Running time: 1h 19m 57s | Download (37.5MB) | Subscribe by RSS |

Summary: Our first episode since January. David Shanske and Chris Aldrich get caught up on some recent IndieWebCamps, an article about IndieWeb in The New Yorker, changes within WordPress, and upcoming events.
Recorded: May 19, 2019
6 camps later…
New Haven
National Duckpin Bowling Congress
Duck Tours
Streaming rigs for remote participation at IndieWeb Camps
Ad hoc sessions (🎧 00:11:28)
Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? (The New Yorker) by Cal Newport (🎧 00:13:50)
Swarm Account deletions and posting limits
New Checkin icon within the Post Kinds Plugin: example
Weather now has microformats mark up in WordPress
Fatwigoo problems with icons
IndieWeb Bingo
Webmention Project
Project of updating Matthias Pfefferle‘s Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks plugins (🎧 00:26:10)
- Parse This
- Ekby Jarpen
- SteelCase Executive Tanker Desk
Readers & Yarns
Readers & Yarns update (🎧 00:40:50)
Indigenous Replacement: Final Indigenous Log: The Future of the App
Post Kinds Plugin
Post Kinds and new exclude functionality (🎧 00:48:15)
- widgets
- titleless posts
- On this day
David’s list of 24 IndieWebCamps he’s attended
Looking back at past IndieWebCamp sessions and wiki pages for interesting ideas and new itches
Date and time stamps on webmentions
Call for tickets in WordPress
Subscribing to h-cards with WebSub
Is Mastodon IndieWeb?
Fixing IndieAuth
Improving scoping, particularly for multi-user sites
Coming up within the community
IndieWeb Book Club
IndieWeb Book Club is coming up featuring Mike Monteiro’s book Ruined by Design(🎧 01:13:04)
- More details:
IndieWeb Summit 2019
9th annual IndieWeb Summit (Portland) is coming up in June. RSVP now.
Feel free to send us your questions or topic suggestions for upcoming episodes. (Use the comments below or your own site using Webmention).
Perhaps a future episode on