Papers by Sujith Jayaprakash
CRC Press eBooks, Oct 15, 2023
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, Jun 29, 2023
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, 2022
Abstract—Web usage mining is the application of data mining technique which is used to extract in... more Abstract—Web usage mining is the application of data mining technique which is used to extract information about user’s interest from web server log files. Web usage mining is widely used by companies to analyze the customer’s interest and predict future of their business. It is used in various fields like E-Business, E-Commerce, E- learning, etc., Web usage mining entails of three phases:- Data Preprocessing, Pattern Discovery and Pattern analysis. Data Preprocessing is one of the essential and a preliminary step in web mining to enforce quality in the input data. The raw data from web server log file is preprocessed to eliminate the noisy, vague and redundant data for efficient mining. It involves different phases namely Field Extraction and Data cleaning, User Identification, Session Identification, Path completion and

2020 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), 2020
Increasing demand in the education sector has paved the way to many research works which highly f... more Increasing demand in the education sector has paved the way to many research works which highly focuses on the student's academic performance and their behaviour analysis. Machine learning algorithms are applied in Education Data mining to find meaningful patterns and insights from the Educational datasets. Mostly, it is used to foretell the performance of students; to classify the features that impact the performance of students and also to cluster the students based on their performance. Introducing an interim mechanism to analyse and predict the student performance at the early stage help the institution and the students to take immediate action and improve the performance. In this research work, we have discussed the two most important factors – Factors that impact the scholastic achievement of students and aid in predicting the students at risk. This study also proposes a technique named improved random forest classifier. This technique aims to produce a higher accuracy rat...

Technological advancements have improved customer service and enhanced customer satisfaction to a... more Technological advancements have improved customer service and enhanced customer satisfaction to a large extent in the Industry and Service sectors. Education institutions across the globe are leveraging on the technology to produce high-quality graduates and improve the customer satisfaction level. Several researchers are striving hard to improvise the system through their innovative solutions. Education Data Mining (EDM) is an evolving field in Data mining due to its increasing demand in the higher education sector. Analyzing the students learning behavior and predicting their progression at the early stage will help the higher education institutions to produce quality graduates and to curb the student attrition. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework that can act as a guide to develop a recommender system to predict the academic performance of students at the early stage by using classification algorithms. Various factors like Socioeconomic, Psychological, Cognitive, and...

Higher education institutions across the globe are tirelessly making efforts to improvise the stu... more Higher education institutions across the globe are tirelessly making efforts to improvise the student performance and curb down the attrition rates. Academic institutions hold a massive amount of information like students personal details, classroom activities, academic achievements, etc., Thus obtaining insights from this data is highly imperative to take crucial decisions for education institutions. Embracing technology is the only solution to address these challenges and this in turn attributed to the usage of Education Data Mining. In this research work, we made a conscious effort to predict the performance of students using various attributes like socioeconomic, academic and demographic details. To overcome the class imbalance problem, we applied the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) technique. We conducted Pearson's Chi-Squared Test to identify important attributes and Ensemble methods were used to build the prediction model. The results showed that Random...
Web mining is a data mining technique to extrtact information from web documents. Web usage minin... more Web mining is a data mining technique to extrtact information from web documents. Web usage mining is a type of web minig and widely used in e-commerce applications to understand the behavior of the consumers. It is used to mine the information from the server log files. Server log files are automatically created and maintained by a server consists of pages requested, url and user information. Dramatic increase in the number of online shopping websites has increased the research on understanding customers preferences. Hence, various algorithms are used in mining the information from the server log files and one of the most extensively used algorithm is the association rule algorithms. This survey paper is about the recent researches and developments in the field of web mining using association rule algorithm. Keywords—Web mining, Web usage mining, Association rule mining
Machine Learning for Sustainable Development
— Education Data Mining has taken a big leap in the area of research. Several researcher scholars... more — Education Data Mining has taken a big leap in the area of research. Several researcher scholars have taken Education Data Mining to the next level through their research findings. Academic progression of students in Higher Education system is one of the key areasunder EDM where majority of the research works are developed which not only helps the institutions to take a preventive measure to better the progression of their students but also minimizes the attrition rate. This paper surveys the various research works performed in this area and tries to identify an optimal solution which can be enhanced for the future research works. It also discusses about various classification algorithms, attributes and tools used by the researchers to predict the academic progression.

Ghana has become a preferred choice of destination for higher education among other African Count... more Ghana has become a preferred choice of destination for higher education among other African Countries. Better Infrastructure and Quality Teaching compared to other African countries are luring international students to Ghana. Increasing number of foreign student population has not only augmented the revenue generation in the Country but also amplified a healthy competition among the public and private universities. The recent parade of cloud service providers into Ghana shows that Ghana is one of the fastest emerging economies among other African Countries and also there is an extensive opportunity for them to influence the young minds in educational institutions to familiarize their products so that they can reap benefits later when these students get into decision making positions in the industry, academia or government. Though educational institutions and service providers have made huge investments by foreseeing the demand, recent changes in the economy has given a big threat in terms of student recruitment and retention. As technology has extended its hands to solve all the socio and economic problems, it’s really viable to seek the support of the same technology to crack these age old problems. This paper will focus on the services rendered by Microsoft, Google, IBM and Oracle to increase the student recruitment and retention in public and private universities of Ghana.

—Web usage mining is the application of data mining technique which is used to extract informatio... more —Web usage mining is the application of data mining technique which is used to extract information about user's interest from web server log files. Web usage mining is widely used by companies to analyze the customer's interest and predict future of their business. It is used in various fields like E-Business, E-Commerce, E-learning, etc., Web usage mining entails of three phases :-Data Preprocessing , Pattern Discovery and Pattern analysis. Data Preprocessing is one of the essential and a preliminary step in web mining to enforce quality in the input data. The raw data from web server log file is preprocessed to eliminate the noisy, vague and redundant data for efficient mining. It involves different phases namely Field Extraction and Data cleaning, User Identification, Session Identification, Path completion and Transaction Identification. In this paper, we have discussed about various researches carried out in Data Cleaning and the various attributes considered in the process of cleaning.

— In the present days, education plays a vital role to stimulate the people to lead their life mo... more — In the present days, education plays a vital role to stimulate the people to lead their life more comfortable. Due to sudden rising of various educational institutions all around the world most of the institutions are trying hard to survive. Institutions offering specially higher education are striving hard to maintain the quality offered to the students. There are lots of factors are influencing the quality of education institutions like Infrastructure, Teaching and learning methods, Laboratories, Campus Placements, Linkages with Industries etc. One among the major factor which influences the quality of an institution is the student feedback. Now a days institutions are paying more attention towards the student feedback on their experience with their lecturers on the quality of delivery of course content's in Classroom. Retention of institutions with a good numbers is dependent on the understanding and
—The Inexorable growth on internet in Today's world has not only paved way for easy Communication... more —The Inexorable growth on internet in Today's world has not only paved way for easy Communication and sharing of data, but also created a new dimension in the research on online consumer behavior. Web mining is a prolific approach towards the study of the behavior of online consumers on real time. Web mining is an application to discover the interesting usage patterns from the web data through the web server log file. Several commercial and open source tools are used in analyzing the web log data to understand the behavior of consumers. In this research paper, modern tools of web mining are analyzed based on the techniques to ascertain the efficiency and accuracy.

In today’s world, various tools and technologies have been used in learning. The rapid and consta... more In today’s world, various tools and technologies have been used in learning. The rapid and constant pace of change in technology increases opportunity for students. The opportunities include greater access to rich, multimedia content, the widespread availability of mobile computing devices, the expanding role of social networking tools for learning and professional development, and the growing interest in the power of digital games for more personalized learning. According to the National School Boards Association, students who are exposed to a high volume of technology perform as well as expected on standardized test [1]. Various Multi-National Companies like Google and Apple are introducing new Educational Apps which combines interactive technology with educational materials that has been proven to help accelerate learning and promote more innovative methods of retention than a simple textbook and a set of cue cards could ever do. In this paper, we would like to emphasize the importance of Educational Apps in class room teaching. Specific topics addressed include: (a) Various Educational Apps and its use inside the classroom (b) Universities promoting the use of Educational Apps (c) Challenges and Disadvantages in using Educational Apps (d) Directions for future research.
Keywords— Educational Technology Tools, Technology and learning, Research designs and trends, Impact of technology on learning, Educational Apps, Google Apps, IPAD App.
Conference Presentations by Sujith Jayaprakash
Web mining is a data mining technique to extrtact information from web documents. Web usage minin... more Web mining is a data mining technique to extrtact information from web documents. Web usage mining is a type of web minig and widely used in e-commerce applications to understand the behavior of the consumers. It is used to mine the information from the server log files. Server log files are automatically created and maintained by a server consists of pages requested, url and user information. Dramatic increase in the number of online shopping websites has increased the research on understanding customers preferences. Hence, various algorithms are used in mining the information from the server log files and one of the most extensively used algorithm is the association rule algorithms. This survey paper is about the recent researches and developments in the field of web mining using association rule algorithm.
Keywords—Web mining, Web usage mining, Association rule mining
Papers by Sujith Jayaprakash
Keywords— Educational Technology Tools, Technology and learning, Research designs and trends, Impact of technology on learning, Educational Apps, Google Apps, IPAD App.
Conference Presentations by Sujith Jayaprakash
Keywords—Web mining, Web usage mining, Association rule mining
Keywords— Educational Technology Tools, Technology and learning, Research designs and trends, Impact of technology on learning, Educational Apps, Google Apps, IPAD App.
Keywords—Web mining, Web usage mining, Association rule mining