Instructions for importing your bookmarks into another service

Spool the company was a different company than the one hosting this blog, but in case you are wondering what happened to that other company, this was the blog post.

All Spool users were sent an email with their bookmarks attached as bookmarks.html (all emails will have been sent out by 1PM Pacific Time on July 14th, 2012). The subject of this email was: Spool has shut down: your bookmarks are attached to this email

If you cannot find this email, please make sure you’ve checked:

  1. Your spam folder
  2. The email address you used to sign up for Spool
  3. The primary email address linked to your Facebook account if you signed up with Facebook (not your address)

To import your bookmarks to another service:

  1. Once you’ve found the email, download bookmarks.html to your computer/device.
  2. You can load these links directly in to your browser’s bookmarks folder. Instructions for how to do this for Chrome and Firefox are available online.
  3. If you’d like to use another service to synchronize your bookmarks consider Pocket or Delicious. Note: Pocket has created a special importer for Spool bookmarks. Instructions are available at
  4. If you’ve signed up for another service, follow their instructions for importing bookmarks. You will not find instructions specific to Spool, but we’ve sent your bookmarks in a format that should be easy to import into most other services.

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