Bookaholic's Book Club — LiveJournal
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I want to invite you all to check out my new blog, called The Reader's Nook. I obviously love reading and books, so I wanted to share that love with other readers. I read a large range of different fiction from both adult and young adult genres, including historical fiction, chick lit, mainstream fiction and more. I've been inspired by blogs such as Windowpane Memoirs and The Story Siren. I'd be happy if my blog ends up half as good as theirs because they're wonderful to read. My blog will include book news including new release and interesting looking fiction, news, lots of reviews, my wish lists and hopefully, in the future, some competitions.
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I hope this is allowed? I've just started making icons, so I thought I'd share some of my reading ones with you guys.



You can find the rest here

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As my first post, I'd like to contribute to the community by providing a review! XD Here goes nothing...

Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell

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Name: Elsiey
Age: In my late teens. Still young. XD
What you'd like out of being a member (ex:to share book ideas, to read a common book and hold discussions, both, other): Well, I love books, and I was looking for a lj comm that holds posts that rec books to me, and where I can talk about books without feeling like a nerd. XD
Favorite Book(s): Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell, A Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Castle Series by Diana Wynne Jones, Discworld by Terry Pratchett
Favorite Genre(s): Fantasy, Fairy tale, YA
Favorite Author(s): Chris Wooding. My loyalty shall never waver.
Current Read or Most Currently Read: West With the Night, by Beryl Markham. I'm trying to read more non-fiction stuff. XD
Recommendations for the site: lol, I dunno... I'm come back to that.
Additional Comments: Nice to meet y'all. XD
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I know this is a little random, but I've finished reading Melanie La'Brooy's three books "Wish List" "Serendipity" and "Love Struck" which I really loved. All three were really well written and made me laugh out loud on countless occasions! But these are the only three books she has written. I was just wondering if there is anyone that has read any of these books and could possibly recommend something similar for me to read. I'm in the mood to read some great chick lit over my summer holidays.....
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has anyone tried the amazon credit card (free $30) and can anyone verify it's for real, and what catches there are to getting one? $30 seems like a lot to be giving away free
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I'm not really sure if this is allowed...if not then I'm sorry and please feel free to delete this. But I've just started up community of my own. Similar to this community, in fact, but from an Australian's point of view. However, anyone is welcome to join :) You can post about your favourite books, reviews, any questions you might have, in fact anything to do with books/literature.

Come over and check it out: books_au and join if you like :)

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Hey! I've just joined up so here's my 'newbie survey' :)

Name: Claire
Age: 21
What you'd like out of being a member (ex:to share book ideas, to read a common book and hold discussions, both, other): Meet new people, find out people's opinions on different books, get some ideas for books to read, and just general discussions :)
Favorite Book(s): So many! the moment....DaVinci Code (of course), Clan of the Cave Bear, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Virgin's Lover, The Queen's fool, Harry Potter, Finding Cassie Crazy, The Pact, My Sisters Keeper, Gossip girl (my guilty pleasure), Chicken Soup for the pet lovers soul, The 5 People you meet in heaven, Lovely Bones etc. etc. LOL I told you there were heaps!
Favorite Genre(s): Historical Fiction, Chick Lit, General.....
Favorite Author(s): Philippa Gregory, Jean Auel, Jodie Picoult, Dan Brown, Matthew Reilly, JK Rowling, Jane Green etc.
Current Read or Most Currently Read: Most current read was "Innocent Traitor" by  Alison Weir which was based in the 1500's. It's about a girl, Jane Grey, who is the cousin of Edward, Elizabeth and Mary Tudor and becomes the Queen of England for 9 days.
Recommendations for the site: Definately "Marley and Me" by John Grogan
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Book Update
Housekeeping by Maryilynne Robinson: i really didn't like this book. it seemed pointless and terribly hard to get through with being a shorter length book. it's about two sisters who swap people watching over them after their mother dies and they finally end up living with their mom's sister who's extremely weird. and then the book is about the sister being weird and what happens because of it. i wouldn't recommend it.

Books Read - 9/25
Days Left in '06 - 113

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I just picked up a book by Charles De Lint called "The Onion Girl." I'm not going to start on it until the story I'm working on is done, because nothing is worse than writing a piece and realizing halfway through that you've absorbed somebody else's style. But I wanted to ask a question of you all when I do. It seems as though he's got quite a few stories set in this fictional town, I think it's called Newport. They aren't labelled as a series, but they do seem to have some sort of story that runs between them all. Are any of you familiar with his work? I'm wondering if I should start with "The Onion Girl" as it seems pretty central to the plot, or if I should try to read his work in order of publication (which is a pain in the butt if you get your books at thrift stores and whatnot).
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