“Me, Please” pretty much embodies the attitude of this month’s esteemed mensch. It’s our huge pleasure to give an October shout-out to Jennifer Selby Long!
Jennifer’s can-do participation and support of WebFWD all started early in our program (think 2012), when we ran weekly live lectures for our teams called LearnFWD. Jennifer jumped on board by sharing how startups can get the most out of their teams natural energy, drawing off of her expertise on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) in leadership and team development.
Jennifer also draws off of her experience as a coach to executives at tech leaders including Cisco, Genentech and LinkedIn to help our teams refine their pitches. Specifically, she’s joined our pitch panels where she helps our founders go beyond “what” is said into the hugely impactful “how.” And she even developed a whole session on the elements of storytelling for our current class orientation.
In addition to all of the professional expertise Jennnifer lends, she also makes it a point to attend almost every mixer, orientation and graduation we have to better get to know our teams and community. All with great humor and positivity, we might add. Please send Jennifer a tweet of thanks at @JenniferSelby for all she does for us!
Jennifer and hubby Kirk experimenting at one of our mixers :)