Every year on January 1, a new class of creative works enters the public domain in the United States. This year, a variety of works published in 1929, ranging from motion pictures to music to books, joined others in the public domain. The public domain has important historical and cultural benefits in the lifecycle of copyright. Here we highlight a selection of works entering the public domain in 2025.
This post is adapted from an article written by Copyright Claims Officers Brad Newberg, Monica McCabe, and David Carson about how the CCB can help lighten the federal docket that was originally published in The Judges’ Journal, Volume 63, Number 4, Fall 2024.
Each year, Pride Month is an opportunity to reflect on the rich tapestry of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) history and culture. Originating from the Stonewall riots of 1969, Pride Month has grown into a global celebration of love, acceptance, and resilience for the LGBTQ+ community. One aspect of LGBTQ+ culture is its …
This blog post introduces the U.S. Copyright Office’s newest Learning Engine video, “History of Copyright,” which chronicles the history of copyright and the Copyright Office. The Office has released the video, and this blog post, timed with the 234th anniversary of the Congressional bill that eventually became the first federal copyright law.
This year’s Black History Month theme of Celebrating African Americans and the Arts recognizes the impact of Black artists and their creations as well as the significant role of copyright in creative industries. As part of this year’s celebration, we reflect on the legacy of Alice Walker and her book The Color Purple.
This summer, the Copyright Office reached a new milestone in our modernization efforts: one million card catalog records have been digitized with searchable metadata and added to the Office’s Copyright Public Records System (CPRS) pilot. Learn more about CPRS, the Office’s digitization efforts, and historical registration application cards in this blog post.
As we approach the eighteen-month mark for the Copyright Claims Board (CCB), we revisit a conversation with the CCB's three Copyright Claims Officers, David Carson, Monica McCabe, and Brad Newberg, from the one-year anniversary and share updated statistics about the Board's work between June 2022 and October 2023.
The U.S. Copyright Office has now released over 9 million digitized pages documenting copyright registrations for books, periodicals, and unpublished musical works found in the Copyright Historical Record Books Collection
In June and July 2023, the Copyright Office hosted two public virtual webinars on the use of artificial intelligence technologies to generate works in creative fields. This blog post provides a brief recap of and links to the webinars, which focused on copyright registration guidance for AI-generated works and perspectives on how AI impacts copyright systems across the globe.