👓 Pl@ntNet is the world’s best social network | Quartz

Read Pl@ntNet is the world’s best social network by Michael J. Coren (Quartz)
The only that will make you feel better every time you use it.
I was looking for an app or tool just like this!!

Nice tangential mention of IndieWeb hiding in here too.

📑 Thanks for the wayback link Kevin. I … | Jeremy Cherfas

Annotated a post by Jeremy CherfasJeremy Cherfas (Jeremy Cherfas)
Maintaining a website that you regard as your own does require maintenance. Like a garden, you may choose to let a few weeds flourish, for the wildlife, and you may also seek to encourage volunteers, for the aesthetics. A garden without wildlife is dull, a garden without aesthetics is pointless.  

🎧 Why save seeds? | Eat This Podcast

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