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93 entries.
Dear Mr. McFerrin, since my children and me heard you at Lübeck in summer 2000 during the Schleswig- Holstein - Festival, we are your fans and want to send you our congratulations for your 75th Birthday hopefully you could enjoy it and are facing many good other years with a lot of music and good doctors- I think music would be really good for you!
I thank you very much for your music and wish you all the best- me getting 74 this year
Gisela Schock
Geiersknappen 8
57580 Gebhardshain/Germany
I thank you very much for your music and wish you all the best- me getting 74 this year
Gisela Schock
Geiersknappen 8
57580 Gebhardshain/Germany
I just dropped into a show on TV, Münchner Klaviersommer in 1988, where you performed more or less on your own.
That reminded me of my stay in South Africa that same year for av3 month trainee-ship during my studies. It was the first time I left home for such a long time, so far away and all on my own. So there were days I didn't always feel fine, but on the radio they played your no. 1 hit "Don't worry, bei happy" more than once a day. And it always made me smile
So you had an impact on my life then, and that's why I still love you and your music!
I wish you all the best, Bobby!
That reminded me of my stay in South Africa that same year for av3 month trainee-ship during my studies. It was the first time I left home for such a long time, so far away and all on my own. So there were days I didn't always feel fine, but on the radio they played your no. 1 hit "Don't worry, bei happy" more than once a day. And it always made me smile
So you had an impact on my life then, and that's why I still love you and your music!
I wish you all the best, Bobby!
Every fan of Bobby should check out his old bootleg duo performance video online with the gentle master Tuck Andress, especially the track “Victory Shall Be Mine”
…none of the skeedaddlin and blippity bloops, just a truly soulful spiritual rendition by the best duo since Batman and Robin.
USA is all messed up right now, always thankful to have a retreat in music like this. Thank you to Bobby.
Greetings from Philly.
…none of the skeedaddlin and blippity bloops, just a truly soulful spiritual rendition by the best duo since Batman and Robin.
USA is all messed up right now, always thankful to have a retreat in music like this. Thank you to Bobby.
Greetings from Philly.
Hi Bobby!
Sometimes I think about what were the best concerts I’ve seen in my life, and honestly my favorite concert was you with John Scofield and Jack Dejohnette at the Blue Note in NYC in 1987. It was a 90-minute total improvisation, constantly surprising and joyous. What a memory. Thank you for that and everything! — Joshua
Sometimes I think about what were the best concerts I’ve seen in my life, and honestly my favorite concert was you with John Scofield and Jack Dejohnette at the Blue Note in NYC in 1987. It was a 90-minute total improvisation, constantly surprising and joyous. What a memory. Thank you for that and everything! — Joshua
1982 I think. You performed for at a high school choir festival in my city and improvised with the audience in four part harmony. It was beautiful and I’ll always remember. Thank you.
for that great experience.
for that great experience.
Mr. McFerrin, I was just speaking with someone from a bank and he mentioned being a "conductor" for my services from the bank. I quickly thought and said, "Well, you are my 'Bobby McFerrin'" and he laughed while enjoying the analogy.... I saw you perform at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra about 13 years ago. I was unsure what to expect as I had limited knowledge of the breadth of your career and talents. I left with an elevated heart, deeper appreciation for music, and immense respect for you, your training, and talents. I came onto your website in hopes you were playing somewhere that I might be able to enjoy an evening of your music and unique performance. Please do come back and let us know when you do! My wife and I will be eager to enlighten our evening with your performance!
Hi, I love music
Booby probably doesn't remember me, butI was going to Sac. State orch. violin when Booby was there. He was a music major like myself. He played keyboard in the stage band, I was in the string section. Also played in a concert of his at the school. He was so far ahead of us all as music majors. No contest.
So sorry to hear he has Parkinson's
So sorry to hear he has Parkinson's
Thank you so much for your brilliant contribution to music, for being so special and talented and for bringing a fresh breath to MUSIC with your unique talent, that is your VOICE, capable of the most unlimited challenges with an undescriptable yet glorious outcome.
Obrigado por existir, você me tem dado muito sem nos vermos mas estamos juntos.
I'm trying to track down Kirsten Falke. We went to school together in Irvington, NY. The phone number and email address she sent me years ago are no longer valid. Thank you!
Today is the 12th anniversary of my mother's death. When I was a kid she and I both fell in love with your rendition of the 23rd psalm, and it has stayed an anchor in my life into adulthood. I played it today for her, in the woods where her ashes rest. Thank you from the bottom of my, and her, hearts. Blessings.
Recently I was asked to provide my personal “walkout” song. Don’t Worry Be Happy still lifts me up the same as it did way back when I was a teen. Thank you for bringing joy to my heart for over 30 years. Please come back to DC to perform.
Truly blessed to be on the planet at same time as you. You music is a godsend.
In the hospital came awfully close to going down the drain. “Don’t worry “ helped keep me on the ride. Thanks. Barry
I love listening to your work. Most creative and interesting works.
I’m trying to find where I can travel to attend an orchestral concert that you will conduct.
I’m trying to find where I can travel to attend an orchestral concert that you will conduct.
Thank you.
When are you coming to New York City?!?
I am new to your music, heard on Christian McBrides's Jazz program. I have loved Keith Jarrett's improvisation and enjoyed your improvisation with Chic Corea. I love music that entwines and both inspires and is inspired in music. thank you.
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