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The issue of pronoun dropping has widely been established amongst Romance languages. While it is generally claimed that most morphologically agglutinative languages have pro-drop properties, there is a need to investigate and establish... more
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      PsychologyLinguisticsWord orderLanguage Studies
This paper analyses the semantics of causative constructions in Shona, employing the Event structure Approach (Davidson, D. (1967). "The Logical Form of Action Sentences."). We argue that Shona can be accounted well through the... more
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      Computer ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntax
This article purveys a linguistic exegesis of the 'decade of crisis' in Zimbabwe. The crisis period spans the years 2000 to 2009. During this period, the Zimbabwean economy reached a nadir while life in general became very precarious.... more
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    • Sociology
The Zimbabwean sociolinguistic situation has for long been dogged by the lack of a holistic and well-articulated language policy. This situation is not peculiar to Zimbabwe, but common throughout Africa. This article examines the... more
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      Political SciencePolitics
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      Economic DevelopmentApplied Economics
Pragmatic vagueness is a common language phenomenon in verbal communication; more exactly speaking, it is an important pragmatic strategy. Hedges, as the most typical representative and the most universal phenomenon of vagueness, are... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSuperdiversityCritical Discourse AnanlysisLanguage and sexism
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