The high level of attack of both infectious and non-infectious diseases results in low production... more The high level of attack of both infectious and non-infectious diseases results in low production in giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in North Kalimantan's traditional coastal aquaculture ponds. One of the most severe pathogens of concern is Vibrio harveyi. The present study investigates whether Sonneratia alba fruit extract inhibits V. harveyi infection challenging giant tiger prawn postlarvae through a feed of Artemia salina. Three different doses of S. alba extract (15 ppm, 20 ppm, and 25 ppm), and one control (0 ppm) were used in this study. The extract was used to enrich A. salina as feed for giant tiger prawn postlarvae, which were then challenged with V. harveyi. The experimental methods involved a completely randomised design (CRD) with three replications. Among the four groups, the highest survival rate (78.33%) was observed in the treatment using 20 ppm of S. alba extract, and this group exhibited significantly (P>0.05) better survival and inhibition of V. harvey...
Efisiensi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya rumput laut saat ini... more Efisiensi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya rumput laut saat ini terus dikembangkan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya telah diperoleh hasil yang positif dalam penambahan bobot biomassa rumput laut serta berpengaruh dalam laju tumbuh relatifnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya bahwa makin lama melakukan perendaman bibit rumput laut dalam media pupuk hayati terindikasi meningkatkan bobot pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian ini sangat mengembirakan khususnya bagi pembudidaya rumput laut Kota Tarakan yang selama ini masih alami dan tradisional. Ekplorasi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati bagi tanaman air ini masih perlu dilakukan penelitian dalam rangka efisiensi dan produktifitas pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan mengetahui konsentrasi dosis yang efisien dan tepat. Hasil penelitian dengan perlakuan dosis 10 ml pada perendaman 6 jam menunjukkan perbedaan yang cukup signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi budidaya rumput laut. Kata Kunci : Dosis Pupuk H...
Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infec... more Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infected by foreign agents from both types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Fish has two defense systems that was natural defense system (innate immunity) and the adaptive defense system (adaptive immunity). Major Histo Compatibility (MHC) is a group or complex of genes that play a role in recognition and signaling between immune cells. T cell receptor (TCR) is an antigen that presented by MHC molecules, both MHC class I or class II MHC, to T cells and then bound by a receptor located on the surface of T cells Cytokines are soluble protein mediators (sometimes bound in the cell membrane ) which bind to receptors on cells target and trigger, regulate, or inhibit cellular functions. Detailed knowledge about the molecular expression of immune cells in fish can be used as a basic reference for designing the construction of peptide-based vaccines that are immunogenic and specifically id...
Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenc... more Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenced toward cultivan growth. Therefore artificial feed from manufacture always facing to the cost problem in providing raw material that always rise. The purposes of this research is to find out the advanteges from mangrove fruits as alternative raw material for artificial feeding and also to searching the ability of mangrove fruits in artificial feed to increasing the growth of carps fish. This research was done from April 2015 until May 2015 at aquacultute technology laboratory, Faculty Fishieries and Marine, University of Borneo Tarakan, North Borneo. The fruits of mangrove that was used is Pedada ( Sonneratia sp.). The design of this research is randomized completely design with 4 treatment that are : A (Control, manufacture artificial feed), B (Pedada 30%), C (Pedada 40%), and D (Pedada 50%). The high value of Specific Growth Rate is treatment C (Pedada powder with protein conce...
Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenc... more Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenced toward cultivan growth. Therefore artificial feed from manufacture always facing to the cost problem in providing raw material that always rise. The purposes of this research is to find out the advanteges from mangrove fruits as alternative raw material for artificial feeding and also to searching the ability of mangrove fruits in artificial feed to increasing the growth of carps fish. This research was done from April 2015 until May 2015 at aquacultute technology laboratory, Faculty Fishieries and Marine, University of Borneo Tarakan, North Borneo. The fruits of mangrove that was used is Pedada (Sonneratia sp.). The design of this research is randomized completely design with 4 treatment that are : A (Control, manufacture artificial feed), B (Pedada 30%), C (Pedada 40%), and D (Pedada 50%). The high value of Specific Growth Rate is treatment C (Pedada powder with protein concen...
Penelitian mengenai skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak buah mangrove pedada (Sonneratia alba) Te... more Penelitian mengenai skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak buah mangrove pedada (Sonneratia alba) Telah dilakukan. Buah pedada (Sonneratia alba) diperoleh dari mangrove pesisir Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Data yang dianalisis meliputi kondisi simplisia, rendemen, ekstraksi dan skrining fitokimia pada Artemia salina non bioenrichment maupun pasca bioenrichment. Prosedur pembuatan simplisia melalui sortasi basah dan kering, analisa rendemen berdasarkan rasio bobot, ekstraksi buah pedada (Sonneratia alba) berdasarkan teknik maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%, dan skrining fitokimia dilakukan melalui pengujian warna menggunakan berbagai pereaksi. Teknik analisa data dilakukan secara kualitatif deskriftif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak pasta kental (Sonneratia alba) positif mengandung alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, steroid dan tripernoid pada bioenrichment dan senyawa steroid dan tanin negatif pada non bioenrichment.
Penanganan produk bahan baku perikanan udang windu yang baik menjadi peranan yang sangat penting ... more Penanganan produk bahan baku perikanan udang windu yang baik menjadi peranan yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Dengan mengikuti prosedur penanganan yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSNI (Badan Standar Nasionalisasi Indonesia) maka, kita dapat terhindar dari penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri patogen yang berbahaya. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa mutu udang windu berdasarkan pengujian TPC (Total Plate Count), Escherichia coli dan coliform. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan mengunakan Angka Paling Memungkinkan (APM) dan mengunakan perhitungan TPC. Sampel yang akan digunkan yaitu udang windu yang di ambil dari sub player (Pos Penampungan) yang berada pada perusahaan PT.PMMP Kota Tarakan. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semua sampel udang windu yang dilakukan pengujian, tidak adanya cemaran bakteri E.coli atau negatif bakteri E.coli dalam sampel udang yang diuji. Dalam tingkat pengujian TPC semua sampel masih dibawah ambang batas dari SNI 01-2728.1-200...
Avicennia marina leaf extract is known to suppress the activity of Vibrio spp. using solvent klor... more Avicennia marina leaf extract is known to suppress the activity of Vibrio spp. using solvent klorform and methanol. Therefore, the authors conducted a further study using different solvents. This research interest determine the ability of extracts of A. marina in suppressing the activity of Vibrio spp. isolated from mud crab (Scylla serrata). A. Marina leaf take in Pantai Amal Lama, The process of extraction, isolation and testing of clear zone performed at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Borneo Tarakan. Stages of research are: manufacture A. marina leaf extract, isolation, culture of Vibrio spp., and data analysis. The study consisted of 6 treatments, blank control, negative control, positive control, A. marina leaf extract concentration of 15%, 25% and 35%, A. marina leaf extract in each treatment were significantly different (P <0.05). Diameter of clear zone produced at a concentration of 15% obtained an average value of 12.25 ± 5....
Sampai saat ini, penelitian mengenai penggunaan buah mangrove untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber paka... more Sampai saat ini, penelitian mengenai penggunaan buah mangrove untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber pakan alternative bagi ikan belum pernah dilakukan, padahal kandungan nutrisinya sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, apakah buah mangrove dari jenis Bruquiera gymnorrhiza bisa di manfaatkan menjadi salah satu bahan dalam pembuatan pakan ikan, dan apakah dengan campuran tepung buah mangrove, mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan yang relative cepat dibandingkan dengan pakan pabrik yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama bulan Agustus 2013 – Oktober 2013 di Laboratorium Teknologi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Borneo Tarakan, Kaltara. Buah mangrove yang digunakan jenis buah lindur (Bruquiera gymnorrhiza). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 Perlakuan : A (Kontrol, pakan pabrik), B (Protein 30%), C (Protein 40%) dan D (Protein 50%). Nilai laju pertumbuhan spesifik terbesar didapatkan pada p...
The purpose of this research is to identification the availability of Vibrio sp. Bacteria on blac... more The purpose of this research is to identification the availability of Vibrio sp. Bacteria on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Tarakan ponds. Sample was used in this research are shrimp taken from three location of ponds. Shrimp collected On each location of ponds,. Data was collected showing in descriptive form that is analyzing Vibrio sp. bacteria emerge in black tiger. If isolation of bacteria grown on 1,5 % TSA medium and then purified on same medium. Vibrio identification has done by several test, they are Gram test, catalase test, oxidase test, motility test, O/F test, TSIA and glucose test. Data of identification arrange on table, then analyzed by described it based water parameter such are temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Salinity and Ammonia. This research result shows the availability of Vibrio sp. on each ponds shrimp. Keywords: Vibrio sp., Tarakan, Ponds, Penaeus Monodon.
Vibriosis disease Vibrio harveyi often drops Penaeus monodon production on the traditional coast... more Vibriosis disease Vibrio harveyi often drops Penaeus monodon production on the traditional coastal ponds of North Kalimantan. The purpose of this study was to find out the active compound extract of Sonneratia alba fruit inhibiting the infection of Vibrio harveyi, which was tested on the larvae of Penaeus monodon in post larvae 12 through the bioerichment of natural feed Artemia salina. This study used an experimental method performed with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed mangrove fruit extracts containing alkaloids, phenol hydroquinone, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and tannins. Artemia salina bioenrichment succeeded in increasing the survival of Penaeus monodon larvae 78.33% in treatment III (20 ppm). The results of water quality measurements indicate the range at the normal limit for the life of the Penaeus monodon larvae. Keywords : Penaeus monodon, Artemia salina, Vibrio harveyi, Extract Sonneratia alba
This study aims to identify the vibrio in mangrove forest areas near to the location of vannamei ... more This study aims to identify the vibrio in mangrove forest areas near to the location of vannamei ponds, especially in sediment substrates. The research is at the Mangunharjo sub-district in the Mayangan District, Probolinggo City, East Java Province. The time of study is august and September 2019. Isolation of bacteria being done with total plate count procedure on Thio Sulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose (TCBS) Agar, with pour plate method. Morphology characterization and the biochemical test was done to identify the bacteria. There are three points of the sampling area, with each area distance from 100 to 500 meters. This location choosing based on purposive sampling method, which main reason is the site must have mangrove with good vegetation and variation. It is transected by 5m x 5m, 100-gram sediment at 30-40 cm depth taken randomly using sediment scoop. Three samples of each sampling area chosen randomly at three different locations, then mixed. The result showed each deposit from ...
Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infec... more Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infected by foreign agents from both types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Fish has two defense systems that was natural defense system (innate immunity) and the adaptive defense system (adaptive immunity). Major Histo Compatibility (MHC) is a group or complex of genes that play a role in recognition and signaling between immune cells. T cell receptor (TCR) is an antigen that presented by MHC molecules, both MHC class I or class II MHC, to T cells and then bound by a receptor located on the surface of T cells Cytokines are soluble protein mediators (sometimes bound in the cell membrane ) which bind to receptors on cells target and trigger, regulate, or inhibit cellular functions. Detailed knowledge about the molecular expression of immune cells in fish can be used as a basic reference for designing the construction of peptide-based vaccines that are immunogenic and specifically id...
To support the successful cultivation of the necessary enlargement of the pond superior seed, One... more To support the successful cultivation of the necessary enlargement of the pond superior seed, One attempts to create a superior seed fry will require proper maintenance to improve the vitality of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). This study aims to improve the resilience of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is maintained by using probiotics and the role of probiotics in shrimp hatcheries (Penaeus monodon). The research was carried out at Hatchery tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) amal beach of Tarakan city charity for one month starting from 25 November 2011 to December 25, 2011 from preparation to completion. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern. Factor I is a type of probiotic, and factor II is a type of Formalin. Type of probiotics used were (A) and probiotic (B) control (without probiotic). Formalin doses used were (1) 50 ppm, (2) 100 ppm, (3) 150 ppm, and (4) 200 ppm, with three replicates each time, so that as many as 24 research uni...
The purpose of this study was find out the expression of NFkB cell Molecule on eye tissue Humpbac... more The purpose of this study was find out the expression of NFkB cell Molecule on eye tissue Humpback grouper (C. altivelis) which was exposed to the VNN (Viral nervous necrotic) virus immunogenic proteins as an immune system that has the ability to prevent viral replication. The method used in this study is to detect expression of NFkB cell molecule with Immunohistochemistry Test. Based on previous research, determined that the protein band used as a candidate protein is immunogenic VNN protein band with molecular weight of 45.9 kD. The result of immunohistochemical examination showed that the determinant of antigen (epitopes) of 45.9 kD immunogenic protein capable of inducing receptor specific VNN grouper tissue through the formation of immune cells ie cell molecule NF-kB in mouse grouper specifically on eye tissue. The conclusion is VNN immunogenic proteins with molecular weight 45.9 kD molecule capable of expressing cells NF-kB in the eye tissue Humpback grouper
The purposes of this research was analyzing the feasibility level of brackish ponds for grouper c... more The purposes of this research was analyzing the feasibility level of brackish ponds for grouper culture at tarakan city. This research has been sampling for 6 point of brackish pond representing of Tarakan City, there were 2 point at North of Tarakan, 2 point at West of Tarakan and the last at 2 point at East of Tarakan. Research was processing from September until November 2014. Sand quality variable was observed were Sand Texture, Organic Matters, pH, Potential Redox, and Fe. Water quality variable are Temperature, Salinity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, BOD5, Fe, TSS and Organic Matters. To resulting the feability of Brackish for grouper, qualitative methods were used, then analysed by matching method to resulting the feasibility class of brackish pond. Based on the feasibility class of brackish pond analysis for grouper, the result showed that the pond located at North Tarakan, West Tarakan and East Tarakan are in S2 level Group (Fair eno...
The main topic of this study are to find out of the proliferation and expression of IFN-γ and NF-... more The main topic of this study are to find out of the proliferation and expression of IFN-γ and NF-kB cell to Humpback grouper that exposured by immunogenic protein of Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). The methods used on this study were exploration by doing isolation to Humpback grouper organs both normal and infected by immunogenic protein of VNN, coat protein isolation, protein fractionation by SDS-PAGE, separation and cutting of protein bands from SDS-PAGE result, coat protein measured by Nano drop spectrophotometer, Hemagglutination (HA) Test of VNN immunogenic protein, and IFN-γ and NF-kB cell proliferation and expression qualitative detection by Immunohistochemistry (IHC).The results of this research confirm that HA test was positive. It showed that 45,9 kDa VNN immunogenic protein had been reacted by agglutination reaction between 45.9 kDa VNN immunogenic protein and erythrocytes of humpback grouper with sensitivity of 0,015625. Positive concentration result was up to 1/64 or its sensitivity of 0.015625. It means antigen determinant (epitope) from immunogenic protein have highly sensitivity from range 0.006 to 0.06. IHC test result show that 45,9 kDa VNN protein immunogenic epitope have ability to induce humpback grouper tissue receptors by creating immune cell qualitatively, there are IFN γ and NF-kB cell immune to humpback grouper specific tissue organ, eye, brain and kidney after labeled by secondary antibody anti IFN γ and NF-kB cell anti mouse . ELISA test using the secondary antibody that same with examination test of IHC were showed that proliferation and expression of IFN γ and NF-kB cell quantitatively had been confirmed value positive around 0.9 mg/ml concentration. The conclusion of this studies showed that immunogenic protein of VNN with weight molecule of 45.9 kDa have ability to induce proliferation and expression of immune cells of humback grouper as like IFN γ and NF-kB cells both qualitative and quantitative on tissue organ especially eye, brain, and kidney organ.
Proceedings of national seminary Educate IV University of Borneo Tarakan, Vol. 2, pp. 490-493, 2017
Sonneratia alba can bear fruit all the time on the coast of North Borneo and especially the city ... more Sonneratia alba can bear fruit all the time on the coast of North Borneo and especially the city of Tarakan. This coastal mangrove plant has not seasoning fruitfully that could potentially be used but until now not been optimal utilization fruit in nutrient enrichment on Artemia salina as natural feed (bioenrichment) for fry tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon).This study aims to determine the toxicity of ethanol extract of Sonneratia alba through the method of brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) which uses a nauplii Artemia salina ethanol extract Sonneratia alba is known to have an active compound content in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, tannins, and coumarin. Also, based on the test on selective media TCBSA (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar) through a paper disc diffusion technique on the growth of bacteria Vibrio harveyii capable of producing inhibitory characterized by the formation of a clear zone diameter of 2.50 ± 0.31 cm at a concentration of 2% , BSLT testing to obtain the LC50 value of the ethanol extract S.alba of the survival of nauplii A. salina using ethanol extract concentration difference S.alba as a treatment that is 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm and 25 ppm. Test bottles that had contained the ethanol extract test concentrations S.alba,nauplii A.salina, and solvent sea water is stored in a fairly light and oxygen for 24 hours; After 24 hours, counted the number of nauplii A.salina dead. At the ethanol extract treatment S.alba BSLT testing shows the results of LC50 of 10.2 ppm (10 ppm optimal treatment) with a value of probit R2 = 0.84 expressed by regression Y = 2.7741 X + 2.2022.
The high level of attack of both infectious and non-infectious diseases results in low production... more The high level of attack of both infectious and non-infectious diseases results in low production in giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) in North Kalimantan's traditional coastal aquaculture ponds. One of the most severe pathogens of concern is Vibrio harveyi. The present study investigates whether Sonneratia alba fruit extract inhibits V. harveyi infection challenging giant tiger prawn postlarvae through a feed of Artemia salina. Three different doses of S. alba extract (15 ppm, 20 ppm, and 25 ppm), and one control (0 ppm) were used in this study. The extract was used to enrich A. salina as feed for giant tiger prawn postlarvae, which were then challenged with V. harveyi. The experimental methods involved a completely randomised design (CRD) with three replications. Among the four groups, the highest survival rate (78.33%) was observed in the treatment using 20 ppm of S. alba extract, and this group exhibited significantly (P>0.05) better survival and inhibition of V. harvey...
Efisiensi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya rumput laut saat ini... more Efisiensi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dalam meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya rumput laut saat ini terus dikembangkan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya telah diperoleh hasil yang positif dalam penambahan bobot biomassa rumput laut serta berpengaruh dalam laju tumbuh relatifnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya bahwa makin lama melakukan perendaman bibit rumput laut dalam media pupuk hayati terindikasi meningkatkan bobot pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian ini sangat mengembirakan khususnya bagi pembudidaya rumput laut Kota Tarakan yang selama ini masih alami dan tradisional. Ekplorasi pemanfaatan pupuk hayati bagi tanaman air ini masih perlu dilakukan penelitian dalam rangka efisiensi dan produktifitas pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan mengetahui konsentrasi dosis yang efisien dan tepat. Hasil penelitian dengan perlakuan dosis 10 ml pada perendaman 6 jam menunjukkan perbedaan yang cukup signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi budidaya rumput laut. Kata Kunci : Dosis Pupuk H...
Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infec... more Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infected by foreign agents from both types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Fish has two defense systems that was natural defense system (innate immunity) and the adaptive defense system (adaptive immunity). Major Histo Compatibility (MHC) is a group or complex of genes that play a role in recognition and signaling between immune cells. T cell receptor (TCR) is an antigen that presented by MHC molecules, both MHC class I or class II MHC, to T cells and then bound by a receptor located on the surface of T cells Cytokines are soluble protein mediators (sometimes bound in the cell membrane ) which bind to receptors on cells target and trigger, regulate, or inhibit cellular functions. Detailed knowledge about the molecular expression of immune cells in fish can be used as a basic reference for designing the construction of peptide-based vaccines that are immunogenic and specifically id...
Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenc... more Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenced toward cultivan growth. Therefore artificial feed from manufacture always facing to the cost problem in providing raw material that always rise. The purposes of this research is to find out the advanteges from mangrove fruits as alternative raw material for artificial feeding and also to searching the ability of mangrove fruits in artificial feed to increasing the growth of carps fish. This research was done from April 2015 until May 2015 at aquacultute technology laboratory, Faculty Fishieries and Marine, University of Borneo Tarakan, North Borneo. The fruits of mangrove that was used is Pedada ( Sonneratia sp.). The design of this research is randomized completely design with 4 treatment that are : A (Control, manufacture artificial feed), B (Pedada 30%), C (Pedada 40%), and D (Pedada 50%). The high value of Specific Growth Rate is treatment C (Pedada powder with protein conce...
Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenc... more Feed was the most valueable input cost in aquaculture process (fish and shrimp) and very influenced toward cultivan growth. Therefore artificial feed from manufacture always facing to the cost problem in providing raw material that always rise. The purposes of this research is to find out the advanteges from mangrove fruits as alternative raw material for artificial feeding and also to searching the ability of mangrove fruits in artificial feed to increasing the growth of carps fish. This research was done from April 2015 until May 2015 at aquacultute technology laboratory, Faculty Fishieries and Marine, University of Borneo Tarakan, North Borneo. The fruits of mangrove that was used is Pedada (Sonneratia sp.). The design of this research is randomized completely design with 4 treatment that are : A (Control, manufacture artificial feed), B (Pedada 30%), C (Pedada 40%), and D (Pedada 50%). The high value of Specific Growth Rate is treatment C (Pedada powder with protein concen...
Penelitian mengenai skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak buah mangrove pedada (Sonneratia alba) Te... more Penelitian mengenai skrining fitokimia terhadap ekstrak buah mangrove pedada (Sonneratia alba) Telah dilakukan. Buah pedada (Sonneratia alba) diperoleh dari mangrove pesisir Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Data yang dianalisis meliputi kondisi simplisia, rendemen, ekstraksi dan skrining fitokimia pada Artemia salina non bioenrichment maupun pasca bioenrichment. Prosedur pembuatan simplisia melalui sortasi basah dan kering, analisa rendemen berdasarkan rasio bobot, ekstraksi buah pedada (Sonneratia alba) berdasarkan teknik maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%, dan skrining fitokimia dilakukan melalui pengujian warna menggunakan berbagai pereaksi. Teknik analisa data dilakukan secara kualitatif deskriftif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak pasta kental (Sonneratia alba) positif mengandung alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, steroid dan tripernoid pada bioenrichment dan senyawa steroid dan tanin negatif pada non bioenrichment.
Penanganan produk bahan baku perikanan udang windu yang baik menjadi peranan yang sangat penting ... more Penanganan produk bahan baku perikanan udang windu yang baik menjadi peranan yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Dengan mengikuti prosedur penanganan yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSNI (Badan Standar Nasionalisasi Indonesia) maka, kita dapat terhindar dari penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri patogen yang berbahaya. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa mutu udang windu berdasarkan pengujian TPC (Total Plate Count), Escherichia coli dan coliform. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan mengunakan Angka Paling Memungkinkan (APM) dan mengunakan perhitungan TPC. Sampel yang akan digunkan yaitu udang windu yang di ambil dari sub player (Pos Penampungan) yang berada pada perusahaan PT.PMMP Kota Tarakan. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semua sampel udang windu yang dilakukan pengujian, tidak adanya cemaran bakteri E.coli atau negatif bakteri E.coli dalam sampel udang yang diuji. Dalam tingkat pengujian TPC semua sampel masih dibawah ambang batas dari SNI 01-2728.1-200...
Avicennia marina leaf extract is known to suppress the activity of Vibrio spp. using solvent klor... more Avicennia marina leaf extract is known to suppress the activity of Vibrio spp. using solvent klorform and methanol. Therefore, the authors conducted a further study using different solvents. This research interest determine the ability of extracts of A. marina in suppressing the activity of Vibrio spp. isolated from mud crab (Scylla serrata). A. Marina leaf take in Pantai Amal Lama, The process of extraction, isolation and testing of clear zone performed at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Borneo Tarakan. Stages of research are: manufacture A. marina leaf extract, isolation, culture of Vibrio spp., and data analysis. The study consisted of 6 treatments, blank control, negative control, positive control, A. marina leaf extract concentration of 15%, 25% and 35%, A. marina leaf extract in each treatment were significantly different (P <0.05). Diameter of clear zone produced at a concentration of 15% obtained an average value of 12.25 ± 5....
Sampai saat ini, penelitian mengenai penggunaan buah mangrove untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber paka... more Sampai saat ini, penelitian mengenai penggunaan buah mangrove untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber pakan alternative bagi ikan belum pernah dilakukan, padahal kandungan nutrisinya sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, apakah buah mangrove dari jenis Bruquiera gymnorrhiza bisa di manfaatkan menjadi salah satu bahan dalam pembuatan pakan ikan, dan apakah dengan campuran tepung buah mangrove, mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan yang relative cepat dibandingkan dengan pakan pabrik yang sudah ada. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama bulan Agustus 2013 – Oktober 2013 di Laboratorium Teknologi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Borneo Tarakan, Kaltara. Buah mangrove yang digunakan jenis buah lindur (Bruquiera gymnorrhiza). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 Perlakuan : A (Kontrol, pakan pabrik), B (Protein 30%), C (Protein 40%) dan D (Protein 50%). Nilai laju pertumbuhan spesifik terbesar didapatkan pada p...
The purpose of this research is to identification the availability of Vibrio sp. Bacteria on blac... more The purpose of this research is to identification the availability of Vibrio sp. Bacteria on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Tarakan ponds. Sample was used in this research are shrimp taken from three location of ponds. Shrimp collected On each location of ponds,. Data was collected showing in descriptive form that is analyzing Vibrio sp. bacteria emerge in black tiger. If isolation of bacteria grown on 1,5 % TSA medium and then purified on same medium. Vibrio identification has done by several test, they are Gram test, catalase test, oxidase test, motility test, O/F test, TSIA and glucose test. Data of identification arrange on table, then analyzed by described it based water parameter such are temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Salinity and Ammonia. This research result shows the availability of Vibrio sp. on each ponds shrimp. Keywords: Vibrio sp., Tarakan, Ponds, Penaeus Monodon.
Vibriosis disease Vibrio harveyi often drops Penaeus monodon production on the traditional coast... more Vibriosis disease Vibrio harveyi often drops Penaeus monodon production on the traditional coastal ponds of North Kalimantan. The purpose of this study was to find out the active compound extract of Sonneratia alba fruit inhibiting the infection of Vibrio harveyi, which was tested on the larvae of Penaeus monodon in post larvae 12 through the bioerichment of natural feed Artemia salina. This study used an experimental method performed with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed mangrove fruit extracts containing alkaloids, phenol hydroquinone, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and tannins. Artemia salina bioenrichment succeeded in increasing the survival of Penaeus monodon larvae 78.33% in treatment III (20 ppm). The results of water quality measurements indicate the range at the normal limit for the life of the Penaeus monodon larvae. Keywords : Penaeus monodon, Artemia salina, Vibrio harveyi, Extract Sonneratia alba
This study aims to identify the vibrio in mangrove forest areas near to the location of vannamei ... more This study aims to identify the vibrio in mangrove forest areas near to the location of vannamei ponds, especially in sediment substrates. The research is at the Mangunharjo sub-district in the Mayangan District, Probolinggo City, East Java Province. The time of study is august and September 2019. Isolation of bacteria being done with total plate count procedure on Thio Sulfate Citrate Bile Sucrose (TCBS) Agar, with pour plate method. Morphology characterization and the biochemical test was done to identify the bacteria. There are three points of the sampling area, with each area distance from 100 to 500 meters. This location choosing based on purposive sampling method, which main reason is the site must have mangrove with good vegetation and variation. It is transected by 5m x 5m, 100-gram sediment at 30-40 cm depth taken randomly using sediment scoop. Three samples of each sampling area chosen randomly at three different locations, then mixed. The result showed each deposit from ...
Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infec... more Teleostei Fish, as members of other vertebrates have a body defense system when the body is infected by foreign agents from both types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Fish has two defense systems that was natural defense system (innate immunity) and the adaptive defense system (adaptive immunity). Major Histo Compatibility (MHC) is a group or complex of genes that play a role in recognition and signaling between immune cells. T cell receptor (TCR) is an antigen that presented by MHC molecules, both MHC class I or class II MHC, to T cells and then bound by a receptor located on the surface of T cells Cytokines are soluble protein mediators (sometimes bound in the cell membrane ) which bind to receptors on cells target and trigger, regulate, or inhibit cellular functions. Detailed knowledge about the molecular expression of immune cells in fish can be used as a basic reference for designing the construction of peptide-based vaccines that are immunogenic and specifically id...
To support the successful cultivation of the necessary enlargement of the pond superior seed, One... more To support the successful cultivation of the necessary enlargement of the pond superior seed, One attempts to create a superior seed fry will require proper maintenance to improve the vitality of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). This study aims to improve the resilience of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is maintained by using probiotics and the role of probiotics in shrimp hatcheries (Penaeus monodon). The research was carried out at Hatchery tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) amal beach of Tarakan city charity for one month starting from 25 November 2011 to December 25, 2011 from preparation to completion. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern. Factor I is a type of probiotic, and factor II is a type of Formalin. Type of probiotics used were (A) and probiotic (B) control (without probiotic). Formalin doses used were (1) 50 ppm, (2) 100 ppm, (3) 150 ppm, and (4) 200 ppm, with three replicates each time, so that as many as 24 research uni...
The purpose of this study was find out the expression of NFkB cell Molecule on eye tissue Humpbac... more The purpose of this study was find out the expression of NFkB cell Molecule on eye tissue Humpback grouper (C. altivelis) which was exposed to the VNN (Viral nervous necrotic) virus immunogenic proteins as an immune system that has the ability to prevent viral replication. The method used in this study is to detect expression of NFkB cell molecule with Immunohistochemistry Test. Based on previous research, determined that the protein band used as a candidate protein is immunogenic VNN protein band with molecular weight of 45.9 kD. The result of immunohistochemical examination showed that the determinant of antigen (epitopes) of 45.9 kD immunogenic protein capable of inducing receptor specific VNN grouper tissue through the formation of immune cells ie cell molecule NF-kB in mouse grouper specifically on eye tissue. The conclusion is VNN immunogenic proteins with molecular weight 45.9 kD molecule capable of expressing cells NF-kB in the eye tissue Humpback grouper
The purposes of this research was analyzing the feasibility level of brackish ponds for grouper c... more The purposes of this research was analyzing the feasibility level of brackish ponds for grouper culture at tarakan city. This research has been sampling for 6 point of brackish pond representing of Tarakan City, there were 2 point at North of Tarakan, 2 point at West of Tarakan and the last at 2 point at East of Tarakan. Research was processing from September until November 2014. Sand quality variable was observed were Sand Texture, Organic Matters, pH, Potential Redox, and Fe. Water quality variable are Temperature, Salinity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, BOD5, Fe, TSS and Organic Matters. To resulting the feability of Brackish for grouper, qualitative methods were used, then analysed by matching method to resulting the feasibility class of brackish pond. Based on the feasibility class of brackish pond analysis for grouper, the result showed that the pond located at North Tarakan, West Tarakan and East Tarakan are in S2 level Group (Fair eno...
The main topic of this study are to find out of the proliferation and expression of IFN-γ and NF-... more The main topic of this study are to find out of the proliferation and expression of IFN-γ and NF-kB cell to Humpback grouper that exposured by immunogenic protein of Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). The methods used on this study were exploration by doing isolation to Humpback grouper organs both normal and infected by immunogenic protein of VNN, coat protein isolation, protein fractionation by SDS-PAGE, separation and cutting of protein bands from SDS-PAGE result, coat protein measured by Nano drop spectrophotometer, Hemagglutination (HA) Test of VNN immunogenic protein, and IFN-γ and NF-kB cell proliferation and expression qualitative detection by Immunohistochemistry (IHC).The results of this research confirm that HA test was positive. It showed that 45,9 kDa VNN immunogenic protein had been reacted by agglutination reaction between 45.9 kDa VNN immunogenic protein and erythrocytes of humpback grouper with sensitivity of 0,015625. Positive concentration result was up to 1/64 or its sensitivity of 0.015625. It means antigen determinant (epitope) from immunogenic protein have highly sensitivity from range 0.006 to 0.06. IHC test result show that 45,9 kDa VNN protein immunogenic epitope have ability to induce humpback grouper tissue receptors by creating immune cell qualitatively, there are IFN γ and NF-kB cell immune to humpback grouper specific tissue organ, eye, brain and kidney after labeled by secondary antibody anti IFN γ and NF-kB cell anti mouse . ELISA test using the secondary antibody that same with examination test of IHC were showed that proliferation and expression of IFN γ and NF-kB cell quantitatively had been confirmed value positive around 0.9 mg/ml concentration. The conclusion of this studies showed that immunogenic protein of VNN with weight molecule of 45.9 kDa have ability to induce proliferation and expression of immune cells of humback grouper as like IFN γ and NF-kB cells both qualitative and quantitative on tissue organ especially eye, brain, and kidney organ.
Proceedings of national seminary Educate IV University of Borneo Tarakan, Vol. 2, pp. 490-493, 2017
Sonneratia alba can bear fruit all the time on the coast of North Borneo and especially the city ... more Sonneratia alba can bear fruit all the time on the coast of North Borneo and especially the city of Tarakan. This coastal mangrove plant has not seasoning fruitfully that could potentially be used but until now not been optimal utilization fruit in nutrient enrichment on Artemia salina as natural feed (bioenrichment) for fry tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon).This study aims to determine the toxicity of ethanol extract of Sonneratia alba through the method of brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) which uses a nauplii Artemia salina ethanol extract Sonneratia alba is known to have an active compound content in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, tannins, and coumarin. Also, based on the test on selective media TCBSA (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar) through a paper disc diffusion technique on the growth of bacteria Vibrio harveyii capable of producing inhibitory characterized by the formation of a clear zone diameter of 2.50 ± 0.31 cm at a concentration of 2% , BSLT testing to obtain the LC50 value of the ethanol extract S.alba of the survival of nauplii A. salina using ethanol extract concentration difference S.alba as a treatment that is 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 15 ppm, 20 ppm and 25 ppm. Test bottles that had contained the ethanol extract test concentrations S.alba,nauplii A.salina, and solvent sea water is stored in a fairly light and oxygen for 24 hours; After 24 hours, counted the number of nauplii A.salina dead. At the ethanol extract treatment S.alba BSLT testing shows the results of LC50 of 10.2 ppm (10 ppm optimal treatment) with a value of probit R2 = 0.84 expressed by regression Y = 2.7741 X + 2.2022.
Papers by ery gusman