[16 Sep 2006|11:41am] |
I have a question to ask.
I currently have very, very light cotton candy pink hair.
I bleached again a week ago but after decided I would have rather tried blue this time(I've had it pink too long).
I would like my hair I nice cerulean blue(my favorite color and crayon lol)
Should I wait a month or two and bleach again, wash my hair vigorously and often to wash the pink out?
Or will a darkish blue go over it?
I'm of course impatiently looking for a fast way out of this pink hair.
~Thanks very much!^_^
P.S. What is a good brand that has a cerulean blue? I'm hoping special effects has one, but I'm not sure. I'm open to mixing suggestions.
P.S.S. Here's a pic of my hair: I'm aware that it's a dumb picture(no, I'm not fishing for compliments). Honestly it's the only pic I have of the current color. Sorry.
[15 Jun 2006|11:08pm] |
I'm wanting to be bleaching out the front part of my hair and dye it blue again (I first did it 3 years ago) but I want to do it right this time, so I thought I'd come to the experts. First time around I bleached it out with Herbal Essences and then dyed it with MP aftermidnight blue--but the bleached hair had too much yellow, and well... MP faded to green within a few days, and I had to re-dye it every 2 weeks.
I want to surprise my sister next week-end at the Jem convention by showing up with Stormer-blue hair. But my natural colour is pretty much dark brown.
I live in Chicago, in Uptown, a 30 minutes walk from Clark & Belmont. Are there any good (not trendy LP Trixie-oriented joints who charge you $50 for breathing their toned and blonded air) stylists around the Alley who cater to girls wanting to go blue and have good dyes and toners?
If not, what should I go shopping for at Sally's? Particularly toner and bleach-wise?
[10 Jun 2006|08:37pm] |
i did them, my first time. i braided them too, not my first time, but it kindof look like that from time to time o_0

x-posted to _bluehair
[23 May 2006|07:08pm] |
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so, i've wanted to dye my hair blue since i was five. i will be turning 21 next month, so i figured it was about damn time. i streaked it blue for now because i didn't know how i'd look with it, but next time, i am going to go for total blue coverage :). it't nowhere near as great as some of y'all's hair i've seen in this community. i think the blue goes well with my brown hair though. meh. excuse the face and lack of make-up. i am quite the uggo.
( ”bringCollapse )
x-posted to _bluehair
[09 May 2006|07:08pm] |
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my roots were fading a lot faster than the length of my hair, so i touched them up a bit today. instead of using the after midnight blue manic panic i have on the rest of my hair, i did my roots with sonic green special effects. yay for peacock hair :D the color is pretty subtle in indoor lighting
 ( but it's fantastically blue in the sunCollapse )
[23 Apr 2006|04:56pm] |
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well, i can't seem to get a decent picture of the front, but ( here is the back of my hair.Collapse ) my best friend and i bleached my roots and redyed last night. it's definetly brighter than before, at least in the sun. in indoor lighting it still looks more of a navy blue. i'm really quite pleased with it :D (oh, and it's mp after midnight blue)
[23 Apr 2006|01:12pm] |
Photos from friday of me
 ( Read more...Collapse )
I think I'll dye my hair blue and green again after prom
[22 Feb 2006|05:53pm] |
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so i walk up to the cashier at Shoppers, put down my single jar of BLUE HAIR DYE and dig out my optimum card [need those points!!!]
as i'm doing so, the girl says to me "what do you use to get your hair that colour?"
i just looked at her deadpan..then eyed my blue hair dye and back at her and said "....that......"
hhahaha oh man.. i thought that was funny. i'm currently re-dying my hair bluuueeeee. photos later!
[14 Feb 2006|10:48am] |
This pic is kinda old (from December!), but I forgot I had it. Oops! I used Paul Mitchell Inkworks in "Hot Hot Pink" and Punky Color's "Atlantic Blue." Sorry the colors are so weird and blown out--the flash on my camera is way too strong!! :-}

[08 Feb 2006|02:49pm] |

I love blue hair a lot, which is why mine has been such year in and year out. BUT! About a week ago, I thought I'd grown tired of it, so I dyed it black. Turns out I wasn't sick of it and spent the next 4 days bleaching it. Now, it sorta looks like I could be an 80's hair metal goddess... but at least I have my lovely color back.
( Fish-bowlCollapse )