Papers by Alessandro Provetti
Declarative Policies for Web Service Selection
Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'05), 2005
Page 1. Declarative Policies for Web Service Selection ∗ Massimo Marchi, Alessandra Mileo DSI-DIC... more Page 1. Declarative Policies for Web Service Selection ∗ Massimo Marchi, Alessandra Mileo DSI-DICO, Universit`a di Milano,Italy {marchi@dsi,mileo@dico} Alessandro Provetti Dip. di Fisica, Universit`a di Messina, Italy [email protected] Abstract ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
A new system for spam e-mail annotation by end-users is presented. It is based on the recursive a... more A new system for spam e-mail annotation by end-users is presented. It is based on the recursive application of hand-written annotation rules by means of an inferential engine based on Logic Programming. Annotation rules allow the user to express nuanced considerations that depend on deobfuscation, word (non-)occurrence and structure of the message in a straightforward, human-readable syntax. We show that a sample collection of annotation rules are effective on a relevant corpus that we have assembled by collecting e-mails that have escaped detection by the industry-standard SpamAssassin filter. The system presented here is intended as a personal tool enforcing personalized annotation rules that would not be suitable for the general e-mail traffic.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
In this work we present a prototype system aimed at extracting contents from online communities d... more In this work we present a prototype system aimed at extracting contents from online communities discussions and publishing them through aggregated RSS feeds. The major foreseeable impact of this project to the Community Informatics field will be helping people to manage the complexity intrinsic in dealing with the huge amount of dynamic information produced by communities, in particular, keeping up with the evolution of several simultaneous discussions/information sources. A special version of the Dynamo system, which is described here, was deployed to endow RSS channels to the forum of the Milan Community Network (RCM).
We report our Findings on the properties of Flagg and Friedman's translation from Epistemic into ... more We report our Findings on the properties of Flagg and Friedman's translation from Epistemic into Intuitionistic logic, which was proposed as the basis of a comprehensive proof method for the faithfulness of the Godel translation. We focus on the propositional case and raise the issue of the admissibility of the translated necessitation rule. Then, we contribute to Flagg and Friedman's program by giving an explicit proof of the soundness of their translation.

Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'07), 2007
Web data extraction is concerned, among other things, with routine data accessing and downloading... more Web data extraction is concerned, among other things, with routine data accessing and downloading from continuously-updated dynamic Web pages. There is a relevant trade-off between the rate at which the external Web sites are accessed and the computational burden on the accessing client. We address the problem by proposing a predictive model, typical of the Operating Systems literature, of the rate-of-update of each Web source. The presented model has been implemented into a new version of the Dynamo project: a middleware that assists in generating informative RSS feeds out of traditional HTML Web sites. To be effective, i.e., make RSS feeds be timely and informative and to be scalable, Dynamo needs a careful tuning and customization of its polling policies, which are described in detail.
Policy-Based Parametric Firewall Configuration: A Real-Case Application
Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY'07), 2007
Abstract We describe a simple policy language for setting up and running firewalls (FW). The lang... more Abstract We describe a simple policy language for setting up and running firewalls (FW). The language allows to describe sophisticated policies for controlling network connections. Composition is done at set-up time, when a parser, starting from a given policy, generates ...

In Answer Set Programming, Lifschitz, Pearce and Valverde have defined Strong equivalence as foll... more In Answer Set Programming, Lifschitz, Pearce and Valverde have defined Strong equivalence as follows: Π1 and Π2 are strongly equivalent if for every program Π, Π1 ∪ Π and Π2 ∪ Π are equivalent, i.e., have the same answer sets. A logical characterization of Strong Equivalence is provided by the same authors via i) translation of programs into a classical signature (creating, say, c(Π1) and c(Π2)) and checking equivalence of so-obtained formulae w.r.t. to the Logic of Here-and-There. Here-and-There is an intermediate logic only minimally weaker than classical logic. Indeed Strong Equivalence can be checked with classical logic model checkers but only at the cost of introducing extra atoms. We remain within Lifschitz et al. logical framework and describe an optimal tableaux system for Here-and-There. Such Tableau is derived from a similar, but weaker system introduced by some of the authors for modal intuitionistic logic. Checking strong equivalence can therefore be done in a very concise form without introducing extra atoms and without duplications in proofs.

Stable Logic Programming (SLP) is an emergent, alternative style of logic programming: each solut... more Stable Logic Programming (SLP) is an emergent, alternative style of logic programming: each solution to a problem is represented by a stable model of a deductive database/function{free logic program encoding the problem itself. Several implementations now exist for stable logic programming, and their performance is rapidly improving. To make SLP generally applicable, it should be possible to check for consistency (i.e., existence of stable models) of the input program before attempting to answer queries. In the literature, only rather strong su cient conditions have been proposed for consistency, e.g., strati cation. This paper extends these results in several directions. First, the syntactic features of programs, viz. cyclic negative dependencies, a ecting the existence of stable models are characterized, and their relevance is discussed. Next, a new graph representation of logic programs, the Extended Dependency Graph (EDG), is introduced, which conveys enough information for reasoning about stable models (while the traditional Dependency Graph does not). Finally, we show that the problem of the existence of stable models can be reformulated in terms of coloring of the EDG.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Reputation is generally defined as the opinion of a group on an aspect of a thing. This paper pre... more Reputation is generally defined as the opinion of a group on an aspect of a thing. This paper presents a reputation model that follows a probabilistic modelling of opinions based on three main concepts:
For ASP03, Michael Gelfond, one of two originators of our research field, was in-vited as guest speaker. ASP’05 has the pleasure of having the other, Vladimir Lifschitz, as keynote speaker. In addition to the presentations, keynote speech and poster sessions, the programme for ASP’05 also include...
The articles contained in this volume were presented at ASP03, held from 26 to 28 September 2003 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Messina, Italy. The proceedings will be available on internet as Volume 78 of CEUR Workshop proceedings series. The first day of the workshop has been d...
Workshop Chairs Mauricio Osorio Universidad de las Amricas Puebla
Reification, Reflection and Ontological Promiscuity in Temporal Reasoning
Supplementary Materials for submission CACM-13-05-1707:“On Facebook, Most Ties Are Weak”
The law of contracts in the event calculus
Answer sets computation by genetic algorithms, preliminary report
A rule-based system for end-user e-mail annotations
A new system for spam e-mail annotation by end-users is presented. It is based on the recursive a... more A new system for spam e-mail annotation by end-users is presented. It is based on the recursive application of handwritten annotation rules by means of an inferential engine based on Logic Programming. Annotation rules allow the user to express nuanced considerations that depend on deobfuscation, word (non-)occurrence and structure of the message in a straightforward, human-readable syntax. We show that a sample collection of annotation rules are effective on a relevant corpus that we have assembled by collecting emails that have escaped detection by the industry-standard SpamAssassin filter. The system presented here is intended as a personal tool enforcing personalized annotation rules that would not be suitable for the general e-mail traffic.

Firewall Configuration Policies for the Specification and Implementation of Private Zones
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, 2012
ABSTRACT We introduce and discuss two case studies where a complex network is modeled as a set of... more ABSTRACT We introduce and discuss two case studies where a complex network is modeled as a set of zones interconnected by routers or firewalls. To address the problem in full abstraction, we defined PDLz, an extension of the PDL event-condition-action language that supports the specification of firewall routing policies. PDLz allows the modelling of computer networks based on the concept of zone, i.e., a TCP/IP subnet where internal traffic remains unconstrained. PDLz policies are enforceable thanks to a direct translation to the IPtables firewall configuration language. At the same time, PDLz has a declarative semantics thanks to translation to logic programs. The logic programming translation also supports, by adding extra rules, the formal verification of properties of the network, viz. off-line reachability testing across firewalls. We describe the application of PDLz to the case studies.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
We describe a modified Grid architecture that allows to specify and enforce connection policies w... more We describe a modified Grid architecture that allows to specify and enforce connection policies with preferences and integrity constraints. This is done by interposing a policy enforcement engine between a calling application and the relative client stubs. Such policies are conveniently expressed in the declarative policy specification lan- guage PPDL. In particular, PPDL allows expressing preferences on how to enforce
Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 2015
We revisit the classical algorithms for searching over sorted sets to introduce an algorithm refi... more We revisit the classical algorithms for searching over sorted sets to introduce an algorithm refinement, called Adaptive Search, that combines the good features of Interpolation search and those of Binary search. W.r.t. Interpolation search, only a constant number of extra comparisons is introduced. Yet, under diverse input data distributions our algorithm shows costs comparable to that of Interpolation search, i.e., O(log log n) while the worst-case cost is always in O(log n), as with Binary search. On benchmarks drawn from large datasets, both synthetic and real-life, Adaptive search scores better times and lesser memory accesses even than Santoro and Sidney's Interpolation-Binary search.
Papers by Alessandro Provetti