Accessibility Suite by Ability, Inc


Audit and update your WordPress website for ADA, Section 508 and WCAG Compliance in just minutes!

Get detailed reports any developer can use to update your website. No accessibility knowledge needed!

We’ve spent years developing a suite of tools so you can do in just a few minutes what used to take compliance experts months – without needing to know the ins-and-outs of Section 508 or WCAG compliance.

Whether you’re new to accessibility or are a compliance expert, this plugin is for you.

Think of the time and money you’ll save and the peace of mind you’ll get knowing that your site has been thoroughly audited for all elements in violation of accessibility compliance and that you have been presented with the exact steps you need to take to achieve compliance.

The most comprehensive ADA accessibility and WCAG compliance audit and reports available. Streamlines website accessibility updates right from the dashboard.

Download it, try it, and please give us a review on the WP Directory.

Now includes:

✔ Full Color Blindness Report
✔ New drastically improved user interface
✔ Filter option for WCAG A, AA, and 508 errors
✔ Downloadable CSV Report for agencies to create work estimates
✔ Now audits in the cloud to save your server resources
✔ Compliance summary with site grading
✔ Makes site updates even easier


  • Report summary first fold
  • Report summary second fold


জুলাই 14, 2020
As of July 14, 2020, the language on the plugin page makes zero mention of restricted commercial functionality. The sales team purposefully lists full capabilities on the WordPress Repository Details page for this plugin. They do not mention that these features require a commercial licence. There is no mention of this being a commercial product on the WP Repository Details page. They present the plugin as a ready-to-use upon download type of plugin. There are only two possible reasons to purchase this plugin. All other features are freely available from every accessibility tool online. What this plugin gets right: 1.) This plugin provides a ‘You scored X out of 5 in General Compliance’ summary. This is helpful. 2.) This plugin automates ‘make image decorative’ feature. What this plugin gets wrong: 1.) Everything else.
জানুয়ারি 25, 2020
From their documentation panel: A free version of the plugin is available to use for as long as you like, but has a few limitations. Firstly, you will not be able to customize your sitemap. Secondly, any audits run will only return results for your homepage. Does provide some useful information when scanning the home page, but would be nice if it would scan more than one page. (Sure, you can change your home page to some other page and re-run the scans.) It would be a little better if the Audit Results page started out with the “View By Issue” rather than “View by Page” (since it’s scanning just one page). This flummoxed me for a minute, but then I could see that I had Alerts for: Color Contrast, Heading Order, Landmark One Main, and Region. Oddly, though, when I added two “role=main” landmarks (using Elementor’s Attribute panel), and this tool caught the problem (having more than one landmark) it didn’t show me where the problems were, just indicating it was in the HTML. Color Contrast: It found right away and showed me what elements had that problem. This also creates a Post Content type of “wcag_scan”, which showed up as an option in Yoast SEO maps. I can imagine that this would be useful if you need to convince a client that you have passed inspection, by signing up for the paid version and then you’ve got a nice looking report to show. The export function is pretty nifty, gives you a chance to view the report in Excel. This is most useful if you have more than one page.
জুন 24, 2019 1 reply
Unfortunately, after almost a year of trying to make it work on our site… It never did anything for us but the basic items and I spoke to the owner many times. It never passed a full scan, plus the scans do not send you a full report, it sends you a confirmation that it has been scanned. He could never get the product to do what it’s advertised to do and I requested a refund and as far as I know, he said he would refund it and I don’t think that’s ever happened either. I hope someone makes a plugin that works with larger websites.
মার্চ 18, 2019
This plugin is simple to setup and use as it walks you through each step to become ADA compliant. There really is no other plugin like it. Also, the customer service is AMAZING as they are very responsive. Highly recommend!
মার্চ 14, 2019
This is amazing! I am able to offer my clients ADA accessibility for a FRACTION of what other agencies are charging to just look at sites!! It works right out of the box, scans every single file and is very straightforward on what needs to be done. Did i mention scheduling reports? This is really an awesome plugin and highly recommend for all sites to ensure compliance!
সব রিভিউ পড়ুন

ডেভেলপার এবং কন্ট্রিবিউটর

“Accessibility Suite by Ability, Inc” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


– Tested up to WordPress 6.7.1
– Fixed css bug on banner

– Tested up to WordPress 6.6.2
– Tested up to PHP 8.2
– Fixed issue preventing creation of necessary tables
– Fixed issue with creating/deleting false positives

– Tested up to WordPress 6.6
– Fixed bug causing license page to not show up
– Updated login route for retrieving api key

– Changed report data from serialized to json storage
– Various security improvements

– Various security improvements
– Tested up to WordPress 6.5
– Tested up to WordPress version 6.3.1
– Tested up to PHP version 8.2
– Security Fix: patched a low-risk SQL injection vulnerability accessible only within the admin panel

– Fixed plugin version number

– Bug fix: Resolved JS conflict which caused audits to hang,
– Tested up to WordPress version 6.1
– Tested up to PHP 8.1

– Bug Fix: Added the hiding of rows and sections when filtering on the false positives tab within the audit report.

– Bug Fix: Issue rows on the second tab of the audit report now correctly hide when the filte’s are used.
– Bug Fix: Report sections now correctly hide when all of the children rows have been hidden when using filters

– Tested up to WordPress version 5.5

– Feature: Added videos to articles on the guidelines page

– Bug Fix: More bug fixes related to sitemap generation.

– Bug Fix: Fixed a bug caused by that last update with the license page missing and duplicated menu items.

– Bug Fix: Now localizing the current screen into our own variable in the event the admin global “pagenow” is not available

– Feature: Added the ability to mark issues within the report as false positives. Issues that are marked as false positives will no longer display under “View by Page” and “View by Issue” but will now instead have their own tab. Additionally, any issue marked as a false positive will be omitted from the downloaded report.

– Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with the scan parsing off the query parameters from sitemap pages
– Bug Fix: Changed the numbering of audited pages to make more sense by starting at 1 instead of 0
– Merged the Pro and Free plugins into 1 plugin and eliminated the need for 2 plugins. When a valid license is entered into the free plugin it will automatically switch over to Pro!

– Bug Fix: Fixed an issue for some users where the scan would immediately finish instead of going through each page of the sitemap

– Verbiage: Changed the verbiage from “Scan” to “Audit”

– Bug Fix: Fixed an error that appeared at the top of the report referring to a non-existant index of 2.2.0
– Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with processing audit results from the database that caused no results to return on the audit report page for some users

– Updated the Unlock Full Audit link destination

– Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with certain 2.1 article descriptions not parsing correctly which caused a JS crash in the report.

– Bug Fix: CSV Reports have been optimized and should no longer crash on very large sites

– Performance: Enhanced the performance of loading the report script

– Verbiage: Changes to some of the language around the plugin

– We’ve updated the way the report filter works. The Errors and Warnings filters now act as global filters. Checking either of them will hide ALL of those types. The rest of the filters will also now filter all of those issues if they don’t share a flag with other issues, not including the global Errors and Warnings. For example, if an issue has Warning and Contrast, unchecking Contrast filter would hide this issue even though alerts are still checked and vice-versa.
– When issues get filtered, if the page has no unfiltered issues to show that page now hides from pagination and reappears when its issues get unfiltered. This will save a bunch of time scrolling through pages and should make managing reports much easier!

– Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing the “Upgrade To Pro” banner to always show even if the license key was valid

– Bug Fix: Small fix to helper class syntax

– Complete overhaul of the auditing logic. The audit now provides a far more robust logic for checking against WCAG violations.

– Foundational support for pro version sitemap bug fix

– Bug fix: fixed an issue with backwards compatability on audits older than June 12th.

– Changed verbiage of “Warnings” to “Alerts” and changed the way the star rating score is computed.
– Removed the warning about empty alt attributes and images with role=”presentation”, as these are non-issues and not worth having on a report

– Utility: Added support for the pro version of the Alt Tag Manager

– Bug fix: Fixed an issue with the audit report not loading when no results were found.

– Minor: Fixed some grammar issues, minor css changes
– Bug fix: Fixed the “Upgrade to pro” banner not dismissing properly

– Bug fix: Fixed an issue with the CSV report that arose after the performance restructuring

– Bug fix: Removed reliance of php extension mb-string by utilizing symfony/polyfill-mbstring. This will fix the error “Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding()” for users who do not have mb-string php extension

– Performance: Restructured the audit reports page to utilize Vue.js instead of straight jQuery, as well as redesigned the way the audit results were being front-loaded. In combination with the new pagination, the amount of results displayed to the page at once has been greatly reduced. This has a big impact on memory usage for the browser
– Feature: New pagination system in the audit reports. No more giant lists of results to scroll through!

– Upgrade: Changed the snapshot feature and the colorblind report to both match the new way that audit results divides the data into chunks. This is to avoid the dreaded 413 “Request Entity Too Large” error for some users.
– Security: Beefed up the security on our ajax endpoints.
– Bugfix: Further refined the logic for comparing website domains to the pages and posts permalinks in the sitemap.

– Bug fix: Fixed issue with wordpress installations in subdirectories not comparing properly in the sitemap and CSV download path

– Security: Made ajax calls more secure and closed a potential exploit

– Bugfix: Fixed situation where sometimes if a query link was the first item in the sitemap list, the audit would get stuck on the current page being the query page
– Bugfix: Fixed logic for combining sitemap pages into 1 list when there are no non-query links
– Bugfix: Removed an added slash in the regex pattern for the link to a background image in the audit report contrast section
– Bugfix: Changed the logic for comparing pages to the domain from site_url(), which sometimes returned a different result than what page/post urls used, to a regex pattern, which always grabs the base domain. This mainly affected users whose wordpress installation was inside a custom folder path.
– Bugfix: Fixed a message that appeared on multisites where the plugin should be dormant.
– Bugfix: Fixed the “Undefined index: edit.php?post_type=wcag_scan” error message that appeared for non-admins
– Upgrade: Changed the way the audit saves report data. Everything now gets divided into chunks so that the query to the database is much lighter and more efficient.
– Feature: Added demonstration video to plugin description