Emotions, Imaginations, Perceptions, Egos, Characteristics: Egodocuments in Dutch Jewish History , 2021
"Egodocuments" is a term coined by the Dutch Jewish historian Jacques Presser in the 1950s. He de... more "Egodocuments" is a term coined by the Dutch Jewish historian Jacques Presser in the 1950s. He defined them as “historical sources in which the researcher is faced with an ‘I’… as the writing and describing subject with a continuous presence in the text,” and demanded their integration into the “acceptable,” authoritative array of sources. Seventy years later, historiography in general has embraced his view regarding this type of source material, which sheds light on the emotions, imaginations, perceptions, egos, and characteristics of individuals. Holocaust research has become a leading venue for using, researching, and analysing egodocuments due to the enormous amount of such sources available concerning this event.
This volume comprises contributions presented in a symposium dedicated to "Egodocuments In Dutch Jewish History," convened by the Center for Research on Dutch Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in December 2017. They stretch from fascinating documents that give voice to eighteenth-century Jewish crooks, to puzzling twenty-first century writings of Jews - as well as of non-Jews who present themselves as Jews - with a special emphasis on Holocaust-related egodocuments.
Introduction: Dan Michman, Chapters by Arianne Baggerman and Rudolf Dekker, Annemiek Gringold, Tehilah van Luit, Irene Zwiep, Evelien Gans, David Wertheim, Selma Leydesdorff, Manfred Gerstenfeld, Reina Rutlinger-Reiner
Papers by Dan Michman
My publication Holocaust Historiography Between 1990to 2012 in Context(s) is a follow-up to this earlier survey and analysis
My publication Holocaust Historiography Between 1990to 2012 in Context(s) is a follow-up to this earlier survey and analysis
הרצאה בכינוס באוניברסיטת בר אילן לרגל פרישתו לגמלאות, 18 במאי 2023 (בינתיים הוא גם נבחר כחבר חדש באקדמיה הלאומית למדעים)
Based on my Hebrew article “Can the Term ‘Antisemitism’ be Used as a Characterizing or Analytical Category in Scholarly Discourse? A Reply to David Engel,” Zion 85 (2020), pp. 391-408 (Hebrew)
This lecture has now been published in German in a slightly abridged version (and isn't yet available online):
“Bürokratische Gehorsamkeit, Gruppendruck, Selbstermächtigung: Gewöhnlich Menschen und die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der nationalsozialistische Judenpolitik,” in: Thomas Köhler, Jürgen Matthäus, Thomas Pegelow Kaplan and Peter Römer (eds.), Polizei und Holocaust. Eine Generation nach Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men (Paderborn: Brill/Schöningh, 2023), pp. 24-44
For the cover see: https://www.academia.edu/77809179/Holocaust_Historiography_Between_1990_to_2021_in_Context_s_New_Insights_Perceptions_Understandings_and_Avenues_An_Overview_and_Analysis
Hard copies of this booklet can be purchased via the Yad Vashem website (bookstore)
Hard copy available at
The full text can be found at acdemia.edu under HOLOCAUST HISTORIOGRAPHY BETWEEN 1990 TO 2021
This volume comprises contributions presented in a symposium dedicated to "Egodocuments In Dutch Jewish History," convened by the Center for Research on Dutch Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in December 2017. They stretch from fascinating documents that give voice to eighteenth-century Jewish crooks, to puzzling twenty-first century writings of Jews - as well as of non-Jews who present themselves as Jews - with a special emphasis on Holocaust-related egodocuments.
Introduction: Dan Michman, Chapters by Arianne Baggerman and Rudolf Dekker, Annemiek Gringold, Tehilah van Luit, Irene Zwiep, Evelien Gans, David Wertheim, Selma Leydesdorff, Manfred Gerstenfeld, Reina Rutlinger-Reiner
Letters written in Dutch in the immediate post-WWII period (September 1945-January 1946) by my mother to her mother and sisters in Palestine/Eretz Israel; with introductions by me and my father, and an epilogue by my father
Introduction: un état des lieux mémoriels.... Françoise Ouzan
Epilogue: Un paysage méoriel en évolution.... Dan Michman
Ce livre constitue un dialogue entre les thèmes qui préoccupent Roselyne Koren et les travaux de ses collègues et étudiants. Il présente des accords et des discords intellectuels, et un débat direct et indirect à travers des cas de figure, avec des questions d'éthique, de linguistique énonciative et d'argumentation, domaines propres à la quête intellectuelle et scientifique de Roselyne Koren.
The lecture deals with a) Hilberg's relations with Yad Vashem and my father; b) an analysis and critique of Hilberg's model/conceptualization of the Holocaust; c) presentation of a different conceptualization of the Holocaust
The preface to the volume, written by the editors, depicts major developments in the religious life of Dutch Jewry in the Netherlands from the beginning of the 16th century till today, and gives an overview of the articles included in the volume.
The review was published in the Dutch historical periodical Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, one of the two leading Dutch historical periodicals (this periodical deals with history in general, the other one - BMGN, the official periodical of the Dutch historical society - deals only with history of the Low Countries).