? ?
18 February 2012 @ 06:28 am
subject :
[02] Kaoru - JESSICA PV .gif
[06] Dir en Grey
[01] Ryutaro Arimura (Plastic Tree)

preview :

the graphicsCollapse )
Current Mood: boredbored
Current Music: 'MUSIC BY' - Riddim Saunter
06 September 2011 @ 10:04 pm
umn... hello everyone? long long long time not see lol lol lol kinda busy at work and tumblr XD miss me anyone? LOLZ
so, I made a simple graphics (all of them is a banners) and post them at tumblr then... I decide post them here, hope you like it and maybe I'll make an icons again *__*
and for anyone who wants following me at tumblr... here's my tumblr ^^              and enjoy :)

Subject :
[05] Die & Kaoru (Dir en Grey)
[04] Ryutaro Arimura (Plastic Tree)
[01] Miyavi
[01] Satsuki - ex. Rentrer en Soi
[01] Gwen Stefani
[02] Suicide Silence
[01] Anthony Hopkins
[01] Dracula Bram Stoker
[01] Yoo Jae Suk
[02] Cast Away On The Moon

Preview :

the simplenessCollapse )

Current Location: room
Current Mood: tiredtired
Current Music: 'Turned Off The TV' - LEESSANG (feat. t윤미래, 권정열 Of 10cm)
11 August 2011 @ 12:20 pm
some update from my DA ^^

:: Please do not re-upload or even claim as yours ::

Current Location: office
Current Mood: creativecreative
Current Music: 'No Fruits For Today' - SORE
21 April 2011 @ 11:57 pm
maybe this community seems dead, nut I'm still alive ^^v need hiatus for a while because I still experiment with another art. I post them here to proof this community not dead XD next time I'll post some icons :)

here's another art from my deviantart

see yaa~
Current Mood: awakeawake
Current Music: 'VISITOR' - RADIOTS
28 February 2011 @ 10:29 pm
Icons :
[42] MERRY - Yakou PV
[47] The Kiddie - STEADY PV
[24] Takeru (SUG)
[16] Stock : sweety

[01] Ryutarou (Plastic Tree) wallpaper
[01] Gara (MERRY)


for whole iconsCollapse )
Current Mood: blankblank
Current Music: 'Born To Be Crazy' - RADIOTS