? ?
04 March 2009 @ 07:54 pm
Okay, so I'm pretty sure you guys have seen this in many communities today already, but just in case someone is not aware of it, I'll post this (and in other communities that I am currently modding).

Basically a virus has been spreading across LiveJournal. It seems as if it does all of the following:
a) Change your livejournal password
b) Delete all of your entries (journal and/or community)
c) Suspend your account
and d) Create more posts that will spread the virus

Please make sure you DO NOT click on any links that appear to be harmless, but ARE NOT within 'character' of the community. If you see ANY posts that seem to be suspicious please do not hesitate to PM me here on LJ, and flag the post.
03 January 2009 @ 09:37 pm
Just wanted to share some winter style with my dolls, I make their clothing:


More below the cut
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26 December 2008 @ 06:55 pm

by Style Engin
Get it For Your: SD13 Boy
-Coat by Nine9 Style from CheerydollUSA - $46
-Hoodie and Jeans Set from CheerydollUSA - $60
-Hat by Nine9 Style from AjumapamaUSA - $8
-Bag by Nine9 Style from AjumapamaUSA - $16
-Glasses from Dollmore - $11
-Shoes from Dollmore - $22

by Style Engin
Get it For Your: MSD Boy
-Blazer by Nine9 Style from AjumapamaUSA - $42
-Jeans by Nine9 Style - $25
-T-Shirt from Dollmore - $10
-Polo Shirt from Dollmore - $16
-Belt by Nine9 Style from AjumapamaUSA - $7
-Sunglasses from Dollmore - $10
-Bag by Nine9 Style from AjumapamaUSA - $16
-Shoes from Dollmore - $5
08 November 2008 @ 08:19 pm

Lee Soo Hyuk (model)

Get it For Your: SD13 Boy
-Shirt from Cheerydoll USA - $27
-Skinny Jeans from Dollmore - $20
-Shoes from Volks USA - $53
-Beanie from Dollmore - $7

Get it For Your: MSD Boy
-Shirt from Cheerydoll USA - $29
-Skinny Jeans from Cheerydoll USA - $29
-Beanie from Dollmore - $7
-Shoes from Dollmore - $20
22 October 2008 @ 10:27 pm

Thank you imhitomi for letting me post here :)

20 September 2008 @ 04:11 pm

sorry for the lack of updates! school has not allowed me any time to be crafty and fashionable with my dolls, but I'm hoping that will change soon.

Just for some news, Cheerydoll USA has gotten a lot of new items in stock for SD and MSD boys and girls as well as a few new Unoa/MNF-sized items.

Fairy Land has also gotten some very nice clothes (vests, pants) in for MNF boys.

Happy Shopping!
19 August 2008 @ 11:43 am

The Look:

by Aobki
Get it for your: SD13 Boy
-Jeans from Cheerydoll USA - $34
-Boots from Dollmore - $31
-DIY Shirt by Ragdoll (on DOA)
-Hat from Cheerydoll USA - $20
-DIY Pin
-DIY Scarf
19 August 2008 @ 11:40 am

Sometimes scarves don't like to stay tied, which is a pain. Rather then double-knotting it, why not make a cute pin to secure it?

Click for TutorialCollapse )
18 August 2008 @ 09:49 pm

by Aboki

The Trend: Scarves
Best on: Boys and Girls!
What to Wear it With: Tshirts and casual pants
DIY: Make your own no-sew fringed scarf!

Click for TutorialCollapse )
15 August 2008 @ 01:15 pm
This post is for links to stores where you can get cute clothes for your dolls.

Please check DOA for these stores' feedback before you buy. We are not responsible for any bad transactions you have with any of these places.

Official StoresCollapse )

Member Shops / Individually-RunCollapse )

If there is a store you like or you yourself run a shop, post a comment with a link if you'd like to be added to the list.