David Schwartz
PhD :The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. +LL.B
Research Topic:•The Political System in Israel,Development of Public Administration,Companies and Urban Corporations,The Revisionist Movement in Zionism,Local Government in Israel
Audit and Control of Organizations and Institutions
Election Methods in Israel
. +former: Head of the Supervisory Committee, Head of the Salary Committee, Director – Otsar HaShilton Bank(DEXIA group Bank).
CEO-Schwartz Institute for research.
Address: post box 7270 ramat gan israel
Research Topic:•The Political System in Israel,Development of Public Administration,Companies and Urban Corporations,The Revisionist Movement in Zionism,Local Government in Israel
Audit and Control of Organizations and Institutions
Election Methods in Israel
. +former: Head of the Supervisory Committee, Head of the Salary Committee, Director – Otsar HaShilton Bank(DEXIA group Bank).
CEO-Schwartz Institute for research.
Address: post box 7270 ramat gan israel
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Papers by David Schwartz
All these theories contradict the scientific theories in the academic world on the history and nature of the order. An examination of the source of these theories leads to a series of lectures of a former Freemason named William Schnoebelen.
William Schnoebelen was a former Freemason who became a born-again Christian. His main arguments were that the Freemasons learn one type of knowledge in the Scottish version until rank 32 and another type from rank 33 onwards. He holds that there are ranks beyond the 33 ranks that other Freemasons, in the United States and around the world, are not aware of (Schnoebelen 2012a).
However, William Schnoebelen, who developed in the public the mistaken perception that the two orders are in essence one, was in actually wrong. A more in-depth examination of the history and of the doctrines of the two orders indicates that these are two different orders that were established at different times under a different ideological doctrine, one in the British version and one in a non-British version. Although there are individual Freemasons who are members in Memphis-Misraim and in regular Freemason orders, it is possible to determine that Memphis-Misraim was established as separate from the regular Freemason order and includes a completely different learning theory that emphasizes mysticism.
Therefore, it is a mistaken perception to think that the Freemason order is related to the Illuminati order. An in-depth examination of Memphis-Misraim shows that this order saw itself to be the continuation of the Illuminati order and not a regular Freemason order established in the British style.
Academic researchers in the future need to understand the source of the public perception towards the Freemason order and to address them as two different organizations with two different doctrines
the consent of the general public. The Modern State is responsible for
imparting knowledge and values to the younger generation. (Weisblay,
2012) Compulsory education stands at the heart of the democratic state
and provides stable and productive land for society by imparting moral
values, cultural messages and relevant information. It is also important
for continuing the path and acquiring a profession. The Compulsory
Education Law, 1949, states that the State must provide every child in
Israel with an same quality level education (Compulsory Education
Law, 5709-1949)
The law provides equal opportunity for every child in Israel to acquire
a formal education from the age of three. From the end of the 1970s,
alongside regular schools with formal education, special schools have
begun to operate, which are not owned by the state. (Weisblay, 2012)
The unique schools developed and developed over time in various
fields such as: sciences, nature, schools, unique democratic and anthroposophical schools. In addition, various educational networks, both
secular and religious, have appeared in the Arab and Jewish sectors.
This phenomenon has developed widely and has spread to various
sub-sectors in Israel. The foundation behind this system is the principle of “belief”, which determines that education is formally adapted to
the unique needs of different populations in Israel while adapting to
the nature of schools for cultural perception.
This is in accordance with existing definitions and penal rules. Criminal punishment pursues two purposes: first, to punish the offender and force him to pay his debt to society and to the victim, and second, to transfer him through a rehabilitation process so that he will not repeat criminal behavior in the future. Although the criminal justice system has set both goals, new studies show that the current law enforcement system can not change norms of repeat delinquency by confinement. (McCold, 1995). In addition, incarceration requires considerable investment from the state budget.
The Single Parent Law 5752-1992 deals with the definition of who is a single parent, the purpose of the law is to regulate the issue of benefits to these families, and the various government offices provide unique benefits and financial support to single-parent families in order to help them. For this purpose, it is the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the National Insurance Institute and others. The purpose of this aid is actually to rescue single-parent families in Israel from the poverty class. The present study reviews the constitutional basis and the activities of government ministries responsible for this issue. The aim of this study is to present the general picture of the situation of single-parent families in Israel from economic, social and cultural aspects, and a change in their employment status as a result of the introduction of the Arrangements Law. Special attention will be given to various benefits and programs initiated during this period relevant to the research.
A strike is one of the essential tools that a worker can use when he wants to improve the conditions of his employment with his employer. This is an "organized refusal to work as a form of protest by a workers' body", usually in an attempt to obtain concessions or concessions from their employer.
The right to strike is considered one of the basic socio-economic rights in democracy and is recognized as such in international law as well as in laws and rulings in various countries. In general, it is possible to define that the strike is an extreme response of the group of employees to the failure of negotiations with an employer or a group of employers. There are four types of strikes:
* An economic strike (when the issue of strike and demand is economic). * A political strike, when the nature of the strike and the dispute is
China University of PolitiCal sCienCe and law - aCademiC Press
157 ManageMent HuMan ResouRces and Law david scHwaRtz & BinyaMin guRstein
over conceptual ideological and political issues. * A solidarity strike - a strike that takes place out of solidarity and solidarity, and not out of economic or political interests. * A quasi-political strike (when an issue and a subject of strike combine both economic and political interests). The four types of strikes are defined in legislation and definition in countries and international organizations. In most studies, economic strikes are recognized as legitimate, as opposed to political and quasipolitical strikes considered illegitimate. Of course, a decision on this is made in each country separately. (Berenson, Berenson, 2000) (Radai, 1994) (Shaked, 1999)
The study of the strike field and its importance is of great importance for several reasons:
* The first is due to an overall view of the rights of workers and individuals in a democracy.
* Second, recognition of the employee's weakness against the power of an employer.
Data indicate that approximately 111,388 workdays were lost each year due to strikes. Although there has been a decrease in the number of strikes since the 1990s, however, the amount of days has risen significantly. (Sehayek, 2004) In 2016, 138,685 workdays were lost, during 32 full strikes in which 88,371 strikers took part. In addition, there were 24 partial strikes, in which 26,165 workers participated. (Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Services, 2016) It is important to note that a strike causes millions of shekels of damage per year (Afik, 2003). The economic damage?
We have recently witnessed the emergence of a new type of strike - a virtual strike, an unknown player in the world of global strikes, because
a virtual strike is declared by the court, with the consent of both sides to the labor dispute. One advantage of a virtual strike is that it does not harm the public. It is easier to sit at the negotiating table when there is no third party involved in settling the conflict, when both sides know that only they are the losers of the duration of the strike.
On the virtual strike, the world first heard only in the mid-1950s. There are not many people in the court, and those dealing with workers' rights, strike rights, etc., who are aware of the subject of the virtual strike. Their opinions are divided. Since the subject of the strike is not anchored in the law, each of these dignitaries tries to set its own rules for a virtual strike.
In this work, We will try to discuss the various definitions of the strike, the short history of virtual strikes (not much information in their results), the comparison between a regular strike, the cessation of work of various kinds, attempts to re-legitimize the strikes and legislative proposals. During the course of the study I will discuss the recognition and definition of virtual strikes between two different countries, Israel and Italy.
Therefore, from the intention to create an ideological opposition to the socialist Zionist movements Jabotinsky decided to write from the very foundation a complete political-ideological theory about the Jewish state that would be established. This system of thought included detailed rational and scientific explanations about every possible aspect in the Jewish state, which included areas such as methods of government, welfare institutions, judicial institutions, and economic policy .
Jabotinsky understood that the capital owners were not those who created the majority necessary for the future Hebrew state. He maintained that for the Jewish majority in the settlement and in the future state to be created, there must be the immigration of the Jewish working class. Therefore, the conditions appropriate for the mass immigration of this class must be created.
All these theories contradict the scientific theories in the academic world on the history and nature of the order. An examination of the source of these theories leads to a series of lectures of a former Freemason named William Schnoebelen.
William Schnoebelen was a former Freemason who became a born-again Christian. His main arguments were that the Freemasons learn one type of knowledge in the Scottish version until rank 32 and another type from rank 33 onwards. He holds that there are ranks beyond the 33 ranks that other Freemasons, in the United States and around the world, are not aware of (Schnoebelen 2012a).
However, William Schnoebelen, who developed in the public the mistaken perception that the two orders are in essence one, was in actually wrong. A more in-depth examination of the history and of the doctrines of the two orders indicates that these are two different orders that were established at different times under a different ideological doctrine, one in the British version and one in a non-British version. Although there are individual Freemasons who are members in Memphis-Misraim and in regular Freemason orders, it is possible to determine that Memphis-Misraim was established as separate from the regular Freemason order and includes a completely different learning theory that emphasizes mysticism.
Therefore, it is a mistaken perception to think that the Freemason order is related to the Illuminati order. An in-depth examination of Memphis-Misraim shows that this order saw itself to be the continuation of the Illuminati order and not a regular Freemason order established in the British style.
Academic researchers in the future need to understand the source of the public perception towards the Freemason order and to address them as two different organizations with two different doctrines
the consent of the general public. The Modern State is responsible for
imparting knowledge and values to the younger generation. (Weisblay,
2012) Compulsory education stands at the heart of the democratic state
and provides stable and productive land for society by imparting moral
values, cultural messages and relevant information. It is also important
for continuing the path and acquiring a profession. The Compulsory
Education Law, 1949, states that the State must provide every child in
Israel with an same quality level education (Compulsory Education
Law, 5709-1949)
The law provides equal opportunity for every child in Israel to acquire
a formal education from the age of three. From the end of the 1970s,
alongside regular schools with formal education, special schools have
begun to operate, which are not owned by the state. (Weisblay, 2012)
The unique schools developed and developed over time in various
fields such as: sciences, nature, schools, unique democratic and anthroposophical schools. In addition, various educational networks, both
secular and religious, have appeared in the Arab and Jewish sectors.
This phenomenon has developed widely and has spread to various
sub-sectors in Israel. The foundation behind this system is the principle of “belief”, which determines that education is formally adapted to
the unique needs of different populations in Israel while adapting to
the nature of schools for cultural perception.
This is in accordance with existing definitions and penal rules. Criminal punishment pursues two purposes: first, to punish the offender and force him to pay his debt to society and to the victim, and second, to transfer him through a rehabilitation process so that he will not repeat criminal behavior in the future. Although the criminal justice system has set both goals, new studies show that the current law enforcement system can not change norms of repeat delinquency by confinement. (McCold, 1995). In addition, incarceration requires considerable investment from the state budget.
The Single Parent Law 5752-1992 deals with the definition of who is a single parent, the purpose of the law is to regulate the issue of benefits to these families, and the various government offices provide unique benefits and financial support to single-parent families in order to help them. For this purpose, it is the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the National Insurance Institute and others. The purpose of this aid is actually to rescue single-parent families in Israel from the poverty class. The present study reviews the constitutional basis and the activities of government ministries responsible for this issue. The aim of this study is to present the general picture of the situation of single-parent families in Israel from economic, social and cultural aspects, and a change in their employment status as a result of the introduction of the Arrangements Law. Special attention will be given to various benefits and programs initiated during this period relevant to the research.
A strike is one of the essential tools that a worker can use when he wants to improve the conditions of his employment with his employer. This is an "organized refusal to work as a form of protest by a workers' body", usually in an attempt to obtain concessions or concessions from their employer.
The right to strike is considered one of the basic socio-economic rights in democracy and is recognized as such in international law as well as in laws and rulings in various countries. In general, it is possible to define that the strike is an extreme response of the group of employees to the failure of negotiations with an employer or a group of employers. There are four types of strikes:
* An economic strike (when the issue of strike and demand is economic). * A political strike, when the nature of the strike and the dispute is
China University of PolitiCal sCienCe and law - aCademiC Press
157 ManageMent HuMan ResouRces and Law david scHwaRtz & BinyaMin guRstein
over conceptual ideological and political issues. * A solidarity strike - a strike that takes place out of solidarity and solidarity, and not out of economic or political interests. * A quasi-political strike (when an issue and a subject of strike combine both economic and political interests). The four types of strikes are defined in legislation and definition in countries and international organizations. In most studies, economic strikes are recognized as legitimate, as opposed to political and quasipolitical strikes considered illegitimate. Of course, a decision on this is made in each country separately. (Berenson, Berenson, 2000) (Radai, 1994) (Shaked, 1999)
The study of the strike field and its importance is of great importance for several reasons:
* The first is due to an overall view of the rights of workers and individuals in a democracy.
* Second, recognition of the employee's weakness against the power of an employer.
Data indicate that approximately 111,388 workdays were lost each year due to strikes. Although there has been a decrease in the number of strikes since the 1990s, however, the amount of days has risen significantly. (Sehayek, 2004) In 2016, 138,685 workdays were lost, during 32 full strikes in which 88,371 strikers took part. In addition, there were 24 partial strikes, in which 26,165 workers participated. (Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Services, 2016) It is important to note that a strike causes millions of shekels of damage per year (Afik, 2003). The economic damage?
We have recently witnessed the emergence of a new type of strike - a virtual strike, an unknown player in the world of global strikes, because
a virtual strike is declared by the court, with the consent of both sides to the labor dispute. One advantage of a virtual strike is that it does not harm the public. It is easier to sit at the negotiating table when there is no third party involved in settling the conflict, when both sides know that only they are the losers of the duration of the strike.
On the virtual strike, the world first heard only in the mid-1950s. There are not many people in the court, and those dealing with workers' rights, strike rights, etc., who are aware of the subject of the virtual strike. Their opinions are divided. Since the subject of the strike is not anchored in the law, each of these dignitaries tries to set its own rules for a virtual strike.
In this work, We will try to discuss the various definitions of the strike, the short history of virtual strikes (not much information in their results), the comparison between a regular strike, the cessation of work of various kinds, attempts to re-legitimize the strikes and legislative proposals. During the course of the study I will discuss the recognition and definition of virtual strikes between two different countries, Israel and Italy.
Therefore, from the intention to create an ideological opposition to the socialist Zionist movements Jabotinsky decided to write from the very foundation a complete political-ideological theory about the Jewish state that would be established. This system of thought included detailed rational and scientific explanations about every possible aspect in the Jewish state, which included areas such as methods of government, welfare institutions, judicial institutions, and economic policy .
Jabotinsky understood that the capital owners were not those who created the majority necessary for the future Hebrew state. He maintained that for the Jewish majority in the settlement and in the future state to be created, there must be the immigration of the Jewish working class. Therefore, the conditions appropriate for the mass immigration of this class must be created.
Many fields of human wisdom agreed in their vision, that conflicts are an integral part of human nature (Plato, 2002; Plato, 1971). Nowadays, social sciences and other fields of research see conflict as a process of synthesis among contradicting factors, much like merging materials in the exact sciences. More than that psychological approach supports these findings with the claim that conflicts are being a part of our unconscious human perceptions (Adler, 1936; Adler, 2010; Freud, 1962, 1965, 1921; Marx, Engels, 1848; Ropers, 2002). In contrast with the past century humanistic approach nowadays centrality has been perceived by realistic thinkers. This perception sets new aims to find methodological and empirical tools for measuring and understanding conflicts and its resolution.
Those concepts set as goals bring facts rather than giving a ruling concept or the perception of truth and justice. It is about investigating the phenomenon with various tools. Although a realistic approach provides an explanation and research tool, it is difficult to come up with solutions and sometimes it causes more complexibility in conflict. Therefore, the purpose of the present work is to choose a “third way” that presents a synthesis between realistic and idealistic conceptions as described in works of Pyotr Demianovich Ouspenskii, Nikolai Berdyaev, Emanuel Kant and many others (Berdyaev, 2002; Berdyaev, 2004; Ouspensky, 1922). There is no doubt that the current essay is not going to resolve or give pure answers, but extensive knowledge from multidisciplinary fields such as philosophy, social and natural sciences medicine, and psychology. The main goal of the integrated interdisciplinary approach is to provide a comprehensive and broad picture that will raise more questions than provide answers. In the breath of conception stands the assumption that conflicts are investigated as collision and as a phenomenon that requires interpretation. However, adherence is linked to creating reconciliation and transformation processes. Such perception appears in the works of great intellectuals such as Roberto Assagioli (1888- 1974), Italian psychiatrist and pioneer in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology who discovers resolving human conflict as an individual, John Paul Lederach who explores group conflict and develops the basis for its transformation, Martin Liner, in his approach of creating learning groups on and many others. All of these settings as s central goal the understanding of conflict and its transformation into positive paths that will serve the good of the individual and the group. Therefore, this book presents those perceptions through qualitative and quantitative research, deep empirical and methodological understanding that serves the purpose of conflict transformation (CT) both on a personal and a group level. The review addresses and takes a source from the individual level through the psychosynthesis approach, and a group level through the perception of conflict transformation in Political and Social science research. The current work is co-creation of researchers from different fields in life and social sciences, medicine, clinical psychology, and philosophy. Such cooperation is set to form a foundation for further fertile research.
על הטראנספורמציה שעברה מנהיגותו
The studies in the book attempt to argue that in Jabotinsky's writings it can be seen that in his opinion the level of complete economic liberalization (capitalism), without restrictions on the part of the state, will lead to a high level of economic prosperity. In other words, liberal-economic ideas, such as private capital and free trade, that is, capitalism, were the basis of Jabotinsky's faith and economic writing.
More than once, global and international companies combine forces with a government to promote these goals and find a common goal of combating poverty and economic and social advancement. It can be argued that economic success and the elimination of unemployment are among the cornerstones of a successful society.
In recent decades, this market has been driven by the development of technology and the emergence of giant international companies such as LinkedIn, Google, and others, which determine the trends in the binary markets. These companies often concentrate higher budgets than national ones. In addition, they create "open" and mobile boundaries, a relocation of human capital. As a result, the labor market is changing its shape, and from a place where a narrow national interest becomes international and multicultural. These procedures create a standardization that seeks a uniform approach in the world for success and a uniform guideline between the players.
China University of PolitiCal sCienCe and law - aCademiC Press
9 ManageMent HuMan ResouRces and Law david scHwaRtz & BinyaMin guRstein
The neoliberal economy and the capitalist market raise the importance of international legislation regulating the field. Thus, organizations such as the International Labor Organization, the European Common Market, the Organization of the Black Sea, and the United Nations and others, are engaged in similar activities and are creating a platform for integration into timemanagement and human resources systems for the market and society.