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Knowledge is an intellectual asset owned by each organization that greatly influences the performance of the organization. Knowledge management, tacit knowledge, and explicit knowledge in an organization become crucial for the... more
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      BusinessKnowledge ManagementTacit KnowledgeOrganizational Learning
Statistics of Indonesia’s (BPS) performance are not optimal since there is a lack of integration among business processes. This has resulted in unsynchronized data, unstandardized business processes, and inefficient IT investment. To... more
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      Computer ScienceKnowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingData
The increasing number of studies in the knowledge map shows attention from researchers in academic and professional areas. However, the knowledge map implementation has not effectively implemented in an organization whose business in the... more
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      Computer ScienceKnowledge ManagementIntellectual CapitalStakeholder
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The application of working-from-home (WFH) in government agencies has not been followed by changes in the regulations that cover it. As a result, government investment and efforts to encourage the adoption of WFH as an effort to increase... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationPsychologyPhilosophy
The development of Internet technology give a chance for application in all kind of humans activity include education specially for higher education in university in order to increase education quality. In this paper we will discuss about... more
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      Higher EducationOpen Source SoftwareComputers and SocietyWeb Technology
The quality of a university is not only measured by its academic program inputs but also by its processes, outputs, and outcomes. Performance measurement can be conducted by looking at its achievements at a certain period of time compared... more
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    • Computer Science
Pot experiments were conducted during T. aman 2001 and 2002 (wet season) at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) in net house. Hybrid variety Sonarbangla-1 and inbred modern variety BRRI dhan-31 were used in both the seasons and BRRI... more
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Penjajaran sekuen merupakan hal yang fundamental dalam bioinformatika. Penjajaran sekuen dapat menganalisis sekuen. Penjajaran sekuen menggunakan pemograman dinamis yang memiliki kompleksitas O(mn) yang mana m dan n adalah panjang sekuen... more
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      BioinformaticsParallel ComputingParallel ProgrammingGPU Computing
Diannatull Faizah J3C211217 INF 2C P1 KOMPUTASI dan PARALEL PROCESSING Komputasi paralel adalah salah satu teknik melakukan komputasi secara bersamaan dengan memanfaatkan beberapa komputer independen secara bersamaan. Ini umumnya... more
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Java Tea (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a common herbal medicinal plant that functions as a health treatment and treats various diseases. The high demand for Java Tea causes high prices and a decrease in the amount of medicinal plant raw... more
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    • Java
Tanaman jati merupakan tanaman kayu yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Pengetahuan jenis jati sangatlah penting bagi petani jati karena dari jenis jati inilah petani bisa mengetahui karakteristik, manfaat, kisaran harga beli dan harga... more
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      Programming LanguagesBiology
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Internet memberikan kemudahan namun sekaligus memperbesar peluang munculnya serangan terhadap suatu negara yang tidak hanya berasal dari State Actor namun juga berasal dari Non State Actor dengan potensi tingkat resiko yang sama. Dalam... more
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      Project ManagementCyber SecurityCyber Security Incident Response
Data Center sebagai pusat operasional seluruh sistem aplikasi dan sentral sistem jaringan komunikasi data, harus dapat memenuhi seluruh kegiatan operasional Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi (TIK). Meningkatnya jumlah aplikasi serta... more
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      Risk ManagementIso 31000Data Center
Makalah Sistem Pemesanan Ojek Online
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      Sistem InformasiTugas kuliahTeknik Informatika
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Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Ojek Online, rancangan terdiri dari flowchart pemesanan Ojek Online, Use Case Pemesanan Ojek Online, Activity Diagram Pemesanan Ojek Online, Sequence Diagram Pemesanan Ojek Online dan Class Diagram Pemesanan... more
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      Sistem InformasiTugas kuliahTeknik Informatikaperancangan sistem berorientasi objek