Papers by Moses O Ogunniran

Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment
T his chapter assesses how technological innovations are emerging as one type of solution to the ... more T his chapter assesses how technological innovations are emerging as one type of solution to the global educational challenges of the 21st Century. It surveys across a broad typology of technologies in the information and communication domain, discussing their scope and affordances in traditional and non-traditional learning, curriculum design and instruction. With an overview of trends, benefits, and risks posed by recent technological advances in education, the aim of the chapter is to present a balanced view of the education technology (EdTech) field, highlighting the relevant and necessary concerns within the different spheres of EdTech. Specifically, the chapter discusses critical issues of the digital divide, equitable access to EdTech, privacy and security concerns, the role of teachers and real-world classrooms in an increasingly digitized education setting, and debates concerning the ethical use of artificial intelligence, big data analytics and machine learning. The assessment supports an optimistic but cautionary role for EdTech in addressing education challenges when coupled with continued social and cultural context-driven research. With respect to policy, the assessment concludes that it is worthwhile to encourage innovations and implementations of EdTech globally, accompanied by sensible regulatory guidelines on data sharing, breach of privacy, security, misuse and misrepresentation of claims about what EdTech can and cannot do.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2020
Microteaching practice is an important part of Pre-Service Physics Teacher (PsPT) Training Progra... more Microteaching practice is an important part of Pre-Service Physics Teacher (PsPT) Training Program adopting different approaches to inspire the acquisition of teaching skills by prospective teachers. Using psychomotor domain aspect of revised Bloom’s taxonomy to explore microteaching practice as it relates to physics teaching, this research examined the significant influences of the two approaches (Nigeria and China) identified on the teaching skill of PsPT and suggests the best ways of improving the teaching skill of PsPT through micro-teaching practices. Data were collected using the mixed-method research design of administering descriptive survey questionnaire on final year PsPT while a structured interview question was used to interview the teachers. It was found that the two approaches had significant influences on the teaching skill acquisition of PsPT through microteaching practices with respect to physics as a subject that requires motor skill, and that this can be improved ...

Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 2019
The study investigated the experiences of students’ participation in extracurricular activities i... more The study investigated the experiences of students’ participation in extracurricular activities in the University of Cape Coast. We adopted the explanatory mixed method design with interview and questionnaire administration to examine the experiences of students’ participation in extracurricular activities on campus. Using the purposive and simple random sampling techniques, 110 respondents constituting 100 students and 10 first, second and third year students were selected for an interview and in-depth study. The study found that the experiences associated with students’ engagement in extracurricular activities are as a result of socialization, time management, high self-esteem, school bonding, releases stress etc. Again, time consuming, poor academic performance, less communication, money consuming, were some of the disadvantages associated with students’ engagement in extracurricular activities. However, the findings of this study gave stakeholders in education new insights into ...
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2020
Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment
D iscussing the relationship between economics and education from a political economy perspective... more D iscussing the relationship between economics and education from a political economy perspective, this chapter focuses on the mediating factors of state structure, legal frameworks and culture, political and religious ideologies, class, ethnicity and gender. This contextual approach to the relationship between economics and education underpins the key argument that investing in human capital is necessary but not su cient to make education a force for societal progress and human ourishing. The chapter considers the aspects of educational investment and nancing that policymakers should incorporate into their decision-making, and their implications for social equity. The chapter examines two recent trends in educational governance-meritocracy and marketization and privatization.

The Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 2019
The main objective of this study is to compare and contrast the students’ perspective of Higher E... more The main objective of this study is to compare and contrast the students’ perspective of Higher Education Entrance Examination (HEEE) in China and Nigeria using GAOKAO and West Africa Examination Council/Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (WAEC/UTME) as a case study. The group age between the sample students surveyed at both China and Nigeria is between 18 to 26 year (undergraduate). A sample of 340 students in China and 350 students in Nigeria were the respondents used for the study. Three objectives and research questions generated are; the magnitude of student’s anxiety, perspective, similarities and differences among Chinese and Nigerian Students. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts was used to analyse the results. The findings revealed that students’ perspective on GAOKAO in China education is extremely tense and nervous which is the major cause of failing the examination. While Students’ perspective on WAEC/UTME in Nigeria education is that the score obtained fr...

Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 2019
This research investigated the Cambodian students’ perception on Native Cambodian Lecturers of En... more This research investigated the Cambodian students’ perception on Native Cambodian Lecturers of English Language (NCLsEL) and International Lecturers of English Language (ILsEL) in Higher Education Institutions in the Kingdom of Cambodia. In order to get deeper insight and outcome of perceptions, this paper was carried out with 100 students who were randomly selected from two famous Cambodian universities namely Norton University and Phnom Penh International University. Quantitative and Qualitative methodologies were used to collect data by means of students’ designed questionnaire. The results indicated that the majority of Cambodian students prefer to have classes with Cambodian Lecturers in their first general perceptions. In addition, the finding also illustrated that there were very small differences in terms of four main factors that attempted to draw their opinions and perceptions toward local and international lecturers. Those categories, consisted of 30-item designed questio...

Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2019
The paper examined the impact of budget, institutional vision and goals on staff performance in t... more The paper examined the impact of budget, institutional vision and goals on staff performance in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. One hundred and eighty-three (183) academic staff was randomly selected to whom a self-administered questionnaire was administered to collect data. This study had five objectives. Descriptive statistics including frequency counts, simple percentage and regression analysis were used in analyzing the data. The findings showed that the level at which faculty budgetary participation influence staff performance in the University of Ibadan is high. The results equally revealed that the level at which faculty budgetary adequacy influence staff performance in the University is average. Lastly, the budget, institutional vision and goals have joint influence on staff performance in the University. The contribution of faculty budget to the performance of academic staff in the University was established, but academic staff expressed that their performance does not c...

This study aimed to examine the impact of professional learning communities on English teacher be... more This study aimed to examine the impact of professional learning communities on English teacher belief change with English teachers in Hospitality Institute of Sanya as a case study. The study proffered answers to magnitudes at which professional learning communities motivate English teacher belief change in Hospitality Institute of Sanya, the characteristics of professional learning communities that affect English teacher belief change in Hospitality Institute of Sanya, and the belief changes that were experienced by English teachers in Hospitality Institute of Sanya. The study adopted a qualitative research design that used structured interviews with (fifteen) 15 English teachers as participants for the study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that most participants had the right perspectives of their communities through the professional learning communities, which exert positive effects on English teacher belief change. Reflective dialog, feedback amo...

US-China Education Review A, 2018
One of the major desires of every nation is to drastically reduce illiteracy especially in this m... more One of the major desires of every nation is to drastically reduce illiteracy especially in this modern societies. This is because education is one of the vital indicies used in the measurement and categorization of nations as developed or developing. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) Scheme was planned to bring about positive change in the educational system through quality, functional, and free education, but this dream has met bottlenecks, barriers through high enrollment with inadequate classroom space, lack of laboratories, dilapidated infrastructure, employment of unqualified teachers, lack of fund, these have among others hindered the good implementation of the programme. The article assessed the effectiveness and implementation of UBE Policy for Education Development in Nigeria by reviewing past research/literature to determine the efficacy of UBE programme in student enrollment, financing strategies, government and institutional involvement program, school facilities provision and management, and teacher involvement. Conclusion was given based on the literature reviewed. Lastly, the article added to the recommendation that, for effective management and implementation of the UBE, there is need of full participation and cooperation from the public, professionals, and the government. The government should be open to ideas and allow the free role and participation of educational specialist.

Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2020
This paper is an experiment in collective writing conducted in Autumn 2019 at the Faculty of Educ... more This paper is an experiment in collective writing conducted in Autumn 2019 at the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University. The experiment involves 12 international masters' students reading the course based on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), their professor Michael Peters, visiting professor Petar Jandri c, and a mix of senior Chinese and Western scholars. To successfully complete the course, the students were required to produce a 3000-word paper of publishable quality. As part of this writing process we decided to engage in the experiment of collective writing where we aimed to produce a single paper consisting of the abstracts. This collective paper was developed in 7 steps. (1) Students submitted their 250word abstracts. (2) Students were introduced into the methodology of collective writing, and 2 student-editors-Ogunniran Moses Oladele and Benjamin Greenvolunteered to work on the paper. (3) Michael Peters wrote the introduction. (4) Abstracts were expanded to 500 words and integrated into a single document. (5) Petar Jandri c began to edit the paper and write a conclusion. (6) Students presented their abstracts in the class, where Michael Peters and Petar Jandri c provided direct feedback. (6) Revised abstracts were again integrated into a single document by student editors, and proofread / copy-edited in several exchanges with the instructors (7) The paper was subject to the process of open review, and the reviewer's comments were included in the paper. Resulting from months of collective work, the final paper provides a wide range of views ad perspectives to the question of education as a part of the BRI initiative.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2019
The article uses a comparative approach to analyse the educational systems of China and Nigeria. ... more The article uses a comparative approach to analyse the educational systems of China and Nigeria. It examines the present approaches involved in Chinese and Nigerian educational systems. And in the final analysis, it also compares the education of Chinese students and Nigerian students. Secondary qualitative data were used in both explanatory and descriptive approach. Empirical studies that are related to education system in both China and Nigeria were also assessed. These types of data are mostly used in both survey type and case study analyses. Thus, case study research method is used in the article. Data gathered were presented to compare the education system in both China and Nigeria. The gathered data were used to juxtapose and compare the education systems in both China and Nigeria. The article is expected to: provide better understanding of China and Nigeria education systems; provide a vivid comparison of educational systems of China and Nigeria; show comparisons of Chinese and Nigerian students and give suggestions as to the ways by which the education systems of both countries could be enhanced.

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 2019
Education is an essential tool for human, economical, societal and technological development. Whe... more Education is an essential tool for human, economical, societal and technological development. When education is properly utilized and financed, learning outcomes with higher quality are achieved. Under-funding is the critical challenge facing the Nigerian higher education (NHE) system. There is considerable increase in the demand for NHE and government could no longer adequately finance it because of this increasing-demand. This paper attempts to assess the impact of international organization in NHE system. Among the key important international organizations operating in Nigerian Education (NE) are the World Bank, IMF, EU, UNICEF, UNESCO and many NGOs operating from both in and out of the country. The paper concludes by recommending that adequate consecration should be given to higher education since basic education and secondary level have so far benefitted more from the World Bank. It is also recommended that all other international organizations and other sectors should focus on...

Journal of Education & Social Policy, 2019
School facilities are over stretched due to the student population explosion in Ibadan SouthWest ... more School facilities are over stretched due to the student population explosion in Ibadan SouthWest Local Government Area of Oyo State. The available classrooms are either dilapidated, uncompleted or with dusty floors that show holes of rodents and ant lion larvae. The study was a descriptive survey design of ex-post facto type. The population for the study was all principals and teachers. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. However, it was shown that both school facilities were not statistically significant in relating to graduates from upper basic education. Conclusions were made that School facilities are very strong predictors of enrollment into JSS1. There are supply of school facilities for UBE implementation but not adequate. As government strive to provide more found, school authority should put strict measure against students' destructive activities for durability of the school facilities.

US-China Education Review A, 2019
Among the key international organizations (IOs) operating in Nigeria and Cambodia in terms of act... more Among the key international organizations (IOs) operating in Nigeria and Cambodia in terms of activities impact are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Union (EU), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating from both within and outside the two nations. Generally, the article accessed the impact of these IOs in higher education (HE) system of Nigerian and Cambodia. The major key goals of IO in both nations is to develop education policy, enhance quality of HE, prepare equity of accessing for HE, provide ideas of conducting researches, and provide plenty scholarship opportunities, but for several years, this goals are yet to be accomplished in both nations. In Nigeria context, the major reason for the frequent academic and non-academic strike as result of inadequate funding. While in Cambodia context, the major course of HE slow growth, poor infrastructure, and inadequate manpower, unemployment is as a result of weak intervention of IO in HE. Using secondary data, the paper reviews literatures in accessing the role of IO in financing HE system of both countries. The paper ended with recommendations that all IO should collaborate with the World Bank to impact HE in both countries. We also suggested that more attention should be withdrawn from basic education to HE into other to enhance rapid development of human capital.
US-China Education Review B, 2018
This paper discusses the status of universal primary education (UPE) in rural areas of South Suda... more This paper discusses the status of universal primary education (UPE) in rural areas of South Sudan by focusing on the forms of rural schools and the factors that hinders access to UPE. It will therefore start by describing the context or background description of the primary education system and situation of schools in South Sudan. It will also discuss the achievement and weakness and how the objective of universal education impacts the life of the rural people in terms of quality and equity in enrolment between boys and girls, academic achievement. Finally, it proposes some policies recommendation on further improvement of the UPE in rural areas of South Sudan.

Postdigital Science and Education, 2020
This article presents 15 autoethnographical texts detailing student experiences at Beijing Normal... more This article presents 15 autoethnographical texts detailing student experiences at Beijing Normal University in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Contributions have been collected over 6 weeks between 15 February and 1 April 2020, edited by Hejia Wang (assisted by Moses Oladele Ogunniran and Yingying Huang), and supervised by Michael Peters. Through shared in-depth empirical feelings and representations from a wide variety of cultural, historical, and social contexts, the article outlines an answer to the question: How do students, connected virtually but separated physically in an internationalized university, deal with disruption brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic? Student testimonies offer reflections on Covid-19 and Chinese international education, experiences of online teaching and learning, reflections on university coping mechanisms, an account of realities and feelings related to changes in academic life, and discussions on coping strategies in Chinese international higher education. Contributors expose their individual feelings, effects, benefits, challenges, and risk management strategies. Collected at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, these testimonies are unable to offer systemic answers to challenges facing the whole world. However, these experiences and feelings will provide important inputs to global discussions about the future of the world, after Covid-19.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2021
The research gaps in the connection between resilient leadership and innovation necessitate this ... more The research gaps in the connection between resilient leadership and innovation necessitate this paper, especially as the world is moving away from the global pandemic of COVID-19. This paper has successfully reviewed theory and innovation under resilient leadership in Chinese higher education. The paper explores various concepts under resilient leadership. Variables and indicators of resilient leadership were reviewed. It also focuses on related models and theories under resilient leadership. Three models of resilient leadership: the compensatory model, challenge model, and the protective factor model were examined. Constructivist self-determination theory serves as a guiding principle for this paper. This theory was derived from social learning theory, which integrates psychoanalytic theory, constructivist thinking, and cognitive development theory. The paper also delved into resilient leadership and various online educations in Chinese higher education.
International Journal of Social Sciences and English Literature

International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 2019
Education is an essential tool for human, economical, societal and technological development. Whe... more Education is an essential tool for human, economical, societal and technological development. When education is properly utilized and financed, learning outcomes with higher quality are achieved. Under-funding is the critical challenge facing the Nigerian higher education (NHE) system. There is considerable increase in the demand for NHE and government could no longer adequately finance it because of this increasing-demand. This paper attempts to assess the impact of international organization in NHE system. Among the key important international organizations operating in Nigerian Education (NE) are the World Bank, IMF, EU, UNICEF, UNESCO and many NGOs operating from both in and out of the country. The paper concludes by recommending that adequate consecration should be given to higher education since basic education and secondary level have so far benefitted more from the World Bank. It is also recommended that all other international organizations and other sectors should focus on impacting NHE if truly high quality education is desired for Nigerian university students.
Papers by Moses O Ogunniran