Papers by umiarso el-rumi

Millati: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities
This research focuses on the socio-cultural transformation of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama' (... more This research focuses on the socio-cultural transformation of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama' (NU) communities in the prismatic communities of East Java (i.e., Jember, Bondowoso, and Lumajang). This condition cannot be separated from transforming various sectors in people's lives that make it a prismatic (transitional) society. Therefore, this research seeks to find and understand the basic framework for the socio-cultural transformation of Muhammadiyah and NU communities in society. From the unit of analysis, this study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic research, while the data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, participatory observations, field notes, and documentation. This research uses interactive data analysis by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. This research finds that Muhammadiyah and NU communities have relatively different characteristics. In these three districts, members of Muhammadiyah and NU tend to be stagnant and unaffected by their various oppositional organizational doctrines. However, their socio-cultural transformation occurs triggered by external and internal factors dialectically related to themselves. The implication is that the modernist corporate identity attached to Muhammadiyah and the traditional community identity to NU is relatively irrelevant, especially when there is a progressive and alternating socio-cultural transformation between the two communities.

TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 2022
Self-regulated learning is one of the most important factors in online education. This research f... more Self-regulated learning is one of the most important factors in online education. This research focused on exploring how the learning design of an online Islamic education course called Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) facilitated the development of students’ self-regulated learning. This study was situated at the State University of Malang (MUs), Indonesia and used qualitative approach in the form of case study as its methodology. The data were collected through documentation, online-based interviews, and observation. After being collected, the data then were analyzed using the interactive model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The research found that the PAI course at State University of Malang (MUs) had four learning design stages consisting of stimulation and problem identification, learning problem-content analysis, verification of results, and generalization. This stages facilitated the development of students’ self-regulated learning, as observed through three indicators owned by...

Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2020
Abstract: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan hubungan dan persimpangan antara pendidikan kritis dan p... more Abstract: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan hubungan dan persimpangan antara pendidikan kritis dan pendidikan Islam dalam merancang pembangunan sistem pendidikan humanis dan ber agama. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berfokus tentang bagaimana berkolaborasi antara pendidikan kritis dan pendidikan Islam dalam membangun kesadaran subjek pendidikan . Berdasarkan pertanyaan tersebut , peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pola komprehensif, interpretasi dan induktif dalam menarik simpulan . Temuan penelitian ini adalah proses kolaborasi dan elaborasi antara pendidikan kritis dan pendidikan Islam yang dapat menghasilkan pendidikan humanis religius. Sistem pendidikan ini berupaya mengaktualisasikan "pengabdian sosial" dan "pengabdian spiritual", sehingga dapat menyeimbangkan dimensi keduniawian dan akhirat; antara posisi Abdullah dan kekhalifahan. Pendidikan ini bahkan mendidik subjek pendidikan untuk dapat menyelaraskan diri dengan visi dan misi Islam yaitu ...

This article focuses on constructing a culture of poverty that is motivated by religious attitude... more This article focuses on constructing a culture of poverty that is motivated by religious attitudes in Malang, East Java. They consider poverty to be given human reality, and its existence cannot be shifted and changed. Based on this focus, this research takes a qualitative research approach with the type of phenomenology. This research uses Loren Demerath's Knowledge-Based Affect Theory as a perspective. Meanwhile, to analyze the research data using interactive analysis by Miles and Hubermann. This research finds that the views, attitudes, and actions of the poor emerge and imbued with Javanese expressions and are associated with religious doctrine interpretation. They consider mental fatalistic (nrimo ing pandum) to be the same as religious values such as patience and sincerity so that poverty is considered the destiny of God. This mentality position as legitimacy for their poverty. Even their views inspire the orientation of economic behavior, which they wrap with a spiritual ...

Kontekstualita, 2020
Manusia modern saat ini mulai terjebak dalam kehidupan serba material yang dipengaruhi oleh suatu... more Manusia modern saat ini mulai terjebak dalam kehidupan serba material yang dipengaruhi oleh suatu paham yang dikembangkan oleh Karl Marx. Paham materialis ini hanya menyandarkan diri pada hal-hal kebendaan saja dan menolak segala bentuk pemikiran yang mengarah pada spiritualitas. Sikap hidup dengan orientasi materialis akan mendorong seseorang cenderung konsumtif demi mendapatkan kesenangan dan kepuasaan. Kecendrungan tersebut sudah merasuki sebagian besar masyarakat dunia tidak terkecuali masyarakat Kota Banda Aceh. Artikel ini membahas perilaku konsumtif yang cenderung hedonis sebagai dampak internalisasi nila-nilai materialisme sehingga mengabaikan spirit sosial-keagamaan pada masyarakat Kota Banda Aceh. Didasarkan pada pengamatan lapangan serta wawancara, artikel ini berargumen bahwa tumbuh suburnya perilaku hidup konsumtif akan mendorong munculnya pengingkaran terhadap nilai-nilai agama dan hukum yang berlaku sehingga perlu dieliminir sedapat mungkin agar terciptanya masyarakat...
Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 2019
This paper discusses the concept and the practice of multicultural education at an Indonesian Isl... more This paper discusses the concept and the practice of multicultural education at an Indonesian Islamic educational institution, the Pesantren Modern Walisongo. This paper employed a qualitative approach using a phenomenological type of research, and the technique of purposive and snowball samplings in gaining the data. Spradley model was applied to analyze the data; whereas the triangulation strategy and member check were implemented to gain data validity. This study concludes, the formation of the multicultural characters of santri uses the approach of integrating philosophical, spiritual, psycho philosophical, and socio religious-philosophical values.

Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2018
KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim known as the father of the nation and the young ulama was able to pioneer ... more KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim known as the father of the nation and the young ulama was able to pioneer the reform of the Islamic education system, especially in pesantren. To reform those pesantren, the breakthroughs done by AWH were broken down on three major agendas. They are updating the teaching methodology, improving the quality of the human resources or students, and developing institution and curriculum. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze the progressive efforts of AWH that "broke down" the backwardness and reluctance of the pesantren. In this study, the researcher used qualitative approach as the type of literature study and content analysis as the data analysis. This article discovers the style of educational innovation in pesantren, ie: getting familiar with modern methodologies; increasingly oriented towards functional education or open into the development; diversification of programs, pesantren activities are increasingly open, its dependence on kiai is not absolute, and at the same time it can equip students with a variety of knowledge outside of religious learning and skills needed by the world of work; and it can function as a community development center.

Al-Ta lim Journal, 2017
This study aims to identify and to analyze KH. Imam Zarkasyi’s paradigm model of thinking in incr... more This study aims to identify and to analyze KH. Imam Zarkasyi’s paradigm model of thinking in increasing the value of inclusive Islamic education based on human unity value through historical-philosophical approach. The result is that the paradigm model of Tawhid Worldview constitutes rationality value to liberate science bigotry among tribes, ethnic, cultural or religious understanding. Rationality value to build scientific epistemology in Islamic education inclusive curriculum content can be implemented through the integration of social sciences culture of sources of Islamic teachings, the philosophy of Pancasila and socio-cultural diversity of learners locally, nationally and internationally. On the other hand, rationality value will change the learning approach and method, and civilizing values of inclusive education through religious communal environment. The paradigm model can balance value function and mental changes and inclusive personality of local, national and internation...

Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 2019
A new phenomenon emerged in Walisongo modern Islamic Boarding School (pesantren modern), namely t... more A new phenomenon emerged in Walisongo modern Islamic Boarding School (pesantren modern), namely the process of integration of multicultural Islamic education values. Its become more established and plays more functions in the context of a global society. This paper focuses on the concept of multicultural education developed and implemented in the learning process of Walisongo modern pesantren. This paper employed a qualitative approach using a phenomenological type of research, and the technique of purposive and snowball samplings in gaining the data. Spradley model was applied to analyze the data; whereas the triangulation strategy and member check were implemented to gain data validity. This study concludes, the formation of the multicultural characters of santri uses the approach of integrating philosophical, spiritual, psycho philosophical, and socio religious-philosophical values. [Ada fenomena baru yang muncul di Pondok Pesantren modern Walisongo, yaitu proses integrasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural. Hal demikian menjadikannya lebih mapan dan memainkan peran lebih dalam konteks masyarakat global. Artikel ini berfokus pada konsep pendidikan multikultural yang dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran pesantren modern Walisongo dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, dan teknik sampling snowball dalam memeroleh data. Model Spradley diterapkan untuk menganalisis data, sedangkan triangulasi

KALAM, 2019
Prostitution is often called to be a social disease that is far from anchoring the values of reli... more Prostitution is often called to be a social disease that is far from anchoring the values of religiousness, especially diversity. It is normal if the stigma of tilting towards sex workers arises from insults, mocks, until the behavior of ignorance shown by the clergy. Even though sex workers are outside the circle of prostitution, they are "giddy" looking for life's meaning in the form of religious feelings in which there is a sense of divinity. Therefore, this article tries to understand the reality of religion-in which there are also emerging of sex workers. The reality is analyzed using the theory of dramaturgy which divides prostitution into the front stage (the practice of prostitution) and the rear stage (the privacy of sex workers). This article uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenology that portrays the practice of ayam kampus prostitution in East Java. Data collection used in-depth interviews and participant observation; Data analysis used the interactive models of Miles and Hubermann. This research found that the front stage of the practice of prostitution has never been friendly with the presence of God, especially to express its diversity. But, on the back stage, they can expose themselves in their religiosity and divinity with full serenity and appreciation. The conclusions of this research is the religiosity practiced by sex workers is separated from the normative symbol of religion, while God is immersed tightly in their soul and God is present in the most subjective and impersonal form in him.

Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2021
This research focused on the development of pesantren, especially in the institutional and educat... more This research focused on the development of pesantren, especially in the institutional and educational aspects using a social capital perspective. The pesantren used as a research site is Pesantren of Miftahul Ulum, Suren, Jember. To delve into the focus of this research, the researcher, thus, tried to understand and interpret the development of the pesantren from the perspective of social capital. To achieve these objectives, this research was conducted by using a qualitative approach with the type of phenomenology using a single site design. The data collection technique used was participant observation, so that researcher could participate in every Islamic boarding school's institutional and educational programs. This research finds that social capital is able to transform pesantren from institution with an isolative-traditionalist paradigmatic system to a modernist synthesis. Even the education system is from a dichotomous to a non-dichotomous system (a pattern of education ...
Harmoni, 2019
Salah satu keunikan masyarakat Madura sampai saat ini adalah konsep kobhung ... more Salah satu keunikan masyarakat Madura sampai saat ini adalah konsep kobhung yang menjadi tempat penting untuk aktivitas keagamaan maupun mengawasi aktivitas anggota keluarga. Walaupun ada fungsi lain yaitu fungsi ekonomi maupun sosial yang dimainkan oleh kobhung tersebut. Riset ini membahas peran kobhung di tengah kebudayaan Madura; yang posisinya berada di sebelah Barat (kiblat) taneyanlanjheng (halaman panjang) di setiap permukiman penduduk. Ia berfungsi sebagai pusat aktivitas laki-laki (suami) untuk melakukan transfer nilai religi kepada anak-anak atau isteri mereka. Di sisi lain, ia juga sebagai simbol pengawasan dan kontrol (panopticon) keluar-masuk anggota keluarga, terutama laki-laki (suami) atas perempuan (istri). Hal ini terlegitimasi oleh tradisi patriarkal di masyarakat Madura yang tercermin dalam konsep bhupa’, bhabhu, ghuru, rato sangat kental. Konsep ini ...
FALASIFA : Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2020
This paper examines the comparison of the share of inheritance for children with foreign marriage... more This paper examines the comparison of the share of inheritance for children with foreign marriage in the Civil law and the compilation of Islamic laws. Basically, any applicable law regarding inheritance has its own provisions or arrangements regarding the boundaries of the Heritage division of Justice. Similarly, in the Civil Law and the compilation of Islamic laws. In both regulations, there are similarities and differences in inheritance provisions for foreign children. But despite the difference, the essence has the same purpose that the two aim to give welfare and justice to a recognized child of marriage.

Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies, 2020
This research focuses on the leadership of the A’wam Council, group of young religious scholars o... more This research focuses on the leadership of the A’wam Council, group of young religious scholars or kyai (Lora) at the Mambaul Ulum Bata-Bata Pamekasan Madura Islamic Boarding School, in carrying out institutional transformation of the pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding schools). As the protector of religious-culture, Lora not only preserves the various acpects of religion such as marriage and security (by performing the rituals of tahlil, or yasinan) but also maintains public morality and good social and political relations in the community. Lora functions as the a protector of culture and religion (amanah or public trust) in order to increase the social capital of the pesantren (enriching social networks). Using the collective leadership theory by O’Neill & Berinkerhoff and a qualitative approach through observation, interviews, and documentation, this article finds that Lora leadership made use of Islamic values in transforming this institution from a traditional pesantren (s...
Papers by umiarso el-rumi