ConveyThis Translate is the most accurate, fastest and easiest language plugin to translate your WordPress website into over 120 languages!
Installing ConveyThis Translate consists of just a few simple steps and takes no more than 2 minutes.
To translate your website with this plugin you don’t need to have any background in web development or deal with .PO files. ConveyThis Translate automatically detects the content of your website and provides instant and accurate machine translation. All while optimizing all of the translated pages according to Google’s best practices in point of multilingual websites. Also you will be able to view and edit all the performed translations through one simple interface or hire a professional translator to do this for you. As a result you will get a fully SEO optimized multilingual website.
• fast and accurate automatic machine translation
• 100+ languages of the most popular world languages
• no redirections to third-party sites as with Google translate
• translate attributes, alt text, meta text, page URLs
• no credit card required for registration and money back guarantee for all paid plans
• easy to use (just a few simple steps from registration to translation)
• no need to deal with .PO files and no coding required
• 100% compatibility with all themes and plugins (including WooCommerce)
• SEO-optimized (all translated pages will be indexed by Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
• one simple interface to manage all your translated content
• professional translators from a translation agency with over 15 years of experience
• customizable design and position of language switcher button
• compatible with SEO plugins: Rank Math, Yoast, SEOPress
Is ConveyThis Translate free?
ConveyThis Translate provides Free plan with 2,500 words and 1 language.
More features are available on our advanced plans.
Each one of our plans has its own features and benefits. However, even the free plan is good enough to start your multilingual journey and take advantage of multiple benefits, such as free automatic machine translation, SEO optimization, URL translation, analytics dashboard, translation and editing interface. For simple bilingual sites the most simple plan will be enough. As soon as you get more visitor it’s a sign to get a bigger plan. But until this moment the plugin will help you gain them without cutting any benefits.
Why is SEO optimization so significant?
Your multilingual content will be properly indexed by all search engines so you will get an additional (up to 50%) SEO boost.
Most of the traditional plugins give you the ability to translate your website for free and call you to purchase their premium addons to translate page URLs, alt tags for images, add hreflang attributes, etc. ConveyThis Translate works out of the box and gives you all benefits of the multilingual site from the very beginning.
Does ConveyThis Translate provide support?
ConveyThis Translate provides instant support to everyone.
You can ask your questions either via online chat on the website or email us directly at [email protected]
Our working hours is Eastern Standard Time (EST) or (GMT-4).
But we answer everyone within no more than 10 hours on weekdays.
Does ConveyThis load content remotely?
ConveyThis securely loads JavaScripts and images from CDN
ConveyThis privacy policy
Please find our privacy policy here
- Download ConveyThis Translate here or install it from your WP plugins panel
- Sign up at to set up your account
- After confirming your account go to the “Dashboard” in your account
- Copy your unique API key (it looks similar to “pub_xxxxxxxxxx”)
- Go to the plugin’s configuration page at your WP admin
- Paste this API key into the appropriate section
- Select the source language and target language (s)
- Customize language switcher as you want (you have the convenient “preview” mode)
- Save changes
- The language button is appeared on your website.
- You can now click it and translate your first page
- If you want to edit your translations go to “My Translation” in your account
*If you want to make all the customization later, then just paste your API key, save changes and the button will appear on your website right away. You can translate your first page.
ConveyThis Translate plugin supports all these languages:
Azerbaijan, Albanian, Amharic, English, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Basque, Bashkir, Belarusian, Bengali, Burmese, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Welsh, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Haitian (Creole), Galician, Dutch, Hill Mari, Greek, Georgian, Gujarati, Danish, Hebrew, Yiddish, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Icelandic, Spanish, Kazakh, Kannada, Catalan, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Korean, Xhosa, Khmer, Laotian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Macedonian, Maori, Marathi, Mari, Mongolian, German, Nepali, Norwegian, Punjabi, Papiamento, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Cebuano, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovakian, Slovenian, Swahili, Sundanese, Tajik, Thai, Tagalog, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Turkish, Udmurt, Uzbek, Ukrainian, Urdu, Finnish, French, Hindi, Croatian, Czech, Swedish, Scottish, Estonian, Esperanto, Javanese, Japanese.
Useful links
Translation into other languages.
ConveyThis Translate is translated into Spanish and Russian languages so far. Help translate it into other languages. Proceed to
Overview of how the language switcher will transform you current website into multilingual one. Plugin’s simple configuration page. Button customization and instant preview. Language-flag pair customization. Some of the available switcher design appearances. The user panel home screen. “My Translations” main screen. The list of currently translated URLs belonging to a specific domain. The “My Translations page”, where you can edit your translations however you see fit. Example of the site with customized language-flag pair (e.g. U.S. flag for English language)
- Download the plugin here and upload it to your site or install it from your WP admin
- Sign up at to set up your account
- After confirming your account go to the “Dashboard” in your account
- Copy your unique API key (it looks similar to “pub_xxxxxxxxxx”)
- Go to the plugin’s configuration page at your WP admin
- Paste this API key into the appropriate section
- Select source language and target language (es)
- Customize language switcher as you want (you have the convenient “preview” mode)
- Save changes
- The language button now appeared on your website.
- You can switched to another language and see translated page
- If you want to edit your translation go “My Translation” in your account
- Updated translation options
- Updated canonicals
- Updated notification
- Added helpers methods
- Updated activation
- Updated language switcher
- Updated seo optimization
- Updated links to excluded pages
- Optimized saving of plugin settings
- Plugin name updated
- Loader updated
- Optimized plugin activation process
- New settings option
- New CDN connection
- Security update
- Auth update
- Security update
- SEO optimization
- Optimization of requests for receiving translations.
- Code optimized
- Registration process updated
- Plugin optimization
- Update WP standarts
- User authentication improved
- Сode optimized
- Optimized work with sitemap generation
- The process of replacing links has been upgraded.
- The latest version of WordPress has been tested
- SEO support optimized
- Updated SEO support
- The work of alternative links has been updated
- Cache work optimized
- Interface optimized
- Updated link & images handlers
- Updated synchronization with dashboard
- Library optimization
- Fixed bugs, update “Change Flag” functionality
- Added new check for meta tags
- Updated code for the new version of WordPress 6.4.3
- Changing flag image links
- Fixed bag
- Fix log function
- Fix xml format
- Fix utf8
- Fix utf8 text
- Fix bloked params
- Correction of registration for new clients
- Fix SEO functions
- Fix condition for meta tag
- Fix admin bar
- Fix file
- Bug fixes, application optimization
- New widget style: popup
- Fixes
- Do not buffer when there is no translation
- Do not let buffer get removed
- Fix add links in block list
- Fix error links
- Script operation optimized
- Fix settings
- Added a new option to change website region
- Script operation optimized
- Fix alternative links for main language
- Removed duplicate alternative links
- Added a new option to disable and enable alternative links for excluded pages
- Script operation optimized
- Script operation optimized
- Improved visuals
- Improved quality of translations
- Added the ability to specify the desired system link for translation. Plugin optimization
- Add additional config
- Visual edits
- Bug fixes, code optimization, improved link handling
- Fixing broken links issues
- Speed optimization
- Fixed problem with app and wp settings synchronization
- Permalink Settings are taken into account in url
- Finalization of translation for wp interface
- Correction and modification of styles
- Fixed element display errors
- Cache issues fixed
- Clear local cache when changing glossary. Autosave changes when deleting settings in the Glossary
- Clearing the site cache by page when changing the translation in the admin panel
- Added steps when activating the plugin
- Easy language selection
- Fix no-data style
- Add step set target language
- Change widget admin style
- New icon for admin left menu
- Add choice widget style
- Add left-to-right direction
- Add clear translation cache by user
- Ability to reset cache by user
What are the minimum installation requirements for ConveyThis?
- WordPress 4.0 or higher
- PHP version 5.3 or higher
Can I edit my site’s translations?
Yes, you can edit the translation in your account on the My Translations tab. All changes will be displayed on your site.
Will the search engines (Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.) index the translated pages?
Of course. ConveyThis creates a unique URL-prefix based to the language selected (for example: /ru/ for Russian or /es/ for Spanish), which will be indexed by all search engines.
Is ConveyThis Translate compatible with my theme/plugin?
Yes! ConveyThis Translate essentially takes a “snapshot” of all the content, including meta text and other items not directly visible on the page, then uses that text data to retrieve or generate translations. By translating your site’s content with this method, you never have to worry about whether changing your theme or adding a new plugin will affect the translated version of your site.
ConveyThis Translate will always be able to translate all the content on your site!
Why don’t my translations appear?
There are three potential reasons that your translations may not appear on your website:
- Your plugin is not setup. Make sure you select your site’s source language (the language your text is currently written in) and then select which languages you want your site to be available in. Make sure you click the save button to complete the setup.
- Another script is causing a JavaScript conflict that blocks the plugin from running. ConveyThis Translate relies on JavaScript to function, and if another plugin throws an error or other exception that prevents the JavaScript from running properly, it may cause issues with the translations being displayed. Try disabling your other plugins one at a time to see if they are causing the conflict.
- You have exceeded the limits of your plan. If you add more languages than your subscription plan supports, or if you exceed the number of words or translations supported by your subscription plan, it may cause the translations to not be displayed on your site. Please view your pages and the plugin’s configuration screen when logged in as an administrator and look for any error messages. You can also view your current usage statistics and related data by logging into your user account on
Can I bundle ConveyThis Translate with my themes?
No, you may not bundle the ConveyThis Translate plugin with your themes without express permission.
If you are a WordPress theme developer and would like to provide ConveyThis Translate as a plugin, or have other ideas for integrating ConveyThis Translate into your products, please visit and contact us to discuss licensing and other issues.
Why is my text showing as ??????? (question mark characters)
If the text on your site is displaying as ? (question mark) or square/rectangular symbols, this is typically caused by an encoding issue.
ConveyThis Translate stores translations as UTF-8 encoded string data. To make sure your text is displayed properly, your pages must also be rendered with UTF-8 encoding. You can find more details here:
Also, make sure your theme’s template files are save as UTF-8 encoded file types, and that your blog’s header is setting the charset value to UTF-8, like so:
<meta charset=”UTF-8″ /> or <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″>
How do I setup my server to separate languages into directories?
Good news: this requires no additional configuration on your server!
Directory rewriting is a built-in feature that utilizes WordPress’s core functionality to automatically prepend the language code to the front of your URL to differentiate your main content from your translated content.
For example, the translated versions of a page located at can be accessed from:
- (Spanish)
- (German)
- (Russian)
- etc.
Make sure that you don’t have directories setup on your server with the same name as the language prefixes to avoid any issues with this redirect method. Additionally, make sure that posts, pages, and other content is not setup in WordPress to use the two-letter language code for routing as well. Confirm this with your theme, any other plugins you may be running, and your blog’s permalink settings.
Will ConveyThis slow down my site?
ConveyThis Translate will not slow down your website as it never needs to access your site’s database at any time to translate your site’s content!
Since translations are stored on ConveyThis server–rather than your own–you will never need to worry about optimizing your queries, clearing out old translation revisions, or other database issues. It just works!
Why can’t I save on the configuration?
If you cannot set up the API key or select languages on the configuration page, or attempts to translate a page of your website fails, you might be running an outdated version of the plugin. Please update ConveyThis to the latest version.
How do I find, edit, and save translated pages?
Log in to your ConveyThis account and go to the “My Translations” tab.
To edit your translations, first choose domain name you want to edit with and select a specific page address to work on.
Here you can use Visual Editor or edit translations row by row.
Can ConveyThis be run on localhost?
As of version 2.7 of the plugin, ConveyThis can now be tested from localhost. Previous versions of the plugin will not work on sites hosted locally.
What number of languages ConveyThis support?
The number of languages available depends on the plan that you are subscribed to.
With the most advanced “Pro plan” you have 92 languages at your disposal.
So the current amount of the possible languages to operate is 92.
While this list contains all the most-spoken languages of the world, many rare dialects are not yet included.
Is ConveyThis Translate free?
ConveyThis Translate provides Free plan with 2,500 words and 1 language.
Users of paid plans can get their money back within the month of using the plugin you are not satisfied with the result.
Can I migrate from WPML, Polylang or Weglot Translate?
You can easily migrate from any translation plugin. Just deactivate the current plugin from your wp-admin panel. ConveyThis Translate can then start working properly on your website.
How can I set up / move the language switcher?
If you want to customize your language switcher, first access the settings page for the plugin in wp-admin and click “Show more options”.
You can choose how you want the language switcher displayed: square or round flag; with or without text in it.
You will be able to place the switcher button either at the top of the right side or at the bottom of the right side of the page. You can also move it to the center of the page or set up the spacing you want using the toggle in section labeled “Indenting”.
How do I resolve “cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused”?
Sometimes you may experience the following error:
[http_request_failed] cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
This usually means that the server cannot connect to Possible reasons could be a firewall or your IP being blocked by ConveyThis.
Port 443 is “https”, which your server may not accept. You can try to connect over “http” instead. You can also try to use a proxy server.
If you’ve tried all of the above and still get this error, contact us at [email protected].
What do I do if I still need help?
If you weren’t able to find the answer to your question, you can always use the online support form on our website to promptly get answers to any questions. Business hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM till 6:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time.
You can also email us directly at this email address: [email protected].
If you contact us during the week, we can guarantee that you will get a reply within the next 12 hours if it is sent before midnight on Friday.
ডেভেলপার এবং কন্ট্রিবিউটর
“Translate WordPress with ConveyThis” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
কন্ট্রিবিউটর“Translate WordPress with ConveyThis” has been translated into 37 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “Translate WordPress with ConveyThis” into your language.
ডেভেলপমেন্ট এ আগ্রহী?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Ability to reset cache by user
- Update fast registration
- Fast registration feature
- Connection to proxy
- Changed preview position, added validation to required fields
- Changed color and buttons position
- Updated js version
- Preview fix
- Make widget invisible on click when its exceeded free
- Redirect to original url when its error returned
- UX/UI Improvements
- Security update
- Admin part redesign
- Reset default language if its not in target languages
- Add searching segment by lower case
- Remove cache when translations data is empty
- Do not show plugin on excluded pages
- Update cache without jquery
- Do not save translations when error
- Exclusion blocks (by div ids)
- translate only current page content + no translate element id feature
- error notices cause fixed
- exclusions update fix
- exclusions and glossary management js fix
- exclusions and glossary management, fixed domains syncronization with dashboard
- do not show 404 when page is excluded or translations not paid
- page 404 when no translations and translations cache
- Fix saving urls translations cache
- Fix php notices
- Change get code endpoint subdomain from “app” to “api”
- do not show widget on page 404
- replace site_url() to home_url()
- plugin ignore WP API urls (including “/wp-json/”)
- use default language only when there is no referrer or referrer host is different
- Settings page changes
- default language redirect option
- language url segment translation option
- links translation option
- pro_new and pro_new_plus
- Left alignment by default
- WordPress 5.8.1 support
- Bug fixes