Mise à jour faite ! La décision d’avoir pris la version longue durée est une excellente décision.
Le bonjour à Alex ; je vois donc un copain qui utilise aussi smk !! 😀
I just wanted to say i have been a SeaMonkey user since at least 2009
Its a great Product 🙂
My main reason for using it is because i like the fact that it has a full email-client
built into it
I like its ability to be highly customisable
I will also say that while many users including myself have many XUL extentions
in use – which we all love, I personally feel the need for Webextentions is really a huge
variable in itself – something that i fully support myself
Soo many people really enjoy the little ‘extras’ that come about as well with Extentions,
Im sure many SeaMonkey Council devs themselves appreciate and use various
extentions, and likewise, the individuals devs which create such extentions do so because they personally like to have this or that customised or have an added feature,
Something that SeaMonkey as both an integrated browser and Email client has allowed very effectively for over a decade now
The appreciation of this fact really is something that we have to thank *both* the SeaMonkey Devs & the individual Extention/Add-on Devs.
Things change, standards change
and with such changes…and new standards, devs of both browsers, and devs who develop extentions will always be there to constantly adapt and improve where nessessary
and to make sure the users get the latest bug fixes, features etc etc
In other words to ‘stay on top’ of the field of things – we users help out by providing bug
reports, we make requests, feature suggestions etc etc
So, with all this said, Im a full supporter of ALL nessessary changes, Webextentions
and all.
We users should not be afraid of change, but rather ‘keep up with’ changes – lets not
limit/restrict ourselves
If we appreciated everything SeaMonkey has stood for (including devs of extentions)
then we have to reason to fear, yes, devs ride the waves of change – and we users have ridden those waves right there along them – a symbiotic relationship if you like between users and devs
If we trust devs of both a great product – SeaMonkey and devs of extentions/add-ons
to hear us, and i think we do – then we should trust changes to come – for everyones sake
I would like to say “Thank you SeaMonkey Council”- keep up the great work 🙂
Yay! Thanks as always. 😉
Great job folks. Thanks!
Merci beaucoup et bon courage pour le maintient de Seamonkey.
A link to the home page and/or download page would be advised.
Thx for handwork on this unique project.
Is it coincidence that after update Seamonkey faster opens Youtube videos?
Mise à jour faite ! La décision d’avoir pris la version longue durée est une excellente décision.
Le bonjour à Alex ; je vois donc un copain qui utilise aussi smk !! 😀
Thank you!
Thank you so much! Again and again…
Something you should consider for the next release – full h.264 support in SeaMonkey on WinXP and higher – http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3040639
Simply replacing mozavcodec.dll and mozavutil.dll with the files from the PaleMoon XP build and adding vcomp140.dll (OpenMP) gives you full h.264 video support. The YouTube HTML5 video site shows full support – https://www.youtube.com/html5 and other HTML5 tests work as well as does HTML5 live streaming.
thnx again man!
Thank you so much for your hard work.
Woohoo! SeaMonkey is my daily driver for web browsing + email. Much appreciated!
I just wanted to say i have been a SeaMonkey user since at least 2009
Its a great Product 🙂
My main reason for using it is because i like the fact that it has a full email-client
built into it
I like its ability to be highly customisable
I will also say that while many users including myself have many XUL extentions
in use – which we all love, I personally feel the need for Webextentions is really a huge
variable in itself – something that i fully support myself
Soo many people really enjoy the little ‘extras’ that come about as well with Extentions,
Im sure many SeaMonkey Council devs themselves appreciate and use various
extentions, and likewise, the individuals devs which create such extentions do so because they personally like to have this or that customised or have an added feature,
Something that SeaMonkey as both an integrated browser and Email client has allowed very effectively for over a decade now
The appreciation of this fact really is something that we have to thank *both* the SeaMonkey Devs & the individual Extention/Add-on Devs.
Things change, standards change
and with such changes…and new standards, devs of both browsers, and devs who develop extentions will always be there to constantly adapt and improve where nessessary
and to make sure the users get the latest bug fixes, features etc etc
In other words to ‘stay on top’ of the field of things – we users help out by providing bug
reports, we make requests, feature suggestions etc etc
So, with all this said, Im a full supporter of ALL nessessary changes, Webextentions
and all.
We users should not be afraid of change, but rather ‘keep up with’ changes – lets not
limit/restrict ourselves
If we appreciated everything SeaMonkey has stood for (including devs of extentions)
then we have to reason to fear, yes, devs ride the waves of change – and we users have ridden those waves right there along them – a symbiotic relationship if you like between users and devs
If we trust devs of both a great product – SeaMonkey and devs of extentions/add-ons
to hear us, and i think we do – then we should trust changes to come – for everyones sake
I would like to say “Thank you SeaMonkey Council”- keep up the great work 🙂