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Journal created:
on 31 May 2005 (#7290669)
on 30 June 2005
Brick In The Wall : Project Discussion
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Brick In The Wall
Learn Differently

All in all we're just another brick in the wall...

A nationwide series of projects to raise awareness and exploration of alternative education in Malaysia - from student exchanges and mentorships to homeschooling and deschooling. Projects include a Resource Centre, the "Support Me" Program, a scholarship fund, awareness programs, and many more.

I. Increased participation by Malaysian youth in alternative education

II. National awareness of alternative education and other education options

III. Increased number of programs, opportunities, and support available for alternative education

IV. Making more resources about alternative education available to the public

V. Providing well-rounded members of society that are creative, imaginative, intelligent, helpful, unorthodox, aware, and able to cope with the ever-changing demands of modern society

VI. Create a society that is aware of world issues, free to discuss and communicate, and ultimately free to choose their method of education

I. People
Brick In The Wall needs people to power the project - by being counselors, administrators, managers, advisors, coordinators, and volunteers.

II. Money
The money will go to funding Brick In The Wall's various projects, as well as The Brick In The Wall Fund.

III. Ideas And Feedback
The ideas and feedback received will help design, create, and maintain Brick In The Wall's projects as well as gauge the projects' effectiveness.

IV. Publicity
Spread the word out! Brick In The Wall needs awareness - about the project and about alternative education in general - to succeed. This can be by word of mouth and/or through the media.

V. Support
Support in any form - material, financial, emotional, publicity, anything - will help Brick In The Wall a great deal. Even a little goes a long way.

People In Charge (So Far):
Tiara - divabat - [email protected]
Samir - no LJ yet - [email protected]
Yi Liang - yiliang - [email protected]

Project Proposal (Preliminary Draft)

Project Profile:

If you are interested in providing and pursuing options for alternative education in Malaysia, regardless of whether you are young or old, working or studying...

Join Us!
