We are preparing for the plugin core rewriting!
Please report all problems HERE
Plugin gives users or guest an option to like an article or a page.
- [Front] Option to like article/page
- [Front] Add gravatar of persons who liked the post
- [Settings] Choice of display position
- [Settings] Theme selection (2 options: dark and light)
- [Settings] Text „I like it!”
- [Settings] Text „Unlike”
- [Settings] Can only users vote?
- [Settings] Choice of content that should have the button (articles only, pages only, articles and pages)
- [Settings] Should the button display on the list of articles?
- [Settings] Show numer of likes (always/after hovering cursore over the button/never show)
- [Settings] Disable likes for single pages or posts
- [Settings] Own rating position
- [Settings] Button display generator
- [Widget] Recently liked
- [Widget] The most liked
- [Widget] Your liked (only for registered users)
- [Dashboard] Recently liked
- [Dashboard] Most liked
- [Shortcode] Display rate button
- [Shortcode] Display rating score
- [Admin] Two widgets in administration panel with statistics
- … and many more …
If you are willing to support my work or you are looking for more options, feel free to purchase professional version of the plugin.
PREMIUM VERSION: only $15 – PRO Version
Author Site: Krzysztof Furtak
Thank you for choosing my product! Do not hesitate to contact me in case of any further questions or concerns.
More information about the plugin can be found HERE – feel free to check it out!
- Unpack files from the patch you have purchased.
- Copy folder ‘kkprogress’ to a folder on your own server. To do it you might want to use programs meant for establishing connection with FTP server (personally, I would recommend FileZilla program. You can find guide on how to use it here). All the data needed for establishing connection with FTP server should go together with a purchased server.
- Next, log in to the administrative panel of your blog.
- Go to the tab called ‘Plugins’.
- Find plug-in called ‘KKILikeIt’ and click on ‘Activate’
- On the left hand side, ‘KK I Like It’ tab should appear. From that tab, you can manage your plug-in.
- 1. How to add a button inside a loop WP LOOP in a random place ?
In addition to that you can display the number of likes in a random place of a loop. You can do it by adding code listed below:
if(function_exists(kkLikeButton())){ kkLikeButton(); }
You can display anywhere in the loop, the number likes of a certain content. You can do this by adding code:
if(function_exists(kkLikeRating())){ kkLikeRating(); }
- 2. How to add a shortcode?
In a text editor WYSIWYG (while editing a text) paste below listed tag:
[kklike_button] - if you'd like to display a button
[kklike_rating] – if you’d like to display a number of likes of a certain content
བྱས་རྗེས་འཇོག་མཁན། & གསར་འབྱེད་པ།
“KK I Like It” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
བྱས་རྗེས་འཇོག་མཁན།ཁྱེད་ཀྱི་སྐད་ཡིག་ནང་ལ་ “KK I Like It” ཡིག་སྒྱུར་བྱོས།
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Preparing for the plugin core rewriting
- Some test in new WordPress version
- FIX: Couple of CSS bugs
- FIX: Improved display button in the news archive
- FIX: Function kkLikeRating() – The plugin does not display the number 0. where can I set it to display the number zero
- FIX: Some warnings in settings
- NEW: Information about PRO version of plugin
- CHANGE: Change of how to add libraries
- FIX: A few glitches have been fixed
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
- NEW: [Widget User Liked] Added possibility to set the number of displayed items
- CHANGE: Changed sorting charts on statistics
- CHANGE: Some changes in the interface plugin panel
- HOTFIX: Fatal error after activation plugin
- FIX: Fatal error after activation plugin
- FIX: Compatibility with other plugins
- FIX: Bugfixes for WP 3.5.x
- NEW: [Settings] Gavatar – avatar’s size adjustment option.
- NEW: [Settings] Gavatar – nick switch off ooption.
- CHANGE: Likes saving has been changed.
- CHANGE: Charts display corrected.
- FIX: Button display for certain layouts has been corrected.
- CHANGE: Charts library
- FIX: Translation loaded
1.6.1 Hotfix
- FIX: Show voters after post content
- NEW: Two widgets in administration panel with statistics
- NEW: Lang file (lang-kklike-xx_XX.po) for people who want to help with translation
- CHANGE: Updated Polish translation
- NEW: Button display generator
- NEW: Add gravatar of persons who liked the post
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
- FIX: Custom posts list – incorrect button display
- NEW: [Settings] Own rating position
- NEW: [Settings] KKLike only for user, button hide option
- NEW: [Shortcode] Display rate button
- NEW: [Shortcode] Display rating score
- NEW: [Widgets] Option to choose post type
- NEW: New page in the admin – documentation
- NEW: New page in the admin – changelog
- NEW: [Settings] New button display option – big light
- NEW: [Settings] New button display option – big dark
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
- NEW: [Settings] Show numer of likes (always/after hovering cursore over the button/never show)
- NEW: [Widget] Your liked (only for registered users)
- NEW: [Dashboard] Most liked
- NEW: [Settings] Disable likes for single pages or posts
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
- NEW: [Widget] Recently liked
- NEW: [Widget] The most liked
- NEW: [Dashboard] Recently liked
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
- CHANGE: Some admin design changes
1.1.1 Hotfix
- FIX: Bad paths to files
- NEW: New, fresh admin design
- FIX: Incorrect display a list of recent liked information
- NEW: Beta release