2 comments on “Add-ons across the web”

  1. Jay Meattle wrote on

    LOL! nice one.

    Came across this one 1-2 weeks ago, add-on specific, but I enjoyed it 🙂


  2. Seth Wagoner wrote on

    In the obscure pop-culture references bucket, I recently gave a Pecha Kucha talk about “Pimping your Firefox”, which had an addons focus – I guess I should post my slides, but they won’t make any sense at all without captions so I’ll have to do that first…the talk went down really well tho, I think I made a bunch of Firefox converts, even from Safari users. I’m not very experienced at speaking to crowds so I was a bit surprised to do well at it without a lot of time to practice. I blame the quality of the source material 😉

    Here’s my blog post on it: http://sethop.com/2009/05/29/pecha-kucha-chch-05-pimping-your-firefox/

    Anyway, thanks posting for the above LOLFox Nick! Perhaps there’s some inspiration for a new Spreadfirefox competition/meme there?