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Birth stories
3rd-Aug-2007 01:57 pm(no subject)
I got the beat
I joined this story a long tie ago (back when it started!) intending to post all my birth stories after my third was born.. well, he was born in, um, march, and here I am just getting around to it now!

three natural, vaginal home birthsCollapse )
24th-Apr-2007 11:47 am - intro post
Hi ladies (and gents!): Just thought I'd introduce myself in advance. I don't have a birth story to share as of yet, but as I'm due in late July 2007 I'll be sharing mine with all of you soon enough. :) Good luck and congrats to all those ladies who've already gone through the childbirthing experience.
8th-Apr-2007 11:31 pm - The birth of my second child
Oliver Gael
Born April 4, 2007 at 3:23AM
8lbs. 19 & 1/2 inches.

Unassisted homebirthCollapse )
21st-Mar-2007 07:35 pm(no subject)
Since I am currently prego with my 2nd child..I am in the mood to length...

Read more...Collapse )
I wrote this story almost 3 years ago. Much has changed since then. I was very pleased with my daughter's birth then, but as time has passed, I truly regret just about every choice I made.

I'm nearing my second birth, and it feels like I've never even experienced birth before! I cannot wait to post that story. I have a feeling it will be drastically different than this one.

Ciara Eibhlin. Born May 6, 2004. Hospital birth. OB. Pitocin. Epidural...Collapse )
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