Read Peter Elbow, Professor Who Transformed Freshman Comp, Dies at 89 by Michael S. RosenwaldMichael S. Rosenwald (New York Times)
His struggles with writer’s block led him to create a process that favored an expressive, personal approach over rigid academic conventions that often stifled students.
For those interested in writing methods, Peter Elbow’s work can be seen as an interesting shift in pedagogy from the 1970s. Interestingly it relies on pieces of practices pre-dating him which inform commonplace book and related zettelkasten methods. 

For my own files, from the obituary, it looks like he was using an IBM Selectric I in some of his early work.

David L. Solin passed away this morning after several trying days in hospice care. We spent most of the day with him yesterday as he struggled to hold on, but his body ultimately gave out.

I was just a few blocks from the nursing home going to see him when I got the call that he had passed away at 9:44 AM. After spending much of the last 4 years with severe dementia, its a relief that he’s left us, undoubtedly for a better place. 

His memory will be a blessing.

Read Regis Philbin, TV Host With the Most Congenial Demeanor, Dies at 88 (The Hollywood Reporter)
He presided over live morning shows for four decades, emceed 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' and served as Joey Bishop's late-night sidekick.
Now that Regis and Hugh Downs have both passed away within weeks of each other, I’m wondering which living person now has the record for most time in front of a camera?
Read John Lewis, lion of civil rights and Congress, dies at 80 (AP NEWS)
ATLANTA (AP) — John Lewis, a lion of the civil rights movement whose bloody beating by Alabama state troopers in 1965 helped galvanize opposition to racial segregation, and who went on to a long...
Thank you Mr. Lewis for your courage and leadership.
Read Carl Reiner, Comedy Legend and ‘Dick Van Dyke Show’ Creator, Dies at 98 by Carmel Dagan (Variety)
Carl Reiner, the writer, producer, director and actor who was part of Sid Caesar’s legendary team and went on to create “The Dick Van Dyke Show” and direct several hit films, has …
The last of the old school Borsch Belt is disappearing…