Papers by Mohammad Jafar loilatu
Jurnal Borneo Administrator: Media Pengembangan Paradigma dan Gaya Baru Manajemen Pemerintahan Daerah, Apr 14, 2023
Lecture notes in networks and systems, Aug 17, 2022

Policy & Governance Review
This paper explores public responses through social media to the COVID-19 policy in Indonesia; pu... more This paper explores public responses through social media to the COVID-19 policy in Indonesia; public response to the COVID-19 policy shows that information about COVID-19 is sourced from crowd sources, thus creating misinformation on health information. To answer the research purpose, this research uses NodeXL to explore policy responses through social media Twitter; data collection was carried out from 3-25 July 2021. The result shows the public response to the COVID1-19 policy in Indonesia through topic distribution on social media Twitter. From these findings, 10 topics on social media became public responses to COVID-19 policies. This topic addresses the public's response to the COVID-19 condition in Indonesia and the policies taken by the government. We classify these topics based on the characteristics of public responses that indicate certain conditions such as vaccine policies, medical device crises, hoax information, collaboration, and political conditions. However, th...

Journal of Governance and Public Policy
This paper analyzes government websites and social media accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic. I... more This paper analyzes government websites and social media accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a crisis, the government must provide real-time information to store and share information using websites and social media. This paper also compares government websites and social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative analysis method with NVivo 12 Plus and Similar-web as analytical tools to assist in capturing data and mining data from government-owned websites and social media accounts. This study’s results explained that local governments' use and availability of websites and social media was the government's response to ensure that access and public information services could run well during a crisis. The performance of government websites was influenced by the intensity of relationships on social networks, such as social media. The higher the engagement of government websites with social media, the higher the level of information dissemination in...

Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya
As one of the most prominent Islamic organisations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah has, since its esta... more As one of the most prominent Islamic organisations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah has, since its establishment, contributed substantially to resolving various issues confronted by the Indonesian government and society. The emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic is also a concern to Muhammadiyah. It may contribute to assisting the government’s efforts and relieving some of the burden bore by the people. The current article aims to provide an analysis of Muhammadiyah’s movement in Indonesia and its handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic by using a faith-based commitment approach in the da’wah Muhammadiyah on Education, health, and caring poverty in the jargon da’wah Amar ma’ruf nahi munkar/effort and supporting virtues and stopping the damaging. Through this approach, it is found that Muhammadiyah has contributed significantly in various fields, particularly health, necessities, education, and preventive measures, regardless of one’s background of religion, ethnicity, and political affiliation. Al...

Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This paper aims to analyze conflict resolution in South Buru during the regional election through... more This paper aims to analyze conflict resolution in South Buru during the regional election through a cultural approach. The conflict in the South Buru Regency was caused by dissatisfaction with the election results. This study uses qualitative tool analysis by choosing Nvivo as a computer assistant program to answer the question; the data in this study were sourced from direct observation and interviews during the conflict resolution process, and informants were selected based on the representation of each group. This analysis shows that the conflict in regional elections is caused by two dominant factors, namely the traditional doctrine of indigenous peoples. Meanwhile, the approach used in resolving regional election conflicts is an accommodation approach and a local wisdom approach. This study classifies that traditional communities in resolving conflicts tend to use a traditional approach, even though the category of conflict is not a cultural conflict. Exploring this conflict ap...

Journal of governance : jurnal ilmu pemerintahan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Apr 20, 2022
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Open Government in Indonesia and the Philippines... more This study aims to analyze the implementation of Open Government in Indonesia and the Philippines, two countries that were among the founders of the Declaration of Open Government from Southeast Asian countries. In the era of all-technology, the demand for improving the quality of government services is very much needed, given the existence of information technology that can be adopted in governance. So, the request for easy public access to supervise the performance of the Government as well as combat acts of corruption committed by the Government is an obligation that the Government must fulfill. This work uses a literature review of 329 journals. These journals were obtained from Scopus, then downloaded in RIS format. After that, the RIS file is processed in the Vosviewer software. The results of the Vosviewer become a reference in analyzing the data presented regarding Open Government. The results of this study indicate that responding to Open Government requires government data that is transparent, democratic, and the participation of citizens to control and monitor whether the state has implemented open data or not.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
In the 20th century, artificial intelligence was a necessity that cannot be separated from human ... more In the 20th century, artificial intelligence was a necessity that cannot be separated from human activities every day. In its development, artificial intelligence has influenced the process of running democracy where the implementation of elections has been supported by internet-based systems to make it easier for organizers, election participants, and voters in realizing the overflow and judicial elections. This research attempts to examine the Voter List Information System (Sidalih) owned by the General Elections Commission (KPU). The goal is to examine the extent of the system on how it works effectively in realizing credible votes list, what factors influence its implementation. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach. Research data collection is obtained from literature studies of previous articles and data from recapitulation by the General Elections Commission. Based on the results of the research, it will be presenting the extent to which Sidalih ...

The first round of simultaneous general elections had been held in 2015, involving 269 regencies,... more The first round of simultaneous general elections had been held in 2015, involving 269 regencies, one of which was South Buru Regency participated in this democracy party. In fact, the general election of South Buru experienced the conflict followed by two candidate pairs, Rivai Fatsey and Anthonius Lesnusa (HIKMAT) versus Tagop Sudarsono Soulisa and Ayub Seleky (TOP-BU). The conflict resolution to address the conflict is by involving the government and regional wisdom. The regional wisdom approach is delivered to eliminate the politicization of customary law so that potential conflicts do not reappear again as well as the family approach used to remove a judgment, and the support of the government accommodates the demands of both parties. With using the tradition of regional equality, this conflict could be resolved or by approaching the positive peace as the institutionalization of these values can influence the behavior of both parties to anticipate new conflicts. However, the lo...

The emergence of mobile-based transportation and transaction is rapidly gaining popularity, parti... more The emergence of mobile-based transportation and transaction is rapidly gaining popularity, particularly among urbanized areas. Thus, paper sought to illustration the evolution of GoJek as a form of public transportation through the lens of statutory law, government policies, and other public documents that are related to what GoJek has become today. Other relevant topics related to the emergence of GoJek such as transportation, MSME and economic matters are also discussed. The setting/context for this study will be Indonesian policies and the characters such as ride-hailing companies and the public. Law and regulations from January 2010 until December of 2019 were gathered using text mining. Collected data were then analysed with the help of a qualitative data analysis software called NVivo. Finding shows that GoJek has become the most prominent ride-haling in Indonesia, and the positive sympathy from the public helped in pressing the government for its legalisation. It was also fo...

Social media plays a significant role in public services, one of which is public transport, while... more Social media plays a significant role in public services, one of which is public transport, while social media often promotes active participation and makes cities more adaptive by using social media. Public transport in Jakarta uses social media as a form of public contact in the provision of services. This study looks at the role of Jakarta's transport social media in delivering excellent information, this research looks at social media twitter accounts consisting of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rapid Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) accounts. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach to text analysis focused on Nvivo analysis methods. The phases of analysis using Nvivo begin with: (1) collection data, (2) import data, (3) coding data, (4) data classification, and (5) display data. The findings of this study replied that the social media twitter role in public transport in Jakarta has information features such as: disability rights information, ro...

Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi, 2021
Jatuhnya pesawat Sriwijaya Air 182, jurnalisme optimis, jurnalisme air mata serta perlombaan dala... more Jatuhnya pesawat Sriwijaya Air 182, jurnalisme optimis, jurnalisme air mata serta perlombaan dalam menyampaikan sebuah berita secara cepat dalam media online menjadi pijakan sekaligus pemantik awal penelitian ini dilakukan. Pintu masuk dari penelitian ini adalah memahami dua konsep penting yaitu jurnalisme optimis dan air mata. Jurnalisme optimis arahnya tidak mengeksploitasi penderitaan korban bencana, mengedepankan sensitivitas pada penderitaan korban bencana, informasi mitigasi bencana diperhatikan dengan baik, fungsi edukasi media menjadi aspek utama, optimisme pada korban menjadi perspektif utama. Sedangkan jurnalisme air mata dekat dengan mengeksploitasi penderitaan korban bencana, tidak memiliki sensitivitas pada penderitaan korban bencana, informasi mitigasi bencana kurang diperhatikan, fungsi edukasi media kurang, mencampurkan mitos dengan berita tidak mengedepankan optimisme pada korban. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab terkait posisi jurnalisme optimis dan j...

This paper's purpose for this study is to provide an overview related to the partnership or t... more This paper's purpose for this study is to provide an overview related to the partnership or the cooperation between the government and the private sector, specifically the manager of the industry and the community in the environmental management of the industrial area in Gresik and Sidoarjo Regency. This research used a qualitative approach to analyze the data, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. This study revealed that the environment's management in a sustainable manner should be supported by stakeholders, the government, the community, and the private sectors. Also, this research attends to instill a sense of environmental concern in the entire party. Collaborative urban governance sustainabilitycan not be separated from the leader's success in embracing the related parties and using existing industry resources. The stakeholder determines the success of managing the industrial area in the Gresik and Sidoarjo Regency, government, public, and private parties...

Currently watershed governance still involves many stakeholders from different territories, rangi... more Currently watershed governance still involves many stakeholders from different territories, ranging from local to cross-country, and also, different social, political, cultural, and economic factors. Therefore, this study aims to categorize the themes or concepts related to watershed management studies. Through descriptive analysis and the help of the Nvivo-12 software, 383 Scopus indexed paper articles, which were published by major publishers such as Emerald, MDPI, Sage, ScienceDirect, Springer, Taylor and Francis, were obtained. The results indicate that there are 155 concepts in the watershed governance study, and they can be categorized into 6 groups. Furthermore, they are also related to dominant themes such as water resources, governance, watershed, environment, local issue, and policy. The significance of this study is the discovery of the concept of watershed governance studies; therefore, it can assist in the development of conceptual frameworks in future studies. Meanwhil...

The Indonesian government developed the Food Estate program as one of the spearheads in a food se... more The Indonesian government developed the Food Estate program as one of the spearheads in a food security strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Food Estate concept is a food development on a wide scale carried out in an integrated manner, including agriculture, plantations, and livestock in an area. This study uses descriptive and qualitative approaches to explain and analyze research problems. Data collection was obtained from the literature study regarding previous research and expert opinion. Overall, food estate development can increase per capita income and reduce the percentage of income for daily food needs, which is essentially very important if the government is to have more policy options in the event of a global food crisis due to COVID-19. However, there should be an improvement in the smooth distribution so that there is no longer a shortage of food, which impacts hoarding for consumer groups, causing shortages for other groups. The COVID-19 pandemic, of course, has ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science

This study aims to analyze the social media functions of Jakarta public transportation during the... more This study aims to analyze the social media functions of Jakarta public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze four twitter accounts of Jakarta public transportation consisting of LRT, MRT, BRT, and Commuter Line. The method in this study uses qualitative content analysis and Nvivo 12 Plus analysis tool. Based on the content analysis, the information that has given during the pandemic includes COVID-19, transportation information, risk information, and community information during the pandemic period. We have divided the function of twitter account into five categories: First, providing information related to some schedule changes, and functions before and during pandemic. Second, reporting situation, this category shall convey information on the condition of corridors, and terminals. Third, communication of risks, related to health and service standards during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a campaign for transport users in Jakarta to be aware of the surrounding conditi...

Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan
This paper utilizes NVivo 12 Plus, a type of qualitative data analysis software, for qualitative ... more This paper utilizes NVivo 12 Plus, a type of qualitative data analysis software, for qualitative document content analysis as a means of understanding informal fiscal policymaking practices, including bribery, corruption, collusion, lobbying, negotiation, and transactional politics. Use of NVivo 12 Plus for qualitative document content analysis facilitated the management, analysis, and visualization of data on informal fiscal policymaking. More specifically, qualitative content analysis of decisions of the Supreme Court of Indonesia revealed that informal fiscal policymaking in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City, Indonesia, involved the practices of bribery, corruption, collusion, lobbying, negotiation, and transactional politics between regional leaders, bureaucrats, private actors, and political brokers. This paper contributes a qualitative research design that can be used to explain informal practices in fiscal policymaking and budget management.

Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Introduction. This study aims to determine the organizational culture in the National Library of ... more Introduction. This study aims to determine the organizational culture in the National Library of Indonesia (NLI) based on several aspects including clan (human resource management), adhocracy (innovation organization), market (adaptation and strategic organization), and hierarchy (coordination and organizational structure). Research Methods. This study used a quantitative approach of Competing Values Framework (CVF) developed by Cameron & Quinn (2011) to obtain data scores and the average of each aspect of organizational culture. Data Analysis. Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) is an organizational culture assessment instrument by using statements/questions relating to the six subsystems, namely organizational culture dominant characters, leadership, human resource management, internal solidarity, strategic management and organizational success criteria. The data was analysed by using SPSS with Pearson Correlation formula. Results and Discussion. We found that o...
Papers by Mohammad Jafar loilatu