This post is adapted from an article written by Copyright Claims Officers Brad Newberg, Monica McCabe, and David Carson about how the CCB can help lighten the federal docket that was originally published in The Judges’ Journal, Volume 63, Number 4, Fall 2024.
Every year on January 1, a new class of creative works enters the public domain in the United States. This year, a variety of works published in 1928, ranging from motion pictures to music to books, joined others in the public domain. The public domain has important historical and cultural benefits in the lifecycle of copyright. Here we highlight a selection of works entering the public domain in 2024.
June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month, when we recognize the history and impact of LGBTQ individuals in the United States. This year, the Copyright Office celebrates Pride Month and extends our World Intellectual Property Day campaign by spotlighting Olivia Charmaine Morris (she/her), who is a queer media mogul and entrepreneur …
Find Star Wars in copyright! Do you have a favorite Star Wars sequel, game, or toy? They're all derivative works from the original Star Wars movie. Explore the connection between Star Wars and copyright in the exhibit, Find Yourself in Copyright.
The Copyright Office has announced the launch of a new website,, where businesses, creators, and users will be able to learn about the new Copyright Claims Board and how to file, opt out, or respond to claims when it opens later this year. Read on to find out what the Copyright Claims Board and will mean for you.
Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs inspired by the public domain? Broadways musicals have a long tradition of pulling inspiration from the plays, short stories, operas, and more in the public domain. Let's take a look at five musicals and what inspired them.
Over the past century, film has become one of the more popular and influential forms of entertainment, helping us feel seen and realize what could be. For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, celebrate some recent films and the writers, directors, producers, and stars changing the face of American cinema.
The following is a guest post by Mary Daniel, summer 2020 law clerk in the Office of Policy and International Affairs. Mary is a third year at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law. The Halloween season is the time of year for horror movies and scary stories. However, sometimes it’s the horror …
On January 1, thousands of 1924 works entered the public domain. An important part of the copyright lifecycle, you can use works in the public domain freely to inspire your own creativity. Explore some of the notable additions from George and Ira Gershwin, Buster Keaton, W. E. B. Du Bois, and more.