Book Sniffers Anonymous
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Book Sniffers Anonymous [entries|friends|calendar]
A Rory/Logan Community

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Like stop eating the paste, special?

[02 Aug 2010|10:15am]


Do You Like To Write?

Like to write? Love Gilmore Girls? Great! There is a new challenge, called ggirls_las, where you write a fanfic of at least 100 words every two weeks based on a different prompt. Then they get voted on and the person with the least votes is out that week and the person with the most is safe next week. Till you have one author standing who wins! What do you win? A snazzy graphic and a $10 GC to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You don't even need to be a GREAT writer!

... who will come out on top?
Game Info // Rules // Sign-Up

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[23 Aug 2008|05:25pm]

[001 | 117] David Boreanaz
[118 | 144] David boreanaz & Emily Deschanel
[145 | 154] Lauren Graham
[155 | 156] Lauren Graham & Alexis Bledel
[157 | 161] Alexis Bledel & Milo Ventimiglia
[162 | 196] Alexis Bledel
[197 | 200] Clive Owen
[201 | 220] Zachary Quinto


Rory: Yeah, as obvious as a man wearing sunglass with a dog selling pencils...

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[13 Apr 2008|09:04am]

9 Rory/Logan Wallpapers


More here...

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[14 Feb 2008|01:10pm]

4 Gilmore Girls Wallpapers (Rory/Logan)


Larger version and more here....

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[10 Feb 2008|07:56pm]


Here at my journal....

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[07 Feb 2008|12:39pm]


more here....

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[05 Feb 2008|11:51am]


More here....

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[14 Nov 2007|07:10pm]

1 - 6 : Michelle Trachenberg
7 - 41 : Gossip Girl
42 - 63 : Gilmore Girls (Season 5+6)
64 - 68 : Alexis Bledel
69 - 73: BtVS (Angel)


Like stop eating the paste, special?

Gilmore Girls Forever RPG [18 Oct 2007|05:54am]


 I hope this is okay, if not, feel free to delete -

Gilmore Girls Forever RPG

Instead of what happened in the real S7, we're changing it drastically. For example; Luke and Lorelai get married and decide to stay in Lor's house that Luke remodeled but she finds out is expecting. The most drastic change is that instead of the end where what happened between Rory and Logan - she tells him she needs time to see everything but after a summer of thinking about it in Mexico with Paris and her friends, alone, without Logan, she realizes she'll never be able to fully trust him again and she always still wanted Jess so she goes to New York to find him once she gets back from vacation. However, Logan follows her to New York after sqeezing the info from sources with some cash, to find her with Jess. What's her present to do with her past? And where does Mitchum fit into all this? And lets not forget Emily and Richard! Course, there is still Christopher in the picture, even as an ex to tangle with Luke/Lorelai.... so much drama!

Characters Open: Loralei, Luke, Logan, Mitchum, Emily, Richard, Paris, Lane, Christopher

( Site ) 

Like stop eating the paste, special?

Rory and Logan's Love w Dean & Jess Complications (Prologue/?) [13 Oct 2007|12:14pm]

Title: Rory and Logan's Love w Dean & Jess Complications
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Set Season 7. Jess and Dean make appearances. Rory and Logan are together after Logan comes back from London in Season 6. Logan is working on his internet company and Rory is an active reporter at “The New York Times” in New York where she and Logan live in a penthouse together. Future marriage and kids in the works for them, plus so much more including but not limited to - love, fights, make-ups etc.

( Prologue )

Like stop eating the paste, special?

Three Things.... [13 Oct 2007|11:35am]

Three Things....

1. Can any of you give me the little link things for more gilmore girls and/or rory/logan fanfic communities?

2. Can't wait to add some of my own fanfics to the community.

3. Wanted to add a note here - if you have any completed fanfics, feel free to visit

- Gabby 

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[02 May 2007|10:34pm]

84 Multi-Fandom Icons + 3 Banners/Headers (+ 1 Manip!)

[4] Heroes
[16] Gilmore Girls
[64] One Tree Hill

Headers/Userinfo Banner:
[1] Bethany Joy
[1] The O.C. & One Tree Hill (Cast)
[1] James/Joy (Manipulation)


The rest here at pineapple_icons


Like stop eating the paste, special?

[20 Mar 2007|04:37pm]

85 Multi-Fandom Icons

[30] Roswell
[18] Gilmore Girls
[22] Friday Night Lights
[12] Disney
[3] Misc


The rest here

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[17 Jan 2007|06:56pm]

Multi_Fandom Icon Post

[01-30] One Tree Hill (Season 2)
[31-55] One Tree Hill (Challenge Icons)
[56-61] Gilmore Girls
[62-73] Veronica Mars
[74-82] Roswell 



Here at </a></b></a>pineapple_icons

Like stop eating the paste, special?

New Rory & Logan Banner [09 Nov 2006|11:06pm]

Hey Peeps... just wanted to share my new Rory and Logan banner... I really do hope all of you like it. Comment, let me know what you think.

Check it out here

1 isare special Like stop eating the paste, special?

[27 Jul 2006|09:45pm]

OK, so I've been making icons for a while now, and I've NEVER made an icon post before basically out of laziness and the fact that now I have hundreds of unposted icons. So now I'm starting at the beginning and getting more recent and posting all the icons I've ever made (and actually saved). I apologize for this set as it demonstrates Beth and Icon Making: The Early Years. Not quite a happy time...;P I mean, some of them are okay, but they're kinda REALLY basic because I was just learning. Oh, and notice how because I have to go through my photobucket accout, it's way easier if I only do single fandom icon posts for the moment.

After reading that don't you just wanna click?

But really, take a look. It'd be much appreciated.

X-posted somewhere..

1 isare special Like stop eating the paste, special?

Multi-fandom icons [19 Jul 2006|04:45pm]

[15] GG Season 6 - ep.6x22 Partings
[4] Alexis Bledel & Lauren Graham
[5] Alexis Bledel 
[3] Lauren Graham


you know the rules :)

click for more...

Like stop eating the paste, special?

Gilmore Girls Icons [14 Jul 2006|06:18pm]

[ mood | confused ]

46 Icons
Gilmore Girls from Caps
Feel free to snag away, hope you enjoy them
and comment if you like. It would be much appreciated.



Gilmore Girls Goodness here...

2 isare special Like stop eating the paste, special?

Gilmore girls roleplay [04 Jul 2006|02:00am]

Hi, if this type of post is not aloud, please just delete it.

I am starting a Gilmore girls adult roleplay. All characters are open except Rory, Lorelai, and Jess. Many main characters are available including Logan. If anyone is interested in playing, please respond to this message or email me at [email protected]. Thanks.

Like stop eating the paste, special?

[29 Jun 2006|01:26am]

multifandom icon post

[x] Gilmore Girls
[x] Hilary Duff
[x] fashion/summer
[x] Zooey Deschanel

rules: credit+comment+don't edit+enjoy :)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

( more @ my icon journal HERE )

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