📺 IndieWebCamp NYC 2018 Jess Klein Keynote | YouTube

Watched IndieWebCamp NYC 2018 Keynote: Designing for participation in open spaces by Jess Klein from YouTube
Catching up on the last of the keynotes that I missed a few weeks back from IWC-NYC. Now I’ll have to spend some time going through the materials Jess highlighted…

👓 Exploring Future’s Past: An IndieWeb NYC Reflection | Greg McVerry

Read Exploring Future’s Past: An IndieWeb NYC Reflection by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (jgregorymcverry.com)
As I sit in design studio, an optional drop in class for my #edu106 class to sit during a quiet hack hour or to get help, I can finally draw in my reflections on IndieWeb Camp. I left invigorated. Together as a community we want to save the web, rebuild our networks, and wrestle back control from th...

📺 IndieWebCamp keynote: Connecting the World: Intentions and Realities with Maha Bali | YouTube

Watched IndieWebCamp keynote: Connecting the World: Intentions and Realities by Maha BaliMaha Bali from YouTube

Link to slides in my blogpost

There are many things that matter that we don’t always see from an individual perspective. We also simultaneously need to be careful of attempting to only see things in the aggregate.

Originally bookmarked to watch on September 28, 2018 at 09:17AM. Missed the live stream due to time zone differential.

📺 IndieWebCamp NYC Demos | YouTube

Watched IndieWebCamp NYC Demos by IndieWebCampIndieWebCamp from YouTube
I saw a lot more interesting things at IndieWebCamp New York in the last two days than ultimately ended up in the demos, but I’m sure that continued work will bring a lot more awesomeness to the web to fruition.

Congratulations to everyone who attended! Special thanks to Greg McVerry, David ShanskeMarty McGuire, and all of the sponsors who helped put it all together! And special thanks to all the rest of the community (both in person and remotely) that came together to make it what it was–you all know who you are, so I won’t person tag/@mention/webmention everyone individually.

For those who missed it, there’s a wealth of information on the wiki, on the YouTube channel, and in the chat logs.

IndieWebCamp NYC on 09/28-29

Want to see what the bleeding edge of the web and the future of social media looks like? Join an inclusive and welcoming group of creators at IndieWebCamp NYC on 9/28-29 either in person or live streaming.

An IndieWeb Podcast: Episode 9 30 Days of IndieWeb

Episode 9: 30 Days of Indieweb

Running time: 0h 58m 33s | Download (18.9MB) | Subscribe by RSS | Huffduff

Summary: David is about to head off abroad for a month. We talk about what’s been happening recently and his plans for his upcoming sojourn.

Recorded: August 5, 2018


IndieWeb Camp NYC–September 28-29, 2018–RSVPs are open now

Micropub Plugin work for WordPress
It will include a Media endpoint
Code for integration with the WordPress REST API

This sketch solution may be an end-around the issue of getting WordPress (or potentially other CMSes) Themes to be microformats 2 compatible, and allow a larger range of inter-compatibility for websites and communication.

Facebook API changes cause breakage of Brid.gy
Ditchbook, a micropub-based tool for exporting data from Facebook and importing into other services

Greg McVerry’s EDU522 course Digital Teaching and Learning Too (🎧 00:47:57)