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Black Kryptonite
A Smallville RPG
14th-Feb-2006 05:27 pm - Talon Cheak out
Who: Lana, Clark possibly Lex? (please come back we miss you! lol)
What: Investigating the Talon
Where: The Talon
When: late afternoon

Lana waited anxiously for Clark to come and pick her up. Conveinently there was testing at the school for the freshman and sophmores so the juniors and seniors had the day off for the next couple of days. So, she was excited to have a day with Clark all to herself. She still felt sad that Chloe had some Torch duties on her day off. Weird, yes but you know Chloe.

Finally, Lana heard Clark's truck pull up. She automatically grabed her purse and locked the door behind her.
24th-Jan-2006 11:54 pm - Good News
Who: Chloe; Lois, anyone else in the area
What: Chloe is doing some work in the Torch office before class when she gets an unexpected visitor.
Where: The Torch office
When: Early morning, right before 1st period

Chloe stood at her desk, looking down at a picture she was thinking of scanning and putting into an article for the Torch. She shook her head slowly as she changed her mind, and was completely unaware when someone stepped into the doorway. She took a seat, putting the picture down.
blue reporter
11th-Jan-2006 11:39 pm - What is this place?
Who: Open to everyone
What: Bruce Wayne appears in town
Where: Road outside the Beanery
When: Afternoon

Bruce glared outside the window as the Rolls rolled into town. Smallville. Of all the places in the world he could be...this was the middle of nowhere. People don't name a place 'Smallville' for nothing. It was Alfred's suggestion that he take a little breather out here, the old man often had ulterior motives and getting him out of the dark gloom of Gotham was obviously one of them. Heck, he'd take Metropolis even right now, but he had a dislike for the clean, bustling city. Too perky for his tastes. He found he had a liking for his dark city, as weird as that was.

"Where shall you be staying, sir?" The driver asked, as they pulled through a blatantly non-busy road.

"Some house. I don't know. They just bought it..." Bruce muttered absentmindedly. "The address is on that paper up there, can't you see it?"

"Very good, sir," the driver said in a carefully controlled tone. Master Bruce could often be a jerk, he was a sad young man, and had every reason to be such. Still, he was quite bitter about everything. The young man had such a dark demeanor. It was an excellent idea on his butler's part that he could get some fresh country air here. Do him a world of good.

But Bruce knew the dark secrets behind this town, though it was covered up sometimes. He had a penchant for digging things up and mysteries, it was not more than a passing pleasure though he took pride in his ability to do so. Smallville may seem like a boring town on the outside, but he had heard of some pretty interesting things that had happened here. So perhaps he was exiled here for a few weeks, but that didn't mean he couldn't figure out exactly what made this town tick.

He glanced outside the window, seeing a sign...Smallville Beanery. Bruce was a coffee junkie already in his youth, and as soon as he saw the sign he felt the dire need for something strong, black liquid.

"Uh, Richards, drop me off here a sec. I'll call you when I need you."

The tall young man quickly got out of the car, not waiting for the driver to stop and open the door for him. His tan coat flapped in the breeze like a bat as he quickly made his way up the sidewalk. He wondered if anyone would recognize him, his face was often plastered on the Gotham tabloids nearly every week.
11th-Jan-2006 03:57 pm - In the Kitchen...
Who: Martha, Jonathan, Kaitlyn, and Clark
Where: The Kent Farm
When: Morning

Martha awoke and headed to the kitchen. She hoped that she would get a chance to talk to Clark before Kaitlyn woke up. As Martha took the eggs out of the refrigerator, the telephone rang.
10th-Jan-2006 06:40 pm - Lois gets some good news
Who: Lois
What: Lois gets good news
Where: Hospital
When: Morning

Lois waited patiently for the doctor to come visit her. 'He should've been here by now...' she thought to herself. She flipped through the pages of the latest People magazine.

Just then, there was a knock at her door. "Come in!" She yelled, and put the magazine on her bedside table. It wasn't her doctor, but instead, another one.

"Good Morning, Lois!" He said. "It's a nice day, isn't it? I believe I have some good news for you!"

This doctor was young. Probably fresh out of medical school. He had dark hair and gorgeous eyes that reminded her of Clark's. 'What am I thinking?' She thought to herself. 'Clark?' She rolled her eyes.

"Why the eyeroll, Miss Lane?" The Doctor asked, flipping through her charts.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking." She said, looking the doctor up and down.

"Well, I think you'll be pleased to hear we've reviewed your test results several times and we've come to the conclusion your leg injuries are not as severe as we once thought. You will still need a minor laser procedure to fix the strain, a brace, and some physical therapy, and you'll be back up in no time." He explained.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." She smiled. The doctor was kind of cute.

"I can reccomended you to an excellent doctor who will take good care of you, I fear that I won't be able to give you what you need myself."

"What do you mean? I think you could give me plenty." She smiled her sexiest smile at the doctor.

He blushed. "Would you like to go out some time? Get a coffee or something?"

"I'd love to." She told him.

With that, he left.

'Look at that...' She thought to herself, 'Lois Lane can get herself a rich, good-looking guy.'
3rd-Jan-2006 10:23 pm - Day 2 (finally lol)
[Date:] Thursday. September 16, 2004
[Approx. Time:] 8 A.M.
[Weather:] A sunny morning. strong wind, cloudy

Who: Lana, possibly Clark and Chloe
What: Day 2 Lana wakes up
Where: Chloe and Lana's house
When: Morning

Lana woke up with a slight headache. The light was bright, for it was morning, and Lana found herself in her own bed. She blinked her eyes to clear her blurry vision.

"What happend?" she moaned to herself, or though she thought she was alone.
She frowned and turned her head to see some friendly faces...

{hope I started this right}
27th-Dec-2005 11:05 am - Good Night [Lana, Clark]
Who: Lana and Clark
What: Clark takes Lana Home
Where: Clark's truck
When: Late night

Clark led Lana out to his truck and opened the door for her. "Here ya go."
30th-Nov-2005 09:47 am - Exploring the Farm
Who: Kaitlyn (and whoever happens by)
Where: The Kent Farm
When: While everyone is at the Hospital

Having already taken another hit of coke...and spent sufficient time staring at the ceiling, Kaitlyn soon found herself growing restless. She needed to do something...anything. She needed to move. But she also knew she couldn't wander too far off. So it looked like she was going to have to find something to do that kept her on the farm. Like exploring.

It had been far too long since she spent any good amount of time on the Kent farm and she could definitely use a refresher course. Grabbing her cell phone and shoving it into the pocket of her jeans, she headed out of the house and towards the barn. A good a place to start as any.
18th-Nov-2005 04:18 pmBreak Right Through
Who: Lana, Lex, Clark and anyone in the hospital
Where: Smallville Hospital
When: evening

Lana wished she could go back in time and start the day all over again. Her day wasn't at all what she had planned, and there was still more day left to waste.

She didn't even notice Lex open her car door, so she forgot even to say thank you. Lex said something to her as they were walking towards the hospital.

Read more...Collapse )
17th-Nov-2005 09:59 pm - Admissions?
Who: Chloe; Lois
What: Chloe tries to cover for herself; Lois has something to tell Chloe.
Where: Lois's hospital room
When: late evening

"You weren't talking about me?" Lois looked at Chloe, confused herself. "Well then, who were you talking about?"

Chloe wanted to grimace.

Oh, crap. She thought to herself. I was afraid this would happen.

"It's a friend of mine." She said quickly. "But... why did you think I was talking about you?"

[OOC: Sorry. Forgot to add the little thing, so I had to edit.]
blue reporter
10th-Nov-2005 11:46 am - In the Hallway
Who: Martha, Jonathan, Clark
Where: Smallville Hospital
When: evening

Martha shut the door behind them as her family stepped into the hospital. "Clark, about the one saw you use your powers did they?"
10th-Oct-2005 09:38 pm - The Talon / Lex
Who: Lana, anyone else there
What: The Bee Problem / Aftermath of Lionel's accident
Where: The Talon
When: early morning

The swinging door admitted them to the morning crowd, serious caffeine drinkers with steaming cups en route. Most looked up from the round tables as they appraised the newcomers, and more than one set of brows lifted when they saw Lex following on her heels. It was unusual for him to be at the Talon, since the Luthors usually kept to themselves. He encouraged her to show him the problem, and Lana moved behind the counter, pushing open the door to the back. Their footsteps clicked on the tiles as she explained the problem to him. More than one bee was humming busily about the kitchen. The aroma of coffee followed them, tickling their senses and mingling with the sweets set out along the counter on trays, prepared to be taken to the class cases in the front.

"I can certainly see the problem," Lex remarked, surveying the happy handful of bees swarming at one of the kitchen windows. "There must be a hive nearby and they've relocated." Lana looked at him curiously, and he smiled. "The product of an expensive education. I used to have an abnormal fear of bees. My father found out about it, and signed me up for a summer class dealing with them. I've lost my irrational fear, but not my respect. Bees follow the queen. Wherever she goes, they will go. Find and move her, and they will leave."

There seemed to be an underlining meaning to his statement that unnerved her, but Lex smiled to put her at ease.
8th-Oct-2005 07:31 pmBreak Right Through
Who: Kaitlyn, Martha, Jonathan, Chloe?
What: Waiting for news about Lois
Where: Kent farm
When: late afternoon

"Kaitlyn, I'm sorry if I seem distracted. It seems that one of Clark's friends was in some sort of accident and we're waiting to hear from her. I was hoping that telephone call would be from her" Martha said as she nodded to her husband who was on the phone.
4th-Oct-2005 06:22 pm - Lois at the hospitial
Who: Lois, Clark, Whomever wants to stop by
What: Lois gets some news she didn't want to hear
Where: Smallville Hospital
When: After her accident, sometime in the evening

Lois was laying in bed, in room 201 of the Smallville General Hospital. She'd been poked and prodded, x-rayed and moved around so many times, she was glad to be resting, finally. She'd had a hard day. She knew she was going to be in huge trouble, wrecking her car. The General would not be pleased with her, and she knew it wouldn't help her situation. He wanted her to leave Smallville, leave the Kents, and go stay with him on his next move. She was sick and tired of that, one of the reasons why she was staying with the Kents in the first place. She glanced out the window, into the pale blue hallway, and saw Clark talking to her doctor. 'Great.' She thought, 'I'm sure there's some kind of news about to come that I don't want to hear.' and she was right.

The Doctor came into the room while Clark stayed outside. "What's up, Doc?" She asked, her attempt at making a joke.

"Lois, I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you." He told her.

"I should've seen this coming. Oh wait, I did." She said, sarcastically.

"I'm afraid you've torn a ligament, and possibly damaged some cartlidge. I'm afraid you're going to need an operation."

Lois bit her lip. "An operation? Are you sure? Can I get a second opinion?"

"Feel free, but he or she will tell you the same thing." and with that, he left.

Lois sighed. "Why today?"
3rd-Oct-2005 06:13 pm - Home, Sweet Home
Who: Leah, Drusilla
What: The girls settle into their temporary home.
Where: Home Inn
When: 3:30 P.M

Leah practically threw herself in the motel door trying to get inside and hold her bag at the same time. She managed to get the door open and stood there for a moment before walking further into their room, "This is 'Home Inn'?? Doesn't look very homey to me..."

She gazed around the room at the crappy paint job and dollar-store art on the walls. Atleast the beds were made, she thought to herself. Leah made her way over to one of the two twin sized beds and dropped her bag on it. She walked to the dresser, which had a television setting atop of it, and hit the power button on the TV. The news was on. Leah payed no attention to it and turned back to her bag, "Home, Sweet, Home." she said as she unzipped it, looking for her toothbrush. She always brushed her teeth after having coffee.
1st-Oct-2005 08:56 pm - Phone Home
Who: Lionel and Mr. or Mrs. Kent (whoever answers the phone)

What: Calling the Kents, letting them know everything's okay.

Where: a road...

When: 2pm... I guess....

After the ambulance disappeared, carrying Lois and Clark off to the hospital, Lionel dialed the number to the Kent farm, and waited for someone to answer. Inwardly he hoped that Martha would be the one to answer, at least then he could have a somewhat civil conversation.
26th-Sep-2005 12:53 am - A New Arrival [Tag: The Kents]
Who: Kaitlyn, Martha, Jonathan, possibly Clark
What: Kaitlyn arrives on the farm
Where: Kent farm
When: Afternoon; 2pm

As the taxi pulled up the gravel drive of the Kent Farm, Kaitlyn let out a not so small sigh. Here was her future, looming before her in all its rural glory. If only things hadn't gone wrong that night. If only her mother hadn't found her stash...then she could be back in Metropolis having the time of her life instead of facing life in Hicksville.

But things had gone wrong that night and here she was. Stepping out of the cab, she shut the door and thanked the driver as he brought around her bags. As she picked up her duffle bag, she paid the man and then stood watching him go. Watching her last link to her old life disappear. Thank god for the teeny tiny bit of stuff she had left...

Climbing the front porch steps, she knocked on the door and waited.
25th-Sep-2005 10:33 pm - What Next?

Who: Drusilla, Leah, and anyone else that happens by
What: Planning
Where: The Talon
When: 2 pm [catching up with the time-frame everyone else is in]

Drusilla sighed as she hovered over her glass of water. She and Leah had been in Smallville for only a few hours, and they still had a lot to accomplish. The most important thing: where the hell were they supposed to stay? They didn't really have any place to live, no house, no apartment, not even a hotel. Lionel had only told her what she was supposed to do, and nothing else.

She looked around the Talon, remembering when she had been here last. It had been her Senior year of high school. As corny as it sounds, she remembered it as though it were yesterday. The last day of school, the night before graduation. It all came flooding back.

A sudden noise caught her attention, and she jumped, her green eyes locking on the cause of the disturbance.

20th-Sep-2005 01:46 pm - Lois Driving...
Who: Lois > Drusilla (someone else?)
What: Driving
Where: Road
When: 2 pm

Lois was driving along the road toward Smallville, back from visiting her father, the General. She was very frustrated with her father and not focusing so much on her driving. There was a car not too far in front of her. "Go on! Seriously! I have to go see Chloe!" Lois said aloud to no one. Suddenly, her cell phone started ringing. "Crap" She felt for her purse in the back seat, "Where is it?" She turned around, grabbed her purse, "Chloe?" When suddenly she heard a crash and was thrown into the airbag.
20th-Sep-2005 12:03 am - Highway to Hell [Drusilla>Leah]

Who: Drusilla Perrot, Leah Thorne
What: Driving into Smallville
Where: A random road
When: 11am

"Living easy, loving free. Season ticket on a one-way ride." It had been a fairly long drive, from Metropolis to Smallville, but Drusilla was relieved to know she was finally closing in on the quaint little town. Lionel had warned her about Lex, and somehow thought his son would get involved in his project, but Dru wasn't worried. The younger Luthor couldn't possibly be any worse than the older one, right?

"I'm on the highway to hell." Sure, her voice may have needed a little re-tuning, but Dru thought she was a damn good singer. And that was the only thing that mattered. Besides, there was no one around to criticize her, so why should she worry if her voice could wake the dead?

Her green eyes traced the road absently, most of her concentration being on the song that blared through the speakers of her radio - at least, to her it was blaring. To any normal human, the music was barely audible; but Drusilla wasn't like any normal human.

She rested her left arm on the window, thin fingers running through her long brown hair. Thoughts of what she had to do crossed her mind. Clark Kent was her target, but she didn't know why. Neither did Lionel, or else why would he send her to do this?

"I'm on the highway to hell."

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