWG has a growing backlog of smaller proposals that haven’t been discussed, in some cases stretching back to two meetings ago (see the the committee mailings for a list). A notable item on the backlog is a proposal by Herb Sutter to bridge the two worlds of C++ users — those who use exceptions and those who not — by extending the exception model in a way that (hopefully) makes it palatable to everyone.

Other Working Groups

Library Groups

Having sat in EWG all week, I can’t report on technical discussions of library proposals, but I’ll mention where some proposals are in the processing queue.

I’ve already listed the library proposals that passed wording review and were voted into the C++20 working draft above.

The following are among the proposals have passed design review and are undergoing (or awaiting) wording review:

The following proposals are still undergoing design review, and are being treated with priority:

The following proposals are also undergoing design review:

As usual, there is a fairly long queue of library proposals that haven’t started design review yet. See the committee’s website for a full list of proposals.

(These lists are incomplete; see the post-meeting mailing when it’s published for complete lists.)

Study Groups

SG 1 (Concurrency)

I’ve already talked about some of the Concurrency Study Group’s work above, related to the Parallelism TS v2, and Executors.

The group has also reviewed some proposals targeting C++20. These are at various stages of the review pipeline:

Proposals before the Library Evolution Working Group include latches and barriers, C atomics in C++, and a joining thread.

Proposals before the Library Working Group include improvements to atomic_flag, efficient concurrent waiting, and fixing atomic initialization.

Proposls before the Core Working Group include revising the C++ memory model. A proposal to weaken release sequences has been put on hold.

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

It was a relatively quiet week for SG 7, with the Reflection TS having undergone and passed wording review, and extensions to constexpr that will unlock the next generation of reflection facilities being handled in EWG. The only major proposal currently on SG 7’s plate is metaclasses, and that did not have an update at this meeting.

That said, SG 7 did meet briefly to discuss two other papers:

  • PFA: A Generic, Extendable and Efficient Solution for Polymorphic Programming. This aims to make value-based polymorphism easier, using an approach similar to type erasure; a parallel was drawn to the Dyno library. SG 7 observed that this could be accomplished with a pure library approach on top of existing reflection facilities and/or metaclasses (and if it can’t, that would signal holes in the reflection facilities that we’d want to fill).
  • Adding support for type-based metaprogramming to the standard library. This aims to standardize template metaprogramming facilities based on Boost.Mp11, a modernized version of Boost.MPL. SG 7 was reluctant to proceed with this, given that it has previously issued guidance for moving in the direction of constexpr value-based metaprogramming rather than template metaprogramming. At the same time, SG 7 recognized the desire for having metaprogramming facilities in the standard, and urged proponents on the constexpr approach to bring forward a library proposal built on that soon.

SG 12 (Undefined and Unspecified Behaviour)

SG 12 met to discuss several topics this week:

  • Reviewed a proposal to allow implicit creation of objects for low-level object manipulation (basically the way malloc() is used), which aims to standardize existing practice that the current standard wording makes undefined behaviour.
  • Reviewed a proposed policy around preserving undefined behaviour, which argues that in some cases, defining behaviour that was previously undefined can be a breaking change in some sense. SG 12 felt that imposing a requirement to preserve undefined behaviour wouldn’t be realistic, but that proposal authors should be encouraged to identify cases where proposals “break” undefined behaviour so that the tradeoffs can be considered.
  • Held a joint meeting with WG 23 (Programming Language Vulnerabilities) to collaborate further on a document describing C++ vulnerabilities. This meeting’s discussion focused on buffer boundary conditions and type conversions between pointers.

SG 15 (Tooling)

The Tooling Study Group (SG 15) held its second meeting during an evening session this week.

The meeting was heavily focused on dependency / package mangement in C++, an area that has been getting an increased amount of attention of late in the C++ community.

SG 15 heard a presentation on package consumption vs. development, whose author showcased the Build2 build / package management system and its abilities. Much of the rest of the evening was spent discussing what requirements various segments of the user community have for such a system.

The relationship between SG 15 and the committee is somewhat unusual; actually standardizing a package management system is beyond the committee’s purview, so the SG serves more as a place for innovators in this area to come together and hash out what will hopefully become a de facto standard, rather than advancing any proposals to change the standards text itself.

It was observed that the heavy focus on package management has been crowding out other areas of focus for SG 15, such as tooling related to static analysis and refactoring; it was suggested that perhaps those topics should be split out into another Study Group. As someone whose primary interest in tooling lies in these latter areas, I would welcome such a move.

Next Meetings

The next full meeting of the Committee will be in San Diego, California, the week of November 8th, 2018.

However, in an effort to work through some of the committee’s accumulated backlog, as well as to try to make a push for getting some features into C++20, three smaller, more targeted meetings have been scheduled before then:

  • A meeting of the Library Working Group in Batavia, Illinois, the week of August 20th, 2018, to work through its backlog of wording review for library proposals.
  • A meeting of the Evolution Working Group in Seattle, Washington, from September 20-21, 2018, to iterate on the merged Modules proposal.
  • A meeting of the Concurrency Study Group (with Library Evolution Working Group attendance also encouraged) in Seattle, Washington, from September 22-23, 2018, to iterate on Executors.

(The last two meetings are timed and located so that CppCon attendees don’t have to make an extra trip for them.)


I think this was an exciting meeting, and am pretty happy with the progress made. Highlights included:

  • The entire Ranges TS being on track to be merged into C++20.
  • C++20 gaining standard facilities for contract programming.
  • Important progress on Modules, with a merged proposal that was very well-received.
  • A pivot towards package management, including as a way to make graphical progamming in C++ more accessible.

Stay tuned for future reports from me!

Other Trip Reports

Some other trip reports about this meeting include Bryce Lelbach’s, Timur Doumler’s, and Guy Davidson’s. I encourage you to check them out as well!

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Jacksonville, March 2018

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++17 See list Published!
C++20 See below On track
Library Fundamentals TS v2 source code information capture and various utilities Published! Parts of it merged into C++17
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20 with some modifications
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms, and more Sent out for PDTS ballot
Transactional Memory TS Transaction support Published! Not headed towards C++20
Concurrency TS v1 future.then(), latches and barriers, atomic smart pointers Published! Parts of it merged into C++20, more on the way
Executors Abstraction for where/how code runs in a concurrent context Reached design consensus. Ship vehicle not decided yet.
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under development. Depends on Executors.
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Publication imminent
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Published!
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Published!
Modules TS A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Voted for publication!
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
Graphics TS 2D drawing API Under design review; some controversy
Reflection TS Code introspection and (later) reification mechanisms Initial working draft containing introspection proposal passed wording review
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Proposal under wording review, targeting C++20

A few links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected within a few days of April 2, 2018). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Jacksonville, Florida. This was the first committee meeting in 2018; you can find my reports on 2017’s meetings here (February 2017, Kona), here (July 2017, Toronto), and here (November 2017, Albuquerque). These reports, particularly the Albuquerque one, provide useful context for this post.

With the final C++17 International Standard (IS) having been officially published, this meeting was focused on C++20, and the various Technical Specifications (TS) we have in flight.


As mentioned, C++17 has been officially published, around the end of last year. The official published version can be purchased from ISO’s website; a draft whose technical content is identical is available free of charge here.

See here for a list of new language and library features in C++17.

The latest versions of GCC and Clang both have complete support for C++17, modulo bugs. MSVC has significant partial support, but full support is still a work in progress.


C++20 is under active development. A number of new changes have been voted into its Working Draft at this meeting, which I list here. For a list of changes voted in at previous meetings, see my Toronto and Albuquerque reports.

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard, the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of experimental “feature branches”, where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

The committee recently published four TSes – Coroutines, Ranges, Networking, and most recently, Modules – and several more are in progress.

Modules TS

The last meeting ended with the Modules TS close to being ready for a publication vote, but not quite there yet, as the Core Working Group (CWG) was still in the process of reviewing resolutions to comments sent in by national standards bodies in response to the PDTS (“Proposed Draft TS”) ballot. Determined not to leave the resolution of the matter to this meeting, CWG met via teleconference on four different occasions in between meetings to finish the review process. Their efforts were successful; in particular, I believe that the issues that I described in my last report as causing serious implementer concerns (e.g. the “views of types” issue) have been resolved. The revised document was voted for publication a few weeks before this meeting (also by teleconference).

That allowed the time during this meeting to be spent discussing design issues that were explicitly deferred until after the TS’s publication. I summarize that technical discussion below.

Parallelism TS v2

The Parallelism TS v2 has picked up one last major feature: data-parallel vector types and operations, also referred to as “SIMD”. With that in place, Parallelism TS was sent out for its PDTS ballot.

Concurrency TS v2

The Concurrency TS v2 (no working draft yet) is continuing to take shape. There’s a helpful paper that summarizes its proposed contents and organization.

A notable component of the Concurrency TS v2 that I didn’t mention in my last report is a revised version of future::then() (the original version appeared in the Concurrency TS v1, but there was consensus against moving forward with it in that form). This, however, depends on Executors, which will be published independently of the Concurrency TS v2, either in C++20 or a TS of its own.

Library Fundamentals TS v3

The Library Fundementals TS is a sort of a grab-bag TS for library proposals that are not large enough to get their own TS (like Networking did), but experimental enough not to go directly into the IS. It’s now on its third iteration, with v1 and significant components of v2 having merged into the IS.

No new features have been voted into v3 yet, but an initial working draft has been prepared, basically by taking v2 and removing the parts of it that have merged into C++17 (including optional and string_view); the resulting draft will be open to accept new proposals at future meetings (I believe mdspan (a multi-dimensional array view) and expected<T> (similar to Rust’s Result<T>) are headed that way).

Reflection TS

After much anticipation, the Reflection TS is now an official project, with its initial working draft based on the latest version of the reflexpr static introspection proposal. I believe the extensions for static reflection of functions are targeting this TS as well.

It’s important to note that the Reflection TS is not the end of the road for reflection in C++; further improvements, including a value-based (as opposed to type-based) interface for reflection, and metaclasses, are being explored (I write more about these below).

Future Technical Specifications

There are some planned future Technical Specifications that don’t have an official project or working draft yet:


The proposal for a Graphics TS, set to contain 2D graphics primitives with an interface inspired by cairo, continues to be under discussion in the Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG).

At this meeting, the proposal has encountered some controversy. A library like this is unlikely to be used for high-performance production use cases like games and browsers; the target market is more people teaching and learning C++, and non-performance-intensive GUI applications. Some people consider that to be a poor use of committee time (it was observed that a large proposal like this would tie up the Library Working Group for one or two full meetings’ worth of wording review). On the other hand, the proposal’s authors have been “strung along” by the committee for a couple of years now, and have invested significant time into polishing the proposal to be standards-quality.

The committee plans to hold an evening session at the next meeting to decide the future of the proposal.


Executors are a important concurrency abstraction for which the committee has been trying to hash out a suitable design for a long time. There is finally consensus on a design (see the proposal and accompanying design paper), and the Concurrency Study Group had been planning to publish it in its own Technical Specification.

Meanwhile, it became apparent that several other proposals depend on executors, including Networking (which isn’t integrated with executors in its TS form, but people would like it to be prior to merging it into the IS), the planned improvements to future, and new execution policies for parallel algorithms. Coroutines doesn’t necessarily have a dependency, but there are still integration opportunities.

As a result, the Concurrency Study Group is eyeing the possibility of getting executors directly into C++20 (instead of going through a TS), to unblock dependent proposals sooner.

Merging Technical Specifications into C++20

After a TS has been published and has garnered enough implementation and use experience that the committee is confident enough to officially standardize its contents, it can be merged into the standard. This happened with e.g. the Filesystems and Parallelism TSes in C++17, and significant parts of the Concepts TS in C++20.

As the committee has a growing list of published-but-not-yet-merged TSes, there was naturally some discussion of which of these would be merged into C++20.

Coroutines TS

The Coroutines TS was proposed for merger into C++20 at this meeting. There was some pushback from adopters who tried it out and brought up several concerns (these concerns were subsequently responded to).

We had a lively discussion about this in the Evolution Working Group (EWG). I summarize the technical points below, but the procedural outcome was that those advocating for significant design changes will have until the next meeting to bring forward a concrete proposal for such changes, or else “forever hold their peace”.

Some felt that such a “deadline” is a bit heavy-handed, and I tend to agree with that. While there certainly needs to be a limit on how long we wait for hypothetical future proposals that improve on a design, the Coroutines TS was just published in November 2017; I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that implementers and users be given more than a few months to properly evaluate it and formulate high-quality proposals to improve it if appropriate.

Ranges TS

The Ranges TS modernizes and Conceptifies significant parts of the standard library (the parts related to algorithms and iterators).

Its merge into the IS is planned to happen in two parts: first, the foundational Concepts that a large spectrum of future library proposals may want to make use of, and then the range-based algorithms and utilities themselves. The purpose of the split is to allow the first part to merge into the C++20 working draft as soon as possible, thereby unblocking proposals that wish to use the foundational Concepts.

The first part is targeting C++20 pretty firmly; the second part is still somewhat up in the air, with technical concerns relating to what namespace the new algorithms will go into (there was previously talk of a std2 namespace to serve as a place to house new-and-improved standard library facilities, but that has since been scrapped) and how they will relate to the existing algorithms; however, the authors are still optimistic that the second half can make C++20 as well.

Networking TS

There is a lot of desire to merge the Networking TS into C++20, but the dependence on executors makes that timeline challenging. As a best case scenario, it’s possible that executors go into C++20 fairly soon, and there is time to subsequently merge the Networking TS into C++20 as well. However, that schedule can easily slip to C++23 if the standardization of executors runs into a delay, or if the Concurrency Study Group chooses to go the TS route with executors.

The remaining parts of the Concepts TS

The Concepts TS was merged into the C++20 working draft in Toronto, but without the controversial abbreviated function templates (AFTs) feature (and some related things).

I mentioned that there was still a lot of demand for AFTs, even if there was no consensus for them in their Concepts TS form, and that alternative AFT proposals targeting C++20 would be forthcoming. Several such proposals were brought forward at this meeting; I discuss them below. While there wasn’t final agreement on any of them at this meeting, there was consensus on a direction, and there is relative optimism about being able to get AFTs in some form into C++20.

What about Modules?

The Modules TS was just published a few weeks ago, so talk of merging it into the C++ IS is a bit premature. Nonetheless, it’s a feature that people really want, and soon, and so there was a lot of informal discussion about the possibility of such a merge.

There were numerous proposals for post-TS design changes to Modules brought forward at this meeting; I summarize the EWG discussion below. On the whole, I think the design discussions were quite productive. It certainly helped that the Modules TS is now published, and design concerns could no longer be postponed as “we’ll deal with this post-TS”.

I think it’s too early to speculate about the prospects of getting Modules into C++20, but there seems to be a potential path forward, which I describe below as well.

Evolution Working Group

I’ll now write in a bit more detail about the technical discussions that took place in the Evolution Working Group, the subgroup that I sat in for the duration of the week.

Unless otherwise indicated, proposals discussed here are targeting C++20. I’ve categorized them into the usual “accepted”, “further work encouraged”, and “rejected” categories:

Accepted proposals:

  • A couple of minor tweaks to the Coroutines TS: symmetric coroutine transfer, and parameter preview for coroutine promise constructor.
  • Clarifications about the behaviour of contract checks that modify observable (e.g. global) state. The outcome was that evaluating such a contract check constitutes undefined behaviour.
  • Class types in non-type template parameters. This is a long-desired feature, with an example use case being format strings checked at compile-time, and one of the few remaining gaps in the language where user-defined types don’t have all the powers of built-in types. The feature had been blocked on the issue of how to determine the equivalence of two non-type template parameters of class type (which is needed to be able to establish the equivalence of template specializations). Default comparisons finally provided a way forward here; class types used as non-type template parameters need to have a defaulted operator<=> (as do their members).
  • Static reflection of functions. This is an extension to the reflexpr proposal to allow reflecting over functions. You can’t reflect over an overload set; rather, reflexpr can accept a function call expression as an argument, perform overload resolution (without evaluating the call), and reflect the chosen overload. This is targeting the Reflection TS, not C++20.
  • Standard containers and constexpr. This proposal aims to allow the use of dynamic allocation in a constexpr context, so as to make e.g. std::vector usable by constexpr functions. This is accomplished by allowing destructors to be constexpr, and allowing new-expressions and std::allocator to be used in a constexpr context. (The latter is necessary because something like std::vector, which maintains a partially initialized dynamic allocation, can’t be implemented using new-expressions alone. operator new itself isn’t supported, because it loses information about the type of the allocated storage; std::allocator::allocate(), which preserves such information, needs to be used instead.) The proposal as currently formulated does not allow dynamic allocations to “survive” beyond constant experssion evaluation; there will be a future extension to allow this, where “surviving” allocations will be promoted to static or automatic storage duration as appropriate.
  • char8_t: a type for UTF-8 characters and strings. This is a combined core language + library proposal; the language parts include introducing a new char8_t type, and changing the behaviour of u8 character and and string literals to use that type. The latter changes are breaking, though the expected breakage is fairly slight, especially for u8 character literals which are new in C++17 and not heavily used yet.

    Discussion of this proposal centered around the big-picture plan of how UTF-8 adoption will work, and whether we can’t just work towards char itself implying a UTF-8 encoding. Several people argued that that’s unlikely to happen, due to large amounts of legacy code that don’t treat char as UTF-8, and due to the special role of char as an “aliasing” type (where an array of char is allowed to serve as the underlying storage for objects of other types) which prevents compilers from optimizing uses of char the way they could optimize char8_t (which, importantly, would be a non-aliasing type).

    In the end, EWG gave the green-light to the direction outlined in the paper. (There was a brief discussion of pursuing this as a TS, but there was no consensus for this, in part because people felt that if we’re going to change the meaning of u8 literals, we might as well do it now before the C++17 meaning gets a lot of adoption.)
  • explicit(bool). This allows constructors to be declared as “conditionally explicit”, based on a compile-time condition. This is mostly useful for wrapper types like pair or optional, where we want their constructors to be explicit iff. the constructors of their wrapped types are.
  • Checking for abstract class types. This tweaks the rules regarding when attempted use of an abstract type as a complete object is diagnosed, to avoid situations where a class definition retroactively makes a previously declared function that uses the type ill-formed.

There were also a few that, after being accepted by EWG, were reviewed by CWG and merged into the C++20 working draft the same week, and thus I already mentioned them in the C++20 section above:

Finally, EWG decided to pull the previously-approved proposal to allow string literals in non-type template parameters, because the more general facility to allow class types in non-type template parameters (which was just approved) is a good enough replacement. (This is a change from the last meeting, when it seemed like we would want both.) The main difference is that you now have to wrap your character array into a struct (think fixed_string or similar), and use that as your template parameter type. (The user-defined literal part of P0424 is still going forward, with a corresponding adjustment to the allowed template parameter types.)

Proposals for which further work is encouraged:

  • C++ stability, velocity, and deployment plans. This is a proposal for a Standing Document (SD; a less-official-than-a-standard committee document, typically with procedural rather than technical content) outlining the procedure by which breaking changes can be made to C++. It classifies breaking changes by level of detectability (e.g. statically detectable and causes a compiler error, statically detectable but doesn’t cause a compiler error, not statically detectable), and issues guidance for whether and how changes in each category can be made. EWG encouraged the authors to come back with specific wording for the proposed SD.
  • Standard library compatibility promises. This is another proposal for a Standing Document, outlining what compatibility promises the C++ standard library makes to its users, and what kind of future changes it reserves to make. (As an example, the committee reserves the right to add new overloads to standard library functions. This may break user code that tries to take the address of a standard library function, and we want to make it clear that such breakage is par for the course; if you want a guarantee that your code will compile without modifications in future standards, you can only call standard library functions, not take their address.)
  • LEWG wishlist for EWG. This is a wishlist of core language issues that the Library Evolution Working Group would like to see addressed to solve problems facing library authors and users. Some of the items included reining in overeager ADL (see below for a proposal to do just that), making it easier to avoid lifetime errors, dealing with ABI breakage, and finding alternatives for the remaining use cases of macros. EWG encouraged future proposals in these areas, or discussion papers that advance our understanding of the problem (for example, a survey of macro use cases that don’t have non-macro alternatives).
  • Extending the offsetof macro to allow computing the offset to a member given a pointer-to-member variable (currently it requires being given the member’s name). EWG thought this was a valid use case, but expressed a preference for a different syntax rather than overloading the offsetof macro.
  • Various proposed extensions to the Modules TS, which I talk about below.
  • Towards consistency between <=> and other comparison operators. The background to this proposal is that when the <=> operator was introduced, there were a few cases where the specified behaviour was a departure from the corresponding behaviour for the existing two-way comparison operators. These were cases where we would have liked to change the behaviour for the existing operators, but couldn’t due to backwards compatibility considerations. <=>, however, being new to the language, had no such backwards compatibility considerations, so the authors specified the more-desirable behaviour for it. The downside is that this introduced inconsistencies between <=> and the two-way comparison operators.

    This proposal aims to resolve those inconsistencies, in some cases by changing the behaviour of the two-way operators after all. There were five specific areas of change:

    • Sign safety. Today, -1 < 1u evaluates to false due to sign conversion, which is not the mathematically correct result. -1 <=> 1u, on the other hand, is a compiler error. EWG decided that both should in fact work and give the mathematically correct result (which for -1 < 1u is a breaking change, though in practice it’s likely to fix many more bugs than it introduces), though whether this will happen in C++20, or after a longer transition period, remains to be decided.
    • Enum safety. Today, C++ allows two-way comparisons between enumerators of distinct enumerator types, and between enumerators and floating-point values. Such comparisons with <=> are ill-formed. EWG felt they should be made ill-formed for two-way comparisons as well, though again this may happen by first deprecating them in C++20, and only actually making them ill-formed in a future standard. (Comparisons between enumerators and integer values are common and useful, and will be permitted for all comparison operators.)
    • Array safety. Two-way comparisons between operands of array type will be deprecated.
    • Null safety. This is just a tweak to make <=> between a pointer and nullptr return strong_equality rather than strong_ordering.
    • Function pointer safety. EWG expressed a preference for allowing all comparisons between function pointers, and requiring implementers to impose a total order on them. Some implementers indicated they need to investigate the implementability of this on some architectures and report back.
  • Chaining comparisons. This proposes making chains of comparisons, such as a == b == c or a < b <= c, have their expected mathematical meaning (which is currently expressed in C++ in a more cumbersome way, e.g. a == b && b == c). This is a breaking change, since such expressions currently have a meaning (evaluate the first comparison, use its boolean result as the value for the second comparison, and so on). It’s been proposed before, but EWG was worried about the silent breaking change. Now, the authors have surveyed a large body of open-source code, and found zero instances of such expressions where the intended meaning was the current meaning, but several instances where the intended meaning was the proposed meaning (and which would therefore be silently fixed by this proposal). Importantly, comparison chains are only allowed if the comparisons in the chain are either all =, all < and <=, or all > and >=; other chains like a < b > c are not allowed, unlike e.g in Python. In the original proposal, such “disallowed” chains would have retained their current meaning, but EWG asked that they be made ill-formed instead, to avoid confusion. The proposal also contained a provision to have folds over comparisons (e.g. a < ..., where a is a function parameter pack) expand to a chained comparison, but EWG chose to defer that part of the proposal until more implementation experience can be gathered.
  • Size feedback in operator new. This proposes overloads of operator new that return how much memory was allocated (which may be more than what was asked for), so the caller can make use of the entire allocation. EWG agreed with the use case, but had some concerns about the explosion of operator new overloads (each new variation that’s added doubles the number of overloads; with this proposal, it would be 8), and the complications around having the new overloads return a structure rather than void*, and asked the authors to come back after exploring the design space a bit more.
  • The assume_aligned attribute. The motivation is to allow authors to signal to the compiler that a variable holds a value with a particular alignment at a given point in time, for purposes such as more efficient vectorization. The alignment is a property of the variable’s value at a point in time, not of the variable itself (e.g. you can subsequently increment the pointer and it will no longer have that alignment). EWG liked the idea but felt that the proposed semantics about where the attribute could apply (for example, that it could apply to parameter variables but not local variables) were confusing. Suggested alternatives included a magic library function (which would more clearly apply at the time it’s called), and something you can place into a contract check.
  • Fixing ADL. This is a resurrection of a proposal that’s more than a decade old, to fix argument-dependent lookup (ADL). ADL often irks people because it’s too eager, and often finds overloads in other namespaces that you didn’t intend. This proposal to fix it was originally brought forward in 2005, but was deferred at the time because the committee was behind in shipping C++0x (which became C++11); it finally came back now. It aims to make two changes to ADL:
    • Narrow the rules for what makes a namespace an associated namespace for the purpose of ADL. The current rules are very broad; in particular, it includes not only the namespaces of the arguments of a function call, but the namespaces of the template parameters of the arguments, which is responsible for a lot of unintended matches. The proposal would axe the template parameters rule.
    • Even if a function is found in an associated namespace, only consider it a match if it has a parameter matching the argument that caused the namespace to be associated, in the relevant position.

    This is a scary change, because it has the potential to break a lot of code. EWG’s main feedback was that the authors should try implementing it, and test some large codebases to understand the scope of breakage. There were also some concerns about the how the second change would interact with Concepts (and constrained templates in general). The proposal will come back for further review.

  • A proposed language-level mitigation for Spectre variant 1, which I talk about below.
  • Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values. This aims to solve a long-standing issue where e.g. vector::emplace() didn’t work with aggregate types, because the implementation of emplace() would do new T(args...), while aggregates required new T{args...}. A library solution was previously proposed for this, but the library groups were unhappy with it because it felt like a workaround for a language deficiency, and it would have had to be applied everywhere in the library where it was a problem (with vector::emplace() being just one example). This proposal fixes the deficiency at the language level. EWG generally liked the idea, though there was also a suggestion that a related problem with aggregate initialization (deleted constructors not preventing it) be solved at the same time. There was also a suggestion that the proposal only apply in dependent contexts (since in non-dependent contexts, you know what kind of initialization you need to use), but that was shot down.
  • Signed integers are two’s complement. The standard currently allows various representations for signed integers, but two’s complement is the only one used in practice, on all modern architectures; this proposal aims to standardize on that, allowing code to portably rely on the representation (and e.g. benefit from hardware capabilities like an arithmetic right shift). EWG was supportive of the idea, but expressed a preference for touching base with WG14 (the C standards committee) to make sure they’re on board with this change. (The original version of this proposal would also have defined the overflow behavior for signed integers as wrapping; this part was rejected in other subgroups and never made it to EWG.)
  • Not a proposal, but the Core Working Group asked EWG whether non-template functions should be allowed to be constrained (with a requires-clause). There are some use cases for this, such as having multiple implementations of a function conditioned on some compile-time condition (e.g. platform, architecture, etc.). However, this would entail some specification work, as the current rules governing overloading of constrained functions assume they are templates, and don’t easily carry over to non-templates. EWG opted not to allow them until someone writes a paper giving sufficient motivation.

Rejected proposals:

  • Supporting offsetof for all classes. offsetof is currently only guaranteed to work for standard-layout classes, but there are some use cases for it related to memory-mapped IO, serialization, and similar low-level things, that require it to work for some classes that aren’t standard-layout. EWG reiterated the feedback it gave on the previous proposal on this topic: to expand the definition of standard-layout to include the desired types. EWG was disinclined to allow offsetof for all classes, including ones with virtual bases, as proposed in this paper; it was felt that this more general goal could be accomplished with a future reflection-based facility.
  • Structured bindings with polymorphic lambdas. This would have allowed a structured binding declaration (e.g. auto [a, b]) as a function parameter, with the semantics that it binds to a single argument (the composite object), and is decomposed into the named consituents on the callee side. EWG sympathized with the goal, but had a number of concerns including visual ambiguity with array declarators, and encouraging the use of templates (and particularly under-constrained templates, until structured bindings are extended to allow a concept in place of auto) where otherwise you might use a non-template.
  • Structured binding declaration as a condition. This would have allowed a condition like if (auto [a, b] = f()), where the condition evaluates to the composite object returned to f() (assuming that object is already usable as a condition, e.g. by having a conversion operator to bool). EWG felt that the semantics weren’t obvious (in particular, people might think one of the decomposed variables is used as the condition). There were also unanswered questions like, in the case of a composite object that uses get<>() calls to access the decomposed variables, whether those calls happen before or after the call to the conversion operator. It was pointed out that you can already use a structured binding in a condition if you use the “if with initializer” form added in C++17, e.g. if (auto [result, ok] = f(); ok), and this is preferable because it makes clear what the condition is. (Some people even expressed a desire for deprecating the declaration-as-condition form altogether, although there was also opposition to that.)


No significant meeting of software engineers in the past few months has gone without discussion of Spectre, and this standards meeting was no exception.

Google brought forward a proposal for a language-level mitigation for variant #1 of Spectre (which, unlike variant #2, has no currently known hardware-level mitigation). The proposal allows programmers to harden specific branches against speculation, like so:

  if [[protect_from_speculation(args...)]] (predicate) {
    // use args

args... here is a comma-separated list of one or more variables that are in scope. The semantics is that, if predicate is false, any speculative execution inside the if block treats each of the args as zero. This protects against the exploit, which involves using side channels to recover information accessed inside (misspeculated execution of) the branch at a location that depends on args.

The described semantics can be implemented in assembly; see this llvm-dev post for a description of the implementation approach.

For performance reasons, the proposed hardening is opt-in (as opposed to “harden all branches this way”, although compilers can certainly offer that as an option for non-performance-critical programs), and only as aggressive as it needs to be (as opposed to “disable speculation entirely for this branch”).

The language-level syntax to opt a branch into the hardening remains to be nailed down; the attribute syntax depicted above is one possibility. One complication is that if statements are not the only language constructs that compile down to branches; there are others, including some subtler ones like virtual function dispatch. The chosen syntax should be flexible enough to allow hardening all relevant constructs.

In terms of standardizing this feature, one roadblock is that the C++ standard defines the behavior of programs in terms of an abstract machine, and the semantics of the proposed hardening concern lower-level notions that cannot be described in such terms. As the committee is unlikely to reinvent the C++ abstract machine to allow reasoning about such things as speculative execution in normative wording, it may end up being the case that the syntax of the language construct is described normatively, while its semantics is described non-normatively.

This proposal will return to EWG in a more concrete form at the next meeting. As portably mitigating Spectre is a rather urgent desire in the C++ community, there was some talk of somehow standardizing this feature “out of band” rather than waiting for C++20, though it wasn’t clear what that might look like.


EWG had an evening session to discuss proposals related to Concepts, particularly abbreviated function templates (AFTs).

To recap, AFTs are function templates declared without a template parameter list, with concept names used instead of type names in the signature. An example is void sort(Sortable& s);, which is a shorthand for template <Sortable __S> void sort(__S& s);. Such use of a concept name in place of a type name is called a constrained-type-specifier. In addition to parameter types, the Concepts TS allowed constrained-type-specifiers in return types (where the meaning was “the function’s return type is deduced, but also has to model this concept”), and in variable declarations (where the meaning was “the variable’s type is deduced, as if declared with auto, but also has to model this concept”).

constrained-type-specifiers did not make it into C++20 when the rest of the Concepts TS was merged, mostly because there were concerns that you can’t tell apart an AFT from a non-template function without knowing whether the identifiers that appear in the parameter list name types or concepts.

Four proposals were presented at this evening session, which aimed to get AFTs and/or other forms of constrained-type-specifiers into C++20 in some form.

I’ll also mention that the use of a concept name inside a template parameter list, such as template <Sortable S> (which is itself a shorthand for template <typename S> requires Sortable<S>), is called a constrained-parameter. constrained-parameters have been merged into the C++20 working draft, but some of the proposals wanted to make modifications to them as well, for consistency.

Three of the discussed proposals took the approach of a inventing a new syntax for constrained-type-specifiers (and in some cases constrained-parameters) that wasn’t just an identifier, thus syntactically distinguishing AFTs from non-template functions.

  • Concept-constrained auto proposed the syntax auto<Sortable>. The proposal as written concerned variable declarations only, but one could envision extending this to other uses of constrained-type-specifiers.
  • An adjective syntax for concepts proposed Sortable typename S as an alternative syntax for constrained-parameters, with a possible future extension of Sortable auto x for constrained-type-specifiers. The idea is that the concept name is tacked, like an adjective, onto the beginning of what you’d write without concepts.
  • Concepts in-place syntax proposed Sortable{S} for constrained-parameters, and Sortable{S} s for constrained-type-specifiers (where S would be an additional identifier the declaration introduces, that names the concrete type deduced for the parameter/variable). You could also write Sortable{} s if you didn’t want/need to name the type. One explicit design goal of this proposal was that if, in the future, the committee changes its mind about AFTs needing to be syntactically distinguishable from non-template functions (because we get more comfortable with them, or are happy to rely more on tooling to tell them apart), the empty braces could be dropped altogether, and we’d arrive precisely at the Concepts TS syntax.

An additional idea that was floated, though it didn’t have a paper, was to just use the Concepts TS syntax, but add a single syntactic marker, such as a bare template keyword before the function declaration (as opposed to per-parameter syntactic markers, as in the above proposals).

Of these ideas, Sortable{S} had the strongest support, with “Concepts TS syntax + single syntatic marker” coming a close second. The proponents of these ideas indicated that they will try to collaborate on a revised proposal that can hopefully gain consensus among the entire group.

The fourth paper that was discussed attacked the problem from a different angle: it proposed adopting AFTs into C++20 without any special syntactic marker, but also changing the way name lookup works inside them, to more closely resemble the way name lookup works inside non-template functions. The idea was that, perhaps if the semantics of AFTs are made more similar to non-template functions (name lookup is one of the most prominent semantic differences between template and non-template code), then we don’t need to syntactically distinguish them. The proponents of having a syntactic marker did not find this a convincing argument for adopting AFTs without one, but it was observed that the proposed name lookup change might be interesting to explore independently. At the same time, others pointed out similarities between the proposed name lookup rules and C++0x concepts, and warned that going down this road would lead to C++0x lookup rules (which were found to be unworkable).

(As an aside, one topic that seems to have been settled without much discussion was the question of independent resolution vs. consistent resolution; that is, if you have two uses of the same concept in an AFT (as in void foo(Number, Number);), are they required to be the same concrete type (“consistent”), or two potentially different types that both model the concept (“independent”). The Concepts TS has consistent resolution, but many people prefer independent resolution. I co-authored a paper arguing for independent resolution a while back; that sentiment was subsequently reinforced by another paper, and also in a section of the Sortable{S} proposal. Somewhat to my amusement, the topic was never actually formally discussed and voted on; the idea of independent resolution just seemed to slowly, over time, win people over, such that by this meeting, it was kind of treated as a done deal, that any AFT proposal going into C++20 will, in fact, have independent resolution.)


As mentioned above, EWG had a discussion about merging the Coroutines TS into C++20.

The main pushback was due to a set of concerns described in this paper (see also this response paper). The concerns fell into three broad categories:

  • Performance concerns. As currently specified, coroutines perform a dynamic allocation to store the state that needs to be saved in between suspensions. The dynamic allocation can be optimized away in many cases, but it was argued that for some use cases, you want to avoid the dynamic allocation by construction, without relying on your optimizer. An analogy can be made to std::vector: sure, compilers can sometimes optimize the dynamic allocation it performs to be a stack allocation, but we still have stack arrays in the language to guarantee stack allocation.

    One particularly interesting use case that motivates this performance guarantee, is using coroutines to implement a form of error handling similar to Rust’s try! macro / ? operator. The general idea is to hook the coroutine customization points for a type like expected<T> (the proposed C++ analogue of Rust’s Result), such that co_await e where e has type expected<T> functions like try!(e) would in Rust (see the paper for details). However, no one would contemplate using such an error handling mechanism if it didn’t come with a guarantee of not introducing a dynamic allocation.
  • Safety concerns. The issue here is that reference parameters to a coroutine may become dangling after the coroutine is suspended and resumed. There is a desire to change the syntax of coroutines to make this hazard more obvious.
  • Syntax concerns. There are several minor syntactic concerns related to the choice of keywords (co_await, co_yield, and co_return), having to use co_return instead of plain return, and the precedence of the co_await operator. There is a suggestion to address these by replacing co_await with a punctuation-based syntax, with both prefix and postfix forms for better composition (compare having both * and -> operators for pointer dereferencing).

The paper authors plan to bring forward a set of modifications to the Coroutines TS that address these concerns. I believe the general idea is to change the syntax in such a way that you can explicitly access / name the object storing the coroutine state. You can then control whether it’s allocated on the stack or the heap, depending on your use case (e.g. passing it across a translation unit boundary would require allocating it on the heap, similar to other compiler-generated objects like lambdas).

EWG expressed interest in seeing the proposed improvements, while also expressing a strong preference for keeping coroutines on track to be merged into C++20.


EWG spent an entire day on Modules. With the Modules TS done, the focus was on post-TS (“Modules v2”) proposals.

  • Changing the term “module interface”. This paper argued that “module interface” was a misnomer because a module interface unit can contain declarations which are not exported, and therefore not conceptually part of the module’s interface. No functional change was proposed. EWG’s reaction was “don’t care”.
  • Modules: dependent ADL. The current name lookup rules in the Modules TS have the consequence that argument-dependent lookup can find some non-exported functions that are declared in a module interface unit. This proposal argued this was surprising, and suggested tightening the rules. EWG was favourable, and asked the author to come back with a specific proposal.
  • Modules: context-sensitive keyword. This proposed making module a context-sensitive keyword rather than a hard keyword, to avoid breaking existing code that uses module as an identifier. The general approach was that if a use of module could legally be a module declaration, it is, otherwise it’s an identifier. EWG disliked this direction, because the necessary disambiguation rules were too confusing (e.g. two declarations that were only subtly different could differ in whether module was interpreted as a keyword or an identifier). It was suggested that instead an “escape mechanism” be introduced for identifiers, where you could “decorate” an identifier as something like __identifier(module) or @module to keep it an identifier. It was also pointed out that adopting relevant parts of the “Another take on modules” proposal (see below) would make this problem moot by restricting the location of module declarations to a file’s “preamble”.
  • Unqualified using declarations. This proposed allowing export using name;, where name is unqualified, as a means of exporting an existing name (such as a name from an included legacy header). EWG encouraged exploration of a mechanism for exporting existing names, but wasn’t sure this would be the right mechanism.
  • Identifying module source code. This requires that any module unit either start with a module declaration, or with module; (which “announces” that this is a module unit, with a module declaration to follow). The latter form is necessary in cases where the module wants to include legacy headers, which usually can’t be included in the module’s purview. This direction was previously approved by EWG, and this presentation was just a rubber-stamp.
  • Improvement suggestions to the Modules TS. This paper made several minor improvement suggestions.
    • Determining whether an importing translation unit sees an exported type as complete or incomplete, based on whether it was complete or incomplete at the end of the module interface unit, rather than at the point of export. This was approved.
    • Exporting the declaration of an inline function should not implicitly export the definition as well. There was no consensus for this change.
    • Allow exporting declarations that don’t introduce names; an example is a static_assert declaration. Exporting such a declaration has no effect; the motivation here is to allow enclosing a group of declarations in export { ... }, without having to take care to move such declarations out of the block. This was approved for static_assert only; EWG felt that for certain other declarations that don’t introduce names, such as using-directives, allowing them to be exported might be misleading.
    • A tweak to the treatment of private members of exported types. Rejected because private members can be accessed via reflection.

That brings us to what I view as the most significant Modules-related proposal we discussed: Another take on modules (or “Atom” for short). This is a proposal from Google based on their deployment experience with Clang’s implementation of Modules; it’s a successor to previous proposals like this one. It aims to make several changes – some major, some minor – to the Modules TS; I won’t go through all of them here, but they include changes to name lookup and visibility rules, support for module partitions, and introducing the notion of a “module preamble”, a section at the top of a module file that must contain all module and import declarations. The most significant change, however, is support for modularized legacy headers. Modularized legacy headers are legacy (non-modular) headers included in a module, not via #include as in the Modules TS, but via import (as in import "file" or import <file>). The semantics is that, instead of textually including the header contents as you would with an #include, you process them as an isolated translation unit, produce a module interface artefact as-if it was a module (with all declarations exported, I assume), and then process the import as if it were an actual module import.

Modularized legacy headers are primarily a transition mechanism for incrementally modularizing a codebase. The proposal authors claim that without them, you can’t benefit from compile-time improvements of Modules in a codebase (and in fact, you can take a compile time hit!) unless you bottom-up modularize the entire codebase (down to the standard library and runtime library headers), which is viewed as infeasible for many large production codebases.

Importantly, modularized legacy headers also offer a way forward in the impasse about whether Modules should support exporting macros. In the Atom proposal, modularized legacy headers do export the macros they define, but real modules do not. (There is an independent proposal to allow real modules to selectively export specific macros, but for transition purposes, that’s not critical, since for components that have macros as part of their interface, you can just use them as a modularized legacy header.)

There was some discussion of whether the Atom proposal is different enough from the Modules TS that it would make sense to pursue it as a separate (competing) TS, or if we should try to integrate the proposed changes into the Modules TS itself. The second approach had the stronger consensus, and the authors plan to come back with a specific proposed diff against the Modules TS.

It’s too early to speculate about the impact of pursuing these changes on the schedule for shipping Modules (such as whether it can be merged into C++20). However, one possible shipping strategy might be as follows (disclaimer: this is my understanding of a potential plan based on private conversation, not a plan that was approved by or even presented to EWG):

  • Modules v1 is the currently shipping Modules TS. It is not forward-compatible with v2 or v3.
  • Modules v2 would be a modified version of v1 that would not yet support modularized legacy headers, but would be forward-compatible with v3. Targeting C++20.
  • Modules v3 would support modularized legacy headers. Targeting post-C++20, possibly a second iteration of the Modules TS.

Such a way forward, if it becomes a reality, would seem to satisfy the concerns of many stakeholders. We would ship something in the C++20 IS, and people who are able to bottom-up modularize their codebases can start doing so, without fear of further breaking changes to Modules. Others who need the power of modularized legacy headers can wait until Modules v3 to get it.

I’m pretty happy with the progress made on Modules at this meeting. With the Atom proposal having been discussed and positively received, I’m more optimistic about the feature than I have been for the past few meetings!

Papers not discussed

With the meeting being fairly heavily focused on large proposals like Concepts, Modules, and Coroutines, there were a number of others that EWG didn’t get a chance to look at. I won’t list them all (see the pre-meeting mailing for a list), but I’ll call out two of them: feature-test macros are finally on the formal standards track, and there’s an revised attempt to tackle named arguments in C++ that’s sufficiently different from previous attempts that I think it at least might not be rejected out of hand. I look forward to having these, and the other proposals on the backlog, discussed at the next meeting.

Other Working Groups

Library Groups

Having sat in EWG all week, I can’t report on technical discussions of library proposals, but I’ll mention where various proposals are in the processing queue.

I’ve already listed the library proposals that passed wording review and were voted into the C++20 working draft above.

A few proposals targeting Technical Specifications also passed wording review and were merged into the relevant TS working drafts:

The following proposals are still undergoing wording review:

The following proposals have passed design review and await wording review at future meetings:

The following proposals are still undergoing design review:

In addition, there is a fairly long queue of library proposals that haven’t started design review yet. See the committee’s website for a full list of proposals.

Finally, I’ll mention that the Library Evolution Working Group had a joint evening session with SG 14 (Low Latency Programming) to discuss possible new standard library containers in C++20. Candidates included a fixed capacity vector, a vector with a small object optimization, ring buffer, colony, and slot map; the first three had the greatest support.

Study Groups

SG 6 (Numerics)

SG 6 met for a day, and reviewed a number of numerics-related proposals. In addition to the “signed integers are two’s complement” proposal that later came to EWG, it looked at several library proposals. Math constants, constexpr for <cmath> and <cstdlib>, letting strong_order truly be a customization point, and interpolation were forwarded to LEWG (in some cases with modifications). More better operators and floating point value access for std::ratio remain under discussion. Safe integral comparisons have been made moot by operator<=> (the proposal was “abducted by spaceship”).

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

SG 7, the Compile-Time Programming (previously Reflection) Study Group, met for an evening session and reviewed three papers.

The first, called constexpr reflexpr, was an exploration of what the reflexpr static introspection proposal might look like formulated in terms of value-based constexpr programming, rather than template metaprogramming. SG 7 previously indicated that this is the direction they would like reflection proposals to take in the longer term. The paper was reviewed favourably, with encouragement to do further work in this direction. One change that was requested was to make the API value-based rather than pointer based. Some implementers pointed out that unreflexpr, the operator that takes a meta-object and reifies it into the entity it represents, may need to be split into multiple operators for parsing purposes (since the compiler needs to know at parsing time whether the reified entity is a value, a type, or a template, but the meta-object passed as argument may be dependent in a template context). Finally, some felt that the constexpr for facility proposed in the paper (which bears some resemblance to the previously-proposed tuple-based for loop) may be worth pursuing independently.

The second was a discussion paper called “What do we want to do with reflection?” It outlines several basic / frequently requested reflection use cases, and calls for facilities that address these use cases to be added to C++20. SG 7 observed that one such facility, source code information capture, is already shipping in the Library Fundamentals TS v2, and could plausibly be merged into C++20, but for the rest, a Reflection TS published in the 2019-2020 timeframe is probably the best we can do.

The third was an updated version of the metaclasses proposal. To recap, metaclasses are compile-time transformations that can be applied to a class definition, producing a transformed class (and possibly other things like helper classes / functions). At the last meeting, SG 7 discussed how a metaclass should be defined, and decided on it operating at the “value level” (where the input and output types are represented as meta-objects, and the metaclass itself is more or less just a constexpr function). At this meeting, SG 7 focused on the invocation syntax: how you apply a metaclass to your class. The syntax that appeared to have the greatest consensus was class<interface> Foo { ... }; (where interface is an example metaclass name).

SG 15 (Tooling)

This week was the inaugural meeting of the new Tooling Study Group (SG 15), also in an evening session.

Unsurprisingly, the meeting was well attended, and the people there had many, many different ideas for how C++ tooling could be improved, ranging from IDEs, through refactoring and code analysis tools, to build systems and package managers. Much of the meeting was spent trawling through this large idea space to try to narrow down and focus the group’s scope and mission.

One topic of discussion was, what is the best representation of code for tools to consume? Some argued that the source code itself is the only sufficiently general and powerful representation, while others were of the opinion that a more structured, easy-to-consume representation would be useful, e.g. because it would avoid every tool that consumes it being (or containing / invoking) a C++ parser. It was pointed out that the “binary module interface” representation that module files compile into may be a good representation for tools to consume, and we may want to standardize it. Others felt that instead of standardizing the representation, we should standardize an API for accessing it.

In the space of build systems and package managers, the group recognized that building “one build system” or “one package manager” to rule them all is unlikely to happen. Rather, a productive direction to focus efforts might be some sort of protocol that any build or package system can hook into, and produce some sort of metadata that different tools can consume. Clang implementers pointed out that compilation databases are a primitive form of this, but obviously there’s a lot of room for improvement.

In the end, the group articulated a mission: that in 10 years’ time, it would like the C++ community to be in a state where a “compiler-informed” (meaning, semantic-level) code analysis tool can run on a significant fraction of open-source C++ code out there. This implies having some sort of metadata format (that tells the tool “here’s how you run on this codebase”) that a significant enough fraction of open-source projects support. One concrete use case for this would be the author of a C++ proposal that’s a breaking change, to run a query on open-source projects to see how much breakage the change would cause; but of course the value of such infrastructure / tooling goes far beyond this use case.

It’s a fair question to ask what the committee’s role is in all this. After all, the committee’s job is to standardize the language and its libraries, and not peripheral things like build tools and metadata formats. Even the binary module interface format mentioned above couldn’t really be part of the standard’s normative wording. However, a format / representation / API could conceivably be published in the form of a Standing Document. Beyond that, the Study Group can serve as a place to coordinate development and specification efforts for various peripheral tools. Finally, the Standard C++ Foundation (a nonprofit consortium that contributes to the funding of some commitee meetings) could play a role in funding critical tooling projects.

New Study Group: SG 16 (Unicode)

The committe has decided to form a new study group for Unicode and Text Handling. This group will take ownership of proposals such as std::text and std::text_view (types for representing text that know their encoding and expose functions that operate at the level of code points and grapheme clusters), and other proposals related to text handling. The first meeting of this study group is expected to take place at a subsequent committee meeting this year.


I think this was a productive meeting with good progress made on many fronts. For me, the highlights of the meeting included:

  • Tackling important questions about Modules, such as how to transition large existing codebases, and what to do about macros.
  • C++20 gaining foundational Concepts for its standard library, with the rest of the Ranges TS hopefully following soon.
  • C++20 gaining a standard calendar and timezone library
  • An earnest design discussion about Coroutines, which may see an improved design brought forward at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Rapperswil, Switzerland, the week of June 4th, 2018. Stay tuned for my report!

Other Trip Reports

Some other trip reports about this meeting include Vittorio Romeo’s, Guy Davidson’s (who’s a coauthor of the 2D graphics proposals, and gives some more details about its presentation), Bryce Lelbach’s, Timur Doumler’s, Ben Craig’s, and Daniel Garcia’a. I encourage you to check them out as well!

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Albuquerque, November 2017

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++17 See below Publication imminent
Library Fundamentals TS v2 source code information capture and various utilities Published!
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20 with some modifications
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms and more Nearing feature-completion; expect PDTS ballot at next meeting
Transactional Memory TS Transaction support Published! Not headed towards C++20
Concurrency TS v1 future.then(), latches and barriers, atomic smart pointers Published! Parts of it headed for C++20
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Publication imminent
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Publication imminent
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Publication imminent
Modules TS A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Resolution of comments on Proposed Draft in progress
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development; no new progress
Graphics TS 2D drawing API Under active design review; no new progress
Reflection Code introspection and (later) reification mechanisms Introspection proposal awaiting wording review. Targeting a Reflection TS.
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Proposal under wording review

Some of the links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published (expected within a few days of November 27, 2017). If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This was the third committee meeting in 2017; you can find my reports on previous meetings here (February 2017, Kona) and here (July 2017, Toronto). These reports, particularly the Toronto one, provide useful context for this post.

With the final C++17 International Standard (IS) having been voted for publication, this meeting was focused on C++20, and the various Technical Specifications (TS) we have in flight, most notably Modules.

What’s the status of C++17?

The final C++17 International Standard (IS) has been sent off for publication in September. The final document is based on the Draft International Standard (DIS), with only minor editorial changes (nothing normative) to address comments on the DIS ballot; it is now in ISO’s hands, and official publication is imminent.

In terms of implementation status, the latest versions of GCC and Clang both have complete support for C++17, modulo bugs. MSVC is said to be on track to be C++17 feature-complete by March 2018; if that ends up being the case, C++17 will be quickest standard version to date to be supported by these three major compilers.


This is the second meeting that the C++20 Working Draft has been open for changes. (To use a development analogy, think of the current Working Draft as “trunk”; it was opened for changes as soon as C++17 “branched” earlier this year). Here, I list the changes that have been voted into the Working Draft at this meeting. For a list of changes voted in at the previous meeting, see my Toronto report.

Technical Specifications

In addition to the C++ International Standard, the committee publishes Technical Specifications (TS) which can be thought of “feature branches” (to continue the development analogy from above), where provisional specifications for new language or library features are published and the C++ community is invited to try them out and provide feedback before final standardization.

At the last meeting, we published three TSes: Coroutines, Ranges, and Networking. The next steps for these features is to wait for a while (usually at least a year) to give users and implementers a chance to try them out and provide feedback. Once we’re confident the features are ripe for final standardization, they will be merged into a future version of the International Standard (possibly C++20).

Modules TS

The Modules TS made significant progress at the last meeting: its Proposed Draft (PDTS) was published and circulated for balloting, a process where national standards bodies evaluate, vote on, and submit comments on a proposed document. The ballot passed, but numerous technical comments were submitted that the committee intends to address before final publication.

A lot of time at this meeting was spent working through those comments. Significant progress was made, but not enough to vote out the final published TS at the end of the meeting. The Core Working Group (CWG) intends to hold a teleconference in the coming months to continue reviewing comment resolutions. If they get through them all, a publication vote may happen shortly thereafter (also by teleconference); otherwise, the work will be finished, and the publication vote held, at the next meeting in Jacksonville.

I summarize some of the technical discussion about Modules that took place at this meeting below.

The state of Modules implementation is also progressing: in addition to Clang and MSVC, Facebook has been contributing to a GCC implementation.

Parallelism TS v2

The Parallelism TS v2 is feature-complete, with one final feature, a template library for parallel for loops voted in at this meeting. A vote to send it out for its PDTS ballot is expected at the next meeting.

Concurrency TS v2

The Concurrency TS v2 (no working draft yet) continues to be under active development. Three new features targeting it have received design approval at this meeting: std::cell, a facility for deferred reclamation; apply() for synchronized_value; and atomic_ref. An initial working draft that consolidates the various features slated for the TS into a single document is expected at the next meeting.

Executors, slated for a separate TS, are making progress: the Concurrency Study Group approved the design of the unified executors proposal, thereby breaking the lockdown that has been holding the feature up for a number of years.

Stackful coroutines continue to be a unique beast of their own. I’ve previously reported them to be slated for the Concurrency TS v2; I’m not sure whether that’s still the case. They change the semantics of code in ways that impacts the core language, and thus need to be reviewed by the Evolution Working Group; one potential concern is that the proposal may not be implementable on all platforms (iOS came up as a concrete example during informal discussion). For the time being, the proposal is still being looked at by the Concurrency Working Group, where there continues to be strong interest in standardizing them in some form, but the details remain to be nailed down; I believe the latest development is that an older API proposal may end up being preferred over the latest call/cc one.

Future Technical Specifications

There are some planned future Technical Specifications that don’t have an official project or working draft yet:


The static introspection / “reflexpr” proposal (see its summary, design, and specification for details), headed for a Reflection TS, has been approved by the Evolution and Library Evolution Working Groups, and is awaiting wording review. The Reflection Study Group (recently renamed to “Compile-Time Programming Study Group”) approved an extension to it, concerning reflection over functions, at this meeting.

There are more reflection features to come beyond what will be in the static introspection TS. One proposal that has been drawing a lot of attention is metaclasses, an updated version of which was reviewed at this meeting (details below).


I’m not aware of much new progress on the planned Graphics TS (containing 2D graphics primitives inspired by cairo) since the last meeting. The latest draft spec can be found here, and is still on the Library Evolution Working Group’s plate.


Nothing particularly new to report here either; the Numerics Study Group did not meet this week. The high-level plan for the TS remains as outlined previously. There are concrete proposals for several of the listed topics, but not working draft for the TS yet.

Other major features


As I related in my previous report, Concepts was merged into C++20, minus abbreviated function templates (AFTs) and related features which remain controversial.

I also mentioned that there will likely be future proposals to get back AFTs in some modified form, that address the main objection to them (that knowing whether a function is a template or not requires knowing whether the identifiers in its signature name types or concepts). Two such proposals were submitted in advance of this meeting; interestingly, both of them proposed a very similar design: an adjective syntax where in an AFT, a concept name would act as an adjective tacked onto the thing it’s constraining – most commonly, for a type concept, typename or auto. So instead of void sort(Sortable& s);, you’d have void sort(Sortable& auto s);, and that makes it clear that a template is being defined.

These proposals were not discussed at this meeting, because some of the authors of the original Concepts design could not make it to the meeting. I expect a lively discussion in Jacksonville.

Now that Concepts are in the language, the question of whether new library proposals should make use of them naturally arose. The Library Evolution Working Group’s initial guidance is “not yet”. The reason is that most libraries require some foundational concepts to build their more specific concepts on top of, and we don’t want different library proposals to duplicate each other / reinvent the wheel in that respect. Rather, we should start by adding a well-designed set of foundational concepts, and libraries can then start building on top of those. The Ranges TS is considered a leading candidate for providing that initial set of foundational concepts.

Operator Dot

I last talked about overloading operator dot a year ago, when I mentioned that there are two proposals for this: the original one, and an alternative approach that achieves a similar effect via inheritance-like semantics.

There hasn’t been much activity on those proposals since then. I think that’s for two reasons. First, the relevant people have been occupied with Concepts. Second, as the reflection proposals develop, people are increasingly starting to see them as a more general mechanism to satisfy operator dot’s use cases. The downside, of course, is that reflection will take longer to arrive in C++, while one of the above two proposals could plausibly have been in C++20.

Evolution Working Group

I’ll now write in a bit more detail about the technical discussions that took place in the Evolution Working Group, the subgroup that I sat in for the duration of the week.

All proposals discussed in EWG at this meeting were targeting C++20 (except for Modules, where we discussed some changes targeting the Modules TS). I’ve categorized them into the usual “accepted”, “further work encouraged”, and “rejected” categories:

Accepted proposals:

  • Standardizing feature test macros (and another paper effectively asking for the same thing). Feature test macros are macros like __cpp_lambdas that tell you whether your compiler or standard library supports a particular feature without having to resort to the more indirect approach of having a version check for each of your supported compilers. The committee maintains a list of them, but they’re not an official part of the standard, and this has led some implementations to refuse to support them, thus significantly undermining their usefulness. To rectify this, it was proposed that they are made part of the official standard. This was first proposed at the last meeting, but failed to gain consensus at that time. It appears that people have since been convinced (possibly by the arguments laid out in the linked papers), as this time around EWG approved the proposal.
  • Bit-casting object representations. This is a library proposal, but EWG was asked for guidance regarding making this function constexpr, which requires compiler support. EWG decided that it could be made constexpr for all types except a few categories – unions, pointers, pointers-to-members, and references – for which that would have been tricky to implement.
    • As a humorous side-note about this proposal, since it could only apply to “plain old data” types (more precisely, trivially copyable types; as mentioned above, “plain old data” was deprecated as a term of art), one of the potential names the authors proposed for the library function was pod_cast. Sadly, this was voted down in favour of bit_cast.
  • Language support for empty objects. This addresses some of the limitations of the empty base optimization (such as not being able to employ it with types that are final or otherwise cannot be derived from) by allowing data members to opt out of the rule that requires them to occupy at least 1 byte using an attribute, [[no_unique_address]]. The resulting technique is called the “empty member optimization”.
  • Efficient sized delete for variable-sized classes. I gave some background on this in my previous post. The authors returned with sign-off from all relevant implementers, and a clearer syntax (the “destroying delete” operator is now identified by a tag type, as in operator delete(Type*, std::destroying_delete_t), and the proposal was approved.
  • Attributes for likely and unlikely statements. This proposal has been updated as per previous EWG feedback to allow placing the attribute on all statements. It was approved with one modification: placing the attribute on a declaration statement was forbidden, because other attributes on declaration statements consistently apply to the entity being declared, not the statement itself.
  • Deprecate implicit capture of *this. Only the implicit capture of *this via [=] was deprecated; EWG felt that disallowing implicit capture via [&] would break too much idiomatic code.
  • Allow pack expansions in lambda init-capture. There was no compelling reason to disallow this, and the workaround of constructing a tuple to store the arguments and then unpacking it is inefficient.
  • String literals as template parameters. This fixes a longstanding limitation in C++ where there was previously no way to do compile-time processing of strings in such a way that the value of the string could affect the type of the result (as an example, think of a compile-time regex parsing library where the resulting type defines an efficient matcher (DFA) for the regex). The syntax is very simple: template <auto& String>; the auto then gets deduced as const char[N] (or const char16_t[N] etc. depending on the type of the string literal passed as argument) where N is the length of the string. (You can also write template <const char (&String)[N]> if you know N, but you can’t write template <size_t N, const char (&String)[N]> and have both N and String deduced from a single string literal template argument, because EWG did not want to create a precedent for a single template argument matching two template parameters. That’s not a big deal, though: using the auto form, you can easily recover N via traits, and even constrain the length or the character type using a requires-clause.)
  • A tweak to the Contracts proposal. An issue came up during CWG review of the proposal regarding inline functions with assertion checks inside them: what should happen if the function is called from two translation units, one of which is compiled with assertion checks enabled and one of them not? EWG’s answer was that, as with NDEBUG today, this is technically an ODR (one definition rule) violation. The behaviour in practice is fairly well understood: the linker will pick one version or the other, and that version will be used by both translation units. (There are some potential issues with this: what if, while compiling a caller in one of the translation units, the optimizer assumed that the assertion was checked, but the linker picks the version where the assertion isn’t checked? That can result in miscompilation. The topic remains under discussion.)

There were also a few that, after being accepted by EWG, were reviewed by CWG and merged into the C++20 working draft the same week, and thus I already mentioned them in the C++20 section above:


Proposals for which further work is encouraged:

  • Standard containers and constexpr. This is the latest version of an ongoing effort by compiler implementers and others to get dynamic memory allocation working in a constexpr context. The current proposal allows most forms of dynamic allocation and related constructs during constant evaluation: non-trivial destructors, new and delete expressions, placement new, and use of std::allocator; this allows reusing a lot of regular code, including code that uses std::vector, in a constexpr context. Direct use of operator new is not allowed, because that returns void*, and constant evaluation needs to track the type of dynamically allocated objects. There is also a provision to allow memory that is dynamically allocated during constant evaluation to survive to runtime, at which point it’s treated as static storage. EWG liked the direction (and particularly the fact that compiler writers were on the same page regarding its implementability) and encouraged development of a more concrete proposal along these lines.
  • Supporting offsetof for stable-layout classes. “Stable-layout” is a new proposed category of types, broader than “standard-layout”, for which offsetof could be implemented. EWG observed that the definition of “standard-layout” itself could be broadened a bit to include most of the desired use cases, and expressed a preference for doing that instead of introducing a new category. There was also talk of potentially supporting offsetof for all types, which may be proposed separately as a follow-up.
  • short float. This proposal for a 16-bit floating-point type was approved by EWG earlier this year, but came back for some reason. There was some re-hashing of previous discussions about whether the standard should mandate the size (16 bits) and IEEE behaviour.
  • Adding alias declarations to concepts. This paper proposed three potential enhancements to concept declarations to make writing concepts easier. EWG was not particularly convinced about the need for this, but believed at least the first proposal could be entertained given stronger motivation.
  • [[uninitialized]] attribute. This attribute is intended to suppress compiler warnings about variables that are declared but not initialized in cases where this is done intentionally, thus facilitating the use of such warnings in a codebase to catch unintentional cases. EWG pointed out that most compiler these days warn not about uninitialized declarations, but uninitialized uses. There was also a desire to address the broader use case of allocating dynamic memory that is purposely uninitialized (e.g. std::vector<char> buffer(N) currently zero-initializes the allocated memory).
  • Relaxed incomplete multidimensional array type declaration. This is a companion proposal to the std::mdspan library proposal, which is a multi-dimensional array view. It would allow writing things like std::mdspan<double[][][]> to denote a three-dimensional array where the size in each dimension is determined at runtime. Note that you still would not be able to create an object of type double[][][]; you could only use it in contexts that do not require creating an object, like a template argument. Basically, mdspan is trying to (ab)use array types as a mini-DSL to describe its dimensions, similar to how std::function uses function types as a mini-DSL to describe its signature. This proposal was presented before, when mdspan was earlier in its design stage, and EWG did not find it sufficiently motivating. Now that the mdspan is going forward, the authors tried again. EWG was open to entertaining the idea, but only if technical issues such as the interaction with template argument deduction are ironed out.
  • Class types in non-type template parameters. This has been proposed before, but EWG was stuck on the question of how to determine equivalence (something you need to be able to do for template arguments) for values of class types. Now, operator<=> has given us a way to move forward on this question, basically by requiring that class types used in non-type template parameters have a defaulted operator<=>. It was observed that there is some overlap with the proposal to allow string literals as template parameters (since one way to pass a character array as a template parameter would be to wrap it in a struct), but it seemed like they also each have their own use cases and there may be room for both in the language.
  • Dynamic library loading. The C++ standard does not talk about dynamic libraries, but some people would find it useful to have a standardized library interface for dealing with them anyways. EWG was asked for input on whether it would be acceptable to standardize a library interface without saying too much about its semantics (since specifying the semantics would require that the C++ standard start talking about dynamic libraries, and specifying their behaviour in relation to exceptions, thread-local storage, the One Definition Rule, and so on). EWG was open to this direction, but suggested that the library interface be made much more general, as in its current incarnation it seemed to be geared towards certain platforms and unimplementable on others.
  • Various proposed extensions to the Modules TS, which I talk about below.

There was also a proposal for recursive lambdas that wasn’t discussed because its author realized it needed some more work first.

Rejected proposals:

  • A proposed trait has_padding_bits, the need for which came up during review of an atomics-related proposal by the Concurrency Study Group. EWG expressed a preference for an alternative approach that removed the need for the trait by putting the burden on compiler implementers to make things work correctly.
  • Attributes for structured bindings. This was proposed previously and rejected on the basis of insufficient motivation. The author came back with additional motivation: thread-safety attributes such as [[guarded_by]] or [[locks_held]]. However, it was pointed out that the individual bindings are just aliases to fields of an (unnamed) object, so it doesn’t make sense to apply attributes to them; attributes can be applied to the deconstructed object as a whole, or to one of its fields at the point of the field’s declaration.
  • Keeping the alias syntax extendable. This proposed reverting the part of the down with typename! proposal, approved at the last meeting, that allowed omitting the typename in using alias = typename T::type; where T was a dependent type. The rationale was that even though today only a type is allowed in that position (thus making the typename disambiguator redundant), this prevents us from reusing the same syntax for expression aliases in the future. EWG already considered this, and didn’t find it compelling: the preference was to make the “land grab” for a syntax that is widely used today, instead of keeping it in reserve for a hypothetical future feature.
  • Forward without forward.The idea here is to abbreviate the std::forward<decltype(x)>(x) boilerplate that often occurs in generic code, to >>x (i.e. a unary >> operator applied to x). EWG sympathized with the desire to eliminate this boilerplate, but felt that >>, or indeed any other unary operator, would be too confusing of a syntax, especially when occuring after an = in a lambda init-capture (e.g. [foo=>>foo](...){ ... }). EWG was willing to entertain a keyword instead, but the best people could come up with was fwdexpr and that didn’t have consensus; as a result, the future of this proposal is uncertain.
  • Relaxing the rules about invoking an explicit constructor with a braced-init-list. This would have allowed , among a few other changes, writing return {...}; instead of return T{...}; in a function whose declared return type is T, even if the invoked constructor was explicit. This has been proposed before, but rejected on the basis that it makes it easy to introduce bugs (see e.g. this response). The author proposed addressing those concerns by introducing some new rules to limit the cases in which this was allowed, but EWG did not find the motivation sufficiently compelling to further complicate C++’s already complex initialization rules.
  • Another attempt at standardizing arrays of runtime bound (ARBs, a pared-down version of C’s variable-length arrays), and a C++ wrapper class for them, stack_array. ARBs and a wrapper class called dynarray were previously headed for standardization in the form of an Array Extensions TS, before the project was scrapped because dynarray was found to be unimplementable. This proposal would solve the implementability concerns by restricting the usage of stack_array (e.g. it couldn’t be used as a class member). EWG was concerned that the restrictions would result in a type that’s not very usable. (It was pointed out that a design to make such a type more composable was proposed previously, but the author didn’t have time to pursue it further.) Ultimately, EWG didn’t feel that this proposal had a better chance of succeeding than the last time standardization of ARBs was attempted. However, a future direction that might be more promising was outlined: introducing a core language “allocation expression” that allocates a unnamed (and runtime-sized) stack array and returns a non-owning wrapper, such as a std::span, to access it.
  • A modern C++ signature for main(). This would have introduced a new signature for main() (alongside the existing allowed signatures) that exposed the command-line arguments using an iterable modern C++ type rather than raw pointers (the specific proposal was int main(std::initializer_list<std::string_view>). EWG was not convinced that such a thing would be easier to use and learn than int main(int argc, char*[] argv);. It was suggested that instead, a trivial library facility that took argc and argv as inputs and exposed an iterable interface could be provided; alternatively (or in addition), a way to access command-line arguments from anywhere in the program (similar to Rust’s std::env::args()) could be explored.
  • Abbreviated lambdas for fun and profit. This proposal would introduce a new abbreviated syntax for single-expression lambdas; a previous version of it was presented and largely rejected in Kona. Not much has changed to sway EWG’s opinion since then; if anything, additional technical issues were discovered.

    For example, one of the features of the abbreviated syntax is “automatic SFINAE”. That is, [x] => expr would mean [x] -> decltype(expr) { return expr; }; the appearance of expr in the return type rather than just the body would mean that a substitution failure in expr wouldn’t be a hard error, it would just remove the function overload being considered from the overload set (see the paper for an example). However, it was pointed out that in e.g. [x] -> decltype(x) { return x; }, the x in the decltype and the x in the body refer to two different entities: the first refers to the variable in the enclosing scope that is captured, and the second to the captured copy. If we try to make [x] => x “expand to” that, then we get into a situation where the x in the abbreviated form refers to two different entities for two different purposes, which would be rather confusing. Alternatively, we could say in the abbreviated form, x refers to the captured copy for both purposes, but then we are applying SFINAE in new scenarios, and some implementers are strongly opposed to that.

    It was also pointed out that the abbreviated form’s proposed return semantics were “return by reference”, while regular lambdas are “return by value” by default. EWG felt it would be confusing to have two different defaults like this.
  • Making the lambda capture syntax more liberal in what it accepts. C++ currently requires that in a lambda capture list, the capture-default, if present, come before any explicit captures. This proposal would have allowed them to be written in any order; in addition, it would have allowed repeating variables that are covered by the capture-default as explicit captures for emphasis. EWG didn’t find the motivation for either of these changes compelling.
  • Lifting overload sets into objects. This is a resurrection of an earlier proposal to allow passing around overload sets as objects. It addressed previous concerns with that proposal by making the syntax more explicit: you’d pass []f rather than just f, where f was the name of the overloaded function. There were also provisions for passing around operators, and functions that performed member access. EWG’s feedback was that this proposal seems to be confused between two possible sets of desired semantics:
    1. a way to build super-terse lambdas, which essentially amounts to packaging up a name; the overload set itself isn’t formed at the time you create the lambda, only later when you instantiate it
    2. a way to package and pass around overload sets themselves, which would be formed at the time you package them

    EWG didn’t have much of an appetite for #1 (possibly because it had just rejected another terse-lambda proposal), and argued that #2 could be achieved using reflection.

Discussion papers

There were also a few papers submitted to EWG that weren’t proposals per se, just discussion papers.

These included a paper arguing that Concepts does not significantly improve upon C++17, and a response paper arguing that it in fact does. The main issue was whether Concepts delivers on its promise of making template error messages better; EWG’s consensus was that they do when compared to unconstrainted templates, but perhaps not as much as one would hope when compared to C++17 techniques for constraining templates, like enable_if. There may be room for implementations (to date there is just the one in GCC) to do a better job here. (Of course, Concepts are also preferable over enable_if in other ways, such as being much easier to read.)

There was also a paper describing the experiences of the author teaching Concepts online. One of the takeaways here is that students don’t tend to find the variety of concept declaration syntaxes confusing; they tend to mix them freely, and they tend to like the abbreviated function template (AFT) syntax.


I mentioned above that a significant focus of the meeting was to address the national body comments on the Modules PDTS, and hopefully get to a publication vote on the final Modules TS.

EWG looked at Modules on two occasions: first to deal with PDTS comments that had language design implications, and second to look at new proposals concerning Modules. The latter were all categorized as “post-TS”: they would not target the Modules TS, but rather “Modules v2”, the next iteration of Modules (for which the ship vehicle has not yet been decided).

Modules TS

The first task, dealing with PDTS comments in EWG, was a short affair. Any comment that proposed a non-trivial design change, or even remotely had the potential to delay the publication of the Modules TS, was summarily rejected (with the intention that the concern could be addressed in Modules v2 instead). It was clear that the committee leadership was intent on shipping the Modules TS by the end of the meeting, and would not let it get derailed for any reason.

“That’s a good thing, right?” you ask. After all, the sooner we ship the Modules TS, the sooner people can start trying it out and providing feedback, and thus the sooner we can get a refined proposal into the official standard, right? I think the reality is a bit more nuanced than that. As always, it’s a tradeoff: if we ship too soon, we can risk shipping a TS that’s not sufficiently polished for people to reasonably implement and use it; then we don’t get much feedback and we effectively waste a TS cycle. In this case, I personally feel like EWG could have erred a bit more on the side of shipping a slightly more polished TS, even if that meant delaying the publication by a meeting (it ended up being delayed by at least a couple of months anyways). That said, I can also sympathize with the viewpoint that Modules has been in the making for a very long time and we need to ship something already.

Anyways, for this reason, most PDTS comments that were routed to EWG were rejected. (Again, I should emphasize that this means “rejected for the TS“, not “rejected forever”.) The only non-rejection response that EWG gave was to comment US 041, where EWG confirmed that the intent was that argument-dependent lookup could find some non-exported entities in some situations.

Of course, there were other PDTS comments that weren’t routed to EWG because they weren’t design issues; these were routed to CWG, and CWG spent much of the week looking at them. At one point towards the end of the week, CWG did consult EWG about a design issue that came up. The question concerned whether a translation unit that imports a module sees a class type declared in that module as complete or incomplete in various situations. Some of the possibilities that have to be considered here are whether the module exports the class’s forward declaration, its definition, or both; whether the module interface unit contains a definition of the class (exported or not) at all; and whether the class appears in the signature of an exported entity (such as a function) without itself being exported.

There are various use cases that need to be considered when deciding the behaviour here. For example, a module may want to export functions that return or take as parameters pointers or references to a type that’s “opaque” to the module’s consumer, i.e. the module’s consumer can’t create an instance of such a class or access its fields; that’s a use case for exporting a type as incomplete. At the same time, the module author may want to avoid splitting her module into separate interface and implementation units at all, and thus wants to define the type in the interface unit while still exporting it as incomplete.

The issue that CWG got held up on was that the rules as currently specified seemed to imply that in a consumer translation unit, an imported type could be complete and incomplete at the same time, depending on how it was named (e.g. directly vs. via decltype(f()) where it was the return type of a function f). Some implementers indicated that this would be a significant challenge to implement, as it would require a more sophisticated implementation model for types (where completeness was a property of “views of types” rather than of types themselves) that no existing language feature currently requires.

Several alternatives were proposed which avoided these implementation challenges. While EWG was favourable to some of them, there was also opposition to making what some saw as a design change to the Modules TS at this late stage, so it was decided that the TS would go ahead with the current design, possibly annotated as “we know there’s a potential problem here”, and it would be fixed up in v2.

I find the implications of this choice a bit unfortunate. It sounded like the implementers that described this model as being a significant challenge to implement, are not planning to implement it (after all, it’s going to be fixed in v2; why redesign your compiler’s type system if ultimately you won’t need it). Other implementers may or may not implement this model. Either way, we’ll either have implementation divergence, or all implementations will agree on a de facto model that’s different from what the spec says. This is one of those cases where I feel like waiting to polish the spec a bit more, so that it’s not shipped in a known-to-be-broken state, may have been advised.

I mentioned in my previous report that I thought the various Modules implementers didn’t talk to each other enough about their respective implementation strategies. I still feel like that’s very much the case. I feel like discussing each other’s implementation approaches in more depth would have unearthed this issue, and allowed it to be dealt with, sooner.

Modules v2

Now moving on to the proposals targeting Modules v2 that EWG reviewed:

  • Two of them (module interface imports and namespace pervasiveness and modules) it turned out were already addressed in the Modules TS by changes made in response to PDTS comments.
  • Placement of module declarations. Currently, if a module unit contains declarations in the global module, the module declaration (which effectively “starts” the module) needs to go after those global declarations. However, this makes it more difficult for both humans and tools to find the module declaration. This paper proposes a syntax that allows having the module declaration be the first declaration in the file, while still having a way to place declarations in the global module. It was observed that this proposal would make it easier to make module a context-sensitive keyword, which has also been requested. EWG encouraged continued exploration in this direction.
  • Module partitions. This iterates on the previous module partitions proposal (found in this paper), with a new syntax: module basename : partition; (unlike in the previous version, partition here is not a keyword, it’s the partition’s name). EWG liked this approach as well. Module partitions also make proclaimed-ownership-declarations unnecessary, so those can be axed.
  • Making module names strings. Currently, module names are identifier sequences separated by dots (e.g. foo.bar.baz), with the dots not necessarily implying a hierarchical relationship; they are mapped onto files in an implementation-defined manner. Making them strings instead would allow mapping onto the filesystem more explicitly. There was no consensus for this change in EWG.
  • Making module a context-sensitive keyword. As always, making a common word like module a hard keyword breaks someone. In this case, it shows up as an identifier in many mature APIs like Vulkan, CUDA, Direct X 9, and others, and in some of these cases (like Vulkan) the name is enshrined into a published specification. In some cases, the problem can be solved by making the keyword context-sensitive, and that’s the case for module (especially if the proposal about the placement of module declarations is accepted). EWG agreed to make the keyword context-sensitive. The authors of this paper asked if this could be done for the TS rather than for Modules v2; that request was rejected, but implementers indicated that they would implement it as context-sensitive ASAP, thus avoiding problems in practice.
  • Modules TS does not support intended use case. The bulk of the concerns here were addressed in the Modules TS while addressing PDTS comments, except for a proposed extension to allow using-declarations with an unqualified name. EWG indicated it was open to such an extension for v2.
  • Two papers about support for exporting macros, which remains one of the most controversial questions about Modules. The first was a “rumination” paper, which was mostly arguing that we need a published TS and deployment experience before we can settle the question; the second argued that having deployed modules (clang’s pre-TS implementation) in a large codebase (Apple’s), it’s clear that macro support is necessary. A number of options for preserving hygiene, such as only exporting and importing individual macros, were discussed. EWG expressed a lukewarm preference to continuing to explore macro support, particularly with such fine-grained control for hygiene.

Other Working Groups

The Library Evolution Working Group, as usual, reviewed a decent amount of proposed new library features. While I can’t give a complete listing of the proposals discussed and their outcomes (having been in EWG all week), I’ll mention a few highlights of accepted proposals:

Targeting C++20:

std::span (formerly called array_view) is also targeting C++20, but has not quite gotten final approval from LEWG yet.

Targeting the Library Fundamentals TS v3:

  • mdspan, a multi-dimensional array view. (How can a multi-dimensional array view be approved sooner than a single-dimensional one, you ask? It’s because mdspan is targeting a TS, but span is targeting the standard directly, so span needs to meet a higher bar for approval.)
  • std::expected<T>, a “value or error” variant type very similar to Rust’s Result

Targeting the Ranges TS:

  • Range adaptors (“views”) and utilities. Range views are ranges that lazily consume elements from an underlying range, while performing an additional operation like transforming the elements or filtering them. This finally gives C++ a standard facility that’s comparable to C#’s LINQ (sans the SQL syntax), Java 8’s streams, or Rust’s iterators. C++11 versions of the facilities proposed here are available today in the range-v3 library (which was in turn inspired by Boost.Range).

There was an evening session to discuss the future of text handling in C++. There was general agreement that it’s desirable to have a text handling library that has notions of code units, code points, and grapheme clusters; for many everyday text processing algorithms (like toupper), operating at the level of grapheme clusters makes the most sense. Regarding error handling, different people have different needs (safety vs. performance), and a policy-based approach to control error handling may be advisable. Some of the challenges include standard library implementations having to ship a database of Unicode character classifications, or hook into the OS’s database. The notion of whether we should have a separate character type to represent UTF-8 encoded text, or just use char for that purpose, remains contentious.

SG 7 (Compile-Time Programming)

SG 7, the Compile-Time Programming (previously Reflection) Study Group met for an evening session.

An updated version of a proposed extension to the static reflection proposal to allow reflecting over functions was briefly reviewed and sent onwards for review in EWG and LEWG at future meetings.

The rest of the evening was spent discussing an updated version of the metaclasses proposal. To recap, a metaclass defines a compile-time transformation on a class, and can be applied to a class to produce a transformed class (possibly among other things, like helper classes / functions). The discussion focused on one particular dimension of the design space here: how the transformation should be defined. Three options were given:

  1. The metaclass operates on a mutable input class, and makes changes to it to produce the transformed class. This is how it worked in the original proposal.
  2. Like #1, but the metaclass operates on an immutable input class, and builds the transformed class from the ground up as its output.
  3. Like #2, but the metaclass code operates on the “meta level”, where the representation of the input and output types is an ordinary object of type meta::type. This dispenses with most of the special syntax of the first two approaches, making the metaclass look a lot like a normal constexpr function.

SG 7 liked the third approach the best, noting that it not only dispenses with the need for the $ syntax (which couldn’t have been the final syntax anyways, it would have needed to be something uglier), but makes the proposal more general (opening up more avenues for how and where you can invoke/apply the metaclass), and more in line with the preference the group previously expressed to have reflection facilities operate on a homogeneous value representation of the program’s entities.

Discussion of other dimensions of the design space, such as what the invocation syntax for metaclasses should look like (i.e. how you apply them to a class) was deferred to future meetings.

SG 12 (Undefined Behaviour and Vulnerabilities)

SG 12, the Undefined Behaviour Study Group, recently had its scope expanded to also cover documenting vulnerabilities in the C++ language, and ways to avoid them.

This latter task is a joint effort between SG 12 and WG 23, a sister committee of the C++ Standards Committee that deals with vulnerabilities in programming languages in general. WG 23 produces a language-agnostic document that catalogues vulnerabilities without being specific to a language, and then language-specific annexes for a number of programming languages. For the last couple of meetings, WG 23 has been collaborating with our SG 12 to produce a C++ annex; the two groups met for that purpose for two days during this meeting. The C++ annex is at a pretty early stage, but over time it has the potential to grow to be a comprehensive document outlining many interesting types of vulnerabilities that C++ programmers can run into, and how to avoid them.

SG 12 also had a meeting of its own, where it looked at a proposal to make certain low-level code patterns that are widely used but technically have undefined behaviour, have defined behaviour instead. This proposal was reviewed favourably.

C++ Stability and Velocity

On Friday evening, there was a session to discuss the stability and velocity of C++.

One of the focuses of the session was reviewing the committee’s policy on deprecating and removing old features that are known to be broken or that have been superseded by better alternatives. Several language features (e.g. dynamic exception specifications) and library facilities (e.g. std::auto_ptr) have been deprecated and removed in this way.

One of the library facilities that were removed in C++17 was the deprecated “binders” (std::bind1st and std::bind2nd). These have been superseded by the C++11 std::bind, but, unlike say auto_ptr, they aren’t problematic or dangerous in any way. It was argued that the committee should not deprecate features like that, because it causes unnecessary code churn and maintenance cost for codebases whose lifetime and update cycle is very long (on the order of decades); embedded software such as an elevator control system was brought up as a specific example.

While some sympathized with this viewpoint, the general consensus was that, to be able to evolve at the speed it needs to to satisfy the needs of the majority of its users, C++ does need to be able to shed old “cruft” like this over time. Implementations often do a good job of maintaining conformance modes with older standard versions (and even “escape hatches” to allow old features that have been removed to be used together with new features that have since been added), thus allowing users to continue using removed features for quite a while in practice. (Putting bind1st and bind2nd specifically back into C++20 was polled, but didn’t have consensus.)

The other focus of the session was the more general tension between the two pressures of stability and velocity that C++ faces as it evolves. It was argued that there is a sense in which the two are at odds with each other, and the committee needs to take a clearer stance on which is the more important goal. Two examples of cases where backwards compatibility constraints have been a drag on the language that were brought up were the keywords used for coroutines (co_await, co_yield, etc. – wouldn’t it have been nice to just be able to claim await and yield instead?), and the const-correctness issue with std::function which still remains to be fixed. A poll on which of stability or velocity is more important for the future direction of C++ revealed a wide array of positions, with somewhat of a preference for velocity.


This was a productive meeting, whose highlights included the Modules TS making good progress towards its publication; C++20 continuing to take shape as the draft standard gained the consistent comparisons feature among many other smaller ones; and range views/adaptors being standardized for the Ranges TS.

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Jacksonville, Florida, the week of March 12th, 2018. It, too, should be an exciting meeting, as design discussion of Concepts resumes (with the future of AFTs possibly being settled), and the Modules TS is hopefully finalized (if that doesn’t already happen between meetings). Stay tuned for my report!

Other Trip Reports

Others have written reports about this meeting as well. Some that I’ve come across include Herb Sutter’s and Bryce Lelbach’s. I encourage you to check them out!

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Toronto, July 2017

Summary / TL;DR

Project What’s in it? Status
C++17 See below Draft International Standard published; on track for final publication by end of 2017
Filesystems TS Standard filesystem interface Part of C++17
Library Fundamentals TS v1 optional, any, string_view and more Part of C++17
Library Fundamentals TS v2 source code information capture and various utilities Published!
Concepts TS Constrained templates Merged into C++20 with some modifications
Parallelism TS v1 Parallel versions of STL algorithms Part of C++17
Parallelism TS v2 Task blocks, library vector types and algorithms and more Under active development
Transactional Memory TS Transaction support Published! Uncertain whether this is headed towards C++20
Concurrency TS v1 future.then(), latches and barriers, atomic smart pointers Published! Parts of it headed for C++20
Concurrency TS v2 See below Under active development
Networking TS Sockets library based on Boost.ASIO Voted for publication!
Ranges TS Range-based algorithms and views Voted for publication!
Coroutines TS Resumable functions, based on Microsoft’s await design Voted for publication!
Modules TS A component system to supersede the textual header file inclusion model Proposed Draft voted out for balloting by national standards bodies
Numerics TS Various numerical facilities Under active development
Graphics TS 2D drawing API Under active design review
Reflection Code introspection and (later) reification mechanisms Introspection proposal passed core language and library design review; next stop is wording review. Targeting a Reflection TS.
Contracts Preconditions, postconditions, and assertions Proposal passed core language and library design review; next stop is wording review.

Some of the links in this blog post may not resolve until the committee’s post-meeting mailing is published. If you encounter such a link, please check back in a few days.


A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Toronto, Canada (which, incidentally, is where I’m based). This was the second committee meeting in 2017; you can find my reports on previous meetings here (November 2016, Issaquah) and here (February 2017, Kona). These reports, particularly the Kona one, provide useful context for this post.

With the C++17 Draft International Standard (DIS) being published (and its balloting by national standards bodies currently in progress), this meeting was focused on C++20, and the various Technical Specifications (TS) we have in flight.

What’s the status of C++17?

From a technical point of view, C++17 is effectively done.

Procedurally, the DIS ballot is still in progress, and will close in August. Assuming it’s successful (which is widely expected), we will be in a position to vote to publish the final standard, whose content would be the same as the DIS with possible editorial changes, at the next meeting in November. (In the unlikely event that the DIS ballot is unsuccessful, we would instead publish a revised document labelled “FDIS” (Final Draft International Standard) at the November meeting, which would need to go through one final round of balloting prior to publication. In this case the final publication would likely happen in calendar year 2018, but I think the term “C++17” is sufficiently entrenched by now that it would remain the colloquial name for the standard nonetheless.)


With C++17 at the DIS stage, C++20 now has a working draft and is “open for business”; to use a development analogy, C++17 has “branched”, and the standard’s “trunk” is open for new development. Indeed, several changes have been voted into the C++20 working draft at this meeting.

Technical Specifications

This meeting was a particularly productive one for in-progress Technical Specifications. In addition to Concepts (which had already been published previously) being merged into C++20, three TSes – Coroutines, Ranges, and Networking – passed a publication vote this week, and a fourth, Modules, was sent out for its PDTS ballot (a ballot process that allows national standards bodies to vote and comment on the proposed TS, allowing the committee to incorporate their feedback prior to sending out a revised document for publication).

Coroutines TS

The Coroutines TS – which contains a stackless coroutine design, sometimes called co_await after one of the keywords it uses – had just been sent out for its PDTS ballot at the previous meeting. The results were in before this meeting began – the ballot had passed, with some comments. The committee made it a priority to get through all the comments at this meeting and draft any resulting revisions, so that the revised TS could be voted for final publication, which happened (successfully) during the closing plenary session.

Meanwhile, an independent proposal for stackful coroutines with a library-only interface is making its way through the Library groups. Attempts to unify the two varieties of coroutines into a single design seem to have been abandoned for now; the respective proposal authors maintain that the two kinds of coroutines are useful for different purposes, and could reasonably co-exist (no pun intended) in the language.

Ranges TS

The Ranges TS was sent out for its PDTS ballot two meetings ago, but due to the focus on C++17, the committee didn’t get through all of the resulting comments at the last meeting. That work was finished at this meeting, and this revised TS also successfully passed a publication vote.

Networking TS

Like the Ranges TS, the Networking TS was also sent out for its PDTS ballot two meetings ago, and resolving the ballot comments was completed at this meeting, leading to another successful publication vote.

Modules TS

Modules had come close to being sent out for its PDTS ballot at the previous meeting, but didn’t quite make it due to some procedural mis-communication (detailed in my previous report if you’re interested).

Modules is kind of in an interesting state. There are two relatively mature implementations (in MSVC and Clang), whose development either preceded or was concurrent with the development of the specification. Given this state of affairs, I’ve seen the following dynamic play out several times over the past few meetings:

  • a prospective user, or someone working on a new implementation (such as the one in GCC), comes to the committee seeking clarification about what happens in a particular scenario (like this one)
  • the two existing implementers consult their respective implementations, and give different answers
  • the implementers trace the difference in outcome back to a difference in the conceptual model of Modules that they have in their mind
  • the difference in the conceptual model, once identified, is discussed and reconciled by the committee, typically in the Evolution Working Group (EWG)
  • the implementers work with the Core Working Group (CWG) to ensure the specification wording reflects the new shared understanding

Of course, this is a desirable outcome – identifying and reconciling differences like this, and arriving at a specification that’s precise enough that someone can write a new implementation based purely on the spec, is precisely what we want out of a standards process. However, I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a more efficient way to identify these differences – for example, by the two implementers actually studying each other’s implementations (I realize that’s complicated by the fact that one is proprietary…), or at least discussing their respective implementation strategies in depth.

That said, Modules did make good progress at this meeting. EWG looked at several proposal changes to the spec (I summarize the technical discussion below), CWG worked diligently to polish the spec wording further, and in the end, we achieved consensus to – finally – send out Modules for its PDTS ballot!

Parallelism TS v2

The Parallelism TS v2 (working draft here) picked up a new feature, vector and wavefront policies. Other proposals targeting it, like vector types and algorithms, are continuing to work their way through the library groups.

Concurrency TS v2

SG 1, the Study Group that deals with concurrency and parallelism, reviewed several proposals targeting the Concurrency TS v2 (which still does not yet have a working draft) at this meeting, including a variant of joining_thread with cooperative cancellation, lock-free programming techniques for reclamation, and stackful coroutines (which I’ve mentioned above in connection with the Coroutines TS).

Executors are still likely slated for a separate TS. The unified proposal presented at the last meeting has been simplified as requested, to narrow its scope to something manageable for initial standardization.

Merging Technical Specifications Into C++20

We have some technical specifications that are already published and haven’t been merged into C++17, and are thus candidates for merging into C++20. I already mentioned that Concepts was merged with some modifications (details below).

Parts of the Concurrency TS are slated to be merged into C++20: latches, with barriers to hopefully follow after some design issues are ironed out, and an improved version of atomic shared pointers. future.then() is going to require some more iteration before final standardization.

The Transactional Memory TS currently has only one implementation; the Study Group that worked on it hopes for some more implementation and usage experience prior to standardization.

The Library Fundamentals TS v2 seems to be in good shape to be merged into C++20, though I’m not sure of the exact status / concrete plans.

In addition to the TSes that are already published, many people are eager to see the TSes that were just published (Coroutines, Ranges, and Networking), as well as Modules, make it into C++20 too. I think it’s too early to try and predict whether they will make it. From a procedural point of view, there is enough time for all of these to complete their publication process and be merged in the C++20 timeframe. However, it will really depend on how much implementation and use experience these features get between now and the C++20 feature-complete date (sometime in 2019), and what the feedback from that experience is.

Future Technical Specifications

Finally, I’ll give some mention to some planned future Technical Specifications that don’t have an official project or working draft yet:


A proposal for static introspection (sometimes called “reflexpr” after the keyword it uses; see its summary, design, and specification for details) continues to head towards a Reflection TS. It has been approved by SG 7 (the Reflection and Metaprogramming Study Group) and the Evolution Working Group at previous meetings. This week, it was successfully reviewed by the Library Evolution Working Group, allowing it to move on to the Core and Library groups going forward.

Meanwhile, SG 7 is continuing to look at more forward-looking reflection and metaprogramming topics, such as a longer-term vision for metaprogramming, and a proposal for metaclasses (I talk more about these below).


The Graphics TS, which proposes to standardize a set of 2D graphics primitives inspired by cairo, continues to be under active review by the Library Evolution Working Group; the latest draft spec can be found here. The proposal is close to being forwarded to the Library Working Group, but isn’t quite there yet.

While I wasn’t present for its discussion in LEWG, I’m told that one of the changes that have been requested is to give the library a stateless interface. This matches the feedback I’ve heard from Mozilla engineers knowledgeable about graphics (and which I’ve tried to relay, albeit unsuccessfully, at a previous meeting).

Evolution Working Group

I’ll now write in a bit more detail about the technical discussions that took place in the Evolution Working Group, the subgroup that I sat in for the duration of the week.

All proposals discussed in EWG at this meeting were targeting C++20 (except for Modules, where we discussed changes targeting the Modules TS). I’ve categorized them into the usual “accepted”, “further work encouraged”, and “rejected” categories:

Accepted proposals:

  • Default member initializers for bitfields. Previously, bit-fields couldn’t have default member initializers; now they can, with the “natural” syntax, int x : 5 = 42; (brace initialization is also allowed). A disambiguation rule was added to deal with parsing ambiguities (since e.g. an = could conceivably be part of the bitfield width expression).
  • Tweaking the rules for constructor template argument deduction. At the last meeting, EWG decided that for wrapper types like tuple, copying should be preferable to wrapping; that is, something like tuple t{tuple{1, 2}}; should deduce the type of t as tuple<int, int> rather than tuple<tuple<int, int>>. However, it had been unclear whether this guidance applied to types like vector that had std::initializer_list constructors. EWG clarified that copying should indeed be preferred to wrapping for those types, too. (The paper also proposed several other tweaks to the rules, which did not gain consensus to be approved just yet; the author will come back with a revised paper for those.)
  • Resolving a language defect related to defaulted copy constructors. This was actually a proposal that I co-authored, and it was prompted by me running into this language defect in Mozilla code (it prevented the storing of an nsAutoPtr inside a std::tuple). It’s also, to date, my first proposal to be approved by EWG!
  • A simpler solution to the problem that allowing the template keyword in unqualified-ids aimed to solve. While reviewing that proposal, the Core Working Group found that the relevant lookup rules could be tweaked so as to avoid having to use the template keyword at all. The proposed rules technically change the meaning of certain existing code patterns, but only ones that are very obscure and unlikely to occur in the wild. EWG was, naturally, delighted with this simplification.
  • An attribute to mark unreachable code. This proposal aims to standardize existing practice where a point in the code that the author expects cannot be reached is marked with __builtin_unreachable() or __assume(false). The initial proposal was to make the standardized version an [[unreachable]] attribute, but based on EWG’s feedback, this was revised to be a std::unreachable() library function instead. The semantics is that if such a call is reached during execution, the behaviour is undefined. (EWG discussed at length whether this facility should be tied to the Contracts proposal. The outcome was that it should not be; since “undefined behaviour” encompasses everything, we can later change the specified behaviour to be something like “call the contract violation handler” without that being a breaking change.) The proposal was sent to LEWG, which will design the library interface more precisely, and consider the possibility of passing in a compile-time string argument for diagnostic purposes.
  • Down with typename! This paper argued that in some contexts where typename is currently required to disambiguate a name nested in a dependent scope as being a type, the compiler can actually disambiguate based on the context, and proposed removing the requirement of writing typename in such contexts. The proposal passed with flying colours. (It was, however, pointed out that the proposal prevents certain hypothetical future extensions. For example, one of the contexts in question is y in using x = y;: that can currently only be a type. However, suppose we later want to add expression aliases to C++; this proposal rules out re-using the using x = y; syntax for them.)
  • Removing throw(). Dynamic exception specifications have been deprecated since C++11 (superseded by noexcept), and removed altogether in C++17, with the exception of throw() as an alias for noexcept(true). This paper proposed removing that last vestige, too, and EWG approved it. (The paper also proposed removing some other things that were deprecated in C++17, which were rejected; I mention those in the list of rejected proposals below.)
  • Ranged-based for statement with initializer. This introduces a new form of range-for: for (T var = init; U elem : <range-expression>); here, var is a variable that lives for the duration of the loop, and can be referenced by <range-expression> (whereas elem is the usual loop variable that takes on a new value on every iteration). This is useful for both scope hygiene (it avoids polluting the enclosing scope with var) and resolving a category of lifetime issues with range-for. EWG expressed concerns about parseability (parsers will now need to perform more lookahead to determine which form of loop they are parsing) and readability (the “semicolon colon” punctuation in a loop header of this form can look deceptively like the “semicolon semicolon” punctuation in a traditional for loop), but passed the proposal anyways.
  • Some changes to the Modules TS (other proposed changes were deferred to Modules v2) – I talk about these below
  • Changes to Concepts – see below

Proposals for which further work is encouraged:

  • Non-throwing container operations. This paper acknowledges the reality that many C++ projects are unable to or choose not to use exceptions, and proposes that standard library container types which currently rely on exceptions to report memory allocation failure, provide an alternative API that doesn’t use exceptions. Several concrete alternatives are mentioned. EWG sent this proposal to the Library Evolution Working Group to design a concrete alternative API, with the understanding that the resulting proposal will come back to EWG for review as well.
  • Efficient sized deletion for variable-sized classes. This proposal builds on the sized deletion feature added to C++14 to enable this optimization for “variable-sized classes” (that is, classes that take control of their own allocation and allocate a variable amount of extra space before or after the object itself to store extra information). EWG found the use cases motivating, but encouraged the development of a syntax that less prone to accidental misuse, as well as additional consultation with implementers to ensure that ABI is not broken.
  • Return type deduction and SFINAE. This paper proposes a special syntax for single-expression lambdas, which would also come with the semantic change that the return expression be subject to SFINAE (this is a desirable property that often leads authors to repeat the return expression, wrapped in decltype, in an explicit return type declaration (and then to devise macros to avoid the repetition)). EWG liked the goal but had parsing-related concerns about the syntax; the author was encouraged to continue exploring the syntax space to find something that’s both parseable and readable. Continued exploration of terser lambdas, whether as part of the same proposal or a separate proposal, was also encouraged. It’s worth noting that there was another proposal in the mailing (which wasn’t discussed since the author wasn’t present) that had significant overlap with this proposal; EWG observed that it might make sense to collaborate on a revised proposal in this space.
  • Default-constructible stateless lambdas. Lambdas are currently not default-constructible, but for stateless lambdas (that is, lambdas that do not capture any variables) there is no justification for this restriction, so this paper proposed removing it. EWG agreed, but suggested that they should also be made assignable. (An example of a situation where one currently runs into these restrictions is transform iterators: such iterators often aggregate the transformation function, and algorithms often default-construct or assign iterators.)
  • Product type access. Recall that structured bindings work with both tuple-like types, and structures with public members. The former expose get<>() functions to access the tuple elements by index; for the latter, structured bindings achieve such index-based access by “language magic”. This paper proposed exposing such language magic via a new syntax or library interface, so that things other than structured bindings (for example, code that wants to iterate over the public members of a structure) can take advantage of it. EWG agreed this was desirable, expressed a preference for a library interface, and sent the proposal onward to LEWG to design said interface. (Compilers will likely end up exposing intrinsics to allow library implementers to implement such an interface. I personally don’t see the advantage of doing things this way over just introducing standard language syntax, but I’m happy to get the functionality one way or the other.)
  • Changing the attack vector of constexpr_vector. At the previous meeting, implementers reported that supporting full-blown dynamic memory allocation in a constexpr context was not feasible to implement efficiently, and suggested a more limited facility, such as a special constexpr_vector container. This proposal argues that such a container would be too limiting, and suggests supporting a constexpr allocator (which can then be used with regular containers) instead. Discussion at this meeting suggested that (a) on the one hand, a constexpr allocator is no less general (and thus no easier to support) than new itself; but (b) on the other hand, more recent implementer experiments suggest that supporting new itself, with some limitations, might be feasible after all. Continued exploration of this topic was warmly encouraged.
  • Implicit evaluation of auto variables. This is a resurrection of an earlier proposal to allow a class to opt into having a conversion function of some sort called when an instance of it is assigned to an auto-typed variable. The canonical use case is an intermediate type is an expression template system, for which it’s generally desirable to trigger evaluation when initializing an auto-typed variable. EWG wasn’t fond of widening the gap between the deduction rules for auto and the deduction rules for template parameters (which is what auto is modelled on), and suggested approaching the problem form a different angle; one idea that was thrown around was the possibility of extending the notion of deduction guides (currently used for class template argument deduction) to apply to situations like this.
  • Allowing class template specializations in unrelated namespaces. The motivation here is to avoid having to reopen the namespace in which a class template was defined, to provide a specialization of that template. EWG liked the idea, but suggested that it might be prudent to still restrict such specializations to occur within associated namespaces of the specialization (e.g. the namespaces of the specialization’s template arguments) – kind of like how Rust doesn’t allow you to implement a trait unless you’re either the author of the trait, or the author of the type you’re implementing the trait for.
  • Precise semantics for contract assertions. This paper explores the design space of contract assertions, enumerating the various (sometimes contradictory) objectives we may want to achieve by using them, and proposes a set of primitive operations that facilitate implementing assertions in ways that meet useful subsets of these objectives. EWG expressed an interest in standardizing some of the proposed primitives, specifically a mechanism to deliberately introduce unspecified (nondeterministic) behaviour into a program, and a “prevent continuation handler” that an assertion check can invoke if an assertion fails and execution should not continue as a result. (A third primitive, for deliberately invoking undefined behaviour, is already handled by the independently proposed std::unreachable() function that EWG approved at this meeting.)

Rejected proposals:

  • Attributes for structured bindings. This proposal would have allowed applying attributes to individual bindings, such as auto [a, b [[maybe_unused]], c] = f();. EWG found this change insufficiently motivated; some people also thought it was inappropriate to give individual bindings attributes when we can’t even give them types.
  • Making pointers-to-members callable. This would have allowed p(s) to be valid and equivalent to s.*p when p is a pointer to a member of a type S, and s is an object of that type. It had been proposed before, and was rejected for largely the same reason: some people argued that it was a half-baked unified call syntax proposal. (I personally thought this was a very sensible proposal – not at all like unified call syntax, which was controversial for changing name lookup rules, which this proposal didn’t do.)
  • Explicit structs. The proposal here was to allow marking a struct as explicit, which meant that all its fields had to be initialized, either by a default member initializer, by a constructor intializer, or explicitly by the caller (not relying on the fallback to default initialization) during aggregate initialization. EWG didn’t find this well enough motivated, observing that either your structure has an invariant, in which case it’s likely to be more involved than “not the default values”, or it doesn’t, in which case the default values should be fine. (Uninitialized values, which can arise for primitive types, are another matter, and can be addressed by different means, such as via the [[uninitialized]] attribute proposal.)
  • Changing the way feature-test macros are standardized. Feature test macros (like __cpp_constexpr, intended to be defined by an implementation if it supports constexpr) are currently standardized in the form of a standing document published by the committee, which is not quite a standard (for example, it does not undergo balloting by national bodies). As they have become rather popular, Microsoft proposed that they be standardized more formally; they claimed that it’s something they’d like to support, but can’t unless it’s a formal standard, because they’re trying to distance themselves from their previous habit of supporting non-standard extensions. (I didn’t quite follow the logic behind this, but I guess large companies sometimes operate in strange ways.) However, there was no consensus to change how feature test macros are standardized; some on the committee dislike them, in part because of their potential for fragmentation, and because they don’t completely remove the need for compiler version checks and such (due to bugs etc.)
  • Removing other language features deprecated in C++17. In addition to throw() (whose removal passed, as mentioned above), two other removals were proposed.
    • Out-of-line declarations of static constexpr data members. By making static constexpr data members implicitly inline, C++17 made it so that the in-line declaration which provides the value is also a definition, making an out-of-line declaration superfluous. Accordingly, the ability to write such an out-of-line declaration at all was deprecated, and was now proposed for removal in C++20.
    • Implicit generation of a copy constructor or copy assignment operator in a class with a user-defined copy assignment operator, copy constructor, or destructor. This has long been known to be a potential footgun (since generally, if you need to user-define one of these functions, you probably need to user-define all three), and C++11 already broke with this pattern by having a user-defined move operation disable implicit generation of the copy operations. The committee has long been eyeing the possibility extending this treatment to user-defined copy operations, and the paper suggested that perhaps C++20 would be the time to do so. However, the reality is that there still is a lot of code out there that relies on this implicit generation, and much of it isn’t actually buggy (though much of it is).

    Neither removal gained consensus. In each case, undeprecating them was also proposed, but that was rejected too, suggesting that the hope that these features can be removed in a future standard remains alive.

  • Capturing *this with initializer. C++17 added the ability to have a lambda capture the entire *this object by value. However, it’s still not possible to capture it by move (which may be reasonable if e.g. constructing the lambda is the last thing you do with the current object). To rectify this, this paper proposed allowing the capture of *this with the init-capture syntax. Unfortunately, this effectively allows rebinding this to refer to a completely unrelated object inside the lambda, which EWG believed would be far too confusing, and there didn’t appear to be a way to restrict the feature to only work for the intended use case of moving the current object.
  • bit_sizeof and bit_offsetof. These are similar to sizeof and offsetof, but count the number of bits, and work on bitfield members. EWG preferred to hold off on these until they are implementable with a library interface on top of reflection.
  • Parametric functions. This oddly-named proposal is really a fresh approach to named arguments. In contrast with the named arguments proposal that I co-authored a few years back, which proposed to allow using named arguments with existing functions and existing parameter names (and garnered significant opposition over concerns that it would make parameter names part of a function’s interface when the function hadn’t been written with that in mind), this paper proposed introducing a new kind of function, which can have named arguments, declared with a new syntax, and for which the parameter names are effectively part of the function’s type. While this approach does address the concerns with my proposal, EWG felt the new syntax and new language machinery it would require was disproportionate to the value of the feature. In spite of the idea’s repeated rejection, no one was under any illusion that this would be the last named arguments proposal to come in front of EWG.

There were a handful of proposals that were not discussed due to their authors not being present. They included the other terse lambdas proposal and its offshoot idea of making forwarding less verbose, and a proposal for an [[uninitialized]] attribute.


A major focus of this meeting was to achieve consensus to get Concepts into C++20. To this end, EWG spent half a day plus an evening session discussing several papers on the topic.

Two of the proposals – a unified concept definition syntax and semantic constraint matching – were write-ups of design directions that had already been discussed and approved in Kona; their discussion at this meeting was more of a rubber-stamp. (The second paper contained a provision to require that re-declarations of a constrained template use the same syntax (e.g. you can’t have one using requires-clauses and the other using a shorthand form); this provision had some objections, just as it did in Kona, but was passed anyways.)

EWG next looked at a small proposal to address certain syntax ambiguities; the affected scenarios involve constrained function templates with a requires-clause, where it can be ambiguous where the require-clause after the template parameter list ends, and where the function declaration itself begins. The proposed solution was to restrict the grammar for the expression allowed in a top-level requires-clause so as to remove the ambiguity; expressions that don’t fit in the restricted grammar can still be used if they are parenthesized (as in requires (expr)). This allows common forms of constraints (like trait<T>::value or trait_v<T>) to be used without parentheses, while allowing any expression with parentheses. This was also approved.

That brings us to the controversial part of the discussion: abbreviated function templates (henceforth, “AFTs”), also called “terse templates”. To recap, AFTs are function templates declared without a template parameter list, where the parameter types use concept names (or auto), which the compiler turns into invented template parameters. A canonical example is void sort(Sortable& s);, which is a shorthand for template <Sortable S> void sort(S& s); (which is itself a shorthand for template <typename S> requires Sortable<S> void sort(S& s);).

AFTs have been controversial since their introduction, due to their ability to make template code look like non-template code. Many have argued that this is a bad idea, beacuse template code is fundamentally different from non-template code (e.g. consider different name lookup rules, the need for syntactic disambiguators like typename, and the ability to define a function out of line). Others have argued that making generic programming (programming with templates) look more like regular programming is a good thing.

(A related feature that shared some of the controversy around AFTs was concept introductions, which were yet another shorthand, making Mergeable{In1, In2, Out} void merge(In1, In1, In2, Out); short for template <typename In1, typename In2, typename Out> requires Mergeable<In1, In2, Out> void merge(In1, In1, In2, Out);. Concept introductions don’t make a template look like a non-template the way AFTs do, but were still controversial as many felt they were an odd syntax and offered yet another way of defining constrained function templates with relatively little gain in brevity.)

The controversy around AFTs and concept introductions was one of the reasons the proposed merger of the Concepts TS into C++17 failed to gain consensus. Eager not to repeat this turn of events for C++20, AFTs and concept introductions were proposed for removal from Concepts, at least for the time being, with the hope that this would allow the merger of Concepts into C++20 to gain consensus. After a long and at times heated discussion, EWG approved this removal, and approved the merger of Concepts, as modified by this removal (and by the other proposals mentioned above), into C++20. As mentioned above, this merger was subsequently passed by the full committee at the end of the week, resulting in Concepts now being in the C++20 working draft!

It’s important to note that the removal of AFTs was not a rejection of having a terse syntax for defining constrained function templates in general. There is general agreement that such a terse syntax is desirable; people just want such a syntax to come with some kind of syntactic marker that makes it clear that a function template (as opposed to a non-template function) is being declared. I fully expect that proposals for an alternative terse syntax that comes with such a syntactic marker will forthcome (in fact, I’ve already been asked for feedback on one such draft proposal), and may even be approved in the C++20 timeframe; after all, we’re still relatively early in the C++20 cycle.

There was one snag about the removal of AFTs that happened at this meeting. In the Concepts wording, AFTs are specified using a piece of underlying language machinery called constrained type specifiers. Besides AFTs, this machinery powers some other features of Concepts, such as the ability to write ConceptName var = expr;, or even vector<auto> var = expr;. While these other features weren’t nearly as controversial as AFTs were, from a specification point of view, removing AFTs while keeping these in would have required a significant refactor of the wording that would have been difficult to accomplish by the end of the week. Since the committee wanted to “strike the iron while it’s hot” (meaning, get Concepts into C++20 while there is consensus for doing so), it was decided that for the time being, constrained type specifiers would be removed altogether. As a result, in the current C++20 working draft, things like vector<auto> var = expr; are ill-formed. However, it’s widely expected that this feature will make it back into C++20 Concepts at future meetings.

Lastly, I’ll note that there were two proposals (one I co-authored, and a second one that didn’t make the pre-meeting mailing) concerning the semantics of constrained type specifiers. The removal of constrained type specifiers made these proposals moot, at least for the time being, so they were not discussed at this meeting. However, as people propose re-adding some of the uses of constrained type specifiers, and/or terse templates in some form, these papers will become relevant again, and I expect they will be discussed at that time.


Another major goal of the meeting was to send out the Modules TS for its PDTS ballot. I gave an overview of the current state of Modules above. Here, I’ll mention the Modules-related proposals that came before EWG this week:

  • Distinguishing the declaration of a module interface unit from the declaration of a module implementation unit. The current syntax is module M; for both. In Kona, a desire was expressed for interface units to have a separate syntax, and accordingly, one was proposed: export module M;. (The re-use of the export keyword here is due to the committee’s reluctance to introduce new keywords, even context-sensitive ones. module interface M; would probably have worked with interface being a keyword in this context only.) This was approved for the Modules TS.
  • Module partitions (first part of the paper only). These are module units that form part of a module interface, rather than being a complete module interface; the proposed syntax in this paper is module M [[partition]];. This proposal failed to gain consensus, not over syntax concerns, but over semantic concerns: unlike the previous module partitions proposal (which was not presented at this meeting, ostensibly for lack of time), this proposal did not provide for a way for partitions to declare dependencies on each other; rather, each partition was allowed to depend on entities declared in all other partitions, but only on their forward-declarations, which many felt was too limiting. (The corresponding implementation model was to do a quick “heuristic parse” of all partitions to gather such forward-declarations, and then do full processing of the partitions in parallel; this itself resulted in some raised eyebrows, as past experience doing “heuristic parsing” of C++ hasn’t been very promising.) Due to the controversy surrounding this topic, and not wanting to hold up the Modules TS, EWG decided to defer module partitions to Modules v2.
  • Exporting using-declarations. This wasn’t so much a proposal, as a request for clarification of the semantics. The affected scenario was discussed, and the requested clarification given; no changes to the Modules TS were deemed necessary.
  • Name clashes between private (non-exported) entities declared in different modules. Such a name clash is ill-formed (an ODR violation) according to the current spec; several people found that surprising, since one of the supposed advantages of Modules is to shield non-exported entities like private helpers from the outside world. This matter was discussed briefly, but a resolution was postponed to after the PDTS ballot (note: that’s not the same as being postponed to Modules v2; changes can be made to the Modules TS between the PDTS ballot and final publication).
  • A paper describing some requirements that a Modules proposal would need to have to be useful in evolving a particular large codebase (Bloomberg’s). Discussion revealed that the current spec meets some but not all of these requirements; the gaps mainly concern the ability to take a legacy (non-modular) code component, and non-intrusively (“additively”) provide a modular “view” of that component. No changes were proposed at this time, but some changes to fill these gaps are likely to appear as comments on the PDTS ballot.
  • Identifying module source code. Currently, the module M; or export module M; declaration that introduces a module unit is not required to be the first declaration in the file. Preceding declarations are interpreted as being part of the global module (and this is often used to e.g. include legacy headers). The author of this proposal would nonetheless like something that’s required to be the first declaration in the file, that announces “this file is a module unit”, and proposed module ; as being such a marker. EWG was favourable to the idea, but postponed discussion of a concrete syntax until after the PDTS.

With these discussions having taken place, the committee was successful in getting Modules sent out for its PDTS ballot. This is very exciting – it’s a major milestone for Modules! At the same time, I think it’s clear from the nature of the some of the proposals being submitted on the topic (including the feedback from implementation and deployment experience at Google, some of which is yet to be fully discussed by EWG) that this is a feature where there’s still a fair amount of room for implementation convergence and user feedback to gain confidence that the feature as specified will be useful and achieve its intended objectives for a broad spectrum of C++ users. The PDTS ballot formally begins the process of collecting that feedback, which is great! I am very curious about the kinds of comments it will garner.

If you’re interested in Modules, I encourage you to give the prototype implementations in Clang and MSVC a try, play around with them, and share your thoughts and experiences. (Formal PDTS comments can be submitted via your national standards body, but you can also provide informal feedback on the committee’s public mailing lists.)

Other Working Groups

The Library Working Group had a busy week, completing its wording review of the Ranges TS, Networking TS, and library components of the Coroutines TS, and allowing all three of these to be published at the end of the week. They are also in the process of reviewing papers targeting C++20 (including span, which provides an often-requested “array view” facility), Parallelism TS v2, and Library Fundamentals TS v3.

The Library Evolution Working Group was, as usual, working through its large backlog of proposed new library features. As much as I’d love to follow this group in as much detail as I follow EWG, I can’t be in two places at once, so I can’t give a complete listing of the proposals discussed and their outcomes, but I’ll mention a few highlights:

SG 7 (Reflection and Metaprogramming)

SG 7 met for an evening session and discussed three topics.

The first was an extension to the existing static reflection proposal (which is headed towards publication as the initial Reflection TS) to allow reflection of functions. Most of the discussion concerned a particular detail: whether you should be allowed to reflect over the names of a function’s parameters. It was decided that you should, but that in the case of a function with multiple declarations, the implementation is free to choose any one of them as the source of the reflected parameter names.

The second topic was what we want metaprogramming to look like in the longer term. There was a paper exploring the design space that identified three major paradigms: type-based metaprogramming (examples: Boost.MPL, the current static reflection proposal), heterogenerous value-based (example: Boost.Hana), and homogeneous value-based (this would be based on constexpr metaprogramming, and would require some language extensions). Another paper then argued that the third one, homogeneous value-based metaprogramming, is the best choice, both from a compile-time performance perspective (the other two involve a lot of template instantiations which are compile-time expensive), and because it makes metaprogramming look more like regular programming, making it more accessible. SG 7 agreed that this is the long-term direction we should aim for. Note that this implies that, while the Reflection TS will likely be published in its current form (with its type-based interface), prior to merger into the C++ IS it would likely be revised to have a homogenerous value-based interface.

The third topic was a proposal for a more advanced reflection/metaprogramming feature, metaclasses. Metaclasses combine reflection facilities with proposed code injection facilities to allow class definitions to undergo arbitrary user-defined compile-time transformations. A metaclass can be thought of as a “kind” or category of class; a class definition can be annotated (exact syntax TBD) to declare the class as belonging to that metaclass, and such a class definition will undergo the transformations specified in the metaclass definition. Examples of metaclasses might be “interfaces”, where the transformation includes making every method pure virtual, and “value types”, where the transformation includes generating memberwise comparison operators; widely used metaclasses could eventually become part of the standard library. Obviously, this is a very powerful feature, and the proposal is at a very early stage; many aspects, including the proposed code injection primitives (which are likely to be pursued as a separate proposal), need further development. Early feedback was generally positive, with some concerns raised about the feature allowing codebases to grow their own “dialects” of C++.

The Velocity of C++ Evolution

C++ standardization has accelerated since the release of C++11, with the adoption of a three-year standardization cycle, the use of Technical Specifications to gather early feedback on major new features, and an increase in overall participation and the breadth of domain areas and user communities represented in the committee.

All the same, sometimes it feels like the C++ language is still slow to evolve, and a big part of that is the significant constraint of needing to remain backwards-compatible, as much as possible, with older versions of the language. (Minor breakages have occurred, of course, like C++11 user-defined literals changing the meaning of "literal"MACRO. But by and large, the committee has held backwards-compatibility as one of its cornerstone principles.)

A paper, discussed at an evening session this week, explores the question of whether, in today’s age of modern tools, the committee still needs to observe this constraint as strictly as it has in the past. The paper observes that it’s already the case that upgrading to a newer compiler version typically entails making some changes / fixes to a codebase. Moreover, in cases where a language change does break or change the meaning of code, compilers have gotten pretty good at warning users about it so they can fix their code accordingly (e.g. consider clang’s -Wc++11-compat warnings). The paper argues that, perhaps, the tooling landscape has matured to the point where we should feel free to make larger breaking changes, as long as they’re of the sort that compilers can detect and warn about statically, and rely on (or even require) compilers to warn users about affected code, allowing them to make safe upgrades (tooling could potentially help with the upgrades, too, in the form of automated refactorings). This would involve more work for compiler implementers, and more work for maintainers of code when upgrading compilers, but the reward of allowing the language to shed some of its cumbersome legacy features may be worth it.

The committee found this idea intriguing. No change in policy was made at this time, but further exploration of the topic was very much encouraged.

If the committee does end up going down this path, one particularly interesting implication would be about the future of the standard library. The Concepts-enabled algorithms in the Ranges TS are not fully backwards-compatible with the algorithms in the current standard library. As a result, when the topic of how to merge the Ranges TS into the C++ standard came up, the best idea people had was to start an “STLv2”, a new version of the standard library that makes a clean break from the current version, while being standardized alongside it. However, in a world where we are not bound to strict backwards-compatibility, that may not be necessary – we may just be able to merge the Ranges TS into the current standard library, and live with the resulting (relatively small) amount of breakage to existing code.


With C++17 effectively done, the committee had a productive meeting working on C++20 and advancing Technical Specifications like Modules and Coroutines.

The merger of Concepts into C++20 was a definite highlight of this meeting – this feature has been long in the making, having almost made C++11, and its final arrival is worth celebrating. Sending out Modules for its PDTS ballot was a close second, as it allows us to start collecting formal feedback on this very important C++ feature. And there are many other goodies in the pipeline: Ranges, Networking, Coroutines, contracts, reflection, graphics, and many more.

The next meeting of the Committee will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the week of November 6th, 2017. Stay tuned for my report!

Other Trip Reports

Others have written reports about this meeting as well. Some that I’ve come across include Herb Sutter’s and Guy Davidson’s. Michael Wong also has a report written just before the meeting, that covers concurrency-related topics in more depth than my reports. I encourage you to check them out!