Jonathan Rubin
Supervisors: Prof. Laura Minervini and Prof. Benjamin Z. Kedar
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Books by Jonathan Rubin
activity? To what extent and in what ways did the
Latin residents of the Crusader states acquire
knowledge from Muslims and Eastern Christians?
And how were the Crusader states influenced by
the intellectual developments which characterized
the West in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?
This book is the first to examine these questions
systematically using the complete body of evidence
from one major urban centre: Acre. It reveals that
Acre contained a significant number of people
who engaged in learned activities, as well as the
existence of study centres housed within the city.
This volume also seeks to reconstruct the discourse
that flowed across four major fields of learning:
language and translation, jurisprudence, the study
of Islam and theological exchanges with Eastern
Christians. The result is an unprecedentedly
rich portrait of a hitherto neglected intellectual
centre on the eastern shores of the medieval
Papers by Jonathan Rubin
The petition underscores the immense damage inflicted by the war, which is being conducted without a clear political vision, while causing tremendous harm to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip as well as the destruction of vital infrastructure. The war results in numerous Israeli casualties, endangers the lives of the hostages, displaces civilians, and all of this is compounded by the erosion of the rule of law in Israel and the Occupied Territories, as well as damage to the Israeli economy and to the country’s international standing.
Prof. Iris Milner of Tel Aviv University one of the initiators of the petition stated: "The Israeli government operates on a self-interested and messianic basis instead of a strategic diplomatic vision, abandoning its citizens - hostages, displaced persons, regular and reserve soldiers - and perpetuating an unbearable humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Academic staff of Israeli higher education institutions strongly reject this conduct, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of a deal for the release of hostages, and the creation of a diplomatic horizon for the post-war period, for the sake of the country's
La Descriptio Terre Sancte de Burchard de Mont Sion, rédigée vers 1280, est une oeuvre familière aux spécialistes de la Terre Sainte médiévale, qui la considèrent comme un compte rendu systématique de cette région. Ce texte connut également une grande popularité au cours du bas Moyen Âge ainsi qu'au début de l'époque moderne, comme le démontre le vaste nombre de manuscrits et d'éditions imprimées de cette oeuvre qui nous sont parvenus. Pourtant, nous savons très peu de choses sur le texte tel qu'il fut rédigé par Burchard ainsi que sur la façon dont il a évolué au fil du temps. Le but de cet article est d'offrir, pour la première fois, une étude exhaustive de tous les manuscrits de ce qu'on appelle la "longue version" de la Descriptio. Nous analyserons les différentes familles de manuscrits ainsi que les rapports entre celles-ci. Nous espérons que cette étude permettra nous rapprocher du texte original de Burchard, et en même temps facilitera la recherche concernant la tradition et la réception de la Descriptio Terre Sancte.
activity? To what extent and in what ways did the
Latin residents of the Crusader states acquire
knowledge from Muslims and Eastern Christians?
And how were the Crusader states influenced by
the intellectual developments which characterized
the West in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries?
This book is the first to examine these questions
systematically using the complete body of evidence
from one major urban centre: Acre. It reveals that
Acre contained a significant number of people
who engaged in learned activities, as well as the
existence of study centres housed within the city.
This volume also seeks to reconstruct the discourse
that flowed across four major fields of learning:
language and translation, jurisprudence, the study
of Islam and theological exchanges with Eastern
Christians. The result is an unprecedentedly
rich portrait of a hitherto neglected intellectual
centre on the eastern shores of the medieval
The petition underscores the immense damage inflicted by the war, which is being conducted without a clear political vision, while causing tremendous harm to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip as well as the destruction of vital infrastructure. The war results in numerous Israeli casualties, endangers the lives of the hostages, displaces civilians, and all of this is compounded by the erosion of the rule of law in Israel and the Occupied Territories, as well as damage to the Israeli economy and to the country’s international standing.
Prof. Iris Milner of Tel Aviv University one of the initiators of the petition stated: "The Israeli government operates on a self-interested and messianic basis instead of a strategic diplomatic vision, abandoning its citizens - hostages, displaced persons, regular and reserve soldiers - and perpetuating an unbearable humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Academic staff of Israeli higher education institutions strongly reject this conduct, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of a deal for the release of hostages, and the creation of a diplomatic horizon for the post-war period, for the sake of the country's
La Descriptio Terre Sancte de Burchard de Mont Sion, rédigée vers 1280, est une oeuvre familière aux spécialistes de la Terre Sainte médiévale, qui la considèrent comme un compte rendu systématique de cette région. Ce texte connut également une grande popularité au cours du bas Moyen Âge ainsi qu'au début de l'époque moderne, comme le démontre le vaste nombre de manuscrits et d'éditions imprimées de cette oeuvre qui nous sont parvenus. Pourtant, nous savons très peu de choses sur le texte tel qu'il fut rédigé par Burchard ainsi que sur la façon dont il a évolué au fil du temps. Le but de cet article est d'offrir, pour la première fois, une étude exhaustive de tous les manuscrits de ce qu'on appelle la "longue version" de la Descriptio. Nous analyserons les différentes familles de manuscrits ainsi que les rapports entre celles-ci. Nous espérons que cette étude permettra nous rapprocher du texte original de Burchard, et en même temps facilitera la recherche concernant la tradition et la réception de la Descriptio Terre Sancte.