Papers by Anabela Katrenicova

The treatise of Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo, intituled De bono coniugali presents the unique... more The treatise of Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo, intituled De bono coniugali presents the unique dogmatist and at the same time moralistic view on the topic of marriage, which did not have, at the time, the analogy in the patristic literature. In this paper we focus on the Saint Augustine’s apology of the marriage. In centre of our interest will be the moral principles of the married couples issued from the main characteristic rudiments of the marriage defined by our bishop of Hippo that are used in the catholic Church almost without any changes also in nowadays. The marriage as the union of man and woman was from the beginning viewed as the base of the human society of any religion. Also the pagan Rome esteemed a lot the family and the spouses procreating and raising the children for the fatherland. The Christianity brings to the marriage the new aspect by giving to it the character of the sanctity and inviolability. The marriages were united with the goal of the procreation of the legitimate offspring but its absence, according Saint Augustine, did not make the obstacle of the sanctity and the purpose of the marriage. The Church in the confrontation with the pagan customs and traditions, or the sinful concupiscence of the man, well maintained the observation of the sacrament of the marriage, which provides with the new content. That is why the marriage became the sacred union based on the norm of the inviolability, the equality of both spouses, the procreation of the offspring and mutual fidelity. By theses rules the Church helped the women to gain the more dignify position in the society than it given by the roman legislative.
Revue Theologique De Louvain, 2017
La litterature medievale represente generalement Salomon comme le roi plein de la grâce, de la sa... more La litterature medievale represente generalement Salomon comme le roi plein de la grâce, de la sagesse et de la justice de Dieu. Mais a l’epoque, surgit aussi une polemique: etait-il vraiment possible de considerer Salomon comme un saint? Bel exemple de cette polemique: le traite unique en son genre intitule Responsio de damnatione Salomonis redige par Philippe de Harveng, abbe premontre de l’abbaye de Bonne-Esperance, qui proposa une image de Salomon compris comme un pecheur ne faisant pas preuve de repentir. Cet article analyse ce traite en se centrant sur la nature du peche de Salomon et sur sa damnation.

Dialogo, Nov 30, 2020
The medieval penitentials propose a very interesting source to understand the sight of the whole ... more The medieval penitentials propose a very interesting source to understand the sight of the whole society on the women. In our study, the presented books of penance reveal the women in their different social roles. We see them as the poor victims of the sinful activity of men. Nevertheless, we can recognize them as evil sinners. In this study, we try to present the medieval view of women's social position, the nature of their sins, and their manner of trespassing God's commandments as well. The numerous penitentials denote that the women commit only some kinds of sins, from which we can mention murder, witchcraft, and lust. Thus the women in Middle-Ages arouse fear and that is why they must be subordinated by men in society. Fortunately, the 20th century brings to women the liberty and equality with men, the new situation to which the Catholic Church reacts with the exaltation of the women.

Vox Patrum, Mar 15, 2023
St. Augustine's work De bono viduitatis written in 414 is not a treatise but a letter addressed t... more St. Augustine's work De bono viduitatis written in 414 is not a treatise but a letter addressed to a widow issued from a noble Roman family named Juliana. She with her daughter and mother-in-law attempts to live the consecrated way of life. Under the strong influence of the ascetism and moralism of Pelagius, she begs Augustine to acquire the essential instructions for their devotion. Augustine in his answer proposes the original teaching on the widowhood based on the Holy Scripture, especially on the letters of apostle Paul, and encourages the women in their consecration to observe the goods of the widowhood. Nevertheless, St. Augustine does not write this letter only to Juliana. He desires that this letter will be spread to the other widows as well. The aim of our paper is to analyse the Augustine's letter to Juliana and focus our interest on the homiletical forms used by St. Augustine. Our argumentation is based on the analyse of this letter and on its comparison with Augustine's style of preaching. Examining the rhetoric elements used and known by St. Augustine as they are summarized in the Book Four of his treatise On Christian Teaching it enables us to present the style of Augustine-preacher and consequently to find some similarity and differences.
The Latin medieval literature in the region of the Slovakia however is described, there are not t... more The Latin medieval literature in the region of the Slovakia however is described, there are not the sufficient number of studies and editions of medieval manuscripts, which could lead us to better knowledge of them. This thesis presents a moralistic treatise named Tractatulus pulcherrimus de custodia quinque sensuum in the redaction of the medieval theologien from the Slovak region of Spis called Iohannes Iambor Roznawiensis.
Social Science Research Network, Nov 30, 2020
Kultúrne dejiny, 2022
/ 1 Slovo na úvod Foreword Vzpomínka na Petra Zmátla Nikdy mne nenapadlo, že budu muset psát násl... more / 1 Slovo na úvod Foreword Vzpomínka na Petra Zmátla Nikdy mne nenapadlo, že budu muset psát následující text. Ne že bych něco měl proti psaní Úvodníku do Kultúrnych dejín. Nikdy mne nenapadl takový obsah. Zcela náhle a nečekaně nás 3. března 2022 navždy opustil náš kolega a přítel Peter Zmátlo. Byl pro katedru a časopis nepostradatelný. Stačí si otevřít poslední číslo Kultúrnych dejín z roku 2021. Peter Zmátlo do něho přispěl Úvodníkem a pak rozhovorem s mou osobou. Mělo se jednat o bilancování mého působení v historické komunitě u příležitosti kulatého životního jubilea. Místo toho to byl poslední Petrův příspěvek do časopisu, kterému se tolik věnoval a tolik mu obětoval.
Dialogo Journal, 2017
The theme of the five senses in the medieval literature is very specific. We recognize the three ... more The theme of the five senses in the medieval literature is very specific. We recognize the three variations of this subject in the literature of medieval Austria and Slovakia written by three theologians Thomas Ebendorfer de Haselbach, Nicolaus de Dinkelsbuhel and Johannes Roznawiensis Jambor. In their teaching they represent the five senses as the instruments of the soul to know the external world, but also as the gates by which the sins and death enter into the soul. In addition, they divide the senses on the interior and exterior senses to express their function in the body of man. These three men influenced the philosophical and theological ideas of their epoch and created the fascinating system to understand the union between the body and the soul.
La litterature medievale represente generalement Salomon comme le roi plein de la grâce, de la sa... more La litterature medievale represente generalement Salomon comme le roi plein de la grâce, de la sagesse et de la justice de Dieu. Mais a l’epoque, surgit aussi une polemique: etait-il vraiment possible de considerer Salomon comme un saint? Bel exemple de cette polemique: le traite unique en son genre intitule Responsio de damnatione Salomonis redige par Philippe de Harveng, abbe premontre de l’abbaye de Bonne-Esperance, qui proposa une image de Salomon compris comme un pecheur ne faisant pas preuve de repentir. Cet article analyse ce traite en se centrant sur la nature du peche de Salomon et sur sa damnation.
Proceedings of DIALOGO-CONF 2020
Proceedings of Conferences on the Dialogue between Science and Theology, 2015
Books by Anabela Katrenicova
Virgo, uxor, vidua. Panenstvo, manželstvo a vdovstvo v učení Aurélia Augustína, 2021
Teologická fakulta Trnanvskej univerzity v Trnave Všetky práva vyhradené. Toto dielo ani jeho žia... more Teologická fakulta Trnanvskej univerzity v Trnave Všetky práva vyhradené. Toto dielo ani jeho žiadnu časť nemožno reprodukovať, ukladať do informačných systémov alebo inak rozširovať bez súhlasu majiteľov práv. Za odbornú a jazykovú stránku publikácie zodpovedá autor. Rukopis neprešiel redakčnou ani jazykovou úpravou.

Tamar, Rachab, Rút a Betsabe. Štyri starozákonné ženy, ktoré sa stali pramatkami Ježiša Krista, a... more Tamar, Rachab, Rút a Betsabe. Štyri starozákonné ženy, ktoré sa stali pramatkami Ježiša Krista, a ako jediným sa im spomedzi iných biblických žien dostalo pocty byť zahrnuté do Ježišovho rodokmeňa tak, ako ho zaznamenal evanjelista Matúš. Táto zvláštnosť si od počiatku biblickej exegézy vynútila pozornosť vykladačov Svätého písma. Publikácia sa zameriava na obdobie stredoveku, počas ktorého došlo k značnému vývoju tejto problematiky. V priebehu desiatich storočí sa s meniacim chápaním exegézy a s postupným vývojom nazerania na ženy a ich miesto v spoločnosti, menil aj pohľad na Ježišove pramatky. V období ranej cirkvi totiž stále pretrvával názor, že ženy sú dcérami hriešnej Evy a ako také majú na svojom tele a vo svojom živote prinášať zadosťučinenie za hriech a smrť, do ktorej uvrhli celé ľudstvo. Okrem hriechov sexuálneho charakteru, ktoré priamo vyplývali z ich skazenej a hriešnej prirodzenosti a náchylnosti k hriechu, ich cirkevní otcovia ďalej vinili z klamstva, straty ostýchavosti, pýchy, či podvodu. Cirkevní otcovia sa v prípade týchto štyroch žien zameriavajú aj na skutočnosť, že boli cudzinkami. S presným definovaním a vymedzením hriechu však v exegéze dochádza aj k presnejšej interpretácii štyroch žien ako hriešnic. Keďže do diapazónu ženských hriechov patrili hriechy rozličnej povahy, stredovekí autori začali konkretizovať previnenia štyroch žien z Matúšovho rodokmeňa. Medzi nimi uvádzajú predovšetkým prostitúciu a incest. Vrcholom stredovekej interpretácie je však stotožnenie týchto štyroch žien s Pannou Máriou ako výsledok dlhého spoločenského vývoja vo vzťahu k ženám. Vo vrcholnom stredoveku totiž dochádza k zmene chápania žien. Archetyp ženy Evy sa mení na archetyp ženy Panny Márie, teda ženy, u ktorej sa prestane zdôrazňovať jej hriešnosť a menejcennosť a navráti sa jej dôstojnosť.
Papers by Anabela Katrenicova
Books by Anabela Katrenicova