Hide Rocket Dive Sunglass Orders |
08:29pm 28/02/2007 |

It's that time again!
But now there's a twist, there's only 70 LEFT in the whole world! That means unfortunatley we've had to put the price back up as the demand comes in, and the wholesale price becomes larger.
100$ gets you a brand spanking new pair of hide rocket dive sunglasses!
Email [email protected]/[email protected]/admin@jpoppress.us For full pricing information and details.
We have SIX on order at the moment, the more we can snatch and give you a good deal before the rest dissapear the better!
Fat Ladys Sang |
03:54pm 07/04/2005 |
Whats up gang, first time posting here. I'm a game junky from the 80's, I really dig king of fighters and street fighter games, current favorite is SNK vs Capcom CHAOS (boss edition)
catch me on Kaillera sometime for a bout ;) |
Fat Ladys Sang |
02:56pm 20/12/2004 |
[ Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] http://eiremoon.manatrance.com/images/jrockmutation.jpg">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] <a href="http://jrock_mutation.greatestjournal.com/><img src="http://eiremoon.manatrance.com/images/jrockmutation.jpg"></a>
Ever wondered what it was like to be executed for being different? To be told you can't walk down the streets of kyoto because YOU were the one that leveled half of the tokyo business district?
That's just one in many of those who are in for the long haul in jrock mutations.
Some of them are heroes, some of them are students.. and some are unfortunatley stuck as patients until they realize they're not psychologically insane.
You are one of many with the power in your hand to change the world, the choice is yours.. be executed by the government....... or find refuge and shelter within 'Senshudan' Although some prefer sitting on their couch and whining 'i'm not a mutant.'
Wether it be that you want to be a villain, or on the good guys side.. we've got something for everyone in this high stakes story filled environment.
Custom charachters MORE than welcome, (Why not? The mod's got three!)
<lj comm="jrock_mutation"> .. superheros with a voice.
Unsure of who you want to play? heres a suggestion band wise: GacktJob, Kagerou (Daisuke taken but the rest of the band open), Despairs ray (Zero taken), Moi Dix Mois (Mana Taken)
We allow customs, anything asian music or televeision related! :D |
3 Sing to me, please? | Fat Ladys Sang |
08:50pm 15/08/2004 |
Like boys?
Like hot boys?
Like hot boys making out?
Then you've found the right place. This community is honorable and dignified for the ladies and gentleman's needs.
Just follow the rules and we'll love you forever!
C'mon. Take a peek!
I don't mean to spam all over you're asses, but I thought some of you would be interested.
Fat Ladys Sang |
lame o First post |
01:22pm 13/02/2004 |
well i was searching for a new mpls community to join, cause im bored.. and i want to make some new friends so here I am.. HI!... ok this was a lame post.. sorry ... Umm i'm 20 almost 21... I don't know what else to say.. but hi? |
4 Sing to me, please? | Fat Ladys Sang |
hello... |
01:10pm 05/10/2003 |
Hi everyone, my name is Michelle; I'm having a rough day...
my boyfriend Mike's brother, James died this morning.
I want to ask a favor of you. I completely understand if you would not like to be solicited, or would not be comfortable with this, but I have to try.
Mike and James' parents don't have enough money for the funeral. I'm trying to organize something so I can raise some money for them-- I am going to ask everyone I know if maybe they could donate some money-- even five or ten dollars, but I don't think I know enough people to make much. If you think you could help out at all, or could ask anyone you feel confortable about asking about this, I would be in your gratitude forever, and I know that James' family would be so thankful as well. If you could help, please email me at [email protected], with a subject title that lets me know it's not spam, and I will give you my address, and we can talk more about this.
Best wishes, everyone. |
2 Sing to me, please? | Fat Ladys Sang |
08:36pm 09/08/2003 |
 You are Kelso, your hip and cool attitude and strikingly good looks are only hindered by the fact that you are a complete moron. When faced with adversity, playing stupid is not an option, because you are stupid. But who cares? You're doin' it all the time, am I right guys?
What That 70's Show Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Fat Ladys Sang |
Ramen Noodle Recipie |
07:31pm 09/08/2003 |
2 packets instant ramen noodles..
2 peices chopped ham
3 pieces salami/hard salami
1 can cream mushroom soup
1/4 cup water or milk
4 cups boiled water.
In a saucepan able to fit 2 things of ramen and that much water, boil the water.
Cut the ham and salami with knife as fine as possible... or to your liking, it usually doesnt go very far at first so you might need scissors to cut em' up enough to chop them.
once the water boils place both cakes of ramen in the water and boil them until the noodles are soft.
open your can of cream of mushroom soup.
once your noodles are done drain them with a strainer/colander.
take your noodles off the boiling hot burner, turn that burner off place your can of mushroom stuff in the pan, along with the milk OR water (I think milk would be better for softening) and the meat and stir until mixed well. put it on another burner on simmer and place the noodles in and mix until well mixed together.
this can be used with either lunch meat or hamburger.
and this whole thing only really takes about 10 minutes.
2 cakes is really not enough XD it's good for two people but it gets lost in the cream of mushroom soup.. so try it with 3-4 cakes for about 1 person per cake serving. |
Fat Ladys Sang |
Welcome to the Anything Goes Fat Lady Sang Community. |
07:12pm 09/08/2003 |
Must be over 13 to join, no if ands or buts about it. Livejournal even states you need to be over 13 to be on livejournal! THIS JOURNAL IS PG-13!
Pr0n/Hentai/Yaoi/Lemon Fics or Pics must be put under livejournal cut code.
Jokes have to be put under a cut code explaining the title of the joke, or at least the category.
for more info on cut codes go to the livejournal faq.
Fluff RPGs if they are more than 3 paragraphcs have to be under cut code.
Fan Fics can be left uncut up to 4 paragraphs.
Icons can be left uncut up to about 5 icons.
big images under cut code.
General conversation.. rants of the day up to 4-5 paragraphs left uncut.
Why am i placing these rules? To keep it form ravaging the space and such.
I'm allowing almost anything.. just as long as you use cut codes.
It makes it more interesting if someone is hiding something ^_^ |
Fat Ladys Sang |