? ?
Journal created:
on 20 May 2004 (#3205519)
on 9 August 2013
Blind Brook High School
Port Chester, New York, United States
Posting Access:
All Members
THE ONLY RULE: You must be attending, or have attended BBHS.
(In other words, NO BB wanna-be's!)

Here is a form to fill out when you become a new member! It's not mandatory but it would be cool to find out more about your fellow LJ Blind Brook friends and nice to know who is in the community.


Place a picture here if you choose/have a picture (just to identify yourself):

1. Name:
2. Class of:
3. Birthday:
4. Extracurricular Activities:
5. SN:

1. TV Show:
2. Movie:
3. Type of Music:
4. Band:
5. Book:
6. Magazine:
7. Sport:
8. Color:
9. Season:
10. City:
11. Vacation Spot:
12. Food: everything!
13. Drink:

Favorites for Blind Brook:
1. Favorite Teacher(s):
2. Favorite class(es):
3. Favorite year(s) of high school:

Describe yourself...
"an education", *bio, a + f, activity periods, aids club, air conditioning, altered ego, annoying rye brook mothers, baseball, basketball season, beach day, bling bling, book club, brand name colleges, burberry, carpets, carvel, castle view, cat trainer, cheerleading, chess club, class meetings, class of 2004, class officers, coldstones, community service, congress, consort choir, cross country, dance team, dating, doc. novak, dodge ball, drama, dress code violations, dunkin' dounuts, focus, football, free periods, french/spanish/italian club, freshman, friends, garden catering, glens falls, golf, gossip, gucci, guidance counselors, habitat for humanity, high school harry, hockey, homecoming game + dance, homecoming queen + king, human relations, individuals, intel, jap, jay the security guard, jazz ensemble, jct 03, jsa, juicy, juniors, king street, la boum, longfords, loud speaker, madame, margret the security guard, math 4a, math team, memories, middle school, mock trial, model un, montreal, mr o, mr. beaty, mr. citron, mr. flory, mr. greenwald, mr. marcoccia, mr. mccarvil, mr. press, mr. shortliffe, mr. spano, mr. tibbs, mrs. ben porat, mrs. garretto, mrs. jackson, mrs. jacobson, mrs. mella, mrs. patrao, mrs. peck, mrs. vanb, mrs. zahl, ms. buonocore, ms. reap, north face fleece, obession with cars, old open classrooms, palm trees, ping pong tables, pj day, prom, pta, puma, punk, purchase deli, regents, rye ridge shopping center, sadd, sats, senate, senate showtime, senior cut policy, senior half page, senior options, senior slave/service auction, senior slump, senior superlatives, senioritis, seniors, seniors excused from gym, several musical review, siblings, sign language, skiing team, snapple, soccer, softball, sophomore, sophomore circus, spectrum yearbook, suny, sweat pants, swimming, tattoo, teachers, tennis, the rock, toilet seat covers, town meetings, track, trojans, twins, ugg boots, vinod, volley ball, yummy cookies
