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    • Ethnic Conflict
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      Alternative Dispute ResolutionIdentity Conflicts
It is with great pleasure that we present you this collection of texts. This publication is one in a series of studies by the Junior Visiting Fellows of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna that come to the Institute from... more
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      History EducationCultural Trauma
Historické porozumenie alebo vyrovnanie sa "národov" (slovenského a maďarského) s vlastnou minulosťou sa v poslednej dekáde (opäť) stalo politickou témou. Vysokí politickí reprezentanti oboch krajín sa vyslovili o potrebe "spoločných... more
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Táto publikácia bola pripravená v rámci projektu KEGA č. 3/4072/06 "Vybrané otázky európskeho práva a medzinárodných vzťahov v odbore: Európske štúdiá".
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      Political Discourse AnalysisCultural Trauma
with Anne NURSE.
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    • Juvenile Justice
The financial support from these projects is gratefully acknowledged.
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The financial support from these projects is gratefully acknowledged.
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Since the third wave of democratisation reached Central and Eastern Europe in 1989 and its communist regimes began to crumble, the fate of liberal democracies has become polemicised. In 1989, the end of another grand ideology of the... more
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    • Transitional Justice
In the years following the proclaimed “End of History”, many hoped that with democratisation and a return to Europe and the West nationalist sentiments would gradually die out and give way to the culture of human rights and liberal... more
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      Cultural TraumaQuality of Democracy
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      Central European historyMemory Studies
Massive student protests in South Africa in the past few years, largest since the times of the anti-apartheid struggles, raised several questions for political scientists. Are we witnessing a generational change? Or are they a sign of a... more
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      South African Politics and SocietyIdentity (Culture)Transitional JusticeYouth Political Participation
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    • Human Rights
Tento príbeh mal ešte písať môj otec Miroslav Kusý. Do nemocnice som mu šiesteho februára priniesla starší text, kde sa táto udalosť okrajovo spomína, mama zas spísala, ako si to pamätala ona. Prebrali sme to, ale dokopy sme to už písomne... more
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      History of SlovakiaCzech Velvet Revolution
Čo sme robili pred 30 rokmi: Poľskí disidenti prišli už s poslaneckou imunitou, takže ich ŠtB nemohla zavrieť
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      History of Slovakia1989 in Europe
13. augusta 1989 bolo rušné pondelkové ráno. Len deň predtým sme sa vrátili z Prahy, ani vybaliť sme ešte nestihli. Ráno už pred piatou zazvonil zvonček a pred dverami stálo nastúpené komando na domovú prehliadku. Poslednú.
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      Regime changeHistory of Slovakia