International Laser Treatment Centers
Please note – to find a treatment center in the United States, please click here to search our doctor database.
- Dr. Philip S. Bekhor, 503, Elgar Road, Box Hill, 3128, Melbourne, Victoria
- Phone: 9890 1844,
- Fax: 9890 2270
- Dr. Halbert (she has rooms in Wellington West Perth and Cottesloe)
- Phone: +61 (0)8 93217641, + 61 (0) 8 93851441
- Carl Vintulo, Derm Laser
- Phone: +61 (0) 892242177 or 089 92242244,
- Email: [email protected]
- Dr. Margaret Pascoe, Royal Children’s Hospital,
- Phone: 03 9345 6441.
- Dr. Tony Moore, Adelaide Plastic Surgery Association, Memorial Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia
- Phone: 8267-1800
- Dr. Shim’s Plastic Aesthetic Clinic,Dong Seo Blvd.,2F 9-8 Cheong Dam Dong,Kangnam Ku,Seoul, Korea 135-100,
- Phone:. 82-2-515-1191
- Fax: 82-2-515-1193
- National Skin Centre Singapore, 1 Mandalay Road Singapore 308205,
- Phone: +65-2534455
- Fax : +65-2533225
- Mr. Gary Pope, Photogenica Sales Rep., Photogenica lasers in the Asian region. He can provide info. on doctors & hospitals who bought the Photogenica laser, Asian Marketing Resources,Hong Kong,
- Phone: 852-2-592-9504,
- Fax: 852-2-812-2539
- Editor’s Note: it has been reported that this info is no longer valid.
- THE DERMATOLOGY CENTRE, Dr. Ricky Kannee Schachter, Dr. Daniel Shachter, Dr. Anne Curtis, 208 Bloor St. West, Suite 403, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B4,
- Phone: 416-922-9620
- Fax: 416-922-4358
- Dermatology Associates. Dr. R.A.W. Miller, Dr. A.H. Murray, Dr. Scott J. Murray, 6088 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Phone: 902 425-8038
- Fax: 902-421-1580
- LaserDerm, Ottawa, Dr. Dudley, Dr. Sharyn Laughlin,
- PHONE: 800-361-3376
- Dr. Benjamin Fisher, Ricky Kanee Schacter, Dermatology Ctr. Laser Unit, Women’s College Hospital, 76 Grenville Street, 8th Floor. Toronto, Ontario M5S 1B6
- Sigmacon, Candela distributor
- Phone: 416-665-6616
- THE ULSTER HOSPITAL, DUNDONALD, BELFAST, Head of Clinic: Dr Julian Handley, M.D., F.R.C.P., Address: Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT16 0RM,
- Phone: 02890 550430
- Fax: 028 9048 1166
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Oshiro Laser Institute, Shinano-machi, Tokyo (about 10 min. from Shinjuku)
- CANDELA KK (Japan), Knit Building, 3F, 9-5 Ryogoku 2 chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130, Japan.
- Phone: 81-3-3-846-0552
- Fax: 81-3-3-846-0553.
- Dr. Jorge Ocampo in Monterrey Mx. with the V- BEAM
- Candela Distributor: Arfamex, Av. Revolucion no. -1875 – Mezz. Col. San Angel C.P. 01000, Mexico, D.F.
- Phone: 55501056
- Email: [email protected]
South Africa
- Candela distributor: OMNIMED Pty. LTD, Contact: Robert Samson,7 Hans Strydom Ave, Cnr. Aimee Strasse, 2194 Randburg, South Africa.
- Phone: 011-27-11-792-7120,
- Fax: 011–27-11-792–7084.
- Dr. Luigi Polla, Forever Laser Insitute, Geneva
- Phone: 011-41-22-318-60-51
- Candela VBeam
- LaseMed in Switzerland
- Phone: 41-71-454-7030
- Phillip Mas; Candela’s distributor in France
- Phone: 011-33-1-30-5231-68
- Candela Europe
- Phone: 011-31-40-2-46-4939
- Ankara Lazer Merkezi, Caldiran Sokak, Kolej, Ankara
- Phone : 0 312 431 0991
United Kingdom
- South Cleveland, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK
- Middlesbrough General, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK
- Leeds Dermatology Laser Centre, Leeds Centre for Dermatology, The General Infirmary at Leeds, Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3EX, UK. Consultant in charge: Dr Rob Sheehan-Dare.
- Phone: +44 (0113) 3922295
- Fax: +44 (0113) 2341154
- E-mail: [email protected]
- “The Leeds Dermatology Laser Centre is the largest National Health Service laser centre in the UK. We provide a full range of laser treatments to both National Health Service and privately funded patients, but have a particular interest and expertise in the treatment of port wine stains and other vascular naevi. We have facilities for treatment of both adults and children (under general anaesthetic).”
- The laser clinic at the Royal Free Hospital, London. The dermatology department in this large central London NHS hospital has a laser clinic and they provide NHS treatment for a variety of conditions and also offer limited range of fee paying cosmetic services.
- Dr. Lowe, Cranley Clinic, 3, Harcourt House, 19A Cavendish Square, London W1M9AB
- Phone: 0207-499-3223
- Dr. Harper, Dept. of Derm., Great Ormond Street Hospital, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St., London WC1N3JH,
- Phone: 0207-829-8668
- Ms. Barrett, General Manager, Laser Clinic, 22, Harley St., London, W1
- Phone: 0171-636-8483
- Lister Hospital, Laser Suite, Chelsea Bridge Rd., London, SW1W 8RH
- Phone: 0207-730-3417 x467
- Dr. Nield, Plastic Surgeon, M.I.T.U., London Clinic, 20 Devonshire Place, London W1N 2DH
- Phone: 0171-935-4444
- Dr. Darley, Derm., Out Patients, Sussex Nuffield, Warren Rd., Woodingdean, Brighton BN2 6DX, East Sussex
- Phone: 01273-624488
- Dr. Walker, Dept. of Dermatology, Wellington (Humana) Hospital, 8a Wellington Place, St. John’s Wood, London NW8 9LE
- Phone: 0171-586-5959
- Wellington (Humana) Hospital Dermatology, Walker N.P.J.
- Phone: 0207 586 5959
- London Clinic M.I.T.U., Nield D. 0207 935 4444
Stamford Hospital Laser Suite, Hart Bernie- Phone: 0208 636 9000
- Dr. Richard Barlow & Dr Andrew C Markey MD FRCP, St. John’s institute of Dermatology, St Thomas Hospital, London
- Phone 020 7928 9292 ext 1422
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