This paper applied the KPWW method to analyze the status quo and participation of South Africa’s... more This paper applied the KPWW method to analyze the status quo and participation of South Africa’s wood industry in GVCs. Calculations was based on value-added trade statistics (OECD-TIVA 2005-2015). GVC participation and GVC position measurement was used to ascertain the GVC status and characteristics of South Africa with other 23 selected economies for comparative analysis using panel data compiled from OECD-TIVA. The RCA, market-share and intra-industry trade index were used as indicators to analyze the international competitiveness of South Africa’s wood industry based on TIVA calculations. GVC participation and position shows that South Africa’s wood industry is characterized with high forward linkages suited in the upstream and the RCA findings show that the international competitiveness is moderate below 1 and the market-share index reveals a decline with high intra trade. Empirical test (multiple linear regression) was carried out to assess the influence of factors of competitiveness based on the diamond model on South Africa’s wood industry using time series data. The RCA was selected as the dependent variable proxy of international competitiveness; selecting six factor conditions according to the diamond model as independent variables. The results show positive significant results to explain RCA. Recommendations were therefore to increase backward linkages through policies tailored around factors of competition that were significant to explain impact on RCA. Key suggestions were therefore centered on creating favorable conditions for South Africa’s wood industry through industrial transformation, upgrading, embracing new technology, capital investment and to promote SMEs to participate fully in GVCs.
Key words: Competitiveness; global value chain; forestry industry; value chain theory; comparative advantage; specialization; forward linkages; backward linkages.
Key words: Competitiveness; global value chain; forestry industry; value chain theory; comparative advantage; specialization; forward linkages; backward linkages.
Key words: Competitiveness; global value chain; forestry industry; value chain theory; comparative advantage; specialization; forward linkages; backward linkages.