Hi Everyone,

It’s been a hell of a long time since an update.  So… here’s the long awaited update.

  1. I’ve been swamped at work and stumbling over everything related to SeaMonkey.  My apologies.
  2. Thankfully, both Ian and Frg have taken upon themselves to get the builds going.  2.49.5 will be released in their honor.

That said, and it bears repeating, IanN and frg have both been hard at work generating the 2.49.5 build1 builds manually and I owe them a debt of gratitude for working on the builds.  While I don’t expect them to need to manually do any other versions other than 2.49.5, I can’t guarantee anything.

Now on to 2.49.5 release comments.

  1. The whole build/release process is sooooo different from what everyone’s used to, I’m not sure how to proceed.
  2. That said, build1 is being uploaded to the candidates/ section on…   In the past, any build<n> (where n > 1) usually means n-1 builds were failures.   It’s no longer the case as build<n> should be more or less treated as ‘release candidates’ (aka.  rc<#> in the olden days).
  3. Due to how things are done, the release files are uploaded ‘manually’ (as in not part of automation), so there’ll probably be some missing items. (Case in point, README…  those will be generated in the release/).

As for the infrastructure, it is at the bare minimum ‘of ok’ness.   That isn’t the problem or issue.  It’s the automation that’s still being worked on.   I know. My complete bad.  But it is being worked on with due haste.

Now that the current project’s update information has been updated, I’m returning to your scheduled program of preparing the tar and feathers….. um… oh wait.look…   I can explain…


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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6 Responses to LTNS…

  1. ElTxolo says:

    > That makes me sad. Thanks for the heads up.
    You’re welcome!! 😉

  2. zed says:

    for guys who will be lost in page XD
    the unsigned is the windows ver
    both 32 and 64 available.
    now next Labours:
    -how do i install it??? XD( happy cry).
    it’s look to me as zip file is seamonkey folder without installation. am i right?

    i think you can call me novice ^^’ going for” Seven Labors of Rostam” or “Twelve Labours of Hercules” depend of country’s Xb.

  3. zed says:

    thanks for releasing installer ^^

  4. Keks says:

    SeaMonkey is dead. What a pity!

    I am using Netscape / Mozilla suite since 1996 and have to switch to FF+TB, because SM is still based on the outdated FF52 (since more than a year). 🙁

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