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Category: international

Inside the Copyright Office’s Report, Copyright and Artificial Intelligence, Part 2: Copyrightability

Posted by: Anjana Padmanabhan

On January 29, 2025, the U.S. Copyright Office released Part 2 of its Report, Copyright and Artificial Intelligence. The Report addresses the legal and policy issues related to artificial intelligence (AI) and copyright, as outlined in the Office’s August 2023 notice of inquiry (NOI). Part 2: Copyrightability addresses the copyrightability of outputs created using generative …

Background looks like a brown wooden table. On it, are two beige parchments showing early Copyright laws. On the right are two photographs with white frames around them. One is black and white and shows people working in a file room. The other is a color photograph of an aerial view of the Jefferson and Madison buildings on Capitol Hill

New Learning Engine Video Highlights the History of Copyright

Posted by: Nora Scheland

This blog post introduces the U.S. Copyright Office’s newest Learning Engine video, “History of Copyright,” which chronicles the history of copyright and the Copyright Office. The Office has released the video, and this blog post, timed with the 234th anniversary of the Congressional bill that eventually became the first federal copyright law.

Blue dotted background spelling out a large A and I; text reads: Copyright and Artificial Intelligence Webinars

Our Summer of Artificial Intelligence: Copyright Office Hosts Two Webinars on Copyright and AI

Posted by: Nora Scheland

In June and July 2023, the Copyright Office hosted two public virtual webinars on the use of artificial intelligence technologies to generate works in creative fields. This blog post provides a brief recap of and links to the webinars, which focused on copyright registration guidance for AI-generated works and perspectives on how AI impacts copyright systems across the globe.

Three Ways Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, Shows Us That Copyright Registration Is for Everyone

Posted by: Ashley Tucker

You are a creator. You are a copyright owner. You are a user of copyright. Copyright law encourages all walks of human life to express their creativity. Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, is a prime example of just how wide copyright law’s inclusivity stretches and proves that registration is within reach for all of us. …

Get to Know the Territory: Musicals Based on Public Domain Works

Posted by: Nora Scheland

Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs inspired by the public domain? Broadways musicals have a long tradition of pulling inspiration from the plays, short stories, operas, and more in the public domain. Let's take a look at five musicals and what inspired them.

Word cloud on a blue background with the word Register in bolded white font in the center of the image.

The Register: The Historical and Unique Title for American Copyright Leadership

Posted by: Steve Andreadis

The following is a guest blog post by Marilyn Creswell, Librarian-in-Residence at the U.S. Copyright Office. In most conversations, a register is usually a list, and a registrar is usually a person who keeps lists. The U.S. Copyright Office is a rare example of a Register being the person who keeps a register.1 The origin …

Edwidge Danticat

Seis escritores latinoamericanos que debe conocer

Posted by: Nicole McNew Chen

Del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, observamos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, una celebración anual que rinde homenaje a las historias, culturas y contribuciones de los hispanos y latinoamericanos en los Estados Unidos. Aquí presentamos seis de los innumerables creadores del derecho de autor cuya creatividad ha influenciado y enriquecido la literatura estadounidense.