Hi Everyone.
2.49.5 was just ‘released’ (aka pushed to the releases/2.49.5) portion of archive.mozilla.org.
It has been an intensely frustrating experience, and dare I say worse than 2.46’s release. I can’t imagine how much everyone is wanting to kick me off the team…
I’m still working on making the release process ‘smoother’, but it’s a very steep uphill battle (dare I even quote Richie from “Bottoms”.. “Steep? It’s F’ing vertical!”)
That said… I’ve got some time to fix this whole smegging smegfest..
Yours honestly,
Yay and thanks. 😀 However, where’s https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.49.5/?
https://www.seamonkey-project.org/ doesn’t show this version too.
64-bit is now first-class citizen across all supported OS. AWESOME.
Updating NAO!
As usual, the pain is worth the result, Never give up, Seamonkey crew! GO TEAM!
You’re the last spark of sanity in a sky full of madness, really.
thank you!
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 🙂
Yes ! Congratulation, thank you for your work !
Thank you 🙂
I will upgrade as soon as will have some reasonable time to d (hope this week)
Many thanks!
Good work.
Great job, Thanks every one who made this release happen!
W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L ! ! !
Thank you SO MUCH for your precious work!
Amazing, this release has fixed my problems with Twitter video playback!
Or could that happen due to upgrade of some downlevel components ?
I am on Ubuntu Eoan pre-release and I get Seamonkey builds from Ubuntuzilla
Many thanks. Just finished compiling 2.49.5 for linux-i686-gtk2. Seems to work. Reversal of the fix for bug 1461307 was needed (a problem with colors – the fix introduced hard dependency on gtk3). Manual patching of bug 1341222 (system nspr with in-tree nss) was trivial, no idea why they (mozilla) mark this bug as WONTFIX for older versions.
Has Silverlight been removed from 2.49.5? That’s the major reason I use Sea Monkey, so seeing if that’s true or not?
thank you again! wonderful news!
rrbd reported on his blog that there are some dead or broken links for SM 2.49.5:
it’s also reported in this bugzilla 1578659 report:
The (lt) win32/win64 editions of SM 2.49.5 do not seem to work and produce 404 error messages
oh ewong.
there seems to be some missing Seamonkey 2.49.5 downloads, especially the Lithuanian (LT) win32 & win64 versions of 2.49.5 mentioned here:
Please, will you add all the features in the Desktop version to this Android App?
I’m referring to SeaMonkey.
If you do, I’ll thank so much and you’ll be my hero.
Don’t underestimate your device, it has the same hp as a normal computer from 5-6 years ago, which back at the time it was cutting edge.
I really need this, and I bet I’m not alone.
Thanks in advance for any, bye, Ivano.