animated icons

What are Lottie animations and how to use them in UI/UX

Lottie files take up little space, never have pixelation issues, and work on any platform. Learn how to use them…

7 months ago

The visual language of alerts: decoding notification graphics

Dive into the art of notification design with Icons8. Transform alerts into engaging visuals and turn every ping into an…

1 year ago

What’s new in Pichon

Pichon for MacOS got a new update. Here are some bits of what is inside the latest version.

2 years ago

Naruto, Rick Sanchez and Superman: Geek Pride Day 2021 icons collection

Avengers assemble and return to Konoha! Geek Pride Day is coming!

4 years ago

Thanks, Mom! Illustrations, Photos, Icons, and Clipart for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is coming right up! So we’ve put together a collection of clipart to show our love to all…

4 years ago

3,000+ engaging animated icons to enhance your projects

Animations designed to complement and enhance your project, engaging users in a way that static graphics simply can’t.

4 years ago

Day of Thanks: Thanksgiving Clipart, Icons and Vectors

Check a bright pack of Thanksgiving clipart and various graphics from Icons8 libraries of icons and vector illustrations.

4 years ago

You Are My Valentine: 19 Packs of Love Clipart and Icons

Check the diverse set of free love clipart and icons from the Icons8 library: 19 design styles from colorful and…

4 years ago

Christmas Magic: Icons, Illustrations, and Animations on Winter Holidays

Merry Christmas! Check a pack of bright winter holiday icons, illustrations, and animations by the Icons8 team and catch the…

4 years ago

See and Hear: Media Icons and Clipart in 18 Design Styles

The new theme collection of Icons8 graphics is up: check the diversity of icons and clipart devoted to media, audio,…

4 years ago

Icons8 Improved Collections for Convenient Personal Icon Sets

Icons8 library UX improves: we've just released the updated collection functionality according to what our users asked. Now, collecting your…

4 years ago

Ready for Black Friday: 20 Packs of Ecommerce Icons and Clipart

The new theme collection of Icons8 graphics is up: check the diversity of icons and clipart devoted to ecommerce and…

4 years ago

Busy Bee: Business Clipart and Icons in 24 Design Styles

Check the diverse set of business clipart and icons from the Icons8 library: 24 design styles from colorful illustrations to…

4 years ago

Animated Icons 2.0: 900+ Motion Graphics in Different Styles

The Icons8 team has just released an updated library of animated icons. Animated Icons 2.0 offers over 900 different graphics…

5 years ago

Feel like home: around the house clipart and icons in 21 Styles

Check the diverse set of house clipart and icons from the Icons8 library: 21 design styles from colorful illustrations to…

5 years ago

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