(Rules taken from goth_macros, but re-worded to suit this community ...)
How to Macro:
1) Find pictures of Black Metallers (the occasional goth/furry is fine, too) 2) Put text on them. Whichever font, outlined. Impact font is preferred, however ... If you'd rather use another font, make sure it's legible if you want your post to ramain intact. If you do not know how to outline text in PS (or whatever program you use), there are several tutorials online to show you how to do this. 3) Upload; Do not hotlink ... Tinypic.com is good. Imageshack.us, same thing. 4) Have fun.
Basic Rules/Common Sense:
1) This community is NWS ... Don't whine about NWS material not being posted under an lj-cut. 2) Comments must be allowed on all posts.
Great Ways to get Banned:
• Being a humourless twat ... This goes without saying. • Deleting comments regardless if they are yours or comments another member left for you in a post you made. • Repeatedly posting unfunny shit that nobody finds amusing.