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Journal created:
on 24 September 2007 (#13889302)
on 2 December 2011
FC Chelsea supporters
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
FC Chelsea, chelsea, football, soccer, chelsea fc
At last you found the right place if you are a Chelsea supporter: The new Chelsea FC community. Just join this comm and you can start to live up your passion for the club. In case you are not a supporter: No matter. As long as you are able to respect the other users here and their love for the club you are welcome. It is always nice to talk with people who have a different opinion and a different view. All football supporters are welcome here, but do be aware that the color is BLUE in this community!!!

Just one request: Read the community rules below before you join to make sure that this is the right place for you. Thanks!

Affiliated with


Song was written/published by Bryan Adams and is dedicated to the Blues
(Song on You Tube)


1. RESPECT EACH OTHER!!! Personal attacks, disgusting, rude or crude statements will not be tolerated. Neither will those of a violent or criminal nature.
2. Remember that this is a moderated comm and any insulting or slanderous statements regarding the management, players and their families will be deleted immediately. If this happens again the respective user will be banned forthwith.
3. Anything related to Chelsea FC and its players/management may be discussed. Articles, match reports, opinion entries, pictures and videos are very welcomed.
4. Artwork (walls, icons, banners) are welcomed too as long as they follow to the rules #1 and #2. Don't forget to comment and to credit the work. Do not hotlink.
5. This community is not slash-friendly. No fan fiction or other slashy work/art. For this you have special communities or your own journal.
6. Have fun! Enjoy the Community! Make friends!

Credit: Layout, Header
