Papers by Huricihan Islamoglu

Journal of Early Modern History, 2001
Modernity has long been the preserve of Europe. Social science perspectives on modernization that... more Modernity has long been the preserve of Europe. Social science perspectives on modernization that have shaped the categories of historical analysis since the nineteenth century have excluded the Ottoman and the Chinese empires from mappings of modernity.' Instead, the two empires are designated as part of an undifferentiated and ahistorical domain of the East, characterized by what it lacks: individual ownership of property, rational organization of market activity, and rational bureaucratic forms of government. This construct of the East provides a contrast to an equally abstract domain of the West (including western Europe and its extensions in the United States) privileged with the presence of modern forms. This high drama of absences and presences of idealized properties has been instrumental in legitimating European domination of the East. The notion of oriental despotism has been a central feature of that legitimation.' In Asia it facilitated the setting up of colonial administrations that could be identified as rational and bureau-
Duke University Press eBooks, Dec 4, 2009
Gorgias Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
Routledge eBooks, Nov 29, 2020
Gorgias Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001
This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 3, pp. 1891–1897, © 2001, Elsevier L... more This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 3, pp. 1891–1897, © 2001, Elsevier Ltd, with revisions made by the Editor.

tarihinde sonuçlanmıştır. Projenin içerdiği saha çalışması, Türkiye'nin çeşitli yörelerinde farkl... more tarihinde sonuçlanmıştır. Projenin içerdiği saha çalışması, Türkiye'nin çeşitli yörelerinde farklı ürünlerde 715 tarım üreticisi ile tarım sektöründe yer alan tüccar, kooperatif ve birlik yöneticisi, çırçırcı, borsa temsilcileri, bankacılar, Ziraat Odaları ve Ziraat Mühendisleri Odaları temsilcileri, TMO temsilcileri, TEKEL müdürleri ve tütün eksperleri ile olan derinlemesine görüşmelerden oluşmaktadır. Toplanılan bilgilerin veri tabanı haline getirilmesi KONDA Araştırma ve Danışmanlık Şirketi tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. KONDA'nın yöneticileri Sayın Tarhan Erdem, Sayın Bekir Ağırdır ve proje için özel bir program oluşturma inceliğini gösteren Sayın Ernur Kaya'ya teşekkür ederiz. Soruların hazırlanmasında yardımcı olan Hande Diker'e ayrıca teşekkür ederiz. Proje sürecinde en büyük desteği Boğaziçi Üniversitesi mensuplarından aldık. Sayın Dr. Selcan Kaynak istatistiki değerlendirme konusunda yardımlarını esirgemedi. Rapor yazılma sürecinde en büyük desteği ise Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü öğrencisi/mezunu Ayça Zayim'den aldık; kendisi ana metnin yazılmasında ve araştırma süreçlerinde yer aldı. Ayrıca yine Boğaziçi Üniversitesi öğrencilerinden Efe Sözeri fedakarane bir şekilde verilerimizi SPSS programına geçirmekle kalmadı, tabloların yapılmasına büyük katkıda bulundu. Yine Boğaziçi Üniversitesi öğrencisi Aytuğ Şaşmaz veri tabanı hazırlanması sürecinde katkıda bulundu.

Gateway House, 2019
The recent talks between the United States and the Taliban for peace in Afghanistan[1] is yet ano... more The recent talks between the United States and the Taliban for peace in Afghanistan[1] is yet another controversial attempt at ending America's 17yearold war in that country. The issue at stake was finding a formula to include the Taliban in a coalition government. But nowhere was the elected Afghan government included in this scenario. [3] This was the same elected government which has, since 2014, lost more than 45,000[4] of its security personnel in the fight against the Taliban; a government led by President Ashraf Ghani, who has, against all odds, given Afghans the hope that normal life -and regular elections -are possible. He has reminded them that Afghanistan can have its development -and its dreams, transcending the stereotypical depiction of a country, set amidst heaps of rubble, where women wear burqas with holes for eyes to peer out of and terrorists stay embedded in the steep mountains. Yet, one is hard put to see a single glimpse in the international media of presentday Kabul, which I witnessed during a stay in October 2018 -a city of busy streets with beautiful girls with their sliding headscarves which do not cover, as much as suggest, a subtle modesty; and the campus of Kabul University where young people go about their business under the shade of ancient trees. Behind the smokescreen of terror, burqas, perpetual ethnic strife and religious conflict, lies another reality: that of a scramble for resources, such as lithium and natural gas , available in Central Asia, of which Afghanistan is a part, and into which it is also a gateway.
Covid-19 -Tour du Monde.Editions Manucius/IEA-Nantes, 2021
As the dust settles, two perspectives on tackling the pandemic crystallise, largely speaking to t... more As the dust settles, two perspectives on tackling the pandemic crystallise, largely speaking to tensions in the global economy that preceded the pandemic.
Words in motion , Toward a global lexicon
Papers by Huricihan Islamoglu